Plan Commission Workshop Meeting
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BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY MEETING Carla Morgan, President; Richard Trembczynski, Vice-President, Thomas Davis, Member City Hall – Council Chambers Date: Wed. March 9, 2016 4525 Indianapolis Blvd., East Chicago, IN 46312 Time: 5:30p.m.
Call to Order: 531pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call: Present: Morgan, Trembczynski, Davis Absent: None
Minutes: No Minutes
Correspondence: None
New Business
Crossing Guard Manual—Introduced by Sgt. Sullivan of the ECPD. The police department took over the crossing guards. He noticed there was a lack of training with the crossing guards. It has been a learning process. He began doing research into training manuals through the internet and federal sites. Sgt. Sullivan took the time to put together a training manual on the basics of what a crossing guard is supposed to do and introduce it to the guards so they cannot say they do not know. The members of the board all agreed the manual was well put together and commended Sgt. Sullivan on the manual.
A motion was made to approve the Crossing Guard Manual by Mr. Davis. Second by Mr. Trembczynski.
Roll Call: Ayes: Carla Morgan, Richard Trembczynski, Thomas Davis
Motion Carries
Millenia—Lakeside Garden Apartments—tabled to next regular meeting
Fire Department—Monthly February reports for Fire Prevention, Training, Absentee, and Equipment were submitted and accepted. There were no questions.
List of Hiring Candidates—Chief Aburto came forward and read the following: “In September of 2015 the Civil Service Commission approved the hiring rules for the Fire Department. The list consisted of 52 individuals, upon receiving the list, we began the pre-employment process. The CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test) was completed on September 4, 2015. The background checks were completed in the first part of January, 2016.
1 The polygraph phase was completed near the end of February, 2016. Today I am before you so that you can approve of those potential candidates who are able to move on in the process. That process will be the psychological and physical examination. Both are subject to the approval of the state’s PERF. Before you today you have a list of the remaining 25 potential new hires. They are identified only by number. I ask that through the process of roll call you vote on each candidate individually--vote yes for approval or no for non-approval after hearing their number.”
President Morgan advised Chief Aburto that each member of the board went over to the Fire Department and reviewed the polygraph tests individually and drew their own conclusions based on just the candidate number.
At this time the candidate number was read for each potential hire—each member of the Board of Safety casting their vote as follows:
Candidate Carla Richard Thomas PASS FAIL Number Morgan Trembczynski Davis 1 Yes Yes Yes X 2 No No Yes X 3 Yes Yes Yes X 4 Yes Yes Yes X 5 Yes Yes No X 6 Yes Yes Yes X 7 No No No X 8 Yes Yes Yes X 9 No No No X 10 Yes Yes Yes X 11 No No No X 12 Yes Yes Yes X 13 Yes Yes No X 14 Yes Yes Yes X 15 Yes Yes Yes X 16 No No Yes X 17 No No No X 18 Yes Yes Yes X 19 No No Yes X 20 No No Yes X 21 No Yes Yes X 22 Yes Yes Yes X 23 Yes No Yes X 24 Yes Yes Yes X 25 Yes No Yes X TOTAL 17 8
A motion to accept all candidates as voted.
Roll Call: Ayes: Carla Morgan, Richard Trembczynski, Thomas Davis
2 Motion Carries Chief Aburto indicated that the next step is the candidate gets called based on their placement of the testing followed by the psychological exam and then possibly have the BOS review the exam. They are sent for the medical review and then are offered permanent employment with one year probation. The BOS would review in about two weeks.
Other Business: None
Public Comment: None
Regular Meeting: March 23, 2016 at 5:30pm
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Richard Trembczynski. Second by Thomas Davis.
Roll Call: Ayes: Carla Morgan, Richard Trembczynski, Thomas Davis
Motion Carries—Adjourned at 5:49PM
______Carla Morgan, President Richard Trembczynski, Vice-President
______Recording Secretary