December 2nd, 2016 Dear Parents,

The Christmas Bazaar was a huge, huge success! Thank you to everyone who helped to create the items to sell (children and staff), the stalls and selling rota (Class Reps and parents), Santa’s Grotto creators (plus a special thank you to Santa for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit us!) and Mr. Higgins’ Special Helpers (he was delighted with your support!).

To make the day all the more special, we raised an amazing £3224.80! This is total record for this event and just shows how much hard work we all put into the day.

The Special Non-Uniform Day in Aid of St. Mary’s Hospital Children’s ward Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun of an extra-special non-uniform day today. Sadly, thieves basically stole Christmas from the sick children at St. Mary’s Hospital so it was wonderful to see us all taking part in raising money to help replace toys, a spare outfit for Santa and party materials. Again, an amazing amount was raised - £354.15 which is much more than normal. Thank you.

Christmas Calendar Competition The Christmas Calendar Front Page Competition will be held open until Monday 5th December.

The search to find the cover for the 2017 St. Saviour’s Calendar is on! We are asking the children to design a colourful picture that shows how they see school – hopefully, how much they love it! The subject of the picture is entirely up to them but there are a few things that must be included:

 The picture must be A4 Landscape  The words St. Saviour’s CE Primary School must be included as must……  2017 Calendar  Your child’s name

I will have some A4 paper available at the Christmas Bazaar tomorrow so please stop me and ask for some if needed.

Important Information for the School Choir Information Calling all members of the School Choir! For the Carol Concert on Thursday, please make sure you are wearing smart school uniform with your hair tied neatly. You need to be at St Mary's Church at 6.15pm (Eva & Amalia, please be there at 6pm).

You will need the lyrics for: Love isn't ever far and Tell me a story.

Thank you for giving up your time to sing for this special event. It is a time to celebrate both our similarities and differences as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. This is always part of the start of Christmas for me and it is a very proud moment to see and hear such a great choir!

School Christmas Lunch It is no longer possible to order a school Christmas lunch as the booking time is now closed.

On-Line Payments If you are planning to pay for lunches or make other money transactions via Webserver, please make sure you include your child/children’s names. It is sometimes really hard to track down where payments have come from.

Years One, Two and Three Flu Vaccinations If you received a letter asking for permission for your child to have a ‘flu vaccinations, please send a reply back as soon as possible. The vaccinations will be administered through a nasal spray rather than an injection. Christmas Events for your Diary Please put these events in your diary:

December Tuesday 6th Key Stage One (Years One and Two) Nativity. 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at church Thursday 8th Early Years (Nursery and Reception) Nativity – 2:00 p.m. at church Friday 9th The School Disco!!!! Tickets on sale soon. Wednesday 14th Senior Citizens’ Party hosted by Year Six Monday 19th There will be no Mass today Week Beginning Monday 19th December – There will be no After School Clubs this week. Individual Instrumental lessons as normal Wednesday 21st Carol Concert at St. Saviour’s beginning at 1:15 p.m. End of term at 2:00 p.m. Please collect your children from church at this time.

Mass Next Week: Will be led by Year Three on the theme of John the Baptist. The reading will be taken from Matthew 3:1-12.

A New Travelling Photographic Competition We have been asked to take part in a new photographic competition which will include children of all ages. Pictures can be taken of any form of travel the children take to get to work (bus, scooter, bicycle, etc.) although I am not sure if a picture of your child travelling by car will win first prize. The photos need to show an environmentally friendly form of travel. The competition ends in January but Mrs. Spence and I thought it would be a good idea to give you advanced warning so you can snaps some pictures over the Christmas holiday.

Buster’s Weekend Friend: Being Prepared Buster will be spending the weekend with Leon Ganje Day because he has been working extremely hard, both in school and at home, in order to be fully ready for the Key Stage One Nativity. He stands out as a leader amongst his peers in the choir and inspires others around him.

Teacher Angel This week’s Teacher Angel is Me! This is a very special award to receive and I am delighted that this week the children chose their Headteacher to win it. The reasons for their choice this week are all too embarrassing but, suffice to say, I loved them! Thank you!

Stars of the Week Nursery: Georgia Howarth for being so fantastic during our Nativity rehearsals. You know the songs and actions so well! We have also been really impressed with your wonderful drawings this week, Reception: Heath Antley has been very enthusiastic and dedicated to doing his very best with his lines and singing for the Nativity. Well done! Year One: Alice May Turkentine Comer for writing a great newspaper report using her excellent phonic knowledge. Well done! Year Two: Teddy Driscoll for singing our Nativity songs so beautifully. He led the class with such confidence! Year Three: Ronnie Willis for having such a great attitude to school. She is kind, friendly and works hard at everything she does – fantastic! Year Four: Rosina Asante for being so kind to her reading buddy and also always being polite to everyone around her, Year Five: Nikhil Williams for being consistently hard working and enthusiastic in class. We love teaching him! Year Six: Darren Prince for having such a good productive week. He has worked extremely hard and made good progress. Well done!

And finally……. Maria Lopez’s Scooter

Maria's red Mirco scooter has been missing for almost 4 weeks. Her mother has to Mr Higgins, Ms Simmons and Miss Daly but has had no luck. Here is an image of the scooter as we think someone may have taken it home by mistake. Micro Scooter Colour Red

With all best wishes,

Ms. Woodford