AP World History s18
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AP World History
Class Schedule: 10/3-10/7
Important Notes:
Upcoming tests: There will be a cumulative vocabulary test on Wednesday, October 12rd. By then we will be through Ch. 14 (ALL of chapters 1-14) so any vocab from those chapters is fair game (with a few exceptions in Ch. 13 because you are doing alternate reading there—any terms you read about or we discussed in class that are listed under Ch. 13 are fair game and anything we’ve addressed from the Ch. 10 list—we may not get to all of it before the test). You should have been LEARNING THE VOCAB IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HISTORY AS YOU ENCOUNTERED IT IN READING/CLASS! Remember, the test is designed to determine whether you get the basic meaning/importance of the words rather than every minute detail. The test will be matching with somewhere between 65-80 questions. You all need to learn some historical vocab for keeps…not temporarily! The second cumulative test will be the week of 10/24 (since that is the 12th week of the semester). Also note that the long term assignment for The Human Web Ch. 3-5 is posted. It’s not due until early December, but you are going to need to work on it in parts over the next two months. Take a look at the assignment and see me for any clarifications that you need.
Monday 10/3:
Topic—Chinggis Khan’s Mongol Empire Reading—Ch. 14, p. 302-310 (stop at “The Mongol Drive to the West”) Describe traditional Mongol society (before Chinggis Khan) —politically, economically, socially, and religion (there’s not much on religion but what was the basis of the original religious beliefs of the Mongols?)…you need to really take a look at the SPECIFIC AP poitical, economic and social themes and take notes from the reading related to ALL relevant themes Discuss Chinggis Khan and the theme of empire. Once Chinggis Khan built his empire, how did he rule it (form of governance)? What happened to Chinggis Khan’s empire after he died? For each part of the reading about the development of the Mongol empire—consider the impact on TRADE
Tuesday 10/4
Group Activity: Mongol Influence on Russia, the Middle East, and China Complete Reading Assignment on the Mongols: Ultimately you ALL need to read ALL of the reading below, BUT for class on Tuesday follow the directions below: Reading for TUESDAY 10/4— Read based on your number (if you weren’t in class on Monday, see the groups assignment file posted on the blog): EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ—AFTER you complete your part of the reading above: . “Visualizing the Past” on p. 312 (in the green box) . “In Depth” on p. 318-319 . The last part of the chapter starting with “Aftershock: The Brief Ride of Timur” p. 320-322 THEN:
1’s read: The Mongols in Russia—The Golden Horde p. 310-313 . What happened to Kiev as a result of Mongol expansion and why? How was the experience of Novgorod different and why? . How did the Golden Horde “rule” Russia? . How did Mongol rule dramatically alter the fates of Kiev and Moscow (in very different ways!)? . How did Mongol rule in Russia impact trade? 2’s read: The Mongols in the Middle East—The Ilkhanate p. 313-315 AND reading posted on blog . As the Mongols drove into the heartland of the Islamic Empire, what happened to the Abbasids and Baghdad? . How did Mongol rule impact agriculture in the Middle East? . Discuss the relationship between the Mongols and the peoples of the Middle East as it pertains to culture. . How did Mongol rule in the Middle East impact trade? 3’s read: The Mongols in China—The Yuan Dynasty p. 315-320 . Discuss forms of governance as it pertains to Mongol rule in China—read carefully and take thorough notes here! . What was Kubilai Khan’s attitude toward Chinese culture? . Discuss Yuan China and social structure. . Discuss Yuan China and gender roles. . What was Kubilai Khan’s attitude toward other cultural ideas? (discuss…not just a word or two!) . How did Mongol rule in China impact trade?
Wednesday 10/5:
Topic—The Mongol Khanates Reading—complete the other reading assignments (ex. If you were a “1” for yesterday, complete the 2 & 3 assignments and so on)
Thursday 10/6:
REVIEW your notes from LAST year on the Olmecs, Teotihuacan, the Mayans, the Chavin, and the Moche (if you do not have notes—you need will need to TAKE notes as we review on Thursday in class). As you review, consider the following:
. Olmecs : Mesoamerica :: Sumerians : Mesopotamia. Think about this analogy—can you explain it? Can you provide (LOTS) of evidence for your explanation? . Which of these civilizations are Mesoamerican, which are Andean South American? . KNOW the chronology…be able to ballpark dates. Which civilizations are tied to Period 1 (to 600 BCE) Which are tied to Period 2 (600 BCE-600 CE)? Why are this periodization a bit of a problem in the Americas? . What is the commonality regarding religion for ALL of the groups above? . Agricultural & pastoral production—consider this theme for each region (Mesoamerica/Andean South America) in general. What are the key developments in each region? . Key themes to consider for the Mayans: forms of governance, technology/science & technology, religion (beliefs & practices), art & architecture—YOU SHOULD KNOW A LOT!!! . What key features were missing in early Mesoamerica? In Andean South America? . What does The Human Web have to say about the development of an “American Web” by the year 1000 CE? You might want to go ahead and look at that here. READ about the Toltecs on p. 236-237 (stop at “The Aztec Rise to Power”) . How were the Toltecs influenced by earlier Mesoamerican civilizations? What did they add that was somewhat new? . Who was Topiltzin? What is the legend about him? Why is it significant? . How were the Toltecs politically different from earlier Mesoamerican civilizations? . What was Cahokia? (PS—not Toltec BUT on the AP curriculum framework)
Friday 10/7:
Topic—The Aztecs Reading —Intro story to Ch. 11, p. 234-235 and p. 237-244 (stop at “Twantinsuyu: World of the Incas” but DO read the document on p. 244-245…it is Aztec not Inca!) . You will need to generate YOUR OWN thematic notes about the Aztec civilization (and some of those notes will come from the document on p. 244-45!). The book has a great deal of information. You need to make sense of that information as it relates to the AP themes! We will discuss some BUT NOT ALL! . You can take notes on notebook paper and then go back and note themes, or you can use the linear thematic organizer posted under the syllabus on the blog . AFTER you take notes using one of the methods above, it would be a good idea to review the big picture and cause and effect relationships using the SPICE wheel organizer (ALSO in the same place as the thematic organizer!) The thought and effort that you put in on the front end here will pay great dividends later!!!