MINUTES of a Meeting of Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council Held at Ringwould Village
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MINUTES of a meeting of Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council held at Kingsdown School on Wednesday 4th March 2009 at 7.30pm
PRESENT The Chairman Cllr P Macwilliam in the chair Cllr N Jackaman, M Dewhurst, H Paice (arrived after village hall item), D Clark, C Edwards Community Warden Malcolm Wells 1 member of the public APOLOGIES Cllr S Danby, Cllr A Shepherd, Cllr M Fish
The minutes of the previous meeting (4th February 2009), having been circulated were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
Declaration of members interests relating to items on the agenda. Cllr Jackaman declared an interest in the plans to renovate the path to allotments. He will abstain from all related discussions.
Community warden / Partners and Community Together (PACT) There have been fly tips of tyres in Ringwould, these were cleared promptly when reported to DDC. There have been reports of walls being knocked over in the Balmoral Road area, the Community Warden and PCSO investigated these and advised that these were most likely due to the extreme cold experienced recently weakening the structures. It was recommended that Kent Trading Standards list of ‘vetted’ contractors be used when scheduling works.
Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda. EDF Energy / The Butts, Kingsdown Cllrs Clark and Macwilliam met with a representative from EDF who advised that the pole would go in the driveway of Kalah and the stay might encroach only slightly onto parish land. New noticeboard by school, quotes for installation Quotes from C Walters and A Calder (£190.02) were reviewed. It was proposed by Cllr Macwilliam and 2nd by Cllr Clark that the quote from C Walters for labour up to £75 plus £20 materials be accepted. It was also agreed that Mr Walters should be asked to lay a paving slab directly in front of the noticeboard and acknowledged that this would result in a small increase to the overall cost. ACTION Clerk to contact C Walters to arrange installation. ACTION Clerk to send a letter of thanks for the noticeboard to Mr Hall.
Cllr Edwards asked if the matter of the toilets at Kingsdown could be discussed, the chair advised that the matter was closed as it had been reviewed at several previous meetings and had already been voted on by the council.
Kingsdown Village Hall. An email was read from the Village Hall Committee, emergency electrical works and roof repairs have depleted the committees reserves, the committee hope the parish council will be able to offer them financial assistance. The parish council are unable to pay for works already completed. Therefore it was proposed from the chair that the parish council agree in principle to support the village hall committee in their running 2163 costs until their reserves can be built up. 4 voted in favour, 1 abstained. The motion was carried. Jane Banks (committee member in attendance) was asked to obtain from the village hall treasurer details of the amounts required to present to the parish council for consideration at their April meeting. The Village Hall committee advised by email that they have elected to use 4 or 5 electric oil filled radiators at a cost of £120 each (plus costs for guards) to solve their current heating problem. The committee chair advised that as spring approached the heating problem was no longer immediate, therefore funds from the parish council will not be required until after the village hall committees own funds are known after their March AGM. The parish council recommended that the committee check that the current electrical system would support the simultaneous running of these heaters.
The ongoing plans for the village hall were discussed. The land where it was originally proposed to site a new hall is dedicated as ‘open space’ which means that whilst building is not impossible, a special case would need to be made at the planning stage as to why a hall should go there. The residents survey is due back at the end of March, following analysis and preparation of plans, the committee hopes to hold an open meeting in May. It was agreed that to facilitate the decision making, a planning application for the new hall should be submitted; it was felt that the cost of £180 (which would come from the £5k planning grant already allocated to the project) was merited to establish how DDC would react to any plan. ACTION Cllr Clark to investigate plans for a new hall, with the premises committee at Kingsdown School. Jane Banks will investigate schemes for the current village hall. The intention is to have information on both options available at the same time to present at the planned open meeting. The £5k funds will be split between investigating both schemes. The village hall committee were advised that the Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 20th May.
Parish Plan Item deferred as Cllr Shepherd unable to attend.
Parish Lunch Club Item deferred as Cllr Shepherd unable to attend.
Annual Parish Meeting / Report The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 20th May at Kingsdown School. Cllr Macwilliam proposed that the meeting follow the same format as in 2008, with local organisations invited to attend (to include both village hall committees, the Garden Society, the Music Society, Churches, WI, Scouts and brownies). The meeting will begin with a short report from the chair and then visitors will be encouraged to circulate and visit the different organisations stands. The Kingsdown Village Hall committee will be invited to present their plans for the hall. ACTION Clerk to approach local groups to advise them of date and invite them to attend, to draft a standard letter for approval by the chair. ACTION Clerk to contact the WI to establish if they would like to provide refreshments. 2164
It was also suggested that a short printed report on the activities of the parish council should be produced. ACTION Chair and Clerk to draft report for review by the council.
20 mph speed limit in Kingsdown; suggestion received via website There has been a suggestion from local residents that a ‘voluntary’ 20mph speed limit be adopted in Kingsdown village. Richard Heaps at KHS has advised that signs relating to this could not be placed on the highway, but could be on private land (with the owners permission). It was agreed that this should be supported by the parish council and publicised at the Annual Parish Meeting. ACTION Cllr Paice to lead this project, draft some signs and obtain costings for sign production. ACTION Clerk to place a reply on the website.
Recreational Land Ringwould recreation ground ACTION Cllr Macwilliam to contact Mr Squires re. a timeframe for reseeding. Charles Walker of DDC has approached the council regarding a suggested transfer to the parish council of the play areas in Ringwould. DDC would like to complete any transfer as soon as possible. ACTION Cllrs Macwilliam and Jackaman to meet with Charles Walker to discuss matters relating to the potential transfer and to agree ‘next steps’. Cllr Macwilliam advised that a clean up day is required at Ringwould recreation ground and suggested the parish council arrange for DDC to supply a van for the removal of large waste items. The cost of this will be investigated.
Kingsdown recreation ground Play Equipment Repairs. Quotes were reviewed from CJ Gray (£440) and A Calder (£324.22 not including replacement timber for the train seat). It was proposed by Cllr Paice and 2nd by Cllr Clark that the quote from A Calder be accepted. Entrance works. A formal letter is required from the parish council to Mr Pearson Wood requesting a lease for this land before the agreed works can take place. ACTION Clerk and Cllr Macwilliam to prepare and send letter.
Footpaths The council discussed the cost of purchasing and installing a new cabinet were Justin Ramsay to be asked to produce a map. The possibility of scanning the map and saving as an image was discussed, as this would facilitate production of a weather proof finished product. The current map is on private land, the owners consent must be obtained before any changes are made. ACTION Cllr Dewhurst to check with Derek at the shop re his permission to install a new map. ACTION Cllr Paice to speak with a graphic artist to establish how an image of this size and complexity could be scanned. ACTION Cllr Paice to advise Justin Ramsay of current investigations. 2165
Land issues Allotments Only 1 quote has been received for works to the allotments access path. Cllr Macwilliam will use this quote as the basis for obtaining 2 more.
Planning Applications A letter has been received from a Mr Senyard regarding an application he wishes to make. Cllrs Macwilliam and Jackaman will visit him to advise him of the role of the parish council within the planning process. The following recommendations of the planning committee were announced:
DOV/09/00009 Calmwater, Queensdown Road, Kingsdown Erection of two storey side extension, first floor extension incorporating new roof and front porch extension, construction of vehicular access and hardstanding (existing garage to be demolished). Objections The proposal is out of keeping with the surrounding bungalows, too large for the site and too close to the site boundaries. The plans show a building that bears no relation to the original (the size is more than doubled), and represents a complete rebuild rather than the addition of an annex. The proposal would create two separate dwellings, each with their own entrance in this property; is this building planned to be used for just the proposed purpose?
A letter has been received from DDC advising that the above application has been withdrawn.
DOV/08/01305 29 North Road, Kingsdown Erection of a single storey rear extension (part demolition of existing extension). No objections
TC/09/00005 The Bothy, Upper Street, Kingsdown Reduce by 50% and reshape one Holly tree. No objections
The following decisions of the Planning Department, Dover District Council were announced:
DOV/08/01222 Old School House, Church Lane, Ringwould Erection of single storey rear extension Granted permission
DOV/08/01285 Gull Stream, 134 Wellington Parade, Kingsdown Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted permission
DOV/08/01307 Kingswould, Ringwould Road, Kingsdown 2166
Erection of a detached replacement dwelling and construction of vehicular access. Granted permission
DOV/08/01234 part of Home Farm, Ringwould Road Erection of a steel framed lean to. Granted permission
DOV/08/00603 Beach House, 110 Wellington Parade, Kingsdown Certificate of lawfulness (existing) for the continued use as residential care home for people with learning disabilities Granted permission
The following decision of The Planning Inspectorate was announced:
DOV/08/00549 Land at Bayview Road, Kingsdown Retention of a septic tank and soakaway Appeal dismissed
Correspondence 1. Kent Highways Services. Letter and map detailing proposal to extend existing 30mph speed limit from Walmer, past Ripple Road. Comments invited by 16th March. 2. Dover District Youth Strategy 2008-2012 Also available at www.dover.gov.uk 3. Senior Citizens Forum. Newsletter. 4. KALC Planning course 28th March. Does anyone wish to attend? 5. KALC Parish News no.337 Copies given to Cllrs. 6. Kent Health Watch; quarterly report Email sent to cllrs 25/2/09. paper copy available from clerk on request. 7. Complete Landscape Services. Email requesting to tender for any maintenance contracts as they arise. 8. Legal and Financial Update training course. 24th March. Email sent to cllrs 25/2/09. paper copy available from clerk on request. 9. Police Parish Forum 2009 meeting date 15 October 2009.,names of attendees should be submitted by 8th October. Email available from clerk on request. 10. AWCRK Climate Change event 14th March Email sent to cllrs 25/2/09. paper copy available from clerk on request. Cllr Paice interested. 11. Invitation to meeting on LDF Development Plan Submission Documents Consultation. 6th March 7pm Sutton parish Community Hall. Email send to cllrs 23/2/09. Cllr Macwilliam to attend. 12. draft East Kent Sustainable Community Strategy. Public consultation event being held 16th March, St Marys Parish Centre, Cannon Street, Dover between 11am – 2pm and 4pm – 7pm. Email sent to cllrs 2/3/09. paper copy available from clerk on request. Cllr Macwilliam to attend.
Finance A letter of thanks was read from Kingsdown & Ringwould Newspaper Club for the donation made by the Parish Council to support the production of The Chronicle. 2167
The Clerk will prepare some draft Financial Regulations and Standing Orders for review by the council. HSBC were asked for details of appropriate high interest accounts; the best offer they could make was a 6 month bond at 0.95% gross. The council agreed that until a better offer could be found the monies should remain in their current account. ACTION Finance committee to obtain details of suitable business savings accounts.
The following payments were approved: 463 DDC £305.26 prop Cllr Paice dog bin at Victoria Road 2nd Cllr Jackaman
464 DDC £357 prop Cllr Macwilliam Clerk salary 2nd Cllr Edwards
465 AWCRK £35 prop Cllr Paice Annual membership 2nd Cllr Dewhurst
466 Open Spaces Society £40 prop Cllr Clark Annual membership 2nd Cllr Jackaman
467 Kingsdown Village Hall £16 prop Cllr Edwards Hall booking 5th Jan 09 2nd Cllr Macwilliam
468 Kingsdown School £20 prop Cllr Edwards Hall booking 4th Feb 09 2nd Cllr Macwwilliam
469 P Godden £72 prop Cllr Clark Village clearing 2nd Cllr Edwards
Any other information A member of the public telephoned the clerk to discuss their concerns regarding litter and dog fouling in the parish. They suggested a ‘Keep Kingsdown Tidy’ campaign with appropriate signs, also a parish council sponsored ‘beach clean’. The council were supportive of a beach clean; Cllr Paice proposed and Cllr Macwilliam 2nd that a Beach Clean be held on the morning of 9th May. ACTION Cllr Paice to speak with The Zetland public house to find out if they would be prepared to lay on tea and coffee. The Clerks annual performance review is due. ACTION Cllrs Paice and Macwilliam to schedule. Cllr Jackaman reported he had spoken with the owner of the 5 Bells public house and they appeared keen that it should remain open. Cllr Clark reported the need for a dog bin in the Balmoral Road area of Kingsdown, this matter will be discussed at the April council meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.15pm Date of next meeting: 1st April 2009 7.30pm at Ringwould Village Hall