Internal Affairs Commission Meeting
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INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MEETING November 23, 2009 5:10 pm, Garrison Room
I. Quorum Roll Call Meeting called to order at 5:15 pm. Present: Chen, Manning, Cano, Hartstein, Mikalonis, Ramachandran, Martin, Cheema, Navarro, Maemura, and Freeman Absent: Smekalina (excused)
II. Senate Bill 20 Motion to consider Senate Bill 20 – Amy Seconded – Chen Suspending the orders of the day.
Author’s comments Yani: The background of the bill is over the course of this quarter’s election some people may have not had access to equipment that were not expensed because there was no bylaw that said that they had to. In order to make the playing field more equal, they will have to expense it at fair market value. I slummed out a draft. I’m looking forward to hearing anything ICA has to say anything on the nitty gritty details
Questions in Text. Ramachandran: Line 5,6 indent should be back Martin: Line 14, there should be an ‘are’ Navarro: There should be an indent Hartstein: ‘Hereby’ instead of Herby. First equipment should be in quotation marks. Manning: Line 22 ‘that’ are used Mikalonis: Line section 12 B. I’ve never seen an Article Viii. I haven’t seen it cited as such…’subsection’ and Line 23
Public Discussion Hartstein: Report instead of expense….”on their expenditure form, according to fair market value.”
Yani: As I said. I really want to get a sense of what ICA thinks in terms of the language. It’s really beneficial in terms of what you think. I encourage everyone to say what they think.
Manning: How are they going to determine if it’s at fair market value?
Yani: At this point it is left open. If you feel it’s more appropriate to put something that’s stricter that’s something I’d consider. Mikalonis: In other part of the election codes, it’s defined. It discusses the costs of the materials in the Yolo county codes.
Ramachandran: I was wondering why you wanted it to be only the chair instead of not the committee?
Yani: Largely because the chair for the most part has past experience and has interest in the election committee. The specific positions are there for their specific jobs…Publicity. They might have less vested interest. If you want to make it the vote of the committee that would be fine.
Hartstein: I think it should be the committee not the chair because who knows. You would have more people to think about things more perspectives to look at things.
Max: I’m not sure you need to insert to the language just given if you look at 4 c 2, and you mentioned equipment in several sections and add several subsections. We would have to go off and come back to it. It already mentions the election committee as a whole. We can definitely put materials with this qualifier or we can just add.
Yani: I’m going to go ahead and make that amendment. “…determined by the vote of the election committee.”
Freeman: I was just wondering how is the election committee would assess the value. Is it an arbitrary decision or should people come in with receipts?
Yani: I don’t think they specify materials.
Max: Reads bylaws regarding election campaign materials. On the flip side how would you go on and assess? How much would it just cost to rent something? Would you have to assess the shipping cost?
Freeman: Maybe we can specify whose responsibility it is to find the value of the items?
Ramchandran: Line 20. Change it “to readily available as determined by the election committee.” Yani: Taken as friendly.
Chen: I was going to ask a question regarding what we should talk about before we would divide the house. Question. How would we know the election committee chair has announced what the market value is? Would someone give a statement?
Max: In a situation like this, an opposition candidate says they’ve used x committee lets go file a complaint form and change the expenditure sheet. That would be a process and they would have to go review. None of this is purchase. We’re renting it, borrowing. If it’s a purchased material there would be a receipt. I mean I think that the onus would still be on the members who are doing the campaign work, but I think the election committee should be responsible to look over it. If it pushes them over, it’s relevant.
Ramachandran: If you’re borrowing stuff, there’s not way to have a receipt. Say someone borrows a piece of something, can you expense that? I’d say that the election committee has to make the decision.
Cano: Lets say a candidate’s friend owns a t-shirt they can put whatever price they want. You can’t really enforce that because it’s their business and that’s an official form. I don’t see how you can really enforce that.
Freeman: I would propose that make the candidates to do their own research and bring whatever they have and give the committee the rights to check whatever they can.
Ramchandran: Is there any way you can list the prices?
Yani: I think that’s something that should be done.
Max: One of the issues is setting the prices in advance. It’s harder for the committee especially if you put it on the committee.
Yani: I just want to say I like the idea of having the committee do their own research and then the election committee decides. I was also going to say the whole purpose is some things that are not readily available. Screen printers and button printers.
Max: This is more extreme, but we already have regulations on donations. We already have limitations and restrictions on the use of funds and equipment. That would have to be a different bylaw.
Yani: This is fail-safe. Again, my concern is that someone might have a connection with the department. I’d really just prefer it is written as is and defined as is.
Motion to go into commission decision - Ramchandran Seconded - Cano
Yani: I’m hoping at this point that there might be enough discussion to divide the house so I can general see how people they stand. The idea is to put the burden on the committee as the double checker if things seem out of wacky.
Manning: I motion to divide the house on Eli’s motion Seconded
Chen - Yes Manning - Yes Sergio – No Hartstein – Yes Mikalonis – Abstain Martin – Yes Ramachandran – Yes Cheema – Yes Navarro: Yes
With a 6-2-1 election, committee should double check.
Chen: I don’t think we should say it’s the candidate’s burden. Burden implies that it’s a good thing to be checked. I would urge the commission to not say burden. Beyond that I do not have language.
Yani: Line 13 - Put a period at fair market value. Next sentence ”candidates are responsible for providing an assessment of the fair market value to the election committee who may then…”
Freeman: You can say determining the value is initially the responsibility of the candidate following the reevaluation
Manning: I make a motion to use Melissa’s amendment
Yani: Taken as friendly.
Chen: I was just reading this from would to will on what line. I make a motion to strike would and replace it with will.
Yani: Are there any other language problems? There might be some problems with definition of equipment.
Mikalonis: I’m looking through the former section and material. I’m wondering if someone used the same button press for multiple campaigns. How would that work out? I’m seeing issues, but I like where this is going.
Yani: That’s a fair point. If I had to address that I’d only charge it once. If you are making buttons, charge it once.
Mikalonis: I’m just not sure.
Hartstein: It is the candidate’s responsibility followed by an approval and possible re-evaluation of the election committee.
Chen: Did we strike chair? Max might know a bit more than this. Donated labor doesn’t have to be expensed, I believe? Max: Yes
Cano: I wanted to clarify. I don’t trust the candidate. They might have a hook up and cause a lower-approximation of materials.
Hartstein: Reads equipment section.
Cano: On line 21. Comma after materials and to.
Hartstein: I think that it should be two sentences because I don’t like the way it sounds. “students, as determined by the majority vote of the elections committee… used to create campaign materials, including but not limited to: shirts, button, and flyers.”
Yani: Taken has friendly. Who doesn’t like a healthy colon?
Chen : Comma after students is unnecessary. Can I here the full amendment?
Zwald: Strict on strict regulation. Make a motion to strike the comma on line 20.
Yani: Does anyone have anyone have any more concerns aside from other language things so we can start hashing them out? I guess I would urge for the discussion or at least speedy passage at this point.
Manning: This is already a 412 C. I’m going to motion the amendments and change it 412 C
Manning: I have a problem passing something that’s contradictory to our bylaws. Our bylaws are already not congruent.
Max: Reads bylaw. That is to say that if you are going to use it, you are going to pay for its entire price.
Motion to table – Mikalonis Seconded – Martin
III. Public Announcements Hartstein: I make a motion to move to public announcements No objections to go into public announcements
Yani: Hello to the whole commissioners I am the new controller. I look forward to meeting you all.
IV. ASUCD Senate Bill 3x
Author’s comments: Hartstein: This bill was brought to me by a member of the court. Back in the day, the Senate used to have to edit the judicial code whenever the court wanted to change their own rules. It had to be passed by the Senate, which was way out of their power as it is the different branch of the power. They eventually got permission to edit their own things. Currently their code 6 says judicials can’t author bills in bylaws. There is a specific bylaw that says anyone can co-author the bill and that should not be true because court member should not have the ability to write the bill.
Questions in text Hartstein: Change Line 7: Right to ability. Line 1 section 9 Ramachandran: In front of legislation there should be a three. Joey: Line 13. Should be “whose” not “who’s” Hartstein: strike the parentheses in line 14 and add a comma after author.
Public discussion: Chen: I make a motion to strike Line “as Justice Meyerhoof is doing with this piece of legislation.”
Hartstein: But everyone thinks it’s hilarious. (Taken as friendly)
Chen: During the leg-writing workshop, I saw that section and I was kind of confused and this is a good bill. I urge a speedy passage.
Motion to author senate bill x – Cano No Objections
Manning: Motion for a five-minute break. Called back to order at 6:23 pm
V. Lobby Core Long Range Plan
Author’s comments: Sergio: This unit’s very well known. I appreciated the speediness of the director.
Navarro: The meeting I went to was handled very well. Lobby Core answered our questions very clearly.
Questions in text: Amy: Line 16, the second director should be director. Line 62 strike reserved and change reserving. “reserving the conference room, planning events, and leading meetings”
Manning: Line 70, Line 74. External director needs to be capitalized . Line 26 should read Office of External Affairs Navarro: Line 198 should be The Davis Enterprise
Chen: Line 11. The voice in federal government Line 15 should be smith versus regents should be italicized. Line 18 should be between out reach and nature there should be a hyphen.
Martin: Line 40. System-wide should be hyphenated. Line 77 thank should not be capitalized. I believe line 33 should be a comma after tactics.
Freeman: Line 71 should have an e
Mikalonis: Line 200. Commission city should be city and county affairs. University affairs. Going to define the office as opposed to working with the city of Davis and the county of Yolo.
Hartstein: Line 26 should be “the office of city and county affairs.” Line 80. I feel that you use their lingo, which is fine, but I think the legislative assistant I think that their responsible for composing most research, legislator
Mikalonis: Can you change it to biographies.
Hartstein: Line 84. Should be helping.
Martin: Line 78 should be following. On Line 72, and 75 external director have to be capitalized. I’m not sure but line 89 three positions.
Freeman: For 68. Planning
Jack: Line 152 and 158 this portion of the budget is unnecessary. This portion is unnecessary.
Chen: At the end of Line 48 there should be an “s” at the end of the lobby core. There should be a hyphen between on line 64.
Cheema: On line 144, going back to capital, I think the “C” should capitalized.
Manning: Line 140. There should be no I.
Jack: It is communications assistant in the budget.
Ramachandran: Capitol should be capitalized in Line 113 and 114 Line 129 there should be no comma. Line 186 there should be a lobby core.
Mikalonis: Line 172, capitol should be capitalized same with Line 178. Line 148, “Mark Bogetich Public Affairs (MB) provides help and legislation tracking. Line 97, Angelica M. should be spelled out. Martin: Line 187. Analyzes, develops. Under line 169, there’s a parallel structure issue.
Cheema: Line 148. There needs to be a subject. “He” helps.
Freeman: In 106. Then each team will organize formation, create relations with the author and proceed. Each team in essence, mimics. Line 113 during the months of April and May. Line 89 there should be a colon. Line 90. Should be plans comma. Line 121, I don’t know what printing means. And it should be sending information. Line 123 it should be no gives
Jeff: Line 176 to 177. Strike the “but” at the discretion of the direction
Hartstein: In order to bring as many people as possible, at the discretion of the Director. Line 106, IN addition lobby core after each bill. Chen: Line 155, between core and related hyphen. Line 159. Line 166: recharge should be capitalized. Line 143, the extra l should be taken out.
Martin: Line 181, should wherever be whenever. Does the finance and appropriation go before the long-range plan?
Cheema: Can you repeat what you edited in lines 106 and 107.
Hartstein: In addition, LC tries to create teams for each period. One of the n is wrong.
Public Discussion Chen: Point of Parliamentary inquiry. Can you tell me on line 67 to 68, what point of contact is? Is it more like the external director establishes a point?
Cano: If you wanted to contact lobby core, you will contact that person. The initial point of contact.
Chen: “and is the initial point of contact for the unit.” Line 74, add a comm. after scheduling. Line 81, would it be possible to add “UC in the News.” Line 188, can you change it to achieve positive outcomes and clarify what is means specifically means.
Cano: Taken as friendly.
Hartstein: Line 203. To “the” regents position. Line 204 work with City and count of fairs (OCCA). OCCA member. Putting a comma after possible. Changing it to OCCA in line 205.
Ramachandran: Do you have to put the actual numbers? Max; Line 196. “in creating” Line 190 to 193, I think that we’re It’s important to be talking with everyone because of budget cuts and fee increases. I’d like further discussion on that point. Additionally, MB did a great job there are other companies we can get into contact with.
Freeman: “attend a minimum of four visits to the capital a week.”
Ramchandran; I agree with what UCSA to keep it more neutral. It’s important to keep it neutral especially in the official report.
Jeff: Point of order. Alternate. Forums were cancelled. I assume they don’t have a website since they don’t pay a network recharge.
Hartstein: They do.
Cano: They have to pay Creative Media.
Mikalonis. They don’t have a budget for information forums. Given there’s nothing to piggy-back off of.
Manning: Last thing very small Line 89 it shouldn’t be 2009-2010.
Hartstein: They don’t have to pay a network recharge. They should be paying Creative Media. Seeing as they don’t have a line in the budget, we should strike the line.
Cano: They have a small discretionary budget for small projects at their will they could.
Chen: Line 204. Did they capitalize Unit? Line 48, can we have it in the creation of 2004 affairs. 97, there should a space between 7:00 and a period between p and f. P.M. Line 118, can we make that legislator who speak about their bills. Line 123, I think someone may have seen that presentation should be presentations.
Max: I was going to say if the director put that as special projects. It should be listed as a special project.
Cano: It’s a future plan.
Max: Move line 200 and move that to Line 173 Hartstein: seconded Cano: Taken as friendly
Ramchandran: I don’t think the however has to be there. Chen: Can I hear from Line 89
Hartstein: In the fiscal 2009/2010 budget three positions were created: Thus, there are no future plans. Lobby corps intends to solidify current personnel base before expanding in the near future.
Cheema: Does the “The in the California Aggie need to be capitalized.” Can you strike about Line 177 and 178.
Hartstein: I think you should use this line item is for purchasing.
Cheema: Motion to get rid of “each team in essence….” The entire sentence.
Max: For the UCSA. Continue to evaluate Lobby Core’s ongoing relation with UCSA taking into account comparative costs, proximity to capital, and national reach. Strike Lines 191-193.
Cano: Taken as friendly
Ramchandran: For future plans, we should add that they should put the manual online with a list of all the terms they use and the definitions and how the legislative process in general.
Hartstein: If we’re paying for it, we should be the only one who sees it. Financing. Charge network recharge to Creative media. For the UCSA I’m going to edit. “Continue to evaluate ongoing relationship taking into account
Navarro: Line 169. Should be increase in funds.
Chen: Line 157, can you elaborate more on how lobby core publicizes itself?
Cano: How it recruits UC Davis students. They’re paying to be publicized on the media.
Chen: Does it use flyers. Line 169, after frequently there should be a semi colon. Line 170, expand on it. I think this is well written and I would be comfortable passing it.
Commission discussion:
Hartstein: I like this bill and I think we did a good job.
Chen: Can I get the information regarding line 159 and what we can do in line 170, clarifying what it will be used for. How exactly is Lobby Core is publicized?
Hartstein: I kind of want to strike line 170. I don’t think there’s any room for that. Seconded. Taken as friendly. Cano: From what I’m told it’s expensive to pay for press releases and that’s mainly what their budget goes to. They do want a table. They go through the list serves and send publicity. The publicity is mainly for paying for press releases.
Called into question - Chen Passes with no objections.
Motion to passing minutes from - Passed
VI. Reports