Welcome To Crosspool Community Preschool

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Welcome To Crosspool Community Preschool

Updated April 2016

Crosspool Community Pre-School @ Lydgate Infant School Lydgate Lane Crosspool Sheffield S1O 5FQ Mobile: 07432 658057 E-mail: [email protected]

Registered Charity Number: 1090433

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Welcome to Crosspool Community Pre-School (CCP)!

Where are we?

You will find us inside Lydgate Infant School on Lydgate Lane at Crosspool. We have our own separate entrance, approached through the main school gate and through the bottom playground – not through the main school. To gain entry and exit from Pre-School you need to press the Pre-School intercom at the gate. Head towards the back of the playground and follow the path between the bushes to the gate into the back playground. We are just around the corner. Please do not try to get into Pre School through the car park or through school. The car park in the school grounds is strictly for the use of school teaching staff only. The number 51 bus runs close to Pre-School.

Who will look after my child?

The manager at Pre-School is Lauren Hodgson and the Deputy Manager is Sue Weston. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Lauren Hodgson and the Designated Safeguarding Deputy is Sue Weston. Lauren and Sue are also the e-safety officers. Sue Twomey is the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). The Office Manager is Tracy Quinlan. Throughout the week there are eight staff working in the room with the children on various sessions. All of the staff are very experienced, well qualified, first aid trained and are parents themselves. Pictures of all the staff can be seen on the board just inside the entrance to Pre-School.

How many children are there per session?

There are a maximum of 21 children per session. Each session there are four members of staff on site, one being either the manager or a session leader.

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What are the session times?

There are 10 sessions per week, Monday to Friday – 5 in the mornings and 5 in the afternoons. The times for the morning sessions are 8.45-11.45 am and for the afternoons, 12.15-3.15 pm. Children can attend for a minimum of two sessions per week, on mornings or afternoons or a mixture of both or for two sessions on the same day. We recommend that if they are attending over more than one day, these days are consecutive e.g. on a Monday and Tuesday. As we are based within a school we are open during term time only and usually have the same holidays as Lydgate Infant School. We have a lunch time club on a Monday to Friday from 11.45-12.15 at a cost of £4.00 per club per week. Children should bring their own healthy packed lunch and drink for lunch club. This means that children can attend all day if they have 2 sessions on the same day and pay for the lunch time club in between, or they could come for a morning session and stay for lunch or come in earlier to have lunch and stay for the afternoon session. You can pay for the lunch club using work based childcare voucher schemes.

How much will it cost?

We are registered to take free early learning funding. This means that all 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare per week from the term after their third birthday and you can claim for a maximum of 5 free 3 hour sessions per week at pre school. The 15 hours can be split between two different settings. If you opt to use free hours with us, you must sign a Parent/Carer Agreement form each term that your child is with us. Further information can be found at https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/education/information-for-parentscarers/care- support/childcare/parents/earlylearning/info-for-parents.html Our fees are £4.50 per hour or £13.50 per session – invoices for payment are sent out termly and are payable a term in advance. Cheques should be made payable to Crosspool Community Pre-School or you can pay the money direct into our account. You must still pay for your child’s place, even if they are absent for any reason. We also accept payment from work based childcare voucher schemes such as Eden Red, Fideliti and Computershare vouchers. Feel free to talk to the Office Manager, in confidence, if you have any questions regarding fees. Lunch time club is £4 per day, which can be paid weekly, or invoiced half termly. The free Early Learning Funding cannot be used for the lunch time provision at Pre-School. We have a policy for non payment of fees – a copy of which is available upon request.

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Early Years Pupil Premium

From April 2015, the Government introduced Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP), whereby providers delivering the Government funded Early Education, (as we do at Pre-School), can claim extra funding for 3 and 4 year old children from low income households. This is used to improve the quality of the early year’s education for those children who are eligible. It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school so we do want to make the most of this additional funding. Pupil premium has been available for school age children and it has proved to have given a real boost to the children receiving the funding. We want to do the same for our early years children entitled to this funding. If you feel that your child is entitled to EYPP you can complete the section on the Parent/Carer Agreement once they have started Pre-School. The information provided will not affect your entitlement to benefits.

What do we do when we get to Pre-School?

You will need to wait outside until the session begins. After your child has found their name card from the board just outside the Pre-School door, a member of staff will welcome you in. Please feel free to come in and settle your child – parents and carers are always welcome. After taking off their coats and hanging them on their named peg nearby, the children need to place their name card into one of the pockets on the cupboard door inside the classroom. This is to encourage name recognition. The toilets are next to the coat hooks. There is a notice board outside Pre-School and another just inside the entrance. Please feel free to look at it. The children can then choose where they want to play. The manager/session leader is available if you have any questions – feel free to approach them. For the safety of the children, once your child has settled and you are ready to leave, can you make sure that you close and lock the door behind you and close all gates.

What happens during the session? Here is a rough idea of the timing for each session: Morning Session: 8.45 am Free Choice 8.55 Welcome to the session 9.15 Small Group Times begin (and continue throughout the morning) 9.30-11.00 Rolling Snack 9.30 Free Choice including outside free play 11.00-11.15 Inside Play time

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11.15 Class Group Time 11.30 Pick up available 11.45 Home Time

11.45-12.15 Lunch Time Club

Afternoon Session: 12.15 pm Free Choice 12.45 Welcome to the session 12.45 Small Group Times (continue throughout the afternoon) 1.00-2.00 Rolling Snack 1.15-2.30 Free Choice including outdoor free flow 2.30 Tidy Time 2.35 Class Group Time 2.45 Inside Free Choice play 3.00 Pick up available 3.15 Home Time

During free choice we have a range of activities out for the children to choose from such as a craft activity, role play area – café for instance, dressing up clothes, painting, story corner, play dough, sand or water, Lego, train set, playmobil or computer. During outside play the children can play in the large playground with a variety of equipment including tricycles, scooters, balls, hoops and seesaws, in the Play House, on the large climbing apparatus or without any equipment running, skipping, jumping or walking, or sitting quietly on one of the benches. We take the children to the wildlife garden, (where we have our own space to grow things) or to the grassed area, within the school grounds. We also visit the library which is within school. Class group time is when the children come together on the carpet to quietly listen to a story or to sing songs. Small group time is a focused time with an adult and might be a letters and sounds, social or physical activity focus.

What about snack time?

We operate a rolling snack time at Pre-School. This is where the children can come for their snack at a time to suit them. Snack is available between 9-30- 11.00 am and 1.00-2.00 pm at a table in the room. Children wash their hands prior to eating and drinking. We encourage children to pour their own drinks and select their plates and cups. We provide a drink of milk or water for each child. We also provide fruit or vegetables at every session and other foods such as crackers and dried food or may offer party foods from time to time. Please let us know if your child has any special dietary requirements and/or allergies so we can plan appropriate snacks for all children. We ask for voluntary half termly contributions towards snack and suggest for every session that your child attends you donate £1 e.g. if your child attends for 2 sessions a week you can donate £2 every half term.

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Who can collect my child?

The only people allowed to collect your child are those you have told us about. If someone else is to collect your child, you must let us know. We must have the name, address and contact number of everyone who is allowed to collect your child. They must be over 16 years of age.

Use of mobile phones at Pre-School As per our e-safety policy, mobile phones should not be used in the Pre- School room, corridor or toilet. If you should have to make, or take, a call whilst at Pre-School please do so outside, or ask to be escorted to the Pre- School office. Please ensure that all other carers who drop off or collect your child are also aware.

What if I am going to be late?

Please pick up on time at the end of the session. You can collect your child between 11.30-11.45 for the morning session, at 12.15 from lunch time club and between 3.00-3.15 for the afternoon session. Of course, we will stay with your child until you arrive, but if you are going to be late, please let us know as soon as possible – call 07432 658057. Please try to make every effort to collect your child on time as our insurance does not cover us after 11.55 am, (if your child is not booked into lunch time club), and 3.25 pm. You will be required to sign a late form if you are late collecting your child. If a child is collected late three times, the child may lose their place at Crosspool Community Pre-school. Appeals against this would be discussed by the Pre-School Management Committee.

When can my child start at Pre-School?

Children can begin at Pre-School from the term after their third birthday, (when they are eligible for the free early years funding), up to school age. However, nearly all our intake takes place in September with an occasional place coming up at other times of the year. Your child can be put onto the waiting list within the academic year of their second birthday i.e. 1 September – 31 August. Places are allocated by area with catchment children having priority over non catchment children. For further information or to put your child’s name on the waiting list please contact Tracy Quinlan. We welcome children with special needs. Please note that a place at Pre-School does not guarantee a place at Lydgate Infant School.

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Who runs the Pre-School?

A voluntary management committee made up of interested parents and carers runs Pre-School. You as a parent or carer can turn up to our regular meetings and become part of the committee. These meetings are usually held twice a term usually in an evening. You can come on a regular basis, or just once – your views are important to us. Do not feel that you have to say anything, you can come to find out what goes on behind the scenes at Pre-School so to speak. If you can’t make the meetings, but would like to share an idea, concern, suggestion or have a complaint, please contact any of the committee officers. They are currently: Martin Swift – Chairperson Steve Marples – Secretary Clare Butler – Treasurer

This can be done by leaving a note at the front desk or phoning 07432 658057 and asking us to contact them for you. Your privacy will be respected if you so wish. We will then be able to air your opinions at the meetings.

How else can I be involved as a parent?

Here at Crosspool Community Pre-School, we know and believe that you as parents and carers, are the most important educators of your child. We value your input and opinions and try to make the Pre-School as accessible to you as it is to your child. We actively encourage you to come into the setting to settle your child. If you can spare some time and want to be involved, why not ask to be put on the parent rota? Child protection is very high on our agenda so for this reason everyone who helps at Pre-School, including staff, parents and students, and has contact with the children, has to follow our DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) policy. By offering to help do not feel obliged – just let us know if you can’t make it or if you only want to help out once. Once you are helping out, do not feel that you have to do something that you don’t want to. Help where you feel comfortable – sit and play with some play dough, read a child a story, have a cup of pretend tea in the role-play house or help at the craft table. All help is appreciated. Staff are nearby so please ask them if you have any questions or are unsure about anything. The only things we ask you to do, are sign the visitors book – in case of fire, and do not accompany any children to the toilet, (even your own). If you have any skills that you feel you could bring to the setting, please let us know so you can be involved and so we can involve the children. Things such as baking, playing a musical instrument or talking about your job.

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If you can’t get in to help, maybe you could take some aprons or the dressing up clothes home to wash. The notice boards often have information, newsletters, local groups, childcare courses and other news, that you are welcome to come and have a look at. We sometimes have very informal parent evenings or parent drop in sessions, for you to come in and look at the setting and your child’s development file. There are also opportunities for the whole family and friends to be involved such as a Christmas Get Together. We are also involved in the school fundraising activities and some of the money is given to Pre-School. Things they have done recently include a sponsored bounce, barbecue, coffee afternoon and book fairs. Help for these events is always welcome as much or as little time as you can spare. We are always here to listen to you as parents and carers. Please feel free to come and talk to us, or to your child’s key person at any time.

Is the Pre-School registered with anybody?

Crosspool Community Pre-School is a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, (PLA), and registered under the Children’s Act 1989. We are also registered with Ofsted who inspect both premises and staff. We are a registered charity and our number is 1090433. Copies of all our policies and procedures are available for you to look at – please ask if you wish to do so.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Pre-School welcomes children with special needs and disabilities and we follow the SEND Code of Practice (2014) for children and young people from 0 to 25. Further information for parents and carers is available at the following site: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/ 417435/Special_educational_needs_and_disabilites_guide_for_parents_and_ carers.pdf The local authority has a database of settings and their SEND provision which is called The Local Offer. Details of our Local Offer is available at http://www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk/kb5/sheffield/directory/service.page? id=d4sFQlHUceg&localofferchannel=1_10 Pre-School has a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), Sue Twomey, who works closely with key people, children and families to improve outcomes for children with additional needs/disabilities. We have a SEN policy which is available to view on site or please ask any member of staff if you have further questions.

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What do I do if I have a complaint?

In the first instance, contact the manager or one of the committee officers, who will deal with your complaint. Alternatively, you can contact Ofsted on 03001231231. Also see our complaints policy.

What happens if my child misbehaves?

All children misbehave sometimes. We have a policy to encourage children to be considerate and polite to each other in Pre-School. We encourage children to share and take turns. If a child’s behaviour is aggressive, they use bad language or behave in any other unacceptable way, we will ask them to stop. If they continue, we will move them away from the activity area and choose an activity for them. We may use a “time in” strategy with a reflective space and shadow the child at their activities. If a child’s behaviour is particularly challenging, the manager or key person will discuss this with their parents in an informal way and hopefully resolve the issue. Adults in Pre-School may not use smacking, shaking or any other form of physical discipline as a form of punishment or restraint. See our Behaviour Policy.

What will my child achieve at Pre-School?

Pre-School is well organised with carefully planned activities in order to give the greatest benefit to each child and create a caring atmosphere where children can learn through play. Play is very important and can be creative, imaginative, social, intellectual and physical. Through play children develop language, learn new skills and learn about the real world. Through outdoor play, they develop their physical skills – by doing things such as kicking a ball, riding a bike or running. To help children to develop in all areas, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage set out by the Government. If you have any questions about this, or our plans please feel free to come and talk to us. We also follow Letters and Sounds phonic work in our group times and provide parents/carers with ideas and activities for home learning.

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Artwork Folders

We encourage you to purchase an artwork folder, and bring this to every session that your child attends. These are on sale from Pre-School for £3.00. Alternatively send them with a named bag or folder. This enables all your child’s works of art and letters to be kept safe on the journey home, helps staff to sort all artwork and letters at the end of every session and keeps them dry too.

What is a key person?

Here at CCP, we operate a key person system. This means that a member of staff, (the key person), will be allocated to your child, (the key child), once they have settled into Pre-School. Basically they keep a special eye on their key children, although they do not concentrate solely on them. This means they note any developments your child may make – for instance become more independent in fastening their coat; friends they may make; or activities they particularly enjoy or dislike. They observe their key children at various times, for instance at a craft activity or outside play. From these observations, they can see if your child needs extra help in any areas – such as cutting with scissors or helping them to take turns. They can also see when they made progress e.g. last month they couldn’t fasten their zip and now they can. All information on your child is kept in their own development file. We welcome parents adding to the information in their child’s file. Please feel free to speak to your key person at any time or if you would like to see your child’s file, please ask.

What should my child wear to Pre-School?

We do not operate a compulsory dress code, but do have sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and fleeces available to buy. These have the Pre- School logo on them. We hold a small stock of these priced at £8.15 for the sweatshirts and £6.85 for the polo shirts. We also have hats for the summer for £3.00. We advise you to send your child in old clothing, as they may get covered in paint or glue from time to time. Please send your child to Pre-School in shoes without laces or complicated fastenings so that they are able to take them off and put them on easily. We recommend that you do not send them in flip flops, crocs or shoes with heels or slippery soles. Can you also make sure that they have a warm, easy to fasten and unfasten, waterproof coat at each session, as the playground is not sheltered. Please name all articles of clothing sent to Pre-School – including hats, scarves and mittens (the children usually find these easier to put on than

10 Updated April 2016 gloves). With up to 21 children per session, it is sometimes difficult to match them up to the right child.

Can they bring toys or sweets?

We prefer it if you do not allow your child to bring toys with them to Pre- School because they can easily get lost or broken and children can then become upset. However we understand that a familiar toy from home can be of comfort to a child, particularly during the transition from home to Pre- School. There is a box on the desk for small toys and the children can put things into their drawer. Some children at Pre-School have allergies to certain foodstuffs so we please ask that you do not send sweets, chocolate or any other foodstuffs with your child to Pre-School – children can be generous and share these with others, which could lead to serious medical problems. Lunch boxes should contain a selection of healthy foods and drink and should be handed over to staff at the start of the session. Mini cold packs in their lunch box are a good idea particularly in warmer weather. Please see staff if you require ideas for healthy lunch boxes. It is helpful if you can label these or put a key ring on the box to distinguish them from others.

What if my child is ill?

Please ring and tell us if your child won’t be coming to Pre-School because they are ill. For some illnesses, such as chickenpox, it is helpful to inform us so we can let other parents/carers know, so they can look out for signs and symptoms. If your child has sickness and or diarrhoea, please do not send them to Pre-School until they have been clear of the symptoms for 48 hours. If you are not sure whether or not to bring them, please phone Pre-School first so that we can advise you.

What if I am going on Holiday or am away from Pre-School?

If you are planning to go on holiday and be absent from Pre-School can you please let us know by calling, texting or e-mailing us, informing the session leader at the desk, or filling out an “I wish Pre-School to know” slip – on the notice board just inside the entrance. Places at Pre-School are much sought after. We are therefore obliged to reallocate the place if your child has an unexplained absence for more than two weeks.

Home Visits and Visiting Pre-School It is really beneficial for children to have a home visit prior to starting Pre- School as this can be a good opportunity for you and your child to meet some of the staff, for us to find out what your child likes and dislikes and to discuss any concerns that you may have. The children often talk about when we visited them throughout their time with us. We also advise that you come into

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Pre-School with your child prior to starting, to have a look around and meet some of the staff.

No Smoking Please note that Pre-School is a no smoking area and as such there is strictly no smoking in Pre-School, the school building including the Pre-School office/staffroom and playgrounds (this includes electronic cigarettes).

We hope this booklet has been helpful and informative. If there is anything you would like to ask us, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Please note all pictures are from Microsoft Clip Art.


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