In Persuance of Section 4(1) (B) Under the Right to Information Act, 2005

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In Persuance of Section 4(1) (B) Under the Right to Information Act, 2005



Section 4 Details of Manuals as per Section 4 (b) (b) (i) The particulars of the organisation, its functions and duties Organizational Set up: The Bank has a three tier organizational set up, comprising its Head office at New Delhi, 30 Regional offices and 1620 Branches/Extension Counters spread all over the country as on 22.5.2011. Section 6 of Banking Regulation Act covers the activities of the Bank and the directives of RBI issued from time to time.

Chairman & Managing Director who is appointed by Central Government in consultation with Reserve Bank of India heads the Board of the Bank. The name(s) and particular(s) of the Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director, other Directors and General Managers of the Bank are as under:

The Board of Directors of our Bank is as follows:

Name Smt./Shri Designation Nagesh Pydah Chairman & Managing Director S.C.Sinha Executive Director V. Kannan Executive Director Sreya Guha GOI Nominee Director B. Srinivas RBI Nominee Director T Valliappan Director Umesh Kumar Khaitan Director C K Sabharwal Director K.B.R.Naidu Director K. H. Pandey Director S. S. Shishodia Director

Telephone Numbers of the top Executives of the Bank are as follows:-

Name Smt./ Shri Designation Telephone No Nagesh Pydah Chairman & Managing 011-47651120 Director S.C.Sinha Executive Director 011-47651133 V. Kannan Executive Director 011-47651175 Sheel Kumar Sharma General Manager- Head 011-47651148 Office C M Khurana General Manager- Head 011-47651123 Office S K Kowshal General Manager- Head 011-47651176 Office V K Kamboj General Manager- Head 011-47651186 Office S K Sharma General Manager- Head 011-47651186 Office R M Sharma General Manager- Head 011-47651186 Office Atul Gautam General Manager-Field 011-25739080 Pradeep Aggarwal General Manager-Head 011-23636027 Office S C Sharma General Manager-Field 91-79-26580479 J M A David General Manager- Field 022-22187011/ 22182085 L K Dham General Manager- Field 91-522-4021622 K C Vijayvargi General Manager- Field 91-33-23374881 S N Chopra General Manager- Field 91-120-2700249 R L Aggarwal General Manager- Head 011-47651801 Office Kishore Sansi General Manager- Field 0172-2702036 V.N. Suryanarayanan General Manager- Head 011-47651543 Office Ravinder Singh General Manager- Head 011- Office 47651600/47651630 R. K. Takkar General Manager- Field 0755-4350001 V R Iyer General Manager- Head 011-47651109 Office D. S. Rathore General Manager-Regional 91-141-2379504 Office, Jaipur (ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees The duties of the officers and employees of the Bank are determined by the Officers’ Service Regulations and Bi-partite settlements duly approved by the Board of the Bank.

Delegation of lending powers: The Bank has a well laid down system of delegation of lending powers to be exercised by Branch Managers depending upon their scale, officials at Regional offices and by Executives at Head Office with operative guidelines governing the exercise of delegated powers. Branch Managers heading the branches inter alia include officials of JM-I cadre to SM-V cadre, and Officials at Regional offices comprise of General Manager / Dy. General Manager/Asstt. General Manager and at Head Office, General Manager (Cr.) & above Executives.

Financial Powers for Revenue and Capital Expenditure:

To ensure smooth and proper functioning of the branches and other offices, bank has put in place the delegation of financial powers for revenue and capital expenditures, which is within the framework of approved budgets. Duties of the Officers and employees of the Bank:

The rights and duties of Officer employees are governed by:

 Oriental Bank of commerce (Officers) Service Regulations 1982.  Oriental Bank of commerce Officer employees' (Conduct) Regulations, 1982  Oriental Bank of commerce Officer employees' (Discipline and Appeal) Regulations, 1982

As far as award staff employees are concerned, the service conditions are governed by the industry level settlement (Bipartite settlements) entered into by Indian Banks Association with the recognized employee organizations.

Public is requested to refer to the above Regulations and Bipartite settlement for details. (iii) The procedure followed in its decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability

The Administrative and credit powers of officers at various levels and of different scales are to be exercised in the process of decision making and the procedural guidelines on the channels of supervision and accountability are as decided by the Board. There is well-defined system in the Bank regarding the decision making process. Financial decisions are taken at various levels from Manager to Assistant General Manager of Branch depending upon their positions and beyond that at Regional offices and Head office as per procedure approved.

Further, there is a well-defined organizational structure and a clear system of accountability which also takes into account the RBI / CVC guidelines. Each officer will have to consider loan proposals and take a decision in terms of the scheme of delegation of powers.

Whether to sanction a loan or not, is the absolute discretion of the concerned sanctioning authority of the Bank and such discretion is exercised, after taking into consideration the relevant facts and circumstances of each case.

All loans sanctioned by sanctioning authority are periodically reported to next higher authority.

(iv) The norms set out by it for the discharge of its functions Norms, as are received from the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India and/or approved by the Board are the guiding principles for discharging various functions.

In this context Head Office decide the rates to be offered by the Bank for the deposits, for different tenures which are displayed in the Bank's website and also at the branches. Regarding the advances, again the Head Office takes a decision on introduction of various loan products and details of which are available in the website as well as at the branches. Head Office also decides about the rates of interest for various advances which again are available on our website and also at the office / branches of the Bank.

(v) Information regarding the rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by the Bank or under its control or used by its employees for the discharge of its functions

There are quite a number of documents like manuals, codified circulars, book of instructions, scheme of delegations of powers and other instructions etc. used by the employee of the Bank for discharging various functions.

(vi) A statement of the categories of the documents held by it or under its control Based on the Central and State Laws, documents as required under these Laws, Rules and Regulations, Licences obtained from RBI for opening Branches/ other offices and other Documents as prescribed by the Head office are held / maintained by the Branches/ other offices.

There are Documents executed by customers / borrowers / guarantors, Contracts with Third Parties / etc. These are all private information and of commercial value and cannot be shared with public. (vii) Information regarding any arrangement that exists for consultation or representation, by members of the public, in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereof There is no arrangement for consultation with the members of Public in formulating any of the Policies of the bank. The Board of the Bank includes directors from various disciplines as nominated by the Government of India in consultation with Reserve Bank of India.

As per the present arrangement, the shareholders can raise issues concerning policies in Annual General Meetings, which can relate to policy of the bank.

Further the Bank's Quarterly / Half yearly / Annual results are published in leading newspapers as well as putting the same on Bank's web site for information of public as well as the shareholders which would give an idea of the policies of the bank and implementation thereof.

Customers meeting are also conducted at various levels at regular intervals where members of the Public get opportunity to discuss individual issues and get an idea about the policies of the Bank and implementation thereof. (viii) Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible to the public The Board of the Bank is constituted under the Banking companies (Acquisition and transfer of undertakings) Act, 1980. Various committees as detailed under which are as per the requirement of the Bank, are formed as per the approval of the Board :-

 Management Committee of Board (MC)  Audit Committee of Board (ACB)  Shareholders / Investors Grievances Committee  Special Committee for Monitoring Large Value of Frauds  Supervisory Committee on Risk Management  Committee for audit on Customer Service in Bank  IT Committee

Public are not entitled to participate in the above committee meetings and minutes are not accessible to public. Public may refer to Annual Report for more details.

(ix) A directory of its officers and employees As the number of employees is quite large and they are frequently liable to transfer from place to place, it is not possible to publish the list of officers/employees and keep the same updated from time to time. Therefore any person interested in seeking information about any officer or employee can approach the designated Central Public Information Officers of the bank in that behalf for obtaining the details of any particular employee on payment of prescribed fees, the Bank would furnish the same. The general public may approach the public information officer for details of any particular employee.

(x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations The Government of India fixes remuneration of the Chairman and Managing Director as well as the Executive Director of the Bank.

The Officers are paid salaries and allowances as per the settlements arrived between the IBA and Officer’s Association’s and are governed by:

 Oriental Bank of commerce (Officers) Service Regulations 1982.  Oriental Bank of commerce Officer employees' (Conduct) Regulations, 1982  Oriental Bank of commerce Officer employees' (Discipline and Appeal) Regulations, 1982

As far as award staff employees are concerned, they are paid salaries and allowances as per the industry level settlement (Bipartite settlements) entered into by Indian Banks Association with the recognized employee organizations. (xi) The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made There are no plans and budgets for expenditure and disbursements and the provision is not applicable to bank.

(xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details and beneficiaries of such programmes There are no subsidy programmes or plans for lending activities of the Bank as a whole except for targets for priority sector lending.

(xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it There are no programmes in the bank for grant of concessions, permits, authorizations and the business activity of the bank has no relationship with any public activity or public interest. (xiv) Details of the information available to, or held by it, reduced in an electronic form

All the general information regarding deposits, advances and other services offered by the Bank are available in the bank's website (

(xv) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use The public can approach various Branch Manger’s for information regarding bank's various Products which are also available in the website ( (xvi) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.

Our Bank has posted one State Public Information Officers for each of the Regional Offices besides Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) at Head Office for Head Office Departments.

Name of the CPIO with Address, Telephone No, e-Mail Designation Address, Area under his jurisdictions CPIO Sh. M.K.Prasad, Assistant Oriental Bank Of Commerce, Head Office, Plot General Manager (Law) No.5, Institutional Area, Sector-32, GURGOAN 122001 Telephone – 0124-4912833 Fax –0124-4912805 e-Mail ID –

Area covered : Various departments at Head Office Appellate Sh.Pradeep Agarwal Oriental Bank Of Commerce Authority General Manager (Recovery Head Office, Plot No.5, Institutional Area, at Head & Law) Sector-32, GURGOAN 122001 Office Telephone – 0124-4912809 Fax _ 0124- 4912805 e-Mail ID –

As per provisions of Section 5(2) of the Act, all Branch Incumbents are designated as Assistant State Public Information Officers (ACPIOs) who shall forward the applications to the concerned SPIOs designate within the stipulated time of 5 days under the provisions of the Act.

As per provisions of Section 19 (1) of the Act, the Regional Head of every Regional Office has been appointed as Appellate Authorities for the appeals under RTI Act pertaining to their Region. The list of Appellate Authorities and State Public Information Officers (SPIO) of 30 Regional Offices are furnished below.

LIST OF APPELLATE AUTHORITIES OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name Designation Teleph Address Fax No. E-mail No of of one No ID . Region Appella al te Office Authori ty 1 Agra Sh. Anil Dy. General 0562- Oriental Bank Of 0562- rh_agr Arora Manager 285881 Commerce , Regional 2858816 @obc . 2 Office, 2nd floor, Ispat Bhawan, 85/4, Sanjay Place, Agra-282002 (Uttar Pradesh) 2 Ahmed Sh. Dy. General 079- Oriental Bank Of 079- rh_ahm abad R.C.Di Manager 265864 Commerce , Regional 2658047 @obc . wan 48 Office, Chankya, 4th 9 floor, Near Dinesh hall, Off. Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380009 (Gujrat) 3 Amritsa Sh. Dy. General 0183- Oriental Bank Of 0183- rh_asr r A.S. Manager 503000 Commerce , Regional 2505482 @obc . Cheem 0 Office, SCO.10, District a Shopping /complex, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar- 143001 (Punjab) 4 Bangal Sh. Dy. General 080- Oriental Bank Of 080- rh_blr LIST OF APPELLATE AUTHORITIES OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name Designation Teleph Address Fax No. E-mail No of of one No ID . Region Appella al te Office Authori ty ore Gauta Manager 255909 Commerce , Regional 2559347 @obc . m Roy 89 Office, 1st floor, Land 0 Sinha Mark, No.21/15, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore-560001 5 Bareilly Sh. Dy. General 0581- Oriental Bank Of 0581- rh_bar Mohan Manager 230093 Commerce , Regional 2300620 @obc . Prasad 3 Office, C-18/B, 1st floor, Deen Dayal Puram, Bareilly – 243122 UP) 6 Bathind Sh. Asstt. 0164- Oriental Bank Of 0164- rh_bth a S.K. General 500247 Commerce , Regional 5002471 @obc . Dhall Manager 5 Office, F-77, 1st floor, Main Road, Civil Lines, Bathinda-151001 (Punjab) 7 Bhopal Sh. Dy. General 0755- Oriental Bank Of 0755- rh_bpl Samir Manager 255382 Commerce , Regional 2553851 @obc . Kumar 0 Office, Pragati Bhawan, Majum Indire Press Complex, dar M.P Nagar Zone-1, 8 Bhubne Sh. Dy. General 0674- Oriental Bank Of 0674- rh_bhu shwar Subhas Manager 254701 Commerce , Regional 2546269 @obc . h 8 Office, Plot No. GA/611, Mahaja 2nd Floor, Shahid Nagar, n Bhubneshwar, distt.Puri, Orissa-751007 9 Chandi Sh. DY. General 0172- Oriental Bank Of 0172- rh_chd garh Ashwan Manager 270203 Commerce , Regional 2703431 @obc . i 6 Office, 1st floor, Hotel Channa Shivalik View, Sector-17, na Chandigarh-160017 10 Chenna Sh. Dy. General 044- Oriental Bank Of 044- rh_che i K.k.Ach Manager 284911 Commerce , Regional 2849556 @obc . arya 00 Office, 2nd Floor, 6 Spencer Plaza, 769, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002 (Tamil Nadu) 11 Dehrad Sh.P.S. Dy. General 0135- Oriental Bank Of 0135- rh_ddn un Hooda Manager 274541 Commerce , Regional 2749715 @obc . 2 Office, Radha Place, 78, Rajpur road, Dehradun- 248001 Uttaranchal LIST OF APPELLATE AUTHORITIES OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name Designation Teleph Address Fax No. E-mail No of of one No ID . Region Appella al te Office Authori ty 12 Delhi Sh. Dy.General 011- Oriental Bank Of 011- rh_del N.K.Ch Manager 287582 Commerce , Regional 2875803 @obc . auhan 05 Office, 2nd & 3rd floor, 6 8/1, Abdul Aziz Road, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005 13 Durgap Sh. Asstt. 0343- Oriental Bank Of 0343- rh_dgp ur Pradee General 258778 Commerce , Regional 2587787 @obc . p Manager 8 Office, 1st floor, Nachan Chauha Road, Benachity, n Durgapur Distt. Burdwan-713213 14 Ghazia Sh.R.K. Dy. General 0120- Oriental Bank Of 0120- rh_gzb bad Gogna Manager 270024 Commerce , Regional 2701310 @obc . 9 Office, Post Box No.107, KJ-13, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad-201002 15 Gurgao Smt. Dy. General 0124- Oriental Bank Of 0124- rh_gur n Preeti Manager 255001 Commerce , Regional 2381650 @obc . Arora, 1 Office, Plot No.5, Institutional Area, Sector32, Gurgaon- 122001 Haryana 16 Hydera Sh. Dy. General 040- Oriental Bank Of 040- rh_hyd bad R.K.Gu Manager 233562 Commerce , Regional 2335119 @obc . pta 20 Office, 2nd Floor, 1 Maharishi Building,8-2- 248/A, Road No.3, Banjara Hiss, Hyderabad- 500034 Andhra Pradesh 17 Jaipur Sh.R.B. Dy. General 0141- Oriental Bank Of 0141- rh_jpr Jain Manager 237950 Commerce , Regional 2371436 @obc . 4 Office, 2nd Floor, Anand Bhawan, Post Box No.343, Sansar Chandra Road, Jaipur-302001 Rajasthan 18 Jalandh Sh.K.D. Dy. General 0181- Oriental Bank Of 0181- rh_jal@ ar Suri Manager 500979 Commerce , Regional 2221915 obc 7 Office, 922 G.T.Road, Jalandhar-144001 19 Karnal Sh.Nih Dy. General 0184- Oriental Bank Of 0184- rh_kar al Manager 220028 Commerce , Regional 2201972 @obc . LIST OF APPELLATE AUTHORITIES OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name Designation Teleph Address Fax No. E-mail No of of one No ID . Region Appella al te Office Authori ty Singh 1 Office, SCF143, Sector 13, Urban Estate, Karnal- 132001 Haryana 20 Kolkata Sh.D.P. Dy. General 033- Oriental Bank Of 033- rh_kol Gupta Manager 233758 Commerce , Regional 2337955 @obc . 81 Office, DD-II, Sector1, 3 Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700064 21 Luckno Sh.N.K. Dy. General 0522- Oriental Bank Of 0522- rh_lko w Kapoor Manager 230576 Commerce , Regional 2305762 @obc . 0 Office , GF-32, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-1, Uttar Pradesh 22 Ludhian Sh.T.S. Dy. General 0161- Oriental Bank Of 0161- rh_lud a Bagga Manager 509278 Commerce , Regional 2539838 @obc . 5 Office, B-XV-136, Jandu Tower, Millerganj, G.T.Road, Ludhiana- 141003 Punjab 23 Mumbai Smt. Dy. General 022- Oriental Bank Of 022- rh_nort - North Vidyaw Manager 434346 Commerce , Regional 2421757 hmum ati 10 Office, 1st floor, Kodak 3 @obc . Rudra House, Aman Chamers, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 24 Mumbai Sh.Cha Dy.General 022- Oriental Bank Of 022- rh_mu - South ranjit Manager 221870 Commerce , Regional 2218918 m@ro Chawla 11 Office, Maker Towers, F 6 mum Block, 14th Floor, Cuffe Parade Mumbai-4000005 25 New Sh.S.C. Dy. General 011- Oriental Bank Of 011- rh_ndl Delhi Pandey Manager 257390 Commerce , Regional 2571982 @obc . 80 Office, 4/65, WEA Karol 7 Bagh-110005, New Delhi 26 Patiala Sh. Dy. General 0175- Oriental Bank Of 0175- rh_pat K.S.Sh Manager 221476 Commerce , Regional 2214133 @obc . ergill 0 Office, The Mall Patiala- 147001b Punjab 27 Pune Sh.P.K. Dy. General 020- Oriental Bank Of 020- rh_pun Sarangi Manager 256638 Commerce , Regional 2567646 @obc . 78 Office , 917-20/20A, 4 Fergusan College Marg, Pune-411 004 LIST OF APPELLATE AUTHORITIES OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name Designation Teleph Address Fax No. E-mail No of of one No ID . Region Appella al te Office Authori ty 28 Rohtak Sh.S.L. Dy.General 01262- Oriental Bank Of 01262- rh_roh Vijay Manager 246004 Commerce , Regional 245508 @obc . Office, 97, Sonepat Road, Rohtak-124001 Haryana 29 Srigang Sh.T.R. Asstt. 0154- Oriental Bank Of 0154- rh_sgn anagar Lakhani General 247795 Commerce , Regional 2477954 @obc . Manager 6 Office, 1st floor, 173- 174, G Block, sukhadia Circle, Sriganganagar- 335001 Rajasthan 30 Patna Sh.B.N. Dy. General 0612- Oriental Bank Of 0612- rh_ptn Jha Manager 254043 Commerce , Regional 2540478 @obc . 7 Office, Verma Centre, 1st floor Boring Road, Patna- 800001

LIST OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (SPIOs) OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name of Designat Teleph Address Fax E-mail No. of Public ion one No No. ID Regiona Informat l Office ion Officer (SPIO) 1 Agra Sh. Chief 0562- Oriental Bank Of 0581- Kcspkch P.K.Cho Manager 25277 Commerce , 28588 opra@ob pra 61 Regional Office, 16 c 2nd floor, Ispat Bhawan, 85/4, Sanjay Place, Agra- 282002 (Uttar Pradesh) 2 Ahmeda Sh. Asstt. 079- Oriental Bank Of 079- rh_ahm bad K.K.Puro Regional 26585 Commerce , 26580 @obc hit Manager 830 Regional Office, 479 Chankya, 4th floor, Near Dinesh hall, Off. Ashram Road, Ahmedabad- 380009 (Gujrat) 3 Amritsa Sh.S.S. Asstt. 0183- Oriental Bank Of 0183- rh_asr@ r Dhaliwal General 50300 Commerce , 25054 obc Manager 02 Regional Office, 82 SCO.10, District Shopping /complex, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar-143001 (Punjab) 4 Bangalo Sh Chief 080- Oriental Bank Of 080- rh_blr@o re Chander Manager 25590 Commerce , 25593 bc Pal 989 Regional Office, 1st 470 floor, Land Mark, No.21/15, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore-560001 5 Bareilly Sh.Sanj Chief 0581- Oriental Bank Of 0581- rh_bar@ ay Manager 23029 Commerce , 23006 obc Mehrotr 10 Regional Office, C- 20 a 18/B, 1st floor, Deen Dayal Puram, Bareilly – 243122 UP) 6 Bathind Sh. S.P. Chief 0164- Oriental Bank Of 0164- rh_bth@ a Thaplial Manager 50024 Commerce , 50024 obc LIST OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (SPIOs) OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name of Designat Teleph Address Fax E-mail No. of Public ion one No No. ID Regiona Informat l Office ion Officer (SPIO) 76 Regional Office, F- 71 77, 1st floor, Main Road, Civil Lines, Bathinda-151001 (Punjab) 7 Bhopal Sh. Chief 0755- Oriental Bank Of 0755- pankajsh Pankaj Manager 42291 Commerce , 25538 arma@o Sharma 56 Regional Office, 51 bc Pragati Bhawan, Indire Press Complex, M.P Nagar Zone-1, 8 Bhubne Sh. Asstt. 0674- Oriental Bank Of 0674- rajbirsin shwar Rajbir General 25471 Commerce , 25462 gh@obc Singh Manager 24 Regional Office, Plot 69 No. GA/611, 2nd Floor, Shahid Nagar, Bhubneshwar, distt.Puri, Orissa- 751007 9 Chandig Sh. Raj Asstt. 0172- Oriental Bank Of 0172- vedgupt arh Kumar General 27099 Commerce , 27034 a@obc Manager 98 Regional Office, 1st 31 floor, Hotel Shivalik View, Sector-17, Chandigarh-160017 10 Chennai Sh. T. Chief 044- Oriental Bank Of 044- t.radhkri Radhakr Manager 28497 Commerce , 28495 shna@ob ishna 788 Regional Office, 566 c 28496 2nd Floor, Spencer 677 Plaza, 769, Anna Ext.27 Salai, Chennai- 600002 (Tamil Nadu) 11 Dehrad Sh.V.K. Chief 0135- Oriental Bank Of 0135- rh_ddn@ un Garg Manager 27469 Commerce , 27497 obc 20 Regional Office, 15 Radha Place, 78, Rajpur road, Dehradun-248001 Uttaranchal LIST OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (SPIOs) OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name of Designat Teleph Address Fax E-mail No. of Public ion one No No. ID Regiona Informat l Office ion Officer (SPIO) 12 Delhi Sh. Chief 011- Oriental Bank Of 011- rh_del@ Mohit Manager 40045 Commerce , 28758 obc Bhatnag 73100 Regional Office, 036 ar 0000 2nd & 3rd floor, 8/1, Abdul Aziz Road, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110005 13 Durgap Sh. Anil Chief 0343- Oriental Bank Of 0343- rh_dgp@ ur Shrivast Manager 25880 Commerce , 25877 obc ava 68 Regional Office, 1st 87 M- floor, Nachan Road, 96359 Benachity, 67356 Durgapur Distt. Burdwan-713213 14 Ghaziab Sh. Asstt. 0120- Oriental Bank Of 0120- rh_gzb@ ad Kamal Gen. 27002 Commerce , 27013 obc Mancha Manager 49 Regional Office, 10 nda Post Box No.107, KJ-13, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad-201002 15 Gurgao Sh. Chief 0124- Oriental Bank Of 0124- rbhatia@ n Rajiv Manager 25500 Commerce , 23816 Bhatia 14 Regional Office, Plot 50 No.5, Institutional Area, Sector32, Gurgaon-122001 Haryana 16 Hydera Sh.J.P. Chief 040- Oriental Bank Of 040- rh_hyd@ bad Sharma Manager 23147 Commerce , 23350 obc 022 Regional Office, 719 2nd Floor, Maharishi Building,8-2-248/A, Road No.3, Banjara Hiss, Hyderabad- 500034 Andhra Pradesh

17 Jaipur Sh. Chief 0141- Oriental Bank Of 0141- rh_jpr@ Sandeep Manager 23796 Commerce , 23714 obc Kumar 23 Regional Office, 36 2nd Floor, Anand LIST OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (SPIOs) OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name of Designat Teleph Address Fax E-mail No. of Public ion one No No. ID Regiona Informat l Office ion Officer (SPIO) Bhawan, Post Box No.343, Sansar Chandra Road, Jaipur-302001 Rajasthan 18 Jalandh Sh.V.K. Chief 0181- Oriental Bank Of 0181- rec_jal@ ar Garg Manager 50097 Commerce , 22219 57 Regional Office, 15 922 G.T.Road, Jalandhar-144001 19 Karnal Sh.D.S. Chief 0184- Oriental Bank Of 0184- rh_kar@ Sangwa Manager 22008 Commerce , 22023 obc n 31 Regional Office, 72 SCF143, Sector 13, Urban Estate, Karnal-132001 Haryana 20 Kolkata ShSudh Chief 033- Oriental Bank Of 033- skpatra ansu Manager 23375 Commerce , 23395 @obc Kumar 813 Regional Office, 53 Patra DD-II, Sector1, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700064 21 Luckno Sh. Asstt. 0522- Oriental Bank Of 0522- nksharm w N.K.Sha General 23057 Commerce , 25398 a@obc rma Manager 64 Regional Office , 39 GF-32, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-1, Uttar Pradesh 22 Ludhian Sh. Y.P. Asstt. 0161- Oriental Bank Of 0161- Insp_ldh a Gupta Regional 50927 Commerce , 25398 @obc Manager 79 Regional Office, B- 38 XV-136, Jandu Tower, Millerganj, G.T.Road, Ludhiana-141003 Punjab

23 Mumbai Sh.Milin Chief 022- Oriental Bank Of 022- rh_north - North d Tike Manager 43434 Commerce , 24217 mum@o 646 Regional Office, 1st 576 bc floor, Kodak House, LIST OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (SPIOs) OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name of Designat Teleph Address Fax E-mail No. of Public ion one No No. ID Regiona Informat l Office ion Officer (SPIO) Aman Chamers, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 24 Mumbai Sh. Chief 022- Oriental Bank Of 022- rh_mum - South Arvind Manager 22189 Commerce , 22182 @romum Saxena 186 Regional Office, 085 Maker Towers, F in 43023 Block, 14th Floor, 123 Cuffe Parade Mumbai-4000005 25 New Sh. R.K. Chief 011- Oriental Bank Of 011- rh_ndl@ Delhi Sachdev Manager 25719 Commerce , 25719 obc a 826 Regional Office, 827 4/65, WEA Karol Bagh-110005, New Delhi 26 Patiala Sh. Chief 0175- Oriental Bank Of 0175- rh_pat@ Mahesh Manager 22250 Commerce , 22141 obc Kumar 25 Regional Office, The 33 Mall Patiala- 147001b Punjab 27 Pune Sh.Kisan Chief 020- Oriental Bank Of 020- rh_pun@ .R.Bolad Manager 25670 Commerce , 25676 obc e 694/95 Regional Office , 464 /96 917-20/20A, Fergusan College Marg, Pune-411 004 28 Rohtak Sh. Chief 01262- Oriental Bank Of 01262 rh_roh@ Yashpal Manager 258948 Commerce , - obc Sardana Regional Office, 97, 24550 Sonepat Road, 8 Rohtak-124001 Haryana 29 Srigang Sh.Asho Chief 0154- Oriental Bank Of 0154- rh_sgn@ anagar k Manager 24853 Commerce , 24779 obc Sharma 56 Regional Office, 1st 54 floor, 173-174, G Block, sukhadia Circle, Sriganganagar- 335001 Rajasthan 30 Patna Sh. S.S. Chief 0612- Oriental Bank Of 0612- rh_ptn@ LIST OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (SPIOs) OF 30 REGIONAL OFFICES S. Name Name of Designat Teleph Address Fax E-mail No. of Public ion one No No. ID Regiona Informat l Office ion Officer (SPIO) Das Manager 25411 Commerce , 25404 obc 64 Regional Office, 78 Verma Centre, 1st floor Boring Road, Patna-800001

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