Cochise College Governing Board Meeting

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Cochise College Governing Board Meeting


Tuesday, November 9, 1999 Douglas Campus 6:00 p.m.


1.01 Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:04 p.m.

Board Members Present: Mrs. Jan Guy Dr. Randall Groth Mr. Juan Flores Mr. Bob Nelson Mrs. Jane Strain

Mrs. Guy noted that all the Board members were present.

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 Adoption of Agenda

Dr. Nicodemus suggested that the Board consider the following items after the Citizen’s Interim:  Item 4.01, Consent Agenda  Item 3.04, Medical Benefits  Item 3.05, Discussion of Medical Benefits

After consulting with the Board members, Mrs. Guy approved the suggested order of the agenda.

1.4 Citizen’s Interim

No information was presented.

(4.1 Consent Agenda*)

Dr. Groth moved and Mr. Flores seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved: Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 2

4.1.1 Administrative Support; Appointment *

Luba Chliwniak, Dean of Career Programs and Technology, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 12-month position.

4.1.2 Administrative Support; Appointment *

Chuck Hoyack, Douglas Campus Dean, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 12-month position.

4.1.3 Administrative Support; Appointment *

Katherine Johnson, VIP/Single Parent Program Coordinator on the Douglas Campus, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 12-month (30- hour/week) position.

4.1.4 Administrative Support; Appointment *

Gary Cross, Adult Education Teacher in Douglas, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 9-month (30-hour/week) position.

4.1.5 Faculty; Appointment *

George Self, CIS Instructor on the Sierra Vista Campus, effective January 4, 2000. This is a 9-month position.

4.1.6 Classified; Appointment *

Shanna Melanson, Business Office Coordinator on the Douglas Campus, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 12-month position.

4.1.7 Classified; Appointment *

Sally Yoshimura, Secretary on the Douglas Campus, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 12-month position.

4.1.8 Administrative Support; Resignation *

Catherine Knapp, Director of Admissions and Records, effective November 16, 1999.

4.1.9 Administrative Support; Resignation *

Alsontra Daniels, Webmaster, effective November 15, 1999.

4.1.10 Sabbatical Leave * Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 3 Myron (Mike) Jaworsky, Instructor Philosophy/Classics, effective July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001.

4.1.11 Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Cochise College EMT Student Education *

This is an agreement with the Benson Fire Department for the purpose of providing clinical training for Cochise College Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) students, effective July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000.

4.1.12 Classified; Appointment *

Ignacio Arenas, Maintenance Engineering Technician on the Douglas Campus, effective November 10, 1999. This is a 12-month position.

Mrs. Guy asked Dr. Nicodemus to introduce the new employees. Dr. Montgomery introduced Diane Jennings (approved at the October meeting), Shanna Mclanson and Ignacio Arenas. Dr. Hall introduced Katherine Johnson. Dr. Michelich introduced Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Chuck Hoyack, Gary Cross, George Self, Sally Yoshimira and Kathy Carrillo (approved at the October meeting). On behalf of the Governing Board, Mrs. Guy welcomed the new employees.

(3.04 Medical Benefits)

Dr. Nicodemus reminded the Board that this was an information item and did not require Board action. She explained that the information provided to the Board compared current Cochise College compensation packages (salary scales and medical benefits) to that of other Arizona community college districts. She added that the Maricopa district was excluded from the comparison due to the skew in salary ranges, and that Cochise College Classified and Administrative Support positions were included in the salary comparisons using a mid-point range of salaries.

Judy Dobbins, Director of Human Resources, overviewed the compensation study. She explained that the goals of compensation are to 1) retain personnel, their knowledge and skills, 2) attract knowledgeable and skillful personnel and 3) promote teamwork through compensation equity across the various positions and salary scales, using published scales and rules for placement. Ms. Dobbins noted that (from the analysis of the data) Cochise College faculty salary schedules are overall lower than other Arizona community colleges,

primarily at the entry levels. There was a discussion of the faculty scale comparisons.

Mr. Nelson asked that the College provide a chart that outlines the number of Cochise College employees who fall into each of the salary scale categories.

Ms. Dobbins explained that the purpose of benefits is to 1) comply with legal requirements such as Workers Compensation, pension plans, unemployment, Health Protection Affordability Act and others, 2) recruit and retain personnel, 3) provide fiscal control, and 4) increase productivity. Dr. Nicodemus added that Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 4 the Maricopa district was included in the benefits analysis. There was a discussion of the cost of employee health benefits as compared to other Arizona community colleges.

Mrs. Strain inquired as to how many potential employees had declined job offers due to either the salary or medical benefits. Ms. Dobbins stated that there were approximately four individuals in the last three months who have declined job offers for this reason.

Mr. Nelson questioned the cost that each institution pays for health care and asked whether the coverage or value was the same as the other institutions. Dr. Nicodemus explained that a number of factors such as PPO, HMO and geographical differences might determine an institution’s health care cost and the value of the coverage. Some institutions choose to allocate more benefits for their employees.

After reviewing the dependent coverage costs paid by Arizona community colleges, Dr. Groth asked if the Administration knew what the current trend was with regard to paying for dependent coverage. Dr. Montgomery stated that although a few other community colleges in Arizona do not currently pay for dependent health care coverage, only Western indicated they are considering the Cochise College model.

Next, Dr. Montgomery stated that the insurance committee met for the last time on November 5, 1999 and recommended that the College 1) remain with United Health Care (previously Partners) and 2) select the Choice Plus A-2 medical insurance program plan that is outlined in the insurance packet provided by Lovitt &Touché. He then introduced Mr. Steve Touché and Ms. Chris Helin, insurance consultants for Lovitt & Touché who were hired by the College to assist with the insurance review process.

Mr. Touché explained the request for proposal (RFP) prepared on behalf of the College. The RFP was sent to 14 major insurance carriers with the following objectives: 1) determine whether the health care

costs with United Health Care was competitive, 2) investigate the possibility of offering more than one insurance carrier along with United Health Care to employees, 3) investigate the possibility of offering more than one type of plan, and 4) restructure the benefits in order to improve the current package with little or no direct cost to the College or employees. The RFP process resulted in one positive response from United Health Care. United Health Care provided a renewal to the College’s current HMO plan and several alternatives to that plan, to include Choice Plus. The Choice Plus program offers the following additional benefits:  Allows employees to seek health care at any one of the United Health Care providers state-wide without requiring a referral from a primary care physician  Employees may seek counseling for any type of hardships (i.e., marriage counseling, financial counseling or other)  24-hour, toll-free nurse line

Mr. Touché commented that ancillary life and disability insurance coverages were not part of the RFP process since these are managed through an insurance broker. (Lovitt and Touché were not part of the original RFP process for these coverages, therefore, do Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 5 not know if the College is prevented contractually from investigating other options.) Mr. Touché added that it is the recommendation of Lovitt and Touché for the College to investigate other options for ancillary life and disability insurance.

The Board entered into a discussion regarding the insurance committee, their recommendation and the health care insurance tiers. The recommendation and consensus of the committee was that the College select the Choice Plus A-2 health care plan, which was part and partial to the recommendation of Lovitt and Touché. The committee was not able to form a consensus with regard to which tier the College should recommend to the Board.

Dr. Groth recommended that the insurance committee reconvene to review the tiers and provide a recommendation to the Board. Dr. Nicodemus stated that this is a difficult decision for the insurance committee because they are not considering the entire compensation issue. Mrs. Guy stated that she would also like to know how the committee feels about the insurance tiers, but acknowledged that the actual recommendation would need to be made by the Administration.

(3.5 Discussion of Medical Benefits)

The Board may wish to discuss this matter in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A)(5); Discussion or consideration in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives

regarding negotiations with employee organizations regarding the salaries, salary schedules or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of employees of the public body.

Mrs. Strain moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to the above statute. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

The Board entered into Executive Session at 7:18 p.m. The regular session resumed at 7:53 p.m. Mrs. Guy noted that no action was taken.

1.5 Standing Reports

1.5.1 Representative to the AADGB

There was no meeting in October; no report was presented.

1.5.2 Senate

Mr. Carlos Cartagena, Senate president, reported that the Senate met on October 24, 1999 to continue the discussion of the merits of converting the Senate from the current format to that of an academic Senate. The members would proceed with a vote at the next Senate meeting. He added that the Senate approved seven new courses as part of the curriculum and also approved Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 6 five course modifications. The next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 1999 on the Douglas Campus.

Mrs. Guy thanked Mr. Cartagena for his report and asked that he explain the meaning of an academic Senate. Mr. Cartagena explained that an academic Senate would consider issues that are of an academic nature, primarily curriculum, rather than internal governance issues.

1.5.3 Student Government

There was no report.

1.5.4 College President

Dr. Nicodemus provided reports on the following topics:

 Enrollment Report: Dr. Hall reported that the total unduplicated headcount through October 25, 1999 was 4,264, which reflects a decrease of 6.3 percent. Total FTSE is also down by 11.4 percent. Dr. Hall added that

the College is actively involved with seeking ways to increase enrollments.

There was a discussion about the tuition and fee shortfall resulting from continued low enrollments, and how it would impact the College in the next two years. Dr. Montgomery stated that the tuition shortfall for the current academic year is approximately $350,000.

 Dual Credit: Dr. Nicodemus shared a news article with the Board that discussed dual credit enrollment. The legislative concern is that the colleges receive funding from this program as well as the high schools. She encouraged the Board to continue to support dual credit enrollment.

 Strategic Planning: Dr. Nicodemus stated that the College needs to engage in an aggressive strategic planning process and she suggested that, by the close of the spring semester, the College have a foundation that would allow the articulation of a vision, mission and some purposes for the College. She stated that the College must be more inclusive of external constituents in order to engage in discussions that would provide direction for the future the College. Dr. Nicodemus then asked the Board members if they would commit to joining her in meetings with all the governing boards of the K-12 systems throughout the county. She also suggested that the College host several study sessions to invite external constituents to the table with members of the College. Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 7 Mr. Nelson inquired as to when the study sessions would take place and what the discussions would include. Dr. Nicodemus stated that she plans to schedule the meetings in January, February and March 2000. She asked Paul Landrum, Director of Planning and Research, to draft scenarios that would be presented at the study sessions for reactions from the public school governing boards or superintendents.

The Board members agreed to support the President at the study sessions with external constituents.

 Board Policy: Dr. Nicodemus thanked Dr. Michelich, Dr. von Destinon and Paul Landrum for meeting on October 30 to review Cochise College Governing Board policies. The Board policies are being reorganized into

one of the following categories: 1) Recommended for Deletion, 2) Board Policy, 3) Institutional/Legal Policy, or 4) Departmental Policy and/or Procedures. The President recommended that the Governing Board adopt a Policy Governance model. Dr. Nicodemus stated that the College would request the consulting services of Dr. John Levin, Community College Institute Director at the University of Arizona, and a University of Arizona intern to assist with the research and revision of the Governing Board policies.

There was a discussion regarding the Board’s involvement with policy decisions relating to issues other than Board policies.

 County Mailing: Dr. Nicodemus shared with the Board a copy of the Cochise College President’s Report that will be mailed to Cochise County residents. She thanked Alex O’Meara and Catherine Thompson in Creative Services.

 Dr. Nicodemus provided a brief update on the Benson property. The College will be opening the bids for the contractors on November 16 on the Sierra Vista Campus. Dr. Montgomery and the architects will provide a courtesy presentation for the Benson Planning and Zoning representatives on the evening of November 16. The Benson city inspector agreed to monitor the building process. Also, the Governing Board agreed that the College should install a fence around the Benson Center property.

Mr. Nelson recommended inviting everyone who has contributed to the Benson Center or has any association with the Benson Center property be invited to the Benson Center open house or groundbreaking ceremony.

1.5.5 Financial Reports for October 1999 Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 8 Financial Reports for the month ending October 31, 1999 were submitted to the Board for their review. The financial reports were accepted as presented. A summary is attached.

1.5.6 Focus Report

There was no focus report.


2.01 Acceptance of Minutes for October 12, 1999, Regular Meeting

Minutes of the October 12, 1999 regular meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.


3.1 Consideration of Policy & Procedure Revision, First Reading

Mrs. Guy noted that there were no comments regarding the revision of policies 4202, Recruitment/Selection; 4506, Sabbatical Leave; and 4951, Reduction in Force.

3.2 Revisions to State Board Rules

Mrs. Guy stated that she and Dr. Nicodemus would address the attached draft rules that were created by the State Board staff. She reviewed the rules and asked Dr. Nicodemus to have the College attorney review them also. Mrs. Guy noted that the AADGB would make a decision at the November meeting as to whether the draft rules should be placed on the January agenda for a public hearing.

Mrs. Strain requested that someone inform the Board of the AADGB’s decision after their meeting in November.

3.3 Library On-Line Public Access Catalog

Dr. Nicodemus distributed a copy of the timeline for the project and noted that this item was approved through the budget process.

3.4 Medical Benefits (considered after Item 1.04, Citizen’s Interim)

3.5 Discussion of Medical Benefits (considered after Item 1.04, Citizen’s Interim)


4.01 Consent Agenda * (considered after Item 1.04, Citizen’s Interim)

4.2 Curriculum Changes Cochise College Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 1999 page 9

Mrs. Strain moved and Dr. Groth seconded a motion to approve the curriculum changes as outlined. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

The course changes will be attached to the permanent record of the regular Governing Board minutes and made a part thereof.

4.03 Bookstore Contract Renewal

Dr. Groth moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion authorizing the renewal of the contract for an additional year from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001. The Board vote included 4 Ayes and 1 Nay. MOTION CARRIED.

Dr. Montgomery, Dr. Michelich and instructional managers were among those involved with the bookstore review. Mr. Nelson requested that the College encourage staff to use the textbooks for more than one or two years.


Mr. Nelson commended the members who served on the insurance committee for their efforts with the employee health care initiative.

Mr. Flores echoed Mr. Nelson’s sentiments with regard to the insurance committee.

Mrs. Strain commented on the Arizona Good Government Forum that was held in Tucson, Arizona on November 5, 1999. She stated that the forum was excellent.

Mrs. Guy commended Sheila DeVoe Heidman, Small Business Development Center Program Coordinator, for her participation in the Small Business Development Centers’ awards luncheon held in Tucson, Arizona, on November 5, 1999. She expressed her appreciation for being included.


Mrs. Guy adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Ms. Irma Alejandro, Administrative Secretary, Office of the President

Dr. Randall Groth, Secretary to the Governing Board ia 11/12/99

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