Working in Partnership with Prospects
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NOMS ESF Co-Financing
Working in Partnership with Prospects
Section 1
Prospects has been shortlisted as one of five organisations to bid for the delivery of the National Offender Management Service European Social Fund (NOMS ESF) co-financing programme in the south west of England (excluding Cornwall). This is the third round of NOMS ESF co- financing provision.
The Service will be delivered by the successful bidder between April 2015 and December 2020. The final Invitation to Tender will be published at the end of November 2014. A NOMS ESF co- financing website can be found on the following link
The focus of this NOMS co-financing round is supporting the hardest to help offenders engage with mainstream service provision and employment. In addition to the key ESF groups the Service will also focus on specific offender sub groups in the south west including:
Offenders facing reintegration after a long sentence Dual diagnosis offenders (drugs misuse and mental health issues) Females exploited by the sex industry Offenders with dependent families (particularly 18-24 year olds) Offenders who have been through the care system.
NOMS have stated that the delivery will be 70% in custody and 30% in the community. They have identified the following prisons which will be involved in this programme round: Channings Wood, Dartmoor, Eastwood Park (female prison), Guys Marsh, Leyhill and Portland (adult and young offenders). This list of participating prisons is subject to NOMS final confirmation.
Central to the delivery of the service will be a case manager model and close work with the National Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Companies and offender managers in custody to ensure alignment. Additional delivery mechanisms will include mentoring and links/development of social enterprise models and the provision of support to access accommodation services, family services, offender health and learning and skills provision.
NOMS have set out a single participant pathway model for the Service which includes beneficiaries accessing the following sequenced activities and support:
Enrolment of service users and the development of an action plan Supportive measures which include referrals to drugs, alcohol, housing or health support; work tasters or mentoring Short courses Vocational education and training Employment.
Key to the Service will be the addition of value to, and non-duplication of, mainstream provision alongside the effective targeting of the hardest to help beneficiaries.
Prospects is always pleased to hear from organisations who are interested in working in partnership with us on our programmes. We are particularly looking for organisations who deliver the following services in either or both custody and/or the community:
1) Support for money management, self employment or accommodation.
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2) Industry specific cards such as health and safety, Construction Site Certification Scheme (CSCS), food hygiene, Basic First Aid, Personal Track Safety (PTS), London Underground Combined Access System (LUCAS), Asbestos Awareness, Manual Handling, Electrotechnical Certification Scheme (ECS), Construction Industry Scaffolders’ Record Scheme (CISRS), Client Contractor National Safety Group (CCNSG)
3) Supportive measures both in custody and/or the community a. Providers offering specialist support in the areas of substance misuse, mental health, disabilities or other areas b. Work placements, tasters and voluntary work tasters c. Mentoring.
4) Short courses (these are courses of more than ten hours but less than one week) including First Aid at Work, Lantra Highways Course, Recycling Operations, Introduction to Construction, Health and Beauty, PAT Testing, Electrical Installation (full list of current courses at Appendix A)
5) Vocational training course including Plant Machinery, Fork Lift, Scaffolding and Access Towers (full list of current courses at Appendix B)
6) Educational Courses - this include personal and social development courses such as (list not exhaustive): a. Chrysalis b. Gangs programme c. Black self development course d. Any other relevant course.
7) Vocational courses – NON OLASS including painting and decorating, construction skills, plastering (list not exhaustive) and must be linked to career aspirations.
8) Voluntary employment with a charitable/community organisation for 30 hours duration as a minimum.
9) Social enterprise models.
10) Services specifically for any of the following sub-groups both in custody or in the community.
Prospects identifies appropriate partner organisations based on information provided in Expression of Interest Questionnaires. We will use the information within this Expression of Interest to assess potential partner’s capabilities and you may be invited to join our supply chain for Prospects NOMS ESF tender.
Please return your NOMS ESF Expression of Interest to [email protected] by 5pm on 8th December.
Instructions To check boxes point your cursor at the required box and double click. Under ‘Default Value’ select ‘Checked’. To insert text click on field within each response area and begin typing. Boxes and tables can be expanded where additional space is required.
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Section 2: Application Form
A. Organisation details
Organisation Name:
Type of Organisation: Public Limited Company Private Limited Company Registered Charity Social Enterprise Other, please specify: Registered/Head Office (contract address inc. postcode)
Main Contact Name Job Title Email Contact Address (if different from above) Telephone No. Mobile No.
Alternative contact name (if any) Job title Email Contact address (if different from above) Telephone number Mobile number
Company or charity number (if applicable) Website
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B. Financial Due Diligence
We will undertake full financial diligence with potential partners prior to contracting; in the interim please answer the following questions.
Do you have audited and published accounts for the last three financial years? If so, please provide a summary in the boxes below Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (Insert Date) (Insert Date) (Insert Date)
Gross Turnover (£)
Net Profit/Surplus (£)
If you do not have audited and published accounts for the last three financial years, please state why. Please also provide any additional information which could be used to evaluate your organisation’s financial standing.
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C. Quality Assessment
Do you have and implement the following policies/procedures? We will require copies prior to any contracting. YES NO Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups
Business Continuity Plan
Security Plan (meeting the requirements of DWP)
Fraud Prevention/Whistle Blowing
Environmental & Corporate Responsibility
TUPE (confirming commitment to meeting the requirement of DWP)
Health & Safety
Equality & Diversity Recruitment & Personnel
Bullying & Harassment
Please indicate if you have any of the following quality accreditation/quality marks
Positive about Disabled People
Investors in People
Positive about Mental Health
If not held please state whether you are working towards any of the above and your expected accreditation date
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D. Track Record
Briefly describe your experience of working in any of the following the Community Rehabilitation Companies, National Probation Service or former Probation Trusts
HMP Channings Wood
HMP Dartmoor
HMP Eastwood Park
HMP Guys March
HMP Leyhill
The Dorset, Devon and Cornwall Community Rehabilitation Company Bristol Gloucestershire Somerset and Wiltshire Community Rehabilitation Company National Probation Service
Briefly describe your experience of delivering any of the services outlined in Section 1 of this Expression of Interest
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Briefly describe which of the following elements of provision you are interested in delivering including how you will deliver your offer and where it will be delivered. Please highlight any existing expertise that you have in delivering these services.
1. Core Activity 1.1 Support for money management, self- employment or accommodation
1.2. Where could you deliver this in custody and/or the community?
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2. Industry specific cards 2.1 Industry specific cards (list those you could deliver)
2.1 Where could you deliver this in custody and/or the community?
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3. Supportive Measures 3.1 Mentoring – how will you deliver this and to whom
3.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
3.3 Specialist support in the areas of substance misuse, mental health, disabilities or other areas
3.4 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
3.5 Work placements, tasters and voluntary taster work
3.6 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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4. Short Course (full list of current eligible courses at Appendix A) 4.1 Short Courses (list those you could deliver)
4.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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5. Vocational Training Courses (full list of current eligible courses at Appendix B) 5.1 Vocational Training Courses (list those you could deliver)
5.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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6. Educational Courses - this include personal and social development courses 6.1 Educational Training Courses (list those you could deliver)
6.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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7. Vocational courses – NON OLASS 7.1 Vocational Courses (list those you could deliver)
7.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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8. Voluntary employment with a charitable/community organisation for 30 hours duration as a minimum 8.1 How many and what type of placements can you offer?
8.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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9. Social enterprise models 9.1 What is the nature of your social enterprise model and how could it contribute to this service?
9.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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10. Sub Group projects 10.1 Which target group will you support and what do you propose to deliver?
10.2 Where could you deliver this? In custody and/or the community?
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I confirm on behalf of my organisation that I am authorised to give the above information and declare that to my knowledge all the answers are true and accurate. I further confirm that my organisation is prepared to provide Prospects with a letter of support for any tender submissions.
Job Title:
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Appendix 1 – Short Courses
Short Course Length 17th Edition Wiring Regulations Course 18hrs A40 Slinger/Signaller 18hrs Asbestos Management 18hrs Asbestos New Operative 18hrs Asbestos Removal 18hrs ASCENTIS LEVEL 1/DIPLOMA LEVEL 2 TILING 14hrs Automobile Mechanics 18hrs AWARD IN COACHING CRICKET 27hrs Award in Nail Technology 12hrs Banksman and Slinger 22hrs Barista course 18hrs Basic Principles of Pest Control 18hrs Bee Keeping 21hrs Bike Repair 15hrs Bio Hazardous Waste 12hrs Brush Cutting Operations 12hrs BTEC level 2 in Customer Service 28hrs BTEC SECURITY/SUPERVISION level 2 10hrs Business Enterprise 18hrs C&G 2382-12 Electrical Installations Course 18hrs Carpet Fitting 24hrs CAT C HGV Class 2 24hrs Catering 15hrs Catering and Hospitality 15hrs Child Minding 18hrs Complete Nail Technician 18hrs Confined Spaces and Breathing Apparatus 12hrs CPCS Excavator 12hrs CPCS Forward Tipping Dumper 18hrs CPCS Telescopic Forklift 12hrs Cycle Repair and Maintenance 15hrs Dreamweaver 12hrs Emergency 1st Aid Level 2 12hrs EXTREME KETTLEBELL INSTRUCTOR 12hrs HETAS H003 18hrs HYDRAULICALLY TORQUE AND TENSION BOLTED CONNECTION TECHNOLOGY 18hrs Lorry Loader 12hrs maintenance and repair 11hrs Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST) 12hrs Mobile Elevating Work Platforms 3a and 3b 12hrs Navigation Radar and ARPA Simulator 18hrs OVERHEAD CRANE LICENCE 18hrs Personal Trainer 12hrs Phlebotomy 12hrs Preparing to work in Adult Social Care 20hrs Refrigeration Engineering 12hrs Rigger Training 18hrs Sewing Skills 20hrs Site safety Passport 12hrs Site Safety Passport 12hrs Site supervisor safety 12hrs
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Slinger Signaller 25hrs Sport 13.5hrs sustainable recycling 18hrs Team Leading 24hrs Tower Rescue 12hrs Tractor Driving and Related Operations 12hrs Tyre Fitting 28hrs Working at Height and Rescue - Wind Turbine 14hrs
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Appendix 2tional Educational Training Length 360 Excavator Operator Course 30hrs AAT Level 1 30hrs Accountancy 30hrs Accredited Empower 30hrs ADR Training 30hrs Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 30hrs Anatomy and Physiology 30hrs Applied Science 30hrs Army Preparation 30hrs Art and Design 30hrs Award in Functional Skills Information and Communication Technology 30hrs Award in Reading 30hrs Award in Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue 30hrs Barbering 30hrs BASIC CONSTRUCTION LEVEL 1 (MULTI SKILLS) 30hrs Basic Cutting Techniques 30hrs Basic Landscaping 30hrs Basic Proofreading 30hrs Basic Training+Operating Skills Test 30hrs Beauty Therapy 30hrs Beginners Guide to Photography 30hrs Book-Keeping 30hrs Book-keeping and Accounting 30hrs Bricklaying 30hrs British Sign Language 30hrs Brush Cutters and Trimmers 30hrs BS Welding course 30hrs BTEC L2 Warehouse and Storage 30hrs Business Administration 30hrs Business Management 30hrs Business Start Up 30hrs Business Studies 30hrs C&G L1 Facilities & Industrial Cleaning 30hrs CAKE DECORATING COURSE 30hrs Call Centre Operations 30hrs CANINE/FELINE CARE 30hrs Car Repairs 30hrs Care Sector Routeway Course 30hrs CARE WITH CONFIDENCE 30hrs Carpentry and Joinery 30hrs CARRY and DELIVER 30hrs Certificate in Gardening 30hrs Certificate in Highways Maintenance 30hrs Chainsaw Maintenance 30hrs Chrysalis Project 30hrs Coaching Football 30hrs Combustion Performance Analysis, Domestic Gas Safety and Boilers and Water Heating Appliances 30hrs Community Volunteering 30hrs Complimentary Therapies 30hrs Cookery 30hrs CPC Driver Training 30hrs CPCS 180 Degree Excavator 30hrs CPCS 360 Degree Excavator 30hrs
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Craft for Beginners 30hrs Creative Craft 30hrs CROYDON COUNCIL URBAN REGENERATION PROJECT 30hrs Customer Service 30hrs CVQ level 1 beauty 30hrs Diploma in Hairdressing 30hrs Diploma in Horticulture Lv 1 30hrs DOMESTIC PLUMBING PIPE WORK 30hrs DOOR SUPERVISION/SPECTATOR SAFETY 30hrs Driver Programme including Maths, English and IT 30hrs Dry Stone Walling 30hrs Electrical and Electronic Engineering 30hrs Electrical Installations 30hrs Electrotechnical Technology 30hrs Energy Insulation Skills Programme 30hrs Engineering 30hrs English & IT 30hrs Environmental Services 30hrs Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism 30hrs External Wall Insulation 30hrs FA Football Coaching 30hrs Fitness Instruction 30hrs Fitted Interiors 30hrs Floristry 30hrs FLT Counterbalance and Reach 30hrs Gangs Programme 30hrs Garden Planning 30hrs Garment Making 30hrs GATEWAY TO HOSPITALITY 30hrs Get Read for Contact Centres - Sales and Service 30hrs Get Ready For Manufacturing and Factory Work 30hrs Goods Vehicle Driving Course 30hrs Graphic Design 30hrs Hairdressing 30hrs Health & Social Care 30hrs HIAB Lorry Loader 30hrs Horse Racing qualifications 30hrs Hospitality 30hrs Indian Head Massage 30hrs Individual Gas Fitting Operatives 30hrs Industrial Cleaning 30hrs Installation 30hrs Insulation and Building 30hrs Interior Design 30hrs Jewellery 30hrs Job Gym 30hrs Joinery 30hrs Land Based studies (Horse Care) 30hrs Law and Criminology 30hrs level 2 diploma in Animal Care 30hrs LGV Driver Training 30hrs Life Painting 30hrs Locksmith 30hrs Maintenance, Crosscutting, Fell and Process Small Trees 30hrs MCS in physical activity exercise and health practice 30hrs
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Mental Health Awareness 30hrs Motor Vehicle Course 30hrs Motor Vehicle Studies 30hrs Nail Technician 30hrs National Pool Lifeguard Qualification Course 30hrs NCFE LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE IN RETAIL KNOWLEDGE 30hrs NEBOSH CERTIFICATE 30hrs Novice Operator Training Fork Lift Truck 30hrs NPTC Certificate in tree climbing & aerial rescue (CS38) 30hrs P.A.S.E QAA LEVEL 2 30hrs Painting & Decorating 30hrs Painting Decorating Course 30hrs Pathway to Hospitality 30hrs PEST CONTROL COURSE 30hrs Pipework Systems Mechanical Engineering 30hrs Plant Operations 30hrs Plastering 30hrs Plumbing 30hrs Practical CCTV 30hrs Practical Countryside Skills 30hrs Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector (PTLLS) 30hrs PRE-PREG LAMINATING 30hrs Professional Cookery 30hrs Psychology 30hrs Public services 30hrs QCF Plant Operations 30hrs QCF level 2 in sustainable Recycling 30hrs QCF LEVEL 2 PLANT OPERATIONS 30hrs Reflexology 30hrs Renewable Energy 30hrs Retail 30hrs Rope Access 30hrs SAFE WORKING PRACTICES IN TUNNELLING 30hrs Sage Accounts 30hrs Scaffolding Part 1 & Part 2 30hrs SKILLS 4 SPORT and LEISURE PROGRAMME 30hrs Spanish for Beginners 30hrs SPECTATOR SAFETY IN STEWARDING 30hrs Sports Coaching 30hrs Sports Leadership 30hrs Sports Studies 30hrs Stepping Stones 30hrs Suited, Booted and Recruited 30hrs Telecoms 30hrs Train the Trainer 30hrs Travel and Tourism 30hrs Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue 30hrs Tree Surgeon Course 30hrs Tree using Rope and harness 30hrs Understanding Insulation and Building Treatments 30hrs Urdu for Beginners 30hrs Vehicle Maintenance 30hrs Wall and Floor Tiling 30hrs Warehouse and Storage 30hrs Web Design 30hrs
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Welding 30hrs Wood Occupations 30hrs Work based Horse care 30hrs Working with Young People 30hrs Youth Work 30hrs
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