Tasks and Responsibilities s1

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Tasks and Responsibilities s1



PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS: This form must be completed and returned with all documents prior to Contract Approval.

Column 1: Provide number of copies as indicated in package submitted to DFD. Column 2: Verify that requested document (s) is included in package submitted to DFD by placing a check in the box. Column 3: Provide explanation of expected submittal date

# Submitted Note Document Copies Award Letter 2 Complete copy of DHS Standard Language Document (SLD) with 2 2 original signature pages Organization Chart 2 Job descriptions for all positions Resumes for all staff positions 2 Current Agency salary schedule Board Resolution (authorized signatories for contracts, checks, invoices) 2 See P1.06 of the DHS Contract Policy and Information Manual

Audit Report for last Agency Fiscal Year 2

Notification of Licensed Public Accountant (See DHS Policy P7.06) 2

Copy of Subcontract and Consultant Agreements 2 Employee Information Report –(Affirmative Action Form AA302) 2 Copy of Conflict of Interest Policy 2 Equipment Inventory as of September 30, 2012 3 Fair Hearing /Administrative Review Process and Procedures 2

Agency Policy on Confidentiality 2 Signed/dated N.J.S.A. 52:34-13.2 Certification Form (former Executive 2 Order 129) Signed/dated P.L. 2005, Chapters 51 and 271 and Executive Order 117 2

Copy of Insurance Declaration Page 2

List of Current Board Members and term 2 Annex A (5 Copies must be submitted - Each completed Annex A consists of the following): 1. Contract Summary Sheet 5 2. Level of Service Form (Annex A-1) 5 3. Component Descriptions (as applicable) 5  Subsidy Program Administration and Management 5  Resource and Referral Services 5  Quality and Special Initiatives 5  Family Day Care Registration  Community Linkage and Service Coordination 5  Disaster Preparedness (description should include how the provisions for continued services and payments to 5 providers in the event of an emergency or disaster will occur. 5  Support Services to Parent and Providers (i.e. Consumer 5  Professional Development, Training, and Technical 5  Strengthening Families through Early Child Care and 4. Level of Service – Enter Projected LOS 5 Annex B - Consists of the Expense Summary, Expense Detail, and 5 Schedules 1-6, attachments if applicable.

Document Verification Sheet (DVS) 1 Statement of Assurances 1



Contract Number Contract Period

The contracting provider agency hereby certifies that the following documents are on file and are available to the Division of Family Development (DFD) for review. The contracting provider agency also agrees that it will inform the DFD contract administrator of any and all changes involving these documents that may occur during the term of the contract. All documents should be current and reflect board approval. Please do not submit documents listed below with renewal package.

Please Check as Appropriate On File Not Applicable

1. Certificate of Incorporation

2. Annual Report to Secretary of State

3. Annual Report-Charitable Organization

4. Agency By-Laws

5. NJ Business Registration

6. Agency Affirmative Action Policy

7. Personnel Manual (including current job descriptions for staff)

8. Tax Exempt Certification, Form 990

9. U.S Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120

10. List of all Contracts/Grants

11. Procurement Policy (CRM, 2.3)

12. Equipment Inventory (items purchased with DHS funds)

13. Subcontracts or Consultant Agreements (related to DHS Contracts)

14. Certificate of Occupancy or Continued Certificate of Occupancy

15. Lease (s) or Mortgage

I hereby certify that all documents are current and are available for review.

Agency Director (Please Print or Type) Agency Director’s Signature

Agency Date


The Agency assures that it will: I. ADMINISTRATIVE A. General Administrative Requirements 1* Coordinate and interact with the Head Start, the County Welfare Agency, or Board of Social Services (CWA/BSS), Division of Family Development (DFD), DYFS Local Offices, Department of Children and Families Office of Licensing (OOL), Department of Labor One-Stop Career Centers, School-Based Youth Services Programs, Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention Programs, Teen Parenting Programs, School Districts, and with any other provider entities and agencies or resources as deemed appropriate. 2* Identify those community agencies with which formal coordination and referral agreements will be accomplished, and delineate the elements that will be addressed with these agencies. 3* Administer the service/program components of the unified child care service delivery system through State-provided and/or funded automated systems. The automated systems which will be used are NACCRRAware for CCR&R, On-line Management for Economic Goal Achievement (OMEGA) system and IAquire for the WFNJ and TCC Programs; and Child Care Automated Resource and Eligibility System (CARES) for the New Jersey Cares for Kids (NJCK) Child Care Certificate Program, which includes the Early Employment Initiative (EEI), Transitional Child Care TCC, Post Transitional Child Care (PTCC), Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), Child Protective Services (CPS), Post Adoption Child Care (PACC), Kinship, and Department of Education (DOE) Wrap Around Child Care Voucher Services. 4* Cooperate with DFD to allow access to provider and parent data compiled utilizing NACCRRAware. 5* Maintain and support computer equipment provided by the State that is necessary to access and operate the State's automated child care system(s). The establishment of any additional sites requiring system access will be the responsibility of the Agency. 6* Assume the cost of installing telecommunication equipment and operating and maintaining all computer equipment furnished, as well as any physical site modifications and/or preparations necessary to accommodate that equipment is included in their Budget Information Summary (Annex B). 7* Certify that the automated systems for fiscal and programmatic accountability and reporting which will be provided by DFD will be utilized as required. The automated systems provided shall be used to administer the voucher programs funded through WFNJ, TCC, EEI, Post TCC, CCAP, CPS, PACC, Kinship, and DOE Wrap Around Child Care. 8* Cooperate with DFD to meet the requirements for registered and approved providers that chose to become members of the Child Care Workers Union (CCWU). 9* Distribute Child Care Worker Union Introduction Packages to all newly registered and/or approved (Friend, Family or Neighbor) providers. 10* Submit quarterly electronic reports listing all new home based providers using required format. 11* Develop and utilize sound fiscal and programmatic accountability systems which are approved by DFD for all other service components of this unified child care service delivery system. 12* Maintain acceptable financial reporting, including: 1. Ensure that a separate bank account for operations and administrative funds is maintained and allow the State of New Jersey to electronically transfer funds into these accounts. 2. Ensure all funds are disbursed and tracked through the appropriate funding stream and automated system in accordance with program requirements. 4 3. Ensure that communication exists between fiscal and program staff to guarantee that subsidy funds are available in a timely manner to serve families when funds become available. 4. Ensure fiscal accountability for all agency developed payment processes. 5. Provide fiscal and program reports to DFD on a timely basis as required.

B. Contract Transition In the event services end by either contract expiration or termination, the CCR&R shall be required to continue services, if requested, until the new services can be in place. The CCR&R agrees to cooperate fully with the replacement agency/ies and with DFD to ensure a smooth and timely transition to the new agency/ies. DFD will reimburse the CCR&R for services during the transitional period at the rate in effect when this section is invoked by DFD. C. Child Care Centers: By signing this contract, the undersigned acknowledges that for the duration of this contract, the awarded agency is prohibited from initiating or operating a licensed child care center. Any agency that fails to adhere to this policy will be considered to be in breach of the contract. II. SUBSIDY PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Ensure the following will be conducted in accordance with established regulations, policies and procedures:  Make program applications available, as appropriate, to the public throughout the county to ensure potentially eligible families are afforded the opportunity to apply for child care assistance.  Inform families who request child care services on how to obtain complete information and how to submit program applications and the required attachments.  Provide families with information regarding child care concerns, such as licensing and regulatory requirements, complaint procedures, and policies and practices relative to child care services available in the State, through consumer materials developed by the agency or provided by DHS.  Inform families of applicable State or local health and safety requirements for all categories of child care.  Maintain, store and retain appropriate file documents for families and providers as required by State and Federal requirements.  Utilize only DFD developed and or approved forms to document and verify child care services to be delivered.  Provide training and technical assistance to child care providers to ensure prompt and timely issuance of payment.  Provide information to all families regarding child care choices, including: 1. Publicly and privately funded licensed child care centers (including DFD Contracted, Head Start and DOE funded early childhood education programs) 2. Registered family child care providers 3. School age child care (SACC) 4. Approved homes 5. Summer camps 6. Drop-in care  Establish an internal appeals process for dispute resolutions raised by parents for issues other than child abuse/neglect, prior to the matter being forwarded to DFD. Written appeal information must be attached to all adverse action status letters.  Attach a list of the members of the Internal Appeals Review Team. Cooperate with DHS, DCF, and the CCWU to resolve provider disputes as agreed upon in the CCWU Agreement.  Inform TANF/TCC participants of their rights to request a fair hearing.

5  Inform parents of their responsibilities and rights for the receipt of services (i.e., their right to visit the child care site(s) to which they have been referred and responsibility to report to the agency staff member their choice of provider).  Inform the CWA/BSS if child care is unavailable, inaccessible or unacceptable to parents and indicate the reason for same in the Monthly WFNJ Child Care Report.  Maintain open line of communication with respective DYFS Local Offices for the processing of applications and payments. III. EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE REQUIREMENTS  Coordinate and assist in the development of additional child care slots and/or resources within the county for the various types of child care arrangements, prioritizing infant/toddler and non- traditional care. The purpose of this service shall be to increase the availability of child care in the county. This responsibility includes but is not limited to interaction and coordination with local school districts, businesses, community groups, local government agencies, and other parties interested in the development of child care slots.  Provide technical assistance/training and/or coordination of training to child care providers and/or prospective providers. This includes working with individuals, businesses, Professional Impact NJ and community groups or agencies interested in expanding or starting child care services.  Provide technical assistance to providers in the use and interpretation of regulations, policies and procedures.  Disseminate information regularly to school district early childhood education programs, child care provider agencies, human service agencies and other interested organizations in the designated area.  Increase public awareness of child care issues and related services.  Provide outreach and public relations geared to the specific needs of the population residing in the county.  Utilize the items/materials provided by Department of Children and Families Office of Licensing for the administration of the Voluntary Family Child Care Registration Program. These items shall include: 1. The Manual of Requirements for Family Child Care Registration 2. Certificates of Registration 3. The Technical Assistance Handbook for Family Child Care Registration 4. Information to Parents Statements 5. Outreach/public relations materials 6. Training films and information about training materials 7. Sample forms applicable to the registration process, such as: provider registration application forms; health/physical examination forms; registration checklist; evaluation/monitoring report form; registration renewal notification form; emergency contact information form injury and/or accident report form; authorization form for emergency treatment; and guidelines for care of sick children, administration of medication, and current listing of reportable and communicable diseases and immunization requirements.  Follow statewide established procedures for conducting approved home inspections, the Strengthening Families Initiative, and Child Care Health Consultation and Coordination.  Administer all other initiatives, programs and services, as mandated by DFD. By: Signature:

Name of Authorized Person/Agency Title

6 DIVISION OF FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Annex A Contract Summary Sheet Agency Contract # Address Federal ID#

Provider Agency Fiscal Contract to $ Effective Date Organization Type: County Municipal

Private, Non- Profit Private, For Profit Faith-Based

Chief Executive OfficerAddress

Telephone Fax E-Mail

All notices relevant to this contract should be sent to: Name & TitleAddress

Telephone Fax E-Mail

Do you currently receive payment by Automatic Deposit (ACH) for this contract? Yes No


By acceptance of this contract, the Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCR&R) agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Family Development (DFD) Standard Language Document (SLD), Request for Proposal (RFP), and additional requirements noted in this document and detailed below. This includes the submission of required contract documents, budgets, modifications, fiscal and program reports in the quantities and time period specified. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in the loss of administrative funds and may be grounds for the suspension or terminations of this contract.

The agency is a third party provider of services to DFD subject to administrative, fiscal and programmatic monitoring and oversight from DFD. The provider agencies are responsible to adhere to all DHS and DFD contract rules and regulations and to adhere to all directives issued by DFD. Provider Agencies acceptance and use of Federal and State funds from this contract constitutes the CCR&R acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Recipients and sub-recipients of Federal and State funds are responsible for the proper use of such fund. Simply, this means that the funds are used for the intended purpose with compliance with all Federal, State and contract regulations. All parties are responsible for the transparency and accountability for the funds and are subject to administrative, contractual and legal sanctions for the misuse and/or improper use of these funds. CCR&Rs are considered sub-grantee/recipients under this contract and are subject to federal laws, regulations and provisions of this contract as set forth in this document; and must ensure that ;

 Contract funds are allocated to meet program objectives and for the purpose as intended;;  Fiscal and accounting procedures are sufficient to permit the preparation of required reports and the proper reconciliation of expenditures to adequate source documentation to establish funds have been used appropriately for the intended purpose in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and contract cost principles;  Annual completion of the Single Audit as required;  Funds are not used to support inherently religious activities, such as religious instruction or activities;  Funds are not used to support lobbying activities to influence proposed or pending Federal or State legislation or appropriations;  Funds are expended in accordance with all pertinent laws and regulations.

FY 2013 contracts will include performance standards for the following major programmatic and fiscal tasks and components:

1. Administrative Oversight 2. Program Integrity and Accountability 3. Program Eligibility and Compliance 4. Supportive Services and Technical Assistance 5. Payment Authorization and Approval 6. Data Collection and Reporting


This contract is subject to the requirements of Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 1990 and Section 1418 of the Social Security Act, as amended, and the provisions of Request for Proposals (RFP).

The CCR&R Director or designee, and newly required program component liaisons from the CCR&R, must attend and participate in DFD-sponsored and regional in-person meetings and trainings, or conference calls as directed by the Office of Child Care.

CCR&R must comply with State and Federal rules and regulations governing the purchase of services contract process, in addition to compliance with the Affirmative Action Requirements of Public Law 1975, c. 124 (N.J.A.C/ 17:27) and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 (P.L. 101-336), as well as all other contract documents.

Contract Transition

In the event services end by either contract expiration or termination, the CCR&R shall be required to continue services, if requested, until the new services can be in place. The CCR&R agrees to cooperate fully with the replacement agency/ies and with DFD to ensure a smooth and timely transition to the new agency/ies.

Conflict of Interest

A CCR&R contract will not be awarded to an agency that owns and/or operates a child care facility that is registered/licensed by the Office of Licensing, Department of Children and Families.

A Provider Agency’s Board of Directors, Officers, staff members or any other person in a position of trust, shall not use his or her position, or knowledge gained from that position of trust, in such a manner that a conflict arises between their personal or financial interests and the interests of the DHS or its contracted Provider Agency. No Provider Agency shall own, operate or have an interest in any supplier of goods or services to the Provider Agency, or any organization that is engaged in doing business with or serving the Provider Agency. No Provider Agency Board Member, Officer, staff member, or any other person in a position of trust (e.g., consultants, agents, lawyers, advisors or benefactors of any sort), or any member of his or her immediate family shall have any personal or financial interest in, or substantial obligation to, any supplier of goods or services, or any other organization that is engaged in doing business with or serving the Provider Agency unless it has been determined by the Board of Directors, based on the full disclosure of facts and circumstances, that such interest does not give rise to a direct conflict of interest or the substantial appearance of a conflict of interest. A position of trust may include Provider Agency staff members, Officers, Governing Board Members, legal advisors, agents, consultants or benefactors. See, Contract Reimbursement Manual, Glossary of Terms, for definition of “Conflict of Interest.”

Any Board Member who is aware of a potential conflict of interest with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Directors shall disclose such potential conflict to the Board. If it is determined that a conflict exists, the Board Member shall recuse himself or herself from any discussion or vote in connection with the matter involving a conflict.

By signing this contract, the undersigned acknowledges that for the duration of this contract, the awarded agency is prohibited from initiating or operating a licensed child care center, or any affiliation in violation of the Conflict of Interest Policy. Any agency that fails to adhere to this policy will be considered to be in breach of the contract and subject to the sanctions contained in DHS policy.


The determination of allowable costs are defined in the SLD, RFP, DHS and DFD’s Cost Reimbursement Manual (CRM), and Contract Policy and Information Manual (CPIM). Expenditures are defined as those costs which are restricted to activities related to programmed plan development; complaint files management; public hearing information; program monitoring and coordination; report preparation; evaluation of program outcomes; personnel management; travel; equipment; supplies; audits and response management; and indirect costs such as maintenance of facilities, utilities, and general management staff.

Special Costs


As noted in the SLD, contract funds may be used for allowable costs associated with DFD pre- approved travel, including lodging, per diem, and other related expenses associated with specific child care related conferences, meetings and trainings. All requests must be made in writing and submitted to the Office of Childcare Operations 1 month or more prior to the travel date. Only those trips that have been approved will be considered allowable cost. Allowable costs are subject to the SLD, DHS/DFD regulations and cannot exceed the Federal per-diem rates.

Executive Salary Limits

As detailed in the SLD, executive salaries are limited to:

For Provider Agencies with gross revenue (based on the last annual audit report) for the entire organization of: a. Over $20 million, the limitation shall be $141,000 (Benchmark Salary), b. Over $10 million, but less than or equal to $20 million the limitation shall equal 90% of the c. benchmark salary ($126,900) d. Over $5 million, but less than or equal to $10 million the limitation shall equal 85% of the benchmark salary ($119,850), e. Less than $5 million, the limitation shall equal 75% of the benchmark salary ($105,750).

Non-Subsidy Direct Services

Costs are directly associated with the delivery of child care services. Allowable expenditures in this category are all activities which are required to ensure direct child care services are provided to eligible families. These include functions, as well as personnel costs, which are related to eligibility determination and re-determination; preparation and participation in judicial hearings, child care placement; recruitment, licensing, inspection, reviews and supervision of child care placement, including travel expenses; rate setting; resource and referral services, including telephones; training, including telephones and travel expenses; and the establishment and maintenance of computerized child care information.

General Program Requirements

10 State funds and the Federal Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) provide available, affordable, and quality child care services to eligible families who meet the work and educational requirements set by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development.

The administration of the child care program must adhere to all governing laws and regulations including those contained in the:

 CCDF regulations;  New Jersey regulations;  DFD Child Care Service Manual;  DHS/DFD Contract terms contained in the SLD and RFP;  DHS/DFD contract rules and regulations contained in the Contract Reimbursement Manual and Contract Policy and Information Manual;  DFD Child Care Operations Manual;  DFD instructions and guidance memos, including all approved amendments or revisions; and  All other Federal, State and local laws and regulations.

The agency must meet all contract expectations as described in the RFP as well as those detailed in this contract. Failure to meet any performance standard and contract expectations can be grounds for revision of the contract whereby current funding is reduced, contract is suspended or terminated and can affect future consideration for funding.

Reporting Requirements

The agency is required to submit program and fiscal reports within the required timeframes; as well as conduct child care needs assessments and surveys. At a minimum, the following reports are required:

I. Fiscal Reports

A. Report of Expenditures

Fiscal reporting is required on a quarterly basis combining subcontracted and direct agency expenditures. Actual expenditures must be reported using the Annex B form on a cumulative basis by the 20th day of the following month after the close of each calendar quarter: January, April, July, and October. The Final Report of Expenditures is due 120 days after the contract period ends – January 31.

The expenditure reports must contain an original signature of the fiscal officer designated by the agency for this program.

An initial advance payment will be issued when the contract is fully executed. Future quarterly reimbursements will occur subsequent to DFD’s receipt and review of the expenditure report for the previous quarter.

All reports are to be sent to the Office of Contract Administration, DFD, P.O. Box 716, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0716. Attention: Contract Fiscal Unit / Tom Kuech.

B. Unassigned Adjustments

11 Periodic update of childcare program and funding stream data for all payments processed to providers will be required for all adjustments entered in EPPIC that are not assigned to a Case and Agreement (thus are reported as unassigned in EPPIC).

C. Parent and Provider Collections

a. Refer to DFDI – Sanction policy for applicable reporting and remittance regarding Parent and Provider Repayments and reimbursement to DFD. This includes reporting of IRS Levies.

II. Program Reports

Program reports are to be submitted to the Office of Child Care Operations no later than the 15th of the following month due. DFD requires electronic submission in DFD format and approved reports.

A. Program and Client Level Reports a. Program Statistical LOS Reports (number of applicants, type of care, program enrolled, etc) b. Family Registration Program (number of new providers, inactive, terminated, violations, etc.) c. Number of contacts with families d. Number of contacts informing of quality and educational materials

B. Technical Assistance and Training Reports a. Provider Trainings and Workshops conducted b. ECC on-site TA or agency training c. Provider Orientation or Training – (non-ECC)

C. Program Integrity Reports a. Program Integrity Tracking Report b. Fraud Investigation or Intentional Program Violation visits

D. Quality and Special Initiatives Reports a. Special Initiative Reports b. Waiting List Reports

E. Community Outreach and Coordination a. Number of community presentations b. Number of coordination meetings

F. Other type of Reports/Plan a. Biennial RFA Plan b. Agency Staff Professional Development Plan

12 Mission and Purpose

The mission of the Division of Family Development (DFD) is to support the well-being of families with financial assistance and supportive services to help families move towards and/or sustain economic stability.

As the Lead Agency for the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF), DFD is charged with supporting families, improving children’s access to high quality child care services and child development. In addition to CCDF, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Title IV-E (Foster Care) and state funds are utilized to support the child care program.

Coupled with child care financial assistance and supportive services to families, DFD is committed to increasing children access to high quality child care services. Quality child care services, accountability, and continuity of care are Administrative of Children and Families (ACF), Office of Child Care (OCC) and DFD’s major priorities. Therefore to align DFD’s child care program, administrative, systems and financial requirements with OCC priorities, significant changes as outlined in this contract.

The purpose of this contract is to set forth the program components and standards, administrative and fiscal requirements, deliverables, and assurances for a unified child care delivery system. Furthermore, performance standards and key statutory requirements have been highlighted to emphasis the expectation of administrative oversight and fiscal accountability, and importance of quality.

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies will be responsible for locally managing the New Jersey’s child care program. As contractual agents for DFD, CCR&Rs primary functions are to administer an efficient and effective child care delivery system, be a single entry point to all eligible families, and community resource and linkage for families, the child care community, and general public to access child care services.

As agents of DFD, the CCRRs contract and service deliverables will consist but not be limited to the following core areas:

1. Program subsidy management and accountability 2. Resource and referral services 3. Supportive services to families and providers 4. Community linkage, partnership collaboration and service coordination 5. Family child care support and registration 6. Quality enhancement and improvement services 7. Program integrity and oversight

In addition to the core areas of program management the CCRRs have administrative and fiscal accountability, reporting requirements, and program integrity obligations to ensure program compliance and performance standards. As recipients of government funds, CCR&Rs must adhere to all federal and state laws and regulations as stated above.


Following are the contract components to be administered in the unified child care service delivery system. The contract agency shall describe the components as they are administered internally. The Annex A, Program Description information should match the Annex B, Budget.

The CCR&R agency must provide information in the Annex A narrative describing how each service component of this contact will be administered including internal processes and controls for each program/service component.

Complete only for those service components for which funding has been allocated. Answer all questions by providing information that is quantifiable and qualifiedly measurable to the extent feasible.

Please note that the contract is on the Federal Fiscal Year 2013. The FFY is the same as the contract term. FFY 2013 begins October 1, 2012 and ends September 30, 2013.

Key Statutory and Regulation Requirements under this contract

a. Determine who is eligible to receive Federal and State financial assistance; b. Have internal controls and performance measures to determine whether the rules are accurately applied; c. Adherence to applicable Federal rules and State program compliance requirements; and d. Assurance of appropriate use of allowable government funds to carry out the goals and objectives of the child care program.

The Agency assures that it will:

Comply with the following statutory requirements and ensure federal funds are applied to:

Eligible Families – By statue – only families that meet CCDF eligibility criteria including income, work and/or educational training activities shall be served.

Eligible Children – By statue, only children up to age 13, or under 19 years old, if they meet the eligibility criteria, citizen or qualified legal alien shall be served.

Eligible Providers – By statue, only eligible child care providers, center-based, family child care provider, or approve/relative care provider, or other provider of child care services that is licensed, regulated, or registered under applicable State or local law and satisfies State and local requirements, including health and safety requirements shall receive CCDF funds.

Establishing Priorities – By statute, priority levels as defined in policy should be followed when servicing families.

Payment Eligibility– By regulation, written agreement authorization must first be established for eligible families and providers before service should be rendered.

14 Personnel Requirement

A full time Executive or Program Director shall be employed by the agency to serve as lead Management Official of the agency directly responsible for all contract services. This person supervises provider agency personnel in the administration and delivery of contract services and serves as the primary/sole contact/ liaison for program and fiscal coordination with DFD. Oversee the daily agency operations and administration of the entire child care resource and referral and subsidy programs. Provide leadership and management outlining priorities and mandates to ensure program compliance, delivery of services as outlined in the contract, and efficient operations. Ensure that staff are fulfilling their responsibilities, providing quality work and acting as the liaison between the agency and DFD. Ensure that appropriate staff attend specialized meetings, conference calls, work groups and other committees.

A full time Fiscal Officer is required to prepare contract budgets, monitor spending, prepare budget modifications as necessary, report monthly expenditures to the Division, and serve as fiscal liaison/contact for all contract budget/fiscal, fiscal reporting, and to manage provider payment issues.

In an effort to improve our child care program and quality improvement efforts, the following additional full- time expert staff member are required for this contract, a full-time subsidy manager/coordinator, e-Child Care (ECC) specialist, Trainer, and Policy Specialist.

Subsidy Coordinator/Manager - Core functions are direct supervision and daily management of the subsidy programs. Coordinate services and communicate cross multiple child care programs; and ensure program standard continuity; such as eligibility, verification and collection and review of documentation.

ECC Specialist – Liaison and support to agency staff and child care community. Lead person to resolve ECC related issues and concerns. Conduct daily reviews of rejects and resolve discrepancies. Provide technical assistance for in-house staff and on-site provider support. Provide guidance on how to research, trouble shoot to resolve ECC related concerns and questions. Work with trainer to conduct orientation and ongoing training.

Trainer/TA – Support in-house staff and child care community on DFD’s program and special initiatives. Serve as training liaison and lead for all training related activities. Develop customize training plans for agency.

Policy Specialist – Liaison and lead policy person to support agency staff and child care community understand DFD’s child care policies, federal mandates and eligibility requirements. Participate on committee and workgroups to review policies. Track policy revisions and ensure agency staff have current information across all child care programs. Work with agency staff to ensure policies are being applied correctly; especially for eligibility determination, termination and appeals.

Fraud Specialist – Liaison and lead person for Wage Match and investigation. Track and monitor re-payment agreements. Conduct investigation and follow-up on alleged reports of fraud activities or intentional program violations.

Subsidy Case Managers – Manage caseload of Applicants from inception to redetermination.

Fiscal Specialist – Manage caseload of Providers – review discrepancy forms and attendance logs, reconcile payment, make adjustments, and work with providers

15 Management Information and Technology System Coordinator – Liaison and lead person for the legacy systems (CARES and OMEGA), ECC, and CASS; provide support to agency staff and work with DFD OIS staff, as well as, related IT, web and email issues and/or concerns

Family Child Care Provider Inspector and Support

Intake Workers/Unit  Review and Screen applications  Follow-up and work with providers to complete application process  Provide customer services, education and support to families

Support Staff

16 Please submit resumes and job descriptions for all staff positions. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS:

The agency is required to meet the following performance standards and expectations. Please refer to the RFP for the full list of standards and expectations.

 Demonstrate the capacity to coordinate, develop and carry out the administrative, fiscal and service delivery elements of the specific child care programs in accordance with Federal and State laws, regulations, policies and procedures.  Demonstrate the ability to coordinate respective operation with preschool programs funded under Chapter 1 of the Education, Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35); school and non- profit child care programs (including local public schools and community-based organizations receiving funds designated for pre-kindergartens and programs for handicapped children); with organizations sponsoring before-and-after school activities; private child care providers; Head Start grantee agencies; sectarian providers; and with Federal and/or State demonstration programs.  Comply with State and DHS rules and regulations governing the purchase of services contract process, the DHS’ Standard Language Document, the Contract Reimbursement Manual and the Contract Policy and Information Manual, in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in the RFP, and as noted in the contract terms.  Comply with the Affirmative Action Requirements of Public Law 1975, c. 124 (N.J.A.C. 17:27) and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 (P.L. 101-336). Applicants must also sign the Statement of Assurances (Attachment F) and the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion (Attachment G).  Review DHS’ contracting rules and regulations, as defined in the Contract Reimbursement Manual, and the Contract Policy and Information Manual.  Copies of these manuals are available in libraries throughout the State. (See the "List of Library Depositories" in Attachment K). Applicants may also review and download the DHS contract manuals from the Office of Contract Policy and Management’s (OCPM) website at: http://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/ocpm/contract_manuals.htm

 Maintain a financial management system including adequate internal controls and develop and utilize sound fiscal and programmatic accountability systems which are approved by DFD for all other service components required in this contract..  Comply with guidelines and general criteria regarding allowable use of funds set forth in the RFP, DHS/DFD contract reimbursement manual and contract policy and information manual.  Maintain a separate bank account for operations and administrative funds. Ensure the necessary information which authorizes the State of New Jersey to electronically transfer funds into the accounts is continued.  Provide all required (i.e. fiscal, program, closeout reports) to DFD on a timely basis as required.  Ensure payments to providers in accordance with DHS/DFD instructions in a timely manner.  Appropriately administer all subsidy programs and other child care services and initiatives in accordance with established State and Federal regulations and policies. Program requirements for the majority of child care voucher programs are contained in the Child Care Services Manual (N.J.A.C. 10:15).  Ensure that all families and providers represented in the service delivery area have access to services.  Establish an internal appeals process for dispute resolutions raised by parents prior to the matter being forwarded to DFD. Written appeal information must be attached to all adverse action status letters.  Maintain, store and retain appropriate file documents for families and providers as required by State and Federal requirements.  Promote, educate and inform the public and child care community about high quality child care and encourage providers to strive for high quality child care and/or accreditation.

17  Provide families with information regarding health and safety (licensing and regulatory requirements, complaint procedures), risk factors, parental choice, and high quality child care choices.  Cooperate with DHS, DCF, and the Child Care Workers Union (CCWU) to quickly resolve provider disputes as agreed upon in the CCWU/DHS agreement.  Coordinate with other agencies and schedule meetings to discuss child care concerns  Establish a local process with DCF, and CWA/BSS to coordinate services and resolve child care concerns impacting access to child care services and prompt payment to providers.  Follow established procedures and guidance for all special initiatives; such as Strengthening Families Initiative and comply with the regulations governing the Family Child Care Registration.  Maintain bilingual or multilingual outreach strategies to counties with significant numbers of non-English speaking residents  Ensure that all families and providers represented in the service delivery area have access to information about child care.  Purchase, maintain, and utilize the NACCRRAware application.  At a minimum, provide quarterly update NACCRRAware to include information on local licensed child care facilities, Head Start centers, registered family child care providers, licensed summer camps, and pre- schools.  Effectively manage and update the waiting list, as well as ensure families access child care services in the shortest time.


The agency will be required to document activities and submit the required program and fiscal reports describing how they will deliver an effective and efficient child care delivery service system.

Please thoroughly answer each of the following as it relates to CCR&R agency administration of the subsidy programs and special initiatives:

Administrative Oversight

1. Please provide organizational chart – must include total number of agency staff and identify the number of staff allocated to this contract. Include number of full-time, part-time, consultants, temps, etc. and titles.

2. Please identify how many bilingual staff are employed under this contract?

3. List each unit and/or program and provide the total number of staff assigned to each unit/program. (Can submit a chart)

4. Indicate the hours, location, days of operation and methods the community may use to access child care services.

5. Please describe how staff will be informed about DFD policies, updates, and new initiatives.

6. What tools and resources are made available to help staff perform their job?

7. Describe the training and professional development opportunities made available for staff in FY 2012.

8. Describe the system to ensure fiscal and program reports will be submitted within the prescribe time lines.

9. Explain the procedures used to inform parents of their right to request a fair hearing.

10. Describe the compliance policies and procedures to be used for dispute resolutions raised by parents for issues other than child abuse/neglect.

11. Describe what outreach and follow-up strategies are in place with families to ensure that child care services are administered without delays.

12. Describe outreach activities that will be used to inform and engage the child care community and parents to attend meetings and trainings.

13. Describe your agency internal appeals process for dispute resolutions raised by parents prior to the matter being forwarded to DFD. Written appeal information must be attached to all adverse action status letters

14. Please list the name of agencies on the appeals committee and type of training provided.

15. How many internal appeals have been requested in FY 2012?

19 Standard: The agency must have effective internal controls to ensure that family/client eligibility determinations are made in compliance with applicable rules are correctly applied.

1. Describe the strategies and processes your agency will utilize to ensure effective internal controls are in place to: a) ensure program compliance b) ensure sound fiscal management; and c) identify areas of risk or regular evaluation of control activities

2. Please explain the manner in which services and coordinated and communicated between units to facilitate client flow (from receipt of application, review and approval/eligibility process, and entered in system) and access to child care services.

3. Please describe the manner and processes to monitor program eligibility compliance and minimize errors.

Standard: The agency must make program applications accessible and available to the public throughout the county to ensure potentially eligible families are afforded the opportunity to apply for child care assistance.

1. Describe the agency’s communication methods and marketing strategies. Provide materials that promote awareness of child care and list regular meetings that your agency participates in, and include frequency of meetings.

2. Does your agency maintain a web page on the internet? If yes, are linkages established and maintained with the DFD Child Care web page and other appropriate early care and education web pages at the national, state or local level? If not, explain why not.

Standard: The Agency must respond to child care issues /inquires. Subsidy programs require a wide variety of services and support to the child care community.

1. Describe your process and common mode of communication to respond to child care issues and average response time (i.e. calls are handled as they come in, certain cases are considered priorities, certain staff are assigned, etc.) Please submit established procedures for the below scenarios and indicate if priorities are established based on needs or circumstance.

a. Parents seeking information regarding child care b. Missing information on application or documentation c. Provider needs TA/training to use ECC d. Provider has payment issues e. CCWU inquiry f. DFD Special Requests

Standard: The agency shall compile, analyze, publish and distribute child care supply and demand data annually.

1. Please describe how your agency is utilizing NACCRRAware? 20 2. Provide summary of the data collected, identify the statistics that are tracked, and how often it is updated. 3. Please submit last report published.

Management of Program Subsidy

Standard: The agency must demonstrate the ability to effectively administer the child care subsidy program in accordance with established State regulations and policies:

1. Describe the plan to educate parents and providers about the subsidy programs. Include plans to visit child care centers, and public locations when parents are present.

2. Please describe how cases (applicants and providers) are assigned and distributed to staff (i.e. even distribution of caseload, logistically assigned, staff assigned to manage specific programs and cases assigned as they come in.) Please include staff/case ratio (i.e. 1 staff to 200 applicants, 1 staff to 60 providers, etc)

3. Describe current procedures/processes and/or systems in place for an efficient and timely application review process, and tasks and activities conducted to ensure staff is correctly determining eligibility in accordance with policy.

4. Explain how the agency will coordinate with other agencies, such as: CWA/BSS to verify initial eligibility and continued child care services for families needing services through TANF, TCC and EEI Funding Stream; Child Protection and Permanency (former DYFS) to expedite processing applications and payment to providers.

5. Describe your process for monitoring WFNJ participants continued eligibility and how providers are informed when participants no longer are eligible (i.e. sanctioned, activity ended).

Supportive Services and Technical Assistance

Standard: The agency is required to support providers in the use and interpretation of regulations, policies and procedures, and to ensure prompt and timely payment.

1. Please attach training calendar and list communication methods used to inform providers about training.

2. List and attach copies of materials which are provided to the providers, families, and the general population regarding child care concerns, such as licensing and regulatory requirements, complaint procedures and policies.

3. List regular meetings, trainings, workshops and TA held for both parents and providers. Please include frequency.

4. Describe how the agency will work with the providers to ensure an efficient delivery of child care services.

21 5. Describe how your agency will provide training and technical assistance opportunities for community- based providers to inform of child care policies and ensure prompt and timely issuance of payment.

6. Identify the number of on-site or agency trainings held with providers in FY 2012 and plans for FY 2013.

7. Describe what parent education methods are used to increase parent awareness of quality child care and to help them to become informed consumers.

8. Specify outreach activities used to inform the community about the availability of group presentations on quality and strategies to encourage attendance. Please indicate how many presentations were conducted in FY 2012.

9. Describe how special payment issues are processed; including the receipt, review and approval process and timing for completing the necessary steps to initiate payment.

Fiscal Accountability and Program Integrity

Standard: Agency must establish internal controls and quality assurance measures to reduce any incidence of misreporting, improper payments or fraud.

1. List the number of overpayments and total amount of overpayment in FY 2012.

2. Please provide how much was recovered in FY 2012

3. Please provide a copy of written procedures to minimize Improper Payments at the time of application and redetermination.

4. Please submit your 2012 internal quality assurance self-assessment plan based on a file review of active cases from the subsidy programs.

5. Describe the procedures that will be implemented to process claims for SOIL and submit necessary information to the systems unit. The description should include how it ties into the Improper Payment process and how it will be followed up.

6. Describe how NACCRRAware will be used to ensure and confirm provider eligibility and the increase success rate of the agency in preventing improper payments.

Payment Authorization/Approval and ECC Management

Standard: The agency shall handle all authorized payments in accordance with policies and procedures and timely resolve payment discrepancies, not to exceed two pay period cycles.

1. Please describe your internal process for resolving payment discrepancies, from receipt of discrepancy forms to authorization. Please include staff and unit involvement and coordination.

22 2. What steps and/or activities process have been developed to review discrepancy forms to ensure timely payment to providers?

3. Please indicate the number of staff and supervisor(s) assigned to this function.

4. Describe your coordination efforts with the providers to ensure that discrepancy forms are timely processed

Standard: DFD now requires CCR&R’s to have a full-time ECC Specialist whose primary responsibilities will include but not limited to:

 ECC Card-Linking via Administrative Terminal (AT), status of lost card or ordering new cards via AT

 ECC parent/provider orientation

 Handling all ECC related issues

 Sanctioning parents/providers in partnership with the case manager

 Provide Technical Assistance(TA) to current providers, new providers

 Provide ECC Provider Portal/Payment TA

 Provide ECC Equipment Triage

 Provide ECC Banking Triage and Processing

 Provide Interactive Voice Response (IVR)Triage

 Parent Triage when challenges are faced with use of IVR, or Point of Service (POS)device

1. Describe how this role will become operationalized in your organizational structure. Identify methods that will be used to provide technical assistance to providers and parents.

2. Identify/describe the outreach model/campaign and public relations in the child care community to be implemented for e-Child Care.

3. With the implementation of e-Child Care, which requires effective communication between fiscal and program staff, list any internal and quality assurance measures that have been put in place or will be adopted.

Quality, Special Initiatives, and Training

One of DFD’s priority and mandate is to increase children access to quality child care services and implement a quality improvement system. The Agency must administer all other initiatives, programs and services, in 23 accordance with policy and alignment with DFD’s goals. In addition to increasing children access to quality child care services, DFD focus is to also align quality initiatives to New Jersey Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Grow NJ.

Standard: To increase families to access quality child care services

1. Please describe what projects, special initiatives, and training is underway at your agency, including non- DFD funded projects?

2. State if your Agency is involved in any provider accreditation projects. If so, how many providers have your agency assisted in FY 2012.

3. Describe your agency coordinated efforts in the development of increasing families’ access to higher quality child care slots within the county.

4. Please identify any quality improvement activities or projects that your agency can support to increase higher quality child care services?

Professional Development and Training

Standard: CCRR’s must provide training to child care providers that are easily accessible and advertised with Professional Impact NJ. Trainings must be conducted by trainers that are members of the NJ Registry.

1. Is the training that is scheduled for child care staff or registered family child care providers through your agency enrolled in the Professional Impact New Jersey(PINJ) for listing in their Directory of Instructional Resources? If not, explain why not.

2. Describe what professional development activities are scheduled for FY 2013.

3. What methods are utilized to promote, educate and inform the public and child care community about high quality child care and encourage providers to strive for high quality child care and/or accreditation?

4. Please describe how you will coordinate with PINJ to ensure training/workshops, etc. to ensure that all professional development training offered by your agency is captured in the registry.

5. What measures of criteria are established to ensure staff is proficient in the skills needed to provide the best possible quality care directly related to the level of satisfaction of practitioners in the work that they do?

6. Is all staff that performs training programs members of the New Jersey Registry offered through PINJ? If not, explain why not.

7. Are the consultants who perform more than 6 hours of training annually through the CCR&R members of the NJ Registry?

24 8. Please attach a list of CCR&R employees and consultants who provide training. Indicate which are members of the NJ Registry? Repeat by providing list of outside professional consultants who conduct training.

Strengthening Families Initiative

Standard: CCR&R’s will make Strengthening Families an integral part of their outreach to child care providers and will be recognized, through this contract, as the training unit for the SFI program.

1. Did your agency meet all the program requirements, if not please identify what areas were not achieved and why?

2. How many Parent Cafés were held during last contract period?

3. How many parents were recruited and participated as Parent Leadership Team member?

4. Please describe your plans to increase participation and projected LOS.

Child Development Association (CDA)

Standard: Develop and administer a comprehensive CDA program through a variety of training in the field, including in-service training that is accessible and available to all child care workforce.

1. List the courses (they must be courses identified as part of the required CDA content hours) and frequency offered to candidates to ensure they obtain a minimum of 60 training hours.

2. Identify ways that the registry will be utilized to motivate caregivers toward continuing education and professional career opportunities.

3. Describe the technical assistance that will be provided to assist applicants with the selection of an advisor, developing a portfolio and submission of the application packet.

4. Describe what strategies will be employed to ensure candidates complete the entire CDA process.

Family Child Care Registration

Standard: As part of the State’s voluntary family child care (FCC) registration program, the CCR&R must comply with the regulations governing sponsoring organizations, in accordance with the Manual of Requirements for Family Child Care Registration and assumes responsibility for the regulatory, enforcement, and support aspects of the FCC registration program.

25 1. Describe your process for inspecting and evaluating prospective provider homes and existing homes for renewal, as well as monitoring at least 20% of all registered homes on a random basis during the contract period.

2. What internal controls are in place to manage enforcement activities to ensure provider compliance with registration requirements?

3. Explain the due process rights of providers in enforcement procedures.

4. How are providers informed about pre-service and in-service training? Provide a schedule/calendar outlining the frequency and duration of training for provider applicants and/or registered providers. Include a statement of how your agency encourages approved home providers to attend pre and in- service trainings focusing on child development, discipline and health and safety.

5. What accommodations are made to ensure that providers are afforded the opportunity to participate in both pre-service and in-service training?

6. Describe what technical assistance has been provided to Family Child Care Providers in FY 2012.

7. Indicate the number of family child care providers visited in FY 2012?

8. How many providers license were suspended or revoked in FY 2012?

9. How many providers received quality improvement training from your agency?

10. Describe the outcome of your agency’s most recent monitoring/inspection by the Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing.

11. Describe what the registration fees are used for in your agency?

Child Care Resource and Referral and Consumer Education Services

Standard: Agency shall provide comprehensive child care resource and referral (CCR&R) services and inform parents, child care providers, employers, County Human Services Advisory Council, and the general public to help them learn about and access quality child care services and support.

1. Does your agency currently offer evening or weekend hours?

2. Explain the process the agency will use to ensure that parents receive assistance, child care options, and counseling services in order for them to make informed choices in selection of child care arrangements.

3. Please describe how your agency will ensure equity in making referrals to providers and distribute written referral procedures to providers.

4. Please describe internal controls to ensure that agency staff do not recommend or endorse any particular program or child care setting. 26 5. If your agency failed to meet the required National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) quality standards in previous contract years, please explain why and identify barriers to meeting the criteria.

6. Provide an attainable level of service for: a. Number of parent intakes; b. Technical assistance calls/visits provided to parents, providers, employers and the general public;

7. Briefly describe any proposed employer-supported activities during FFY’12 and identify all business, corporate or employer agreements.

Specific Training, Technical Assistance, and Professional Development funding will be targeted for specific activities that focus on improving the health, safety, and quality of child care services. At a minimum, activities must be aimed at:

1. Health and safety 2. Improving and increasing quality child care services 3. Promoting and supporting Grow NJ Quality Rating Improvement System 4. Infant/Toddler 5. School-Age

27 County: _ Annex A1


A. TANF Child Care Services 1. WFNJ 2. TCC




G. Post TCC


I. Post Adoption CC

J. DOE Wrap Around Child Care

I. CCR&R 1. Parent Intake 2. Technical Assistance 3. Training 4. Resource Development

J. Family Day Care Registration 1. Initial 2. Renewals

K. Parent/Provider Education L. Community Care Vouchers M. Flexible Vouchers 29

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