Bradford on Avon Town Council s2
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BRADFORD ON AVON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE held at Bradford on Avon Town Council Offices St Margaret's Hall, St Margaret's Street, Bradford on Avon BA15 1DE on Tuesday, 5th June 2007 at 7.00 pm.
Cllr Malcolm Hewson (Chairman) Cllr Gwen Allison Cllr Simon Fisher Cllr Vicky Landell Mills Cllr Janet Repton Cllr Paul Skidmore Mrs Janet Ford (clerk)
Also in Attendance
Mr Michael Bowen (Representative, Community Safety Partnership) Mr Donald Hinde, New Road Residents’ Association and BoACAT Mr Godfrey Marks (Vice-Chairman, Bradford on Avon & Community Area Transport Group) Mrs A Riley
2 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllr Sheila Allen and Cllr Isabel Martindale and Mr W Riley.
3 Minutes The minutes of the Town Management Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 13th February 2007 were agreed as a correct record and the minute of the Town Management Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 15th May 2007 appointing Cllr Hewson as Chairman of the committee was also agreed as a correct record.
4 Appointment of Vice-Chairman Discussion took place as to the merits of having a Vice-Chairman and Cllr Skidmore proposed Cllr Landell Mills be appointed and this was seconded by Cllr Allison. Cllr Landell Mills responded by advising that she thought Cllr Martindale would be a better candidate. The Chairman proposed that, in principle, a Vice-Chairman should be appointed that it was RESOLVED that a discussion should take place between the committee members and the outcome deferred to the next Town Management Committee meeting.
5 Declarations of Interest The Chairman declared a personal interest in the Barton Orchard light installation.
Note: Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights Janet Ford Town Management/05-06-07 - 2 - 6 Matters Arising
i) Bench outside Hospital Site. It was RESOLVED to write to the residents concerned advising them that no further action would be taken and they would have to report any further incidents to the police.
ii) Speed Limited Woolley Green. The letter from Wiltshire County Council was noted and copies would be provided to all Councillors and the Woolley Street Group.
ii) Legal responsibility for dropped kerbs for disabled residents. There had not yet been a response from Wiltshire County Council.
7 Chairman’s Announcements None.
8 Members of the Public to Address the Committee Ann Riley, Footpath Advisor, advised that Footpath 16 was blocked under the arch to the chapel and was being used as storage. She further advised that Footpaths 67 and 68, under the railway bridge, had nail heads protruding but that this had not been reported to CLARENCE. It was RESOLVED to report this to CLARENCE.
Godfrey Marks reported that Footpath 88 was deteriorating very quickly and Cllr Landell Mills proposed that the Committee contact Wiltshire County Council requesting them to make the footpath usable. It was RESOLVED to write to Wiltshire County Council about this matter.
9 Community Safety
i) Community Safety Group The Minutes of the meeting on 21st May 2007 were noted. The next meeting is scheduled for 3rd September 2007 at 7pm at the Bradford on Avon Fire/Police Station.
10 Traffic and Transport Matters i) Report from BOACAT representative Mr Godfrey Marks advised that Robin Clark had stood down as Chairman of BoACAT and as Vice-Chairman he would be continuing to represent BoACAT. He presented his report to the meeting and a lengthy discussion ensued regarding the lack of response regarding the Kingston Mill planning application. It was RESOLVED to write to Wiltshire County Council requesting up to date information and requesting a meeting between the Town Councillors and the County Council to discuss the matter further. It was also RESOLVED to write again to Mr Pate at West Wiltshire District Council expressing the concern at lack of information.
Following Mr Marks reported on the Well Path situation, discussion ensued and Mr Marks advised that he will be presenting his drawings and a report to the Preservation Trust and would advise the outcome in due course.
ii) The letter from Sarah Howe was noted. iii) The letter from Linda Heslop was noted. iv) It was noted that a feasibility study will be carried out by Wiltshire County Council on the Southway Park Bridge. v) Copies of the small scale transport improvements letter were handed out.
Note: Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights Janet Ford Town Management/05-06-07 - 3 - vi) The Chairman presented the Community Area Highway information report which can be made available by email or accessed on the Wiltshire County Council’s website. vii) The Chairman handed out copies of the Transport Times & Telegraph Newsletter. viii) The letter from Wiltshire County Council regarding The Bullpit was noted. It was RESOLVED to write asking if they could simply have a small sign placed on the tree to show no parking rather than lines on the carriageway. ix) The Chairman reported the decision regarding planning for Sainsbury’s Superstore – the plans being available for inspection at the Town Council offices. It was RESOLVED to write to West Wiltshire District Council asking for their intention regarding the public transport improvements. x) Cllr Vicky Landell Mills advised the committee regarding the progress on the implantation of a traffic survey on the town bridge. It was RESOLVED to set up a working group consisting of Cllr Landell Mills, Cllr Gwen Allison and Cllr Simon Fisher to progress the matter further.
11 Budget 2007/08 The Chairman presented the 2007/08 Budget and Cllr Skidmore queried the pricing for the hanging baskets. It was RESOLVED to investigate the possibility of sponsorship for these baskets.
12 Reports on Property& Maintenance Matters No action required at present.
13 Street Lighting and Street Furniture i) Barton Orchard The Chairman reported that the installation of a new light will not take place until July 2007.
ii) Rosemary Steps The Chairman reported that the new light has now been installed.
14 Footpaths After discussion, it was RESOLVED that Mr and Mrs Riley be invited as advisors to the Town Management Committee.
a) Poulton Lane Footpath. The letter from Wiltshire County Council was noted.
b) Well Path This matter had been discussed in a previous minute.
c) Report from Mr & Mrs Riley This report had been presented earlier in the meeting.
15 Parish Steward It was reported that the next Parish Steward programme would be issued to the Town Council later in the week. Cllr Repton reported that the soakaway where Middle Rank joins Conigre had still not been cleared. Cllr Landell Mills reported there were still a lot of potholes which had not been repaired. It was RESOLVED to obtain a list of specific items covered by CLARENCE and those of the Parish Steward.
16 Correspondence for consideration No. Item Action 1 Letter dated 20th May 2007 from Ms R It was RESOLVED a letter be written to Kirsh of 16 Middle Rank requesting a Ms Kirsh advising the matter could be Note: Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights Janet Ford Town Management/05-06-07 - 4 - handrail on the steps from Newtown to considered as a project in its own right Middle Rank following a fall in January but that such projects have historically 07. taken a long time to resolve.
2 Email dated 22nd May from Marjorie After discussion, it was agreed that, in Vincent for Marche de France Ltd principle, the market was cautiously requesting a French market in welcomed subject to obtaining more September in Bradford on Avon. This detail and the event being supervised. It email has been forwarded to Cllrs and was RESOLVED to write to West Chamber of Commerce. WWDC own Wiltshire District Council suggesting they the car parks. Cllrs comments required. may wish to consult with the Chamber of Commerce and Bradford on Avon Arts Festival before a commitment to the date is made.
16 Future Committee Programme The Chairman invited suggestions from the Committee members for future projects. The following were put forward: 1. Railings. 2. Advertising columns. 3. Shared space. 4. Home zones. 5. 20 mph speed limits. 6. “Welcome to Bradford on Avon” signs. 7. Bypass 8. Pavements.
The Chairman proposed an agenda be drafted and put out for comments based on the above suggestions and requested members to advise the Clerk of any further projects for consideration at the next meeting.
18 Correspondence for note a) Letter from Mrs Hilary Lywood to Wiltshire County Council regarding potholes in Pound Lane was noted. b) Councillor Chivers’ letter was noted and it was RESOLVED that a reply be sent to him advising him of the new working group set up to implement a traffic survey. c) Cllr Landell Mills declared an interest in the Wiltshire Music Centre signage and the letter from Wiltshire County Council was noted. d) The email from Leo Wirtz regarding the Volunteer Day at Barton Country Park was noted.
19 Reports Cllr Gwen Allison advised that there is a war memorial in the Kingston Mill site and ask what would happen to it once the site was developed. Cllr Allison to establish the exact location of the memorial and then the Clerk to write to the developer to enquire what plans are in place to preserve it with a copy to both the District Council and the architect.
20 Date of Next Meeting The next Town Management Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 11th September 2007 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 9.10pm.
Note: Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights Janet Ford Town Management/05-06-07 - 5 - Note: Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights Janet Ford Town Management/05-06-07 - 6 -