Memorandum for General RFP Configuration s12
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Suite 508 301 North Lamar Street Jackson, MS 39201-1495 David L. Litchliter, Executive Director Phone: 601-359-1395 Fax: 601-354-6016
Memorandum for General RFP Configuration
To: Vendors with a current valid proposal for RFP # 3304 MidRange/Mainframe From: David L. Litchliter Date: May 23, 2003 Project Number: 34514 Contact Name: Aaron Van Hoff Contact Phone Number: 601 359-9608 Contact E-mail Address: [email protected]
The Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) is seeking the services described below for purchase by Alcorn State University (ASU) as part of Project # 34514. Our records indicate that your company currently has a valid proposal on file at ITS in response to General RFP #3304 for MidRange/Mainframe equipment. Our preliminary review of this proposal indicates that your company offers services that are appropriate to the requirements of this project. Therefore, we are requesting your configuration assistance for the components described below. Please submit a written response for the requested services. 1. BACKGROUND
Alcorn State University is requesting the server specified below for the purpose of running the SCT Banner System campus wide and to provide services for its satellite campuses in Vicksburg and Natchez. The purchase of this hardware will facilitate the expansion of services offered by the Banner System including the ability to provide web access to timely and relevant information online to students and faculty. ASU is currently running SCT Banner version 5.x operating on an IBM RISC/6000 platform, running an Oracle database in the background.
The following is the configuration for the current IBM RISC/6000:
Machine type – 7013
Machine model – 580
DASD – qty. 19 = 80GB total storage
RAM – 6 cards = 1GB total RAM
Tape drive – 5GB, 8mm tape
Board Members – Lynn C. Patrick, Chairman Cecil L. Watkins, Vice-Chairman Stephen A. Adamec, Jr. Angela Kaye Griffin David G. Roach Legislative Advisors – Representative Cecil Brown Senator Tommy Moffatt Diskette drive – 1.44 MB
IBM CD-ROM drive
Network card – IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet TX MCA adapter (8f62)
Operating system – AIX 4.3.3
Concentrators (ASCII hubs) – 32 port capacity
Printer – IBM 6252 printer
ASU has established an IBM standard for their server infrastructure. Please provide pricing for the IBM equipment listed below. Vendors are required to propose new equipment. Also, vendor must be aware that the specifications detailed below are minimum requirements. Should vendor choose to propose equipment that exceeds the requirements, it is the vendor’s responsibility to specify in what manner the proposed equipment exceeds the requirements.
2.1 The proposed system must be able to support the following in-house peripheral devices:
2.1.1 IBM 6400 Ethernet Networked Printer
2.1.2 IBM 6252 AS 2 Impact Writer Printer
2.1.3 Remote Async Noce 16-port EIA-232 concentrator
2.2 A general description of the equipment listed below is an IBM RISC/6000 Model 7038 – 6M2 Rack Server 1: Pseries 650 with RAID5.
Product Product Description Qty Number IBM Equipment 7038-6M2 Rack Server 1: PSeries 650 1 0009 Light Manuf Order Indicator 1 2498 PCI 4chan U3 SCSI RAID adap 1 2628 48X SCSI2 Int Auot-dock CD ROM 1 3158 36.4GB 10K RPM U3 SCSI DDR ass 2 3926 Asyn Print/Term Cable 9pin-25pin 1 4251 Bakplane Auto-docking Media Drive 1 4255 Int cable INTEG CONTR 2SCSI BKPL 1 4453 4096 MB DIMMS 208PIN 8NS ST DDR 2 4651 Rack indicator Rack 1 1 5122 2-way 1.2 Ghz PWR4+ Proc card 1 5701 10/100/1000 BaseTX Eth PCIX ADAP 2 6203 PCI dual channel U3 SCSI ADAP 1 6287 AC power supply 1100 W 2 6411 Remote I/O loop ADAP, primary 1
2 6578 U3 SCSI bakplane HS Disks 1 7305 AAP software pre-install INDIC 1 9172 Power specify, AC 1 9300 Lang GRP Spec. –US English 1 9911 Power cord Spec.- all 1 2104-DU3 Expandable Storage Plus 1 0987 Rochester Integration INDIC 1 3230 AC power supply 2 5303 Ultra 2 (LVD) cable – 3M 1 6136 36.4GB Ultra3 SCSI RPM drive 6 6999 Disk drive filler 8 9300 Language Group US English 1 3583-L18 Ultrium Tape Library 1 8001 1 Data Cartridge 10 8002 1 Cleaning Cartridge 1 8003 LTO Ultrium LVD drive sled 1 8006 Rack mount option 1 8008 Redundant power module 1 9600 Attached to RS/6000 system 1 9704 4.5 M VHDCI/HD68 SCSI cable 1 9800 2.7M power cord 125V US/Canada 1 7014-T42 Rack 1 : RS/6000 System Rack 1 0179 Rack content: 2104/DU3 – 3EIA 1 0195 Rack content spec: 7038/6M2 8U 1 6069 Front door for 2.0 meter rack 1 6098 Side panel 1.8M/2M rack, black 2 7176 Power dist. Unit – 1 phase L6-30 1 9176 Power dist. Specify – base/side MO 1 9300 Language group spec – US English 1 9800 Power cord spec – US/Canada 1 Software 5692-A5L System Program Order 1 0907 AIX V5.1 power update CD 1 0919 5765-E61 AIX 5L for power V5.1 1 0920 AIX 5.1 bonus pack 1 0921 AIX 5.1 expansion pack 1 1004 Media process charge CD ROM 1 2924 English 1 3410 Media CD ROM 1 5924 English 1 7305 Preinstall 1 9001 Asset registration 1 5733-M52 C for AIX 3 yr SW MA 1 3125 Per user 3 yr reg 1 5765-E32 C for AIX, V5.0 1 0001 PP w/ 1 users w/ 1 yr 1 5809 CD ROM 1
3 7305 Preinstall Final Light Mfg. indicator 1 9001 Asset registration 1 5765-E61 AIX 5L for power V5.1 1 0001 AIX 5L V5.1 per processor 8 7305 Authorized assembler preinstall 1 9001 Asset registration 1 5773-SPT SW Maint AIX 3 yr Support 1 0278 Proc F5 Support 3 yr Reg/Rene 2 5773-SUB SW Maint AIX 3 yr Subscription 1 0290 Proc F5 Subscr 3 yr Reg/Rene 2
2.3 Vendors must propose the Ultrium Tape Library (mfg # 3583-L18) listed in Section 2.2 above configured with two (2) IBM LTO Ultrium 1 (100GB) drives.
1. Vendor must state the warranty period for each item proposed, during which time maintenance need not be paid. Warranty must cover, at a minimum, onsite prime-shift hours (8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday).
2. Vendor must indicate whether extended onsite warranty service is available beyond one year for the proposed items, specify annual cost, if any, and period of extension.
1. Vendor must propose annual fixed pricing for five (5) years of 24X7XNBD and 8X5XNBD maintenance options for the IBM equipment identified in section 2 of this Letter of Configuration (LOC). Vendor must provide all details of the maintenance/support and its associated cost.
2. Vendor must identify the location of the nearest service center.
3. Vendor must specify the annual maintenance increase ceiling offered by his/her company on the proposed products. Vendor must state his/her policy regarding increasing maintenance charges. Maintenance charges must not increase beyond 7% per year.
1. Vendor must specify the delivery interval proposed by his/her company.
2. Vendor must specify the discounted price for each item. Freight is FOB destination. All required costs, including freight and insurance, as necessary, must be specified.
3. Vendor must provide installation pricing for all items listed in Section 2 of this LOC.
4. Vendor must be an IBM Premiere Business Partner and must provide certification of such when responding to this LOC.
4 5. Vendor must describe, in detail, the orientation procedures that will be taken during or after the installation process.
6. Vendor must provide pricing for optional, additional, product orientation training.
7. If any component necessary for operation of the requested systems is omitted from vendor’s proposal, vendor must be willing to provide that component at no additional cost. This includes, but is not limited to, all connectors and interfaces to render the configuration fully operational.
8. Vendor must provide all technical specifications and manuals (documentation) at the point of sale.
9. If vendor proposes more than one alternative, (no more than two) vendor is responsible for identifying which alternative he/she believes is the best fit to meet the requirements.
1. ITS & ASU are requesting the vendors to propose any additional value-added features, products and/or services that may distinguish your company and its offering from the group, and facilitate our selection process of the lowest and best proposals. ITS and ASU will make the sole assessment of the relative merits of each added-value proposal to the agency.
The State will use the following items to evaluate the lowest and best responder:
1. Cost
2. Added Value
8. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBMIT COST INFORMATION Please use the attached CP-6: General RFP Information Form to provide cost information. Follow the instructions on the form. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
1. Respond to each point in all sections and exhibits with the information requested. Label and respond to each outline point in each section and exhibit as it is labeled in the Letter of configuration (LOC).
2. The vendor must respond with ACKNOWLEDGED, WILL COMPLY or AGREED to each point in each section within this LOC with which the vendor can comply.
3. If vendor cannot respond with ACKNOWLEDGED, WILL COMPLY, or AGREED, then vendor must respond with EXCEPTION. If vendor responds with EXCEPTION, vendor must provide detailed information related to that response.
4. Where an outline point asks a question or requests information, vendor must
5 respond with the specific answer or information requested.
5. Vendor must deliver their response to Aaron Van Hoff at ITS by Friday, June 6, 2003 by 3:00 P.M. (Central Time). Reponses may be delivered by hand, via mail or by fax. Fax number is (601) 354-6016. ITS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DELAYS IN THE DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS. It is solely the responsibility of the vendor that proposals reach ITS on time. Vendors should contact Aaron Van Hoff to verify the receipt of their proposals. Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected.
Any questions concerning the specifications detailed in this LOC must be received by Tuesday, May 27, 2003 by 3:00 P.M. (Central Time).
Enclosure: CP-6: General RFP Information Form
6 Suite 508 301 North Lamar Street Jackson, MS 39201-1495 David L. Litchliter, Executive Director Phone: 601-359-1395 Fax: 601-354-6016 COST INFORMATION SUMMARY FORM
Please submit the ITS requested information response under your general proposal #3304 using the following format.
Fax your completed form back to 601-354-6016 addressed to the Technology Consultant listed on the fax cover sheet. If the necessary information is not included, your response cannot be considered.
ITS Technology Consultant Name: Aaron Van Hoff RFP# 3304
Company Name: XYZ Company Date: June 2, 2002
Contact Name / Email: Your Name / Email Address Phone Number: 601-555-3737
Product # Product Description Qty List Price Disc % Extended Price Equipment
Expertise Description Number Number of Hourly Extended Price of Hrs Staff Rate Services
Product # Description Qty List Price Disc % Extended Price Maintenance
Board Members – Lynn C. Patrick, Chairman Cecil L. Watkins, Vice-Chairman Stephen A. Adamec, Jr. Angela Kaye Griffin David G. Roach Legislative Advisors – Representative Cecil Brown Senator Tommy Moffatt