The Testing, 1836-1877 (AP)

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The Testing, 1836-1877 (AP)

STUDY GUIDE #7 Ku Klux Klan Proclamation of Amnesty The Testing, 1836-1877 Carpetbaggers Fourth of July Speech (AP) Exodusters Gettysburg Address As of 4/1/08 Abolitionists Civil Rights Act Border Ruffians Force Acts of 1870, 1871 Shakers, Oneidas, Mormons Freedmen’s Bureau Black Codes Events Suspension of Habeas Corpus Second Great Awakening Crittendon Compromise Sumner caning 10% Plan Election of 1860 Election of 1876 Other Stuff of Note Population explosion Church of Latter-Day Saints Antietam Battlefield in 2006! Seneca Falls Convention Nativism Irish & German immigration Sharecropping Many People Gold Rush Burned Over District Walt Whitman Underground Railroad Manifest Destiny Edgar Allen Poe Seward’s Folly Popular Sovereignty Ralph Waldo Emerson Secession of South Carolina Nativism Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Lincoln-Douglas Debates King Cotton Henry Clay (again?) Admission of California Uncle Tom’s Cabin John Tyler Texas Annexation Transcendentalism James K. Polk Congressional Reconstruction Utopian Experiments Gen. Zachary Taylor Presidential Reconstruction - Oregon Trail John C. Fremont - Santa Fe Trail James Buchanan Fighting - Mormon Trail Frederick Douglass the Alamo Border states Joseph Smith Mexican-American War White supremacy Brigham Young Bleeding Kansas Industrial war Sam Houston Pottawatomie Crk Massacre Infrastructure John C. Calhoun Harper’s Ferry Chain gang Dorothea Dix Fort Sumter Pocket veto Horace Mann Peninsular Campaign Confiscation Harriet Tubman Anaconda Plan Terrorism Elizabeth Cady Stanton Vicksburg Utopia Harriet Beecher Stowe Antietam Population density John Brown Gettysburg No. vs. So. scouting report Lyman Beecher March to the Sea No. vs. So. economy John C. Breckenridge Appomattox Courthhouse Jefferson Davis New York draft riots Themes of 19 th Century Gen. Ulysses S. Grant 1.) Westward Expansion Gen. Robert E. Lee Documents and Laws 2.) Sectional Politics Gen. George McClellan 3.) Expansion of Democracy Mexican Cession Gen. William T. Sherman 4.) Unbounded Capitalism Gadsen Purchase Gen. Winfield Scott Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Abraham Lincoln Coverage 13th Amendment Stephen A. Douglas Pageant Chs. 13-22, with 14th Amendment John Wilkes Booth focus on 19, 21-22 15th Amendment “Stonewall” Jackson Dred Scott Decision Andrew Johnson Fugitive Slave Act Thaddeus Stevens Wade-Davis Bill Horatio Seymour Wilmot Proviso Republican Party Compromise of 1850 Radical Republicans Kansas Nebraska Act Copperheads Emancipation Proclamation Know-Nothings

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