Audit Committee: John Arrasjid, Cat Allman, Niels Provos. Engages a firm to conduct the annual audit of USENIX financial statements and review of same.

Awards Committee : Brian Noble (Chair), Matt Simmons, Casey Henderson. Makes proposals about instituting awards to celebrate special achievements in the community. It also seeks nominations for and does subsequent selection of Flame, STUG, and LISA annual awards.

Executive Committee : Brian Noble, John Arrasjid, Carolyn Rowland, Kurt Opsahl. A subset of the Board that can make Board level decisions between meetings. The Executive Director may consult with this committee in cases of personnel termination and hiring of senior staff. Some members have signature on bank checking accounts. Usually the President and at least one member located in the SF Bay Area serve.

Nominating Committee: In the summer of the year preceding the election, the Board of Directors appoints someone to serve as chair. The chair will then put together a committee (all of whom agree that they will not run for office in that particular election).


Chief Academic Officer: Noble. Formed in June’12 to deal with any serious issues concerning the validity and authenticity of conference paper submissions.

Conference Liaisons: Each USENIX event has a USENIX liaison whose job is make sure that all that must be done to organize the event happens when it is supposed to. The liaison will be on the program chair’s email alias, will have a HotCRP account for the event, will report to the rest of the Board on the event’s progress, and will be expected to attend the event when at all possible.

Conference Steering Committees: Some conferences have these (e.g., FAST, NSDI, OSDI, HotSec) usually composed of USENIX Board liaison, Executive Director, recent and past chairs.

*Note: The Executive Director is the Staff Coordinator for each of the committees and is included on each mailing list.