CONNECTION Build rapport “Hello! My name is (corps officer name) from Salvation Army Corps in (location/suburb). Could I speak to (applicant’s name)?“ “Hey (applicant’s name), we’re really excited you are wanting to volunteer for our Red Shield Appeal. Can I ask what inspired you to volunteer for this event?“ Listen carefully to understand motivations. Are they looking to connect with others? Ask them if they like active roles such as door-knocker and intersection collector or prefer less active roles such as static col- lecting or in the counting house? Their answers will give you the context of their volunteer commitment. CONTEXT Match their motives to a relevant role For those who like connection with others in an active team-based role: “Sounds like you’d be perfect for door-knocking or intersection collection” “This gives you the chance to connect with the public and other volunteers and share the importance of Salvation Army’s work” For those who like connection with others but in a less active individual role: “Sounds like you’d be perfect for a static collection role such as a shopping centre or train station” “This gives you the chance to connect with the public and share the importance of Salvation Army’s work” For those who seem less confident with others and/or seeking a less active role: “Sounds like you’d be perfect for helping in the counting house” “This gives you the chance to be part of a supportive team where you will know first hand the success of your area” For each role you suggest, give a short outline of the activity so they know what’s involved. CHOICE Give options so they feel involved “Does that sound like something you would be interested in doing?” If they say no, seek more information and then offer alternative roles. “Are you a morning type person? Or prefer to be volunteering in the afternoon?” NB If you are realising that you have enough volunteers for one type of activity and need volunteers for another activity, it’s okay to mention this up front, eg. ”Currently we only have vacancies for intersection collecting however if that doesn’t suit, we are keen to put you on a standby list for door-knocking just in case some volunteers may not make it on the day” COMMITMENT Confirm their choice and share your gratitude for their commitment “We really appreciate you selecting the role of (door-knocker/intersection collector/static collector/ counter). Is (time & date) suitable?” Or if on a standby list—”Thank you for offering to be on standby for (role). We will definitely be in touch if a volunteer opportunity arises”

CATAPULT Outline specifics—time, date and activity. Thank them! “Okay (name of new volunteer), we’ll see you at (time and date) to do the valuable role of (role and loca- tion). We will send you an email with all the details. Can I confirm your email is (volunteer’s email)?” “Thank you once again, very much looking forward to seeing you on the (date). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us—our details are in the email I will send shortly. Bye for now!” VOICEMAIL SCRIPT example “Hi (applicant’s first name), this is (corps officer name) from (corps location). Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Red Shield Appeal. Sorry we have missed you on this number. It would be great if we could chat about your volunteer involvement. We currently have volunteer opportunities for intersection collectors, door-knock collectors or static collec- tors for places such as shopping centres and train stations, as well as in our counting house. We’d love to hear from you soon to make sure you are listed to volunteer for the activity that suits you the most. Please feel free to call me on (phone no.– state this clearly). I’ll also send you an email which is another way you can let us know which Red Shield activity you would like to do. Thank you so much for your interest to volunteer, looking forward to hearing from you soon. My number again is (phone no.) and my name is (corps officer name). Bye for now.” Use this template to contact applicants you have not been able to reach by phone Dear

We are very excited to receive your application to volunteer for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Thank you!

Your gift of time and your enthusiasm is vital in raising the funds required to keep our important services going so those in need can have their lives restored with dignity and hope. As a Red Shield Appeal volunteer, you can be proud that you are helping to support our most vulnerable in our community.

You have applied for one of the following Red Shield volunteer opportunities:

Doorknock Collectors Great role if you like connecting with people and enjoy a leisurely walk in your local area. This is a perfect oppor- tunity to bring along a friend or family member, even give your dog a good walk!

Static Collectors This volunteer opportunity is ideal for those who prefer being in a single location and enjoy engaging with shop- pers or commuters. If you like people-watching, this is the role for you! All you need is your happy face :)

Intersection Collectors This role is fitting for those who enjoy being part of an active and exciting team of Intersection volunteers, who know how to give a big beaming smile to inspire generous drivers to donate their small change. You will need to be quick on your feet however every precaution is taken to ensure you are safe at all times. (Please note this role is available in Victoria only).

Counting House Assistants This is a perfect role for an organised and precise kind of person especially if you enjoy being part of a small sup- portive team. You will experience the thrill of success of your local area’s Red Shield Appeal as you count up your community’s generosity.

As you see, there are roles for every kind of Red Shield Appeal volunteer. Some roles fill more quickly than others so please get in touch soon to secure your preferred role. Simply reply to this email with your preference and avail- ability—your local Red Shield Organiser will be in touch to confirm.

Thank you again,

(Corps Officer name, phone and email details)

Use this template to confirm your new volunteer’s activity Dear

We are very excited that you will be volunteering during the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Thank you!

Your gift of time and your enthusiasm is vital in raising the funds required to keep our important services going so those in need can have their lives restored with dignity and hope. As a Red Shield Appeal volun- teer, you can be proud that you are helping to support our most vulnerable in our community.

We are pleased to confirm that you are volunteering as a (omit as required):

Doorknock Collector Static Collector Intersection Collector Counting House Assistant

Time and date: Important! Please arrive 15 minutes before shift to attend briefing


Your contact on the day: (insert name and phone number)

What to bring (edit according to role): Mobile Phone Warm clothes Raincoat Umbrella Hat Sunscreen Drink Snacks Map—provided for you

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Agreement Form which we kindly ask you to print out and sign, and then bring with you on the day.

Thank you again,

(Corps Officer name, phone and email details)