MINUTES OF CLAS MEETING 11/11/2013 Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta. NSW

Meeting opened 8.05 pm.

Present: B.Hoffmann, B.Eather, P. Turner, R.Towell, D.Keyssecker, F.Battam

Apologies: J.M.McIntyre

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Minutes were circulated to all members. It was moved D.Keyssecker and seconded R.Towell that the minutes be accepted. Carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes:

It was moved that business arising matters be moved to Gen. Business. Carried.

Correspondence In:

From MAAA:

Invoice no. 13142 for $60.00

Advice of update to MOP 019- Display Procedures and associated documents. These are available on the MAAA website.

Minutes of the Finance Tele Conference.

Advice of receipt of registrations.

Membership card. This has been posted with badge and sticker to the NACA Treasurer.

Letter re FW25 Aircraft Inspectors. This has been forwarded to Herb Hanna and Richard Aurisch for processing. They are the 2 members mentioned in the letter from MAAA.

Emails re new Membership System.

From Others:

ACLN no. 181

November Geezer. Forwarded to members.

Duration Times no. 184. Forwarded. Contd. Page 2.

Correspondence In contd.

Andrew Linwood. Tribute to Roy Summersby. Forwarded.

Peter Gledhill. Australian Air League. Re building at Whalan. Forwarded to CLAS President.

Ian Smith. Cancellation of event and expression of deep concern at perceived discourtesy of CLAS Executive in changing the date without consulting the Calendar.

Bruce. Details of link for Victorian Nationals.

Ian Avery. Reminder re Golden West Old Timer Competition. Forwarded.

NACA. Membership renewal and cheque for $85.00. To be posted to Brian.

Correspondence Out:

Forward of various items mentioned in Correspondence In.

Minutes of previous meeting of CLAS.

Change of date for F2B event.

Apology to NACA (Ian Smith) on behalf of the Executive for the oversight in regard to the clash of events on the Calendar.

MAAA Newsletter 2013no4

MAAA Payment of invoices $540.00

Membership cards posted to members.

MAAA. Membership renewals.

It was moved R Towell and seconded P Turner that the correspondence should be accepted. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report: (October, 2013)

Balance brought forward $57,957.70 Income 1231.50 Expenditure 860.00 Balance carried forward $58,329.20

It was moved P. Turner and seconded D Keyssecker that the report be accepted. Carried. Page 3.


Brian has purchased for CLAS 100 sheets of heavyweight tissue at $2.50 per sheet and sheets of 50 lightweight tissue at $2.00 per sheet from a supplier in England.

Brian has advised that the next Nationals after this year’s VMAA Nationals (2014/2015) will be hosted by the MAAQ and be held at Logan, Tingalpa and Pine Rivers – Queensland. There are no States at present bidding to hold the Nationals for 2015/2016.

As a result of the email from Peter Gledhill (Air Leagues) Bruce spoke to him and organised a meeting with him at the Whalan Air Leagues hall with other members of the Doonside Club also present. Doonside is interested in accepting the offer from the Air leagues re the use of the hall although the terms of usage are yet to be finalised. This will likely not occur until early in 2014, following the Air leagues national conference in January and inquiries with the Blacktown council concerning use of the hall.

Discussion regarding the 2014 NSW C/L calendar of events. Suggested that clubs should have their dates of proposed events provided to the Secretary of CLAS ASAP. To assist competitors it was also suggested that the phone numbers of the person/s responsible for the running of the event be also included on the Calendar.

Meeting closed 9.00 p.m.

Bruce Hoffmann.

Joan McIntyre Hon. Secretary. CLAS

The next meeting of CLAS will be held on Monday, 9th December, 2013.

CLAS website: www.control-line.com.au Hon. Secretary. Postal address of CLAS Secretary: Email: [email protected] 19 Alston Drive, Berowra Heights. NSW. 2082 Ph: 02 9456 1546 or Mob: 0408 92 1065 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE

Thunderbolt Glo Plugs (4 stroke $7.00, with idle bar also $7.00)

Nitro $20.00 per litre.

Non shrink dope $20.00 per litre.

Tinplate 0.0008 500 x 300 $10.00

Synthetic Oil (VP Nitro Glide Plus) $45.00 for 4 litres.

Cloth Patches $5.00

C.L.A.S Badges $5.00

Heavyweight tissue $2.50 per sheet

Lightweight tissue $2.00 per sheet. Contact Brian for further details.

For further information contact Brian Eather ph: 9602 4934