WP4 Establishing Support Services and Capacity Building for University Swd Achieved Activities
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Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro
Working visit QPLN7 Monitoring Visit MNGT10 Management Meeting
[12th and 14th November 2013]
Venue: University of Donja Gorica, ME
Summary The two meetings taken place during the conference 2013 were planned in order to (a) give feedback to all partners about achieved activities, (b) to finalize WPs and DEVs and (c) to discuss planned activities for the last project year since it is the piloting year.
Wednesday 12th November 2013 During the first day representatives from ME and EU partners participated in the meeting where issues on activities for WP6, WP5, DISS8 and MNGT10 were discussed.
WP4 Establishing support services and capacity building for university SwD – Achieved Activities Concerning the WP6 Prof Ramo Sendelj (UNIM) has presented all activities of WP4 and their connection with WP6. There was a discussion concerning the remarks from the external evaluator. UNIM decided to review all DEVs for WP4 and take into consideration all recommendations including accessibility. The website http://kancelarijazastudente.me/ is already available and the coordinator noted that this website is an important tool for the piloting year. The website is an essential tool that all SwD can and must use. All ME HEIs have assigned a staff from their Institution that will be actively involved in Student Advisory Office. Also the contract that refers to the use of special equipment that will be loaned to AYDM is completed. All legal issues concerning the structure and function of SAO will be included in EXP9.2.
WP5 Training– Achieved and Planned Activities Afterwards Velibor Boskovic from AYDM has presented the achieved activities concerning training and gave feedback on planned activities. The coordinator notified once more the importance of indicators and the use of the emoodle platform. After the final training activities AYDM will have to prepare the final report for Advanced Training as well as the training material till end of January 2014. Report on Basic training and Training Material were accepted from all partners.
DISS8 Dissemination - Achieved and Planned Activities Concerning DISS8 Velibor Boskovic and Viktoria Mihovic gave a brief description of dissemination activities that have taken place during the 2nd project year. The coordinator noted the importance of preparing more intensively dissemination activities during the piloting year. Dissemination activities must be in line with WP6 that involves all piloting activities and EXP9 that involves issues of sustainability and exploitation.
MNGT10 Management of the project– Achieved and Planned Activities The meeting ended with some in person discussions from the project coordinator and partners that focused on managerial and financial issues. Thursday 14th November 2013
WP6 Piloting and evaluation at partner universities – Planned Activities
The day after the conference started with the presentation from Ivana Ognjanovic concerning the planned activities of WP6. It is expected for this WP to define relevant indicators and corresponding measurements which should be used to evaluate effectiveness, completeness and practical benefits of established SAO with supporting services. Furthermore, in order to promote SAO’s role, increase motivation and self-confidence of current and future students, several workshops are planned to be organized during different annual quarters in accordance with usual students’ activities (etc. enrolment period, examinations, etc.). DEV 6.1 Monitoring of university regulatory documents implementation The piloting process should monitor on how new regulatory norms are respected and to what extent they are helpful. More specifically, the following should be analyzed and monitored: - defined roles and responsibilities at university level and triangle student- SAO- university - identification of potential gaps and inconsistencies To this end, the whole process of communication with SAO, connections between SAO and universities and processes at universities should be carefully monitored and analyzed. To this end, the following activities should be taken: - recording of each request and response time - conduct a survey of staff related to use of implemented procedures and services - conduct a survey of students related to their satisfaction in communication with staff, applications and other activities Specific indicators: - improvements (time difference, simplicity, effectiveness, etc.) in request responding with SAO establishment - recognized inconsistencies in SAO work (inadequate information at different parties, time consuming, etc.) - evaluation results of staff and students (satisfaction ratings, suggestions for improvements, etc.)
DEV 6.2 Piloting and evaluation of defined support services in partner universities Simultaneous to monitoring activities of university and SAO documents, established services should be evaluated and their usefulness should be measured. To this end, activities and specific indicators proposed for DEV 6.1 should be extended with inclusion of university management in survey analyses and evaluations, and adding indicators of progress in university and SAO work. Also, prospective students should be included in order to recognise further needs and requirements which should be also implemented in the future.
DEV 6.3.Piloting of peers’ support workshops Aim of this activity is on promoting SAO, increasing motivation and self- confidence of current and prospective students with disabilities. The specialized workshops should be organized with different groups of participants, but not limited to: current and future students with disabilities, voluntary peers, non- teaching staff from SAO and other relevant institutions in ME, such as Association of youth with disabilities, Institute for education and rehabilitation of disabled people, etc. Specific indicators: - number of participants per each workshop - specific needs and requirements that are not implemented with SAO and developed services - personal attitudes and expectations of higher education process
DEV 6.4 Monitoring and evaluation of training effects at partner universities Academic, administrative and other staff are trained during WP5 for specific topics related to work with students with disabilities. The benefits of organized trainings should be measured with the following indicators: - the level of self-confidence and awareness of benefits in everyday activities - awareness and motivation about further education and trainings - identified areas and topics of interest for further education and trainings
During the discussion the project coordinator mentioned the need to possibly organize some working visits in ARCOLA, UOM and UW so that EU partners will be able to support ME partners during the piloting year, especially on evaluation and monitoring activities. The project coordinator will provide within one week some suggestions for working visits and with the support of EU partners will give feedback on dates and content of each working visit.
QPLN7 Quality control and monitoring – Achieved and Planned Activities Afterwards all partners have reviewed and discussed the final 2nd internal and external QPLN 7 reports. Some added data were taken into consideration on the To DO List and all partners accepted the remarks and recommendations of the external Evaluator.
EXP9 Exploitation and Sustainability – Achieved and Planned Activities Concerning EXP9 it was decided to change the content of EXP9.2 and include all legal issues concerning the structure and function of SAO. Also it was decided to prepare a draft of the final report EXP9.3 in February 2014. MNGT10 Management of the project– Achieved and Planned Activities The meeting ended with an overall discussion concerning financial issues such as cofinancing and supporting documents. The project coordinator gave all needed information always with reference to EACEA guidelines and FAQs.
The total of 15 participants attended:
University of Macedonia, 2 participants (Lefkothea Kartasidou, Elisavet Pavlidou)
University of Donja Gorica, 2 participants (Sandra Tinaj, Enes Banda)
University Mediterranean, 2 participant (Ramo Sendelj, Ivana Ognjanovic)
Institute for education and rehabilitation of persons with hearing and speech disorders, 2 participants (Viktoria Mihovic, Danijela Vicevic)
Association of youth with disabilities, 2 participants (Marina Vujacic,Velibor Boskovic)
University of Warsaw, 2 participants (Pawel Wdowik, Donata Konczyk)
Ministry of information society and Telecommunications, 1 participant (Viktor Berishaj)
Faculty Management Herceg Novi, 1 participant (Ruzica Marjanovic)
Institute of Information technology, 1 participant (Dzenan Strujic)
Slovenian Association of Disabled Students, 2 participants (Natasa Mauko, Miha Kosi)