Math Algebra- Unit 1 ELL Scaffold s1

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Math Algebra- Unit 1 ELL Scaffold s1

Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed

SLO: 1 Determine the measure of an angle in degrees. The two Demonstrate comprehension of written problems by VU: Angles, degrees, clock- CCSS: rays of an angle share a common endpoint. If that identifying the n degrees that an angle has turned using wise 4.MD.5 endpoint is located at the center of a circle, the fraction manipulatives, whiteboard, word wall and math journal. WIDA of the circular arc (between the points where the rays LFC: Present tense, ELDS: 3 intersect the circle) measures the angle in degrees. A imperative, Wh- questions Reading “degree” is defined as 1/360 (one degree angle) of the Writing entire circle; and an angle that turns n one degree LC: Varies by ELP level angles is said to measure n degrees. ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5

Language Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives comprehension of comprehension of problems of problems written with key comprehension of comprehension of problems problems written in L1 written in L1 and/or with vocabulary in simple problems written with written with content and/or with pictures, selected technical sentences by identifying the n key, content vocabulary in vocabulary in complex diagrams selected words vocabulary in phrases and degrees that an angle has expanded sentences by sentences by identifying the by identifying the n short sentences by turned. identifying the n degrees n degrees that an angle has degrees that an angle has identifying the n degrees that an angle has turned. turned. turned. that an angle has turned. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports White Board White Board White Board White Board Math Journal Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall Math Journal L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Math Journal Pictures /illustrations Math Journal Math Journal Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 2 Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning Explain orally and in writing how to compare two VU: Decimals, quantity, CCSS: about their size. Recognize that comparisons are decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their comparison, size, tools, symbols 4.NF.7 valid only when the two decimals refer to the same size using manipulatives, drawings, charts and WIDA ELDS: 3 whole. Record the results of comparisons with the small group. LFC: Present tense, transition Speaking symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., words, Wh- questions Writing by using a visual model. LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Explain orally and in Explain orally and in Explain orally and in Explain orally and in Explain orally and in writing how Objectives writing how to compare writing how to compare writing how to compare writing how to compare to compare two decimals to two decimals to two decimals to two decimals to two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about hundredths by hundredths by hundredths by hundredths by their size using technical reasoning about their reasoning about their reasoning about their reasoning about their vocabulary in complex sentences. size using L1 and/or use size using L1 and/or use size using key, technical size using key, technical gestures, pictures and selected technical vocabulary in simple vocabulary in expanded selected, illustrated vocabulary in phrases sentences. sentences. single words. and short sentences with diagrams. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/drawings rawings rawings rawings rawings Charts Charts Charts Charts Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starter Pictures Sentence Frame Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed

SLO: 3 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, Demonstrate comprehension of lines, rays, types of angles VU: Acute, obtuse, right CCSS: obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines and identify and perpendicular and parallel lines by identifying and angle, line segments, rays, 4.G.1 these in two-dimensional figures. drawing them in two-dimensional figures using modeling, perpendicular and parallel WIDA drawings, charts and a word wall. lines ELDS: 3 LFC: Present tense, Reading transition words Writing LC: Varies by ELP level


Language Demonstrate comprehension of Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension of Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives lines, rays, types of angles and comprehension of lines, lines, rays, types of angles and comprehension of lines, comprehension of lines, perpendicular and parallel lines rays, types of angles and perpendicular and parallel lines rays, types of angles and rays, types of angles and by identifying and drawing perpendicular and parallel by identifying and drawing them perpendicular and perpendicular and parallel them in two-dimensional lines by identifying and in two-dimensional figures after parallel lines by lines by identifying and figures after reading problems drawing them in two- reading problems written with identifying and drawing drawing them in two- written in L1 and/or using dimensional figures after key, technical vocabulary in them in two-dimensional dimensional figures after gestures, models and selected, reading problems written simple sentences. figures after reading reading problems written single words. in L1 and/or with selected problems written with with technical vocabulary technical vocabulary in key, technical vocabulary in complex sentences. phrases and short in expanded sentences. sentences. Learning Modeling Modeling Charts Charts Charts Supports Charts Charts Illustrations/diagrams/drawings Illustrations/diagrams/dr Illustrations/diagrams/drawings Illustrations/diagrams/dra Word Wall awings Word/Picture Wall wings Small group/ triads Highlighted Words/Boldface L1 text and/or support Word/Picture Wall Words Pictures L1 text and/or support Highlighted Words/Boldface Highlighted Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Words Words/Boldface Words Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 4 Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence Demonstrate comprehension by orally classifying two- VU: Two dimensional CCSS: or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of figures, parallel lines, 4.G.2 presence or absence of angles of a specific size. parallel or perpendicular lines, and specific angles (obtuse, perpendicular lines, angles, WIDA Recognize right angles as a category, and identify right acute, right) using word wall, anchor charts, whiteboard, right triangles ELDS: 3 triangles. math journal and small group. LFC: Present tense, Speaking imperative tense, sequence Reading Note: “Figures” need not be standard named shapes words Listening LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives comprehension by orally comprehension by orally by orally classifying two- comprehension by orally comprehension by orally classifying two- classifying two-dimensional dimensional figures based on classifying two- classifying two-dimensional dimensional figures figures based on the the presence or absence of dimensional figures based figures based on the based on the presence or presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, on the presence or presence or absence of absence of parallel or parallel or perpendicular and specific angles (obtuse, absence of parallel or parallel or perpendicular perpendicular lines, and lines, and specific angles acute, right) using key, perpendicular lines, and lines, and specific angles specific angles (obtuse, (obtuse, acute, right) using technical vocabulary in simple specific angles (obtuse, (obtuse, acute, right) using acute, right) using L1 L1 and/or selected technical sentences. acute, right) using key, technical vocabulary in and/or gestures and vocabulary in phrases and technical vocabulary in complex sentences. selected, illustrated short sentences with expanded sentences. single words. illustrations. Learning Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Supports Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Whiteboard Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall Math Journal L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Math Journal White Board Pictures/illustrations Sentence Frame White Board Math Journal Math Journal White Board White Board Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 5 Use a protractor to measure angles in whole number Describe and explain orally and in writing how to measure VU: Angles, protractor, CCSS: degrees and sketch angles of specific measures. angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor and tools, whole numbers, 4.MD.6 sketch angles of specified measure using manipulatives, degrees WIDA drawings and a word wall. LFC: present tense, ELDS: 3 transitional words Speaking Writing LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Describe and explain Describe and explain orally Describe and explain orally Describe and explain Describe and explain orally Objectives orally and in writing how and in writing how to use and in writing how to use orally and in writing how and in writing how to use to use measure angles in measure angles in whole- measure angles in whole- to use measure angles in measure angles in whole- whole-number degrees number degrees using a number degrees using a whole-number degrees number degrees using a using a protractor and protractor and sketch angles protractor and sketch angles using a protractor and protractor and sketch sketch angles of specified of specified measure in L1 of specified measure using key sketch angles of specified angles of specified measure measure in L1 and/or use and/or use selected vocabulary in simple measure using key using technical vocabulary gestures, pictures and vocabulary in phrases and sentences. vocabulary in expanded in complex sentences. selected single words. short sentences. sentences. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starters Pictures /illustrations Sentence frames Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 6 Solve addition and subtraction problems to find Demonstrate comprehension of addition and subtraction VU: Counter-clockwise, CCSS: unknown angles on a diagram in real world and problems of unknown angles on a diagram in real world and clockwise, swivel 4.MD.7 mathematical problems using a symbol for an unknown mathematical problems by identifying the solution using WIDA angle measure. word wall, whiteboard, math journal and small group. LFC: Present tense, ELDS: 3 sequence words Listening Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives comprehension of comprehension of addition of addition and subtraction comprehension of comprehension of addition addition and subtraction and subtraction problems of problems of unknown angles addition and subtraction and subtraction problems problems of unknown unknown angles on a on a diagram in real world and problems of unknown of unknown angles on a angles on a diagram in diagram in real world and mathematical problems by angles on a diagram in diagram in real world and real world and mathematical problems by identifying the solution using real world and mathematical problems by mathematical problems identifying the solution in L1 key vocabulary in simple mathematical problems identifying the solution by identifying the and/or use selected sentences. by identifying the solution using technical vocabulary solution in L1 and/or use vocabulary in phrases and using key vocabulary in in complex sentences. gestures, pictures and short sentences. expanded sentences. selected single words. Learning Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Math Journal Supports Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall Math Journal L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Math Journal White Board Pictures /illustrations Math Journal White Board Math Journal White Board Highlighted Words/Boldface White Board Highlighted Words/Boldface Words Highlighted Words Words/Boldface Words Math – Grade 4 - Unit 5 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 7 Draw lines of symmetry and identify line-symmetric Demonstrate and explain orally and in writing how to draw VU: Lines of symmetry, line- CCSS: figures. lines of symmetry and identify line-symmetric figures using symmetric figures 4.G.3 modeling, drawings, anchor charts and a word wall. WIDA LFC: Cause and effect signal ELDS: 3 words Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Objectives orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to to draw lines of draw lines of symmetry and draw lines of symmetry and to draw lines of symmetry draw lines of symmetry and symmetry and identify identify line-symmetric identify line-symmetric figures and identify line- identify line-symmetric line-symmetric figures in figures in L1 and/or use using key vocabulary in simple symmetric figures using figures using technical L1 and/or use gestures, selected vocabulary in sentences. key vocabulary in vocabulary in complex drawings and selected phrases and short expanding sentences. sentences. single words. sentences. Learning Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Anchor Charts Supports Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starter Pictures Sentence Frame Cloze Sentences

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