January 1, 2010 Mary, Mother of God

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January 1, 2010 Mary, Mother of God


INTRODUCTION Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. It is also the World Day of Peace and, of course, New Year’s Day. On this day of new beginnings, let us join believers all over the world and pray to the Prince of Peace to make us peacemakers and — like his mother — Christ-bearers to the world.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you are the Son of God and Son of Mary: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace and King of all Creation: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you call us to be your presence in our world: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Num 6:22-27 The Lord bless you and keep you. Gal 4:4-7 We are no longer slaves but God’s children and heirs. Luke 2:16-21 Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider As we begin this new year, let us pray to be like Mary and say yes to God’s plan for us as we continue to pray, Be born in us; be born in our world. Minister Help us say yes to peace ... that we may be peacemakers in our daily lives, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Help us say yes to life ... that we may protect those whose lives are threatened: the poor, the unborn, the sick and those in the path of war, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Help us say yes to love … that we may honor the old; cherish the young; welcome the stranger; hold close and be gentle with those who are dear to us, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Help us say yes to joy … that we may witness to God’s delight in every person, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Help us say yes to hope ... that we may trust in God’s plan for us and for our world, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Let us pray quietly for what we need in this new year … (significant pause). That we may grow into the people you call us to be, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Presider Good and gracious God, you chose humble Mary as a fit dwelling for your son. Help us honor your presence among us and grant us the grace to be Christ-bearers to this waiting and needy world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. JANUARY 3, 2010 - EPIPHANY

INTRODUCTION My friends, today we proclaim that God is God of the whole world. On this Day of Epiphany let us turn away from darkness and welcome God’s light in the dark places of our world, in the dark places of our lives.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you came to bring light to those in darkness: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you came for every person of every nation: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you call us to be children of the light: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Isa 60:1-6 Raise your eyes and see the glory of the Lord. Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gentiles are coheirs and copartners in the promise. Matt 2:1-12 The wise follow the star.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, today we remember the light that came into our dark world. So that we may withstand the powers of darkness and walk in the light of the Lord, let us pray, Be born in us; be born in our world. Minister Where there is the darkness of war, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of poverty, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of hunger, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of homelessness, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of illness, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of fear, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of hatred, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Where there is the darkness of hopelessness, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Let us pray quietly for a moment for those places in our lives where we most need the light of the Lord … in our families, in our work, in our suffering, in our doubt, in our loneliness, in our fear of loss. In all those dark places, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Presider Loving God, you sent your son, Jesus, to be the light of the world. Make us children of the light, believers in the light, followers of the light so that we may be light to those who live in darkness and long for your presence. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen. JANUARY 10, 2010 – BAPTISM OF THE LORD INTRODUCTION My friends, on this day that we remember the baptism of our Lord Jesus, it is fitting that we also remember our own baptism. On that day we made a promise — or a promise was made for us by someone who loved us. That promise was to strive to be a disciple of Jesus. As we renew our baptismal promises, let us pray that someday we will hear the voice of God proclaim about us, “This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased.”

We suggest that the Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water replace the Penitential Rite.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 God’s chosen servant will bring justice to the nations. Acts 10:34-38 Jesus’ ministry began with baptism by John. Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 The baptism of Jesus

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, it is both the duty and the privilege of all the baptized to intercede for our church and our world and those most in need of our prayers. Grateful to be called to this duty and privilege, let us pray, Be born in us; be born in our world. Minister We pray for the church: for the continuation of the work that Jesus came to do; for the work of peace and justice, healing and inspiration, truth-telling and truth-living, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. We pray for peace throughout the world: for peace among the nations and among neighbors; within families and communities; for peace within our hearts, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For solutions to the economic problems of our world: solutions that are just to all, provide adequate means to all, respect the dignity of all, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For our children: for our adult children and teenagers; for little ones and tiny babies; for all children who have been baptized in this parish, for their continued formation in the faith and all that they need to grow in holiness, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For each one here: for God’s own grace that we might continue to live out our baptismal promises and grow to be the holy men and women God intends us to be, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. We remember those who have died … (names). For all those we love and miss and all our ancestors in the faith whose generosity and faithfulness provided for us today, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Presider Creator God, you called us in baptism and you continue to call us each day. Help us to listen for your voice and answer your call so that someday we may hear that you are well pleased with us. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. JANUARY 17, 2010 – SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME

INTRODUCTION My friends, today we remember that our God is a God of abundance as we hear the Gospel story of Jesus turning water into wine — a lot of water into a lot of wine! Let us give thanks for the abundant goodness of this life and ask for forgiveness for those times we have failed to be grateful or to share that abundance with others.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, at your touch, water became wine: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, at your touch, ordinary people become saints: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, at your touch, our hearts are open to your love: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Isa 62:1-5 As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so the Lord rejoices in you. 1 Cor 12:4-11 There are different gifts, but one Spirit. John 2:1-12 The wedding feast at Cana

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, our faith is in a God who would provide good wine at a friend’s wedding. Surely we can be confident that this same God hears our prayers for our world, our neighbors and ourselves. Let us pray. Minister This weekend in the United States and throughout the world, we remember the life and work and death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Let us pray for solutions to our conflicts that don’t involve the untimely death of innocent people … we pray, Let us pray for our church: Tomorrow we begin a week of prayer for Christian unity. For all believers everywhere and for the building up of God’s kingdom in this world … we pray, Let us pray for all married couples: for those who are happy and content in their relationship and for those who are struggling to love; for healing where love has failed and for hope for the future for those who are now preparing for marriage … we pray, There are members of our community who are sick and who have asked for our prayers. For them, for our loved ones who are ill and for those who care for them … we pray, We remember those who have died … (names). And let us remember Martin Luther King and all those men and women who have died for the cause of civil rights in our nation. For martyrs in the cause of justice … we pray, Presider God of abundance, hear our prayers this day and give us the grace to live as people who trust in your love for us and in your power to provide what we need. Bring us and all our good intentions to the fulfillment your love intends. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. JANUARY 24, 2010 – THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

INTRODUCTION My friends, today we will hear of a people who listened to the proclamation of the word of God from daybreak until midday. What must it be like to be so eager to hear God’s word? Let us quiet ourselves, put aside distractions and pray for open ears, minds and hearts so that we may listen for God’s message to us today.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you are the fulfillment of all holy prophecy: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you are the source of all that is good: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you call us to hear your voice and live by your word: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 They read the scriptures from daybreak to midday. 1 Cor 12:12-30 We are Christ’s body. Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Jesus reads in the synagogue.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider Brothers and sisters, it is the privilege and the duty of all believers to pray for the needs of others. Let us pray, confident that our God hears our prayers. Minister As we come to the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, let us pray for the work of church leaders who are finding paths to unity and for a spirit of tolerance and hospitality among all Christians: for all the congregations of our community … we pray, We pray for all victims of abortion: for the children who did not live and grow; for the women who grieve the loss of their children; for every person of our society who is valued less because of the legal sanction of taking a human life … we pray, Let us pray for all those whose lives are at risk: for the very old and the very young and those yet to be born; for the poor, disabled, imprisoned, unemployed, uneducated; for those without hope for their future … we pray, Let us pray for those who are sick and have asked for our prayers: for all who are worried about their health; those awaiting the result of tests and those hoping for a remission from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses; those without adequate health insurance or access to medical help … we pray, We remember those who have died … (names). For those who mourn the passing of a loved one and for those who have died with no one to mourn them … we pray, Presider Good and gracious God, Creator of all life, hear our prayers this day. Give us the grace to be generous in our dedication to finding solutions to our society’s problems that will respect the life of every human being. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. JANUARY 31, 2010 – FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

INTRODUCTION In the Gospel today we hear that Jesus was not respected in his hometown. Even Jesus, the Son of God, could not help those he loved the most. This is sometimes our experience with our families, especially our children. Today is the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. Let us pray today for all young people — for those children dear to us and for children everywhere who need guidance, confidence and hope for their future.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you were sent to show us the path to heaven: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you were sent to teach us the way of love: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, forgive us when we do not hear you and follow you: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Jer 1:4-5, 17-19 The call of Jeremiah the prophet 1 Cor 12:31-13:13 If we do not have love, we are nothing. Luke 4:21-30 Jesus the prophet is not accepted in his native place.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, all believers are called to pray for those in need. As we begin Catholic Schools Week, let us pray especially for the young people of the world. Minister For the young people of the world: for those whose lives are threatened; for those living in the path of war; for those without clean water, enough food, access to medical care … we pray, For young people who are seeking the meaning of their lives: for those who do not know God; for those without direction or purpose; for those living day to day without guidance or counsel from someone who loves them … we pray, For Catholic schools and religious education programs; for teachers and catechists and all those charged with the formation of young people in the faith … we pray, For those who are sick; for children living with serious illness and those who care for them … we pray, We remember those who have died … (names). For those who have died too soon and who are mourned every day by those who love them … we pray, As we begin this new week, let us pause for a moment and remember all the concerns within our hearts … (longer pause) … for those we love, for those we hold in concern and for all those for whom we have promised to pray … we pray, Presider Loving God, we pray that you strengthen the love that unites families in peace and joy. And grant that our parish family may know the peace and unity that is a sign of your presence among us. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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