Price County 4-H Scholarship1999 Instructions

Description: Deadline: April 15, 2016

Up to two scholarships may be awarded by the Price County 4-H Adult Leaders Association.


a. Applicants must be a current achieving Price County 4-H member or a Price County 4-H graduate. b. Applicants must be enrolled at least half time in any school of further education for the upcoming fall term. c. Recipients are eligible to receive only one scholarship from the Price County 4-H Leaders Association.

Minimum Requirements:

a. Resume including (Future Goals, 4-H Involvement and Leadership, School & Community Activities, Personal Skills, Work Experience, Special Honors and Awards) b. Essay, not to exceed 300 words on “How have my experiences in 4-H prepared me for the future.” c. Two letters of recommendation. • One from a 4-H Leader (leader should comment on member’s quality of project work, community service and club leadership). • One from any other source (teacher, school advisor, employer, clergy, etc. indicating the quality of your work and character.)


a. All scholarship materials and letters of reference must be received at the UW-Extension Office, 104 South Eyder Avenue, Normal Building Room 240, by April 15. b. A copy of the rating sheet to be used in evaluating all scholarship applications is attached or is available at the UW-Extension Office. c. Scholarship applicants and recipients will be notified by May 15. d. The Scholarship Review Committee reserves the right to reject any or all applications or adjust the amount of the scholarship up to $300 per scholarship. e. Scholarships will be paid after successful completion of one semester or at least four months of schooling and proof of continuing enrollment.

f. It is the Scholarship Recipient’s responsibility to provide the Price County 4-H Leaders Association written notice with proof of successful completion and proof and continuing enrollment by December 31. Documents can be sent to the 4-H Youth Development Educator, 104 S Eyder Avenue, Normal Building, Room 240, Phillips, WI 54555. Scholarship checks will be sent to recipients upon receipt of these documents. g. Scholarship must be used within one year from the time of scholarship being awarded.