ILMCO Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2008

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ILMCO Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2008

ILMCO Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2009

Attendees: Beth Meese, Selby Turner, Chris Smith, Barbara Callahan, Sylvia Jensen, Ann McKay, Dottie Danforth, Barb Larvey, Charles Gurney, Susan Larkin, Marty Dale, Sue Savage, Stewart Savage, Norma Wales, John McMahon, Debbie McMahon, Ira Trombley, Linda Fitch

Welcome and Introductions Meeting called to order at 10:11am by President Maureen Turner.


Baby Abby was born to Jody Spaulding on September 18th.

Monty and Tony’s granddaughter Lily Marie was born on September 20th.

Sylvia Jensen: The town needs one volunteer for the Energy Committee.

Chris Smith announces that there have been a few burglaries of sporting equipment on the island. He and Bruce Noble were hit for fishing and archery equipment.

Dave Liloia the Mason’s Halloween party is on Halloween at the shrine. Chris mentions that the Woodmen also have a Halloween event near the same time. Sylvia Jensen suggests that we coordinate with the Woodmen on both events.

Norma Wales notes that the Building Bright Futures program is being re-initiated. It works to provide prenatal care through early childhood assistance. Norma also has written a poem about the Country Store.

With permission, Linda Fitch announces that MaryJane Tiedgen has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is having surgery next week and will be in the hospital for 5-10 days.

Norma Wales reports that Phyllis Richardson (our postmaster) is out of the hospital.

Secretary’s Report (Tara Liloia) – Minutes from our August 29, 2009 meeting are posted on and shared paper copies are on the tables. Dave Liloia motions to accept the minutes as submitted. John McMahon seconds. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report (read by Tara Liloia, Bob McEwen not in attendance) – The Treasurer’s Report will be posted on As of September 26th, our balance is $831.67, which includes a loan for materials from Cathy Tudhope of $300.

In 2009 to date: The expenses for Quad tote bags were $1,445 and income is $1,065.50. The expenses for Quad fishing lures were $492.44 and income is $124.50. Income from the plant sale was $249.50. Income from dues is $190. There are some expenses outstanding from the Teddy Roosevelt Day cookout. Dave Liloia announces that if you would like to run for a position on the Board, you need to pay your $5 annual dues.

Dave Liloia motions we accept the financial report as presented. Chris Smith seconds. Motion passed.

Constitution and By-laws Update

We need to vote in our newest version of the Constitution and By-laws. One of the recent changes is to stagger offices so that we don’t have all of the offices expiring at once. The Board has also removed term limits for Treasurer and Secretary roles, as they benefit from continuity. Other than that, most of the changes are minor wording updates.

Ira Trombley asks if we’re going to adopt these as interim or final bylaws. Maureen Turners says we are looking to finalize them. Dave Liloia motions that we accept the Constitution and By-laws as presented. Charles Gurney seconds. Motion passes.

Committee Updates

Events Committee (Scott Newman not in attendance)

Teddy Roosevelt Day Review (Chris Smith) Chris Smith reports that Teddy Roosevelt Day turned out to be a very well- run event. He’s not sure how it came out financially, but it worked smoothly. We had the appreciation of the state, federal and local people who attended.

Barbara Callahan reports on the pride of the students who participated and offered kudos to Jan Little, Cathy Tudhope, and Linda Rudin (the new art teacher) who created the song the children sang and the banner they carried.

Sue Savage mentioned that it was great to see community members who aren’t usually out – like young parents.

Linda Fitch says she was thrilled watching competent people help each other to create the event.

Planning and Programs (Maureen Turner) – Maureen offers the following suggestions for upcoming programs to the incoming board:

Front Porch Forum – Dave Liloia explains that this email list serve at can be used to communicate with all island members who are signed up. This is helpful for things like reporting robberies, asking for assistance, and other neighborhood activities. It helps to keep the community connected (even those who are part-year residents). Sue Savage suggests that we put a notice about FPF in the Islander.

Button-up Workshop – Maureen says they were invited for this meeting, but they were unavailable. Sylvia Jensen mentions that this energy efficiency workshop is available. It may be too late for this fall, but it is a programming possibility. Erosion Presentation – Sylvia Jensen says that the Regional Planning Commission has an erosion presentation in which they bring a flume and demonstrate the destructive capabilities of erosion. They do have funds to pay staff to come and do the demonstration with no cost to us, but not for the children’s presentation (the Lake Champlain Basin Program may have funding for the kids portion of the program). This is a good opportunity for our children. Norma motions that we table it for the next meeting. No second. Barbara Callahan motions that we have the Selectboard approach the RPC to indicate our interest in having the program. John McMahon seconds. Motion passes.

400 Inventory – Sylvia Jensen motions to reimburse Cathy Tudhope $300 for the lures as soon as possible (and suggests that the President write a thank you to Cathy for lending us the money.) Beth Meese seonds. Motion passes. Sylvia suggests that we make a big local push for Christmas presents. The tote bags have been in the Harbor Store, Keeler Bay, Hero’s Welcome, the Shrine, Crossroads, and so on. We have about 25 more, so promote them with word-of-mouth that they are great holiday gifts. Maureen suggests that we drop the price to $13 for the community. Dave Liloia motions that instead of marking them down; we make the totes 2 for $25. Sue Savage seconds. Motion passes. Beth Meese motions that we ask the committee to find out the price of the lures and drop the price to move them.

Good Government (Barbara Callahan) – As we discussed, the Front Porch Forum has come to Isle La Motte, please join via the Web.

Communications & Marketing (Dave Liloia) – The minutes will be on He will continue to email a monthly newsletter. If you’re not on that list, let Dave know and he’ll add you. Next year, we should plan to touch up the paint on our ILMCO signs.

Finance (Bob McEwen) –See Treasurer’s report.

Education & School Support (Tara Liloia) – Stephanie Rose, the after school program coordinator, is experimenting with inviting the community to attend afterschool activities. They are starting with knitting. Anyone who does knit or wishes to learn to knit, please come at 2:30 on Tuesdays in the school’s multi- purpose room.

Norma Wales suggests that we have the kids do interviews of island residents in order to preserve traditions and stories of our island. Linda Fitch says that project was undertaken years ago, but the tapes are lost. Barbara Callahan says her father was taped for a similar project, as well as she and her husband were videotaped last year at the Community Dinner about their time growing up. Ira Trombley says that Johnson State may have funding because they do this for their video project.

Recreation Department (no representative, Maureen Turner’s annoucement) – Heather Luce is no longer Chair of the Recreation Department. We will give updates about the status of the department as news becomes available. Nominating Committee (Barbara Callahan) – The nominating committee worked to put together the slate of officers, as well as stagger them with one- and two-year terms so we don’t have all of our expertise leaving at once. The slate, as offered, is:

Dave Liloia – President (2 years) Charles Gurney – Vice President (1 year) Barbara Larvey – Secretary (2 years) Bob McEwen – Treasurer (1 year) Susan Savage – Board Member At-Large #1 (2 years) Barbara Callahan - Board Member At-Large #2 (1 year) Maureen Turner - Board Member At-Large #3 (2 years) Tara Liloia - Board Member At-Large #4 (1 year) Beth Meese - Board Member At-Large #5 (2 years)

Chairs to be appointed by the President: School & Education Support Chair Communications & Marketing Chair Good Government Chair Economic Development Chair Events Chair

Barbara Callahan asks if there are any nominations from the floor. There are none. Stewart Savage motions to accept the slate of officers as proposed. Chris Smith seconds. Motion passed.

Barbara Callahan motions that we have one ballot for the slate. Sylvia Jensen seconds. Motion passed.

The slate passes unanimously.

Maureen passes an official ILMCO gavel to Dave Liloia.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, November 7th -- at 10:00am at the ILM Elementary School.

Dave Liloia motions to adjourn the meeting. John McMahon seconds the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:46am.

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