ESL Conversation Questions:

1. Was 2016 a good year? What good or bad events happened in the world in 2016? 2. How well did 2016 go for you personally? What are some of the highlights and lowlights of the past year? 3. Did you achieve any goals in 2016? Did you keep resolutions that you made at the beginning of the year? 4. When does the new year start for you? From January 1st, or from another day? 5. How do people in your culture celebrate the New Year? Is it usually a family celebration or more of a party with friends? 6. What screens on television on New Year’s Eve? On New Year’s Day? Do you enjoy watching TV at this time? 7. In your culture, do people give cards or gifts at the New Year? To whom do you send cards or give gifts? 8. Do you associate any special foods with the end of the year? What are they? 9. At the end of the year, are there public holidays in your country? How much time do people usually get off from work? 10. What are your plans for 2017? 11. Will you make any New Year’s resolutions for 2017? What do you intend on doing differently in the next year? 12. How do you make your New Year’s resolutions? Do you write them down? Do you tell another person so that they help to hold you accountable? 13. At the beginning of 2017, what is the biggest challenge facing humanity? Do you think 2017 will bring us closer to solving this problem? 14. Do you have a good feeling about 2017? Or are you more pessimistic? 15. Which year has been the best of your life so far? What made it so good? 16. The year 2017 coincides with the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac. Is this meaningful to you? 17. Can you make any predictions about 2017? What significant events will happen? What products or companies will be successful? What trends or fashions will be popular?