TQ 14 Information and Forms
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Territory Quilts Exhibition 2014 Handbook
Timeline 25 August Entries Close 27 October Hand In Day 31 October Opening Night 1-8 November Exhibition 9 November Collection Day / Bump Out
Venue: Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs Checklist X Entries close Monday, August 25th 2014
1 Entry Form/quilt profile/ Copyright Permission for each quilt entered
Entry Fee attached or attach receipt if directly deposited into ASQC Bendigo Bank account
Insurance for in transit and storage (optional - at own expense). Araluen provides insurance while quilts are in their possession.
Quilt with hanging sleeve and label attached,
Quilt Bag with label and photo of entry attached
1 Delivery and Collection Instructions (To be advised upon receipt of entry form) General Information
Labeling Your Quilt Upon receipt of your entry you will be given two labels. One will be for the back of your quilt, and the other will be for the quilt carry bag. The label for the back of your quilt should be safety pinned or tacked to the bottom corner edge of the quilt as it faces you. If you have already labeled your quilt then you will need to cover that with the Entry label or with some other fabric, eg calico, so that your quilt can not be identified other than by the Entry Number. The Label for the Quilt Carry Bag should be pinned or tacked to the top centre of the bag. The Quilt Carry Bag Label will have the Category and Number and the Entrant’s name.
Quilt Carry Bag Please deliver your quilt in a suitable bag with the label pinned or tacked in place. The bag should completely cover your quilt and be able to be closed. Pillow case protectors are ideal, and very cheap to purchase from any variety store, or you could make a bag especially for transporting quilts. Plastic or paper shopping bags will not be accepted. Also pinned securely to the front of the bag, please attach a ziplock bag or page protector with a colour photo of your entry inside it. A photo printed on photocopy paper is acceptable. This is for easy identification at the close of the exhibition so that quilts and quilt carry bags match up. The photo will be returned.
Hanging Sleeve To facilitate hanging, large quilts must have a minimum 6cm deep double fabric sleeve at the top. One at the lower edge of the quilt is optional but recommended. Large quilts must divide the sleeve into two or 3 sections for easier hanging.
Miniatures and Small quilts are to have appropriate sized sleeves. Miniatures must supply their own rod. No other rods or hangers will be accepted.
Quilts without sleeves will not be displayed.
Sitting Rosters All Alice Springs entrants will be expected to sit at the exhibition for at least two sessions. You will be contacted after Close of Entries to arrange your sitting times.
Delivery of Quilts You will be advised closer to Exhibition time as to when and where you should deliver your quilts.
Collection of Quilts You will be advised closer to Exhibition time as to when and where you should collect your quilts.
2 Insurance, Packing and Shipping Costs Entrants are responsible for arrangement and payment of any packaging, shipping and insurance of items in transit both ways. Disclaimer: - The Alice Springs Quilting Club Inc. will take every precaution to protect your entry from damage or theft, but cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of the item while in their possession. Be certain that your homeowner’s policy or other insurance covers the appraised value of your entry. The quilts are covered by Araluen’s insurance while in their possession.
Copyright It is the responsibility of the quilt maker to obtain written permission and pay any fee regarding the use of copyright material. A copy of the written permission must be attached to the entry form.
If you have used a purchased pattern, or a pattern from a book or magazine, or a pattern taught in a workshop, you have bought the right to use the pattern for personal use. This includes displaying your quilt in an exhibition. You do need to acknowledge or attribute your source and the Quilt Profile contains space for you to do so.
If you have copied an image from a postcard or painting, or book or photograph, you may have breached copyright law and need to seek permission from the copyright owner to show your quilt.
If someone else has drawn a design or taken a photograph, they own the copyright to that design. The original item does not need to have displayed a copyright sign or warning. The act of drawing the design or taking the photograph, gives the artist or designer copyright on the design.
Copyright does not attach to techniques or to the vast majority of traditional patchwork and applique block designs.
All quilts will be photographed for insurance purposes only.
Photographs of all prize winning quilts (and selected non winning quilts) will be sent to all national magazines for inclusion in their publications at their discretion. Any quilts that cannot be photographed are ineligible for Best of Show or display at AQC.
3 Conditions of Entry Entry Conditions TQ14 is open to all residents of the Northern Territory who are a current financial member of an NT craft club (eg. Territory Craft or Central Craft). It is also open to any current financial member of an NT quilt club. This includes distance members who have previously resided in the NT and been active in an NT Quilt Club.
The committee has the right to refuse any or all entries. Acceptance of an entry does not automatically guarantee display of the quilt at the Exhibition.
Entries must have been entirely made by the exhibitor, except for entries in Division O3 Group Quilts, or Division O2 Two Person Quilts, or O4 Professionally Quilted. Best of Show is allocated only to one-person quilts or two person quilts.
Entries must not have been displayed in any public space prior to their arrival at TQ14. This includes all internet sites and social media.
Quilts must be submitted completed (including hanging sleeve) and in good, clean condition (no animal hair etc.).
Definitions Definition of Professional: A Professional Quilter is defined as someone who is an accredited teacher or publishes in the field of quilting, sells, designs or participates in making quilts for financial gain and/or has won Best of Show or two blue ribbons in any major judged competition, excluding Viewer’s Choice or Group Quilts.
Financial gain is defined as any amount above the cost of creating the quilt, cost of creating any article, design, teaching aids including samples, notes and travel expenses.
A major show is a judged State or Territory Guild exhibition or competition or a National or International competition or exhibition.
Having exhibited as a professional, amateur status cannot be resumed. (This definition has been taken directly from the ACQ definitions.)
Number of Entries Quilters can enter one (1) quilt in each eligible category :
Professionals can enter one quilt into every eligible Open category as well as Professional. Amateurs can enter one quilt into each eligible Open category as well as Amateur.
4 Junior or Beginner Quilt makers can enter one (1) quilt in each Open category in addition to either A4 or A5.
If space is restricted it may be necessary to limit the number of entries exhibited.
Entry Forms
Entry forms, with fees, must be received by Monday August 25th. No late entries accepted.
Each quilt entered will require a separate Entry Form, Quilt Profile and Copyright Compliance Form.
Entry Fees Entry Fees are non-refundable, once an entry has been accepted.
Entry Fee per Quilt Adult members $10.00 Cat A4 Juniors $ 5.00
Optional Judge’s Critique $15.00
Payment can be made by: Attached Cash, Cheque or Money Order
Direct Deposit to Alice Springs Quilting Club, Inc. BSB: 633000 Acc: 134079656 Please insert your name in Reference details (eg McIlvain TQ12)
Entries in each category must comply with the criteria set out in the Category definition. A 5 cm tolerance is acceptable on quilt sizes.
Quilts that do not meet the criteria will not be judged or exhibited.
If a quilt is entered in the wrong category the entry may be moved to another category at the discretion of the committee or judge.
5 Territory Quilts 2014 Exhibition Categories
Professional P1 – Large Traditional Quilt Includes whole cloth, crazy, applique, hand and/or machine pieced and hand and/or machine quilted. Minimum 150 cm x 150 cm Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
P2 – Large Non-Traditional Quilt Includes pictorial, country, naïve, whimsical. Does not have to be an original design. Minimum 150 cm x 150 cm Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
P3 – Small Quilt – Any Technique Includes traditional and pictorial Minimum 50 cm x 50 cm Maximum 150 cm x 150 cm
Amateur A1 – Large Traditional Quilt Includes whole cloth, crazy, applique, hand and/or machine pieced and hand and/or machine quilted. Minimum 150 cm x 150 cm Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
A2 – Large Non Traditional Quilt Includes pictorial, country, naïve, whimsical. Does not have to be an original design. Minimum 150 cm x 150 cm Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
A3 – Small Quilt – Any Technique Includes traditional and pictorial Minimum 50 cm x 50 cm Maximum 150 cm x 150 cm
A4 – Junior Quiltmaker The quilt maker must be 17 years or under on the date of entry. The Quilt can be constructed using any technique. Minimum 50cm x 50cm Maximum 200 cm x 200 cm
A5 – Beginner Quiltmaker A person who has commenced quilting and completed a quilt in the past 2 years and has not previously exhibited. The quilt can be constructed using any technique. Minimum 150cm x 150cm Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
6 Open O1 – Miniature Quilt A scaled down version of a full-sized bed quilt No Minimum Maximum 50 cm x 50 cm
O2 – Two Person Collaborative Quilt Quilt to be made by two people only. (This category does not include any quilt that has been professionally quilted. These must be entered in O4.) O2 quilts must be collaborative quilts where both quilt makers are involved in every phase of the quilt making process. It is not acceptable for one person to do the piecing and the other to do the quilting. Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
O3 – Group Quilt Quilt to be made by more than two people. Commercial pre-packaged kits (e.g. pre-cut, pre- stamped or combination of fabric and pattern kits such as block of the month) will not be accepted. Club sponsored block of the month quilts where one of the block makers has won the blocks is acceptable and may be entered into this category. Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
O4 – Professionally Quilted The quilt is to be pieced by the owner. The quilting is done by a person who accepts reimbursement in any form ( money, fabric, cake, etc ) for her machine quilting skills. Both the quilt maker and the machine quilter are to be acknowledged. Maximum 260cm x 260 cm
O5 – Art Quilt To be of an original design. Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm
O6 – Machine Embroidery The quilt is to have machine embroidery as a major component. Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm Minimum 150 cm x 150 cm
O7 – Mainly Appliqué Quilt is to have appliqué as its major component. Appliqué can be either by hand or machine or both. Maximum 260 cm x 260 cm Minimum 150 cm x 150 cm
O8 – Mixed Technique Quilts may include multiple types of fibres, embellishments, beading, fabric painting. Anything goes.
7 Maximum – 260 cm x 260 cm