Flint Hills Wellness Coalition Meeting

September 14th, 8:30-10AM

Riley County Health Department, 2nd Floor Board Room 2030 Tecumseh Road Manhattan, KS Meeting Goals:  Inform and update community partners on recent Flint Hills Wellness Coalition work including: o Community Health Improvement (CHIP) Action Plans o Riley County/City of Manhattan Food and Farm Council Formation o Health Equity Grant  Identify potential opportunities for collaboration and capacity building

1. Welcome and introductions a. Present: Jacqueline Mack, Eric Martin, Jorge Gomez, Julia Lambert, Stephanie Smith, Rial Carver, Caitiln Pride, Kristin Cottam, Michelle Kennedy, Chad Bunger, John Adan, Julie Gibbs, Brandon Kliewer, Robbin Cole, Jennifer Green, Kyle Braun, Kiel Mangus, Daniel Winslow, Debbie Nuss, Connie Satzler, Steve Elstrom, Erica McGinley, Jared Tremblay, Julie Hettinger 2. FHWC Introduction (10 minutes) a. See FHWC Introduction and CHIP Final 9.14.17 PowerPoint 3. Community Health Improvement Plan Update (25 minutes) a. See FHWC Introduction and CHIP Final 9.14.17 PowerPoint b. Transportation b.i. 30-60 at the Final Friday Rides. This group has the capacity to advocate for safe cycling. b.ii. We could add advocating for social service agencies to provide bus passes to clients? b.iii. Concerns about Seniors and Handicap accessing discount passes c. Mental Health c.i. Stigma associated with accessing services? Not just a military problem. d. Access to services d.i. Are community members unware of services available to them because they are new to town or is it those who have lived here a long time that don’t know what is offered? d.ii. Investigate who is taking Medicaid patients. d.iii. Community Care Teams being investigated as an option to help coordinate “reoccurring” ER clients and Mental Health callers. 4. Food and Farm Council and Taskforce Update (10 minutes) a. See Nutrition Workgroup PowerPoint b. In the last two years have been focused on starting a Food and Farm Council. c. Upcoming Stakeholder event on 9/28 from 2-5pm at the Flint Hills Discovery Center. Please RSVP to Julie at [email protected] d. Will be collecting data through surveys and focus groups this fall 5. Health Equity Grant Update (20 minutes)

NEW WEBSITE www.flinthillswellness.org a. See Health Equity Handout 9.14.17 b. Goal: Create a system or set of policies that gives everyone the opportunity to achieve optimal health c. Strategy- get those experiencing the issues to advocate for themselves d. Will be working to identify up to 20 community champions to give training and support to. e. We will be looking for connectors or individuals/organizations to connect us to those who are experiencing health inequities. 6. Collaboration and Capacity Building (15 minutes) – Group discussion a. City Survey (every two years) Could collaborate to ask more specific health questions. Next survey will be in early 2019. Results: https://cityofmhk.com/2711/Community-Survey Housing was the highest area of concern with the past two surveys. b. Partner with Final Friday Rides for Bike Advocacy c. Connectors for Health Equity Champions

7. Future Meetings (5 minutes) a. Would like to hold these meetings every other month or quarterly. b. Julie will send a short survey. Please complete it to indicate when and how often you would like to meet.

NEW WEBSITE www.flinthillswellness.org