Literary Terms Definition

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Literary Terms Definition

MARCH 6 WIKI would not let me edit to add homework and notes Will try later

HW only is to read Act II scenes 1 and 2 (possible comprehension pop quiz) Finish chart started in class that shows at least 4 props, costume details, scenery details or actions of the Ghost of Christmas Past and in second column briefly note what the detail symbolizes (represents beyond the literal). We noted that in general, the Ghost symbolizes the message that people should enjoy living in the NOW and value simple pleasures.

EX: the horn of plenty he holds symbolizes Joy in eating--something we enjoy in the NOW and is gone--but which brings more joy than looking at a pile of cash. ------ELA NOTES

Literary Terms Definition (Students wrote the following in the LIT NOTES section of notebooks)

Symbolism: When something represents something beyond itself

We noted that this is a strange definition because it seems vague—using “thing” twice instead of a specific noun. This is because the concept of symbolism is abstract—it is hard to explain but easy to show. We understand the DEEPER meanings BEYOND the symbols in so many aspects of our lives. When something is symbolic, it is often a physical visual image—a single identifiable thing—that carries deeper meanings and associations.

Examples: The American Flag is a rectangle of cloth with a pattern of colors and shapes on it but it SYMBOLIZES so much more to us instantly—without us really thinking about it. Our flag symbolizes (represents)  liberty, justice, and the ideals of what a perfect America should be;  our history and what it took to get us to the present country we are;  shared cultural identity, spirit  the physical boundaries and resources of our nation  the people of the country  our system of government….

Within the pattern of the flag, students noted the symbols within the symbol: Red for blood shed to protect the country White for virtue, purity of ideals Stars –shining light that represents each state Stars together in a square—many uniting into one 13 stripes—13 colonies that became states

We then talked about symbolism as a huge part of literature. Writers choose specific items to put into a scene or a poem to get to the deeper associations and connections we make to those symbols. Without explaining everything we should think about, the symbols often suggest deeper meaning to help us understand an author’s message or purpose. Example: When poet’s write poetry about winter—or set a scene in winter, they often (though not always) are suggesting the idea of an ending and old age. This is because of connections we make: Symbolism of winter representing old age (something beyond itself) White snow White hair No leaves on trees No new growth Frozen, brittle limbs Fragile bones, stiffness End of cycle in year End of cycle in life Cold and quiet Quiet time in life Time to hibernate, stay inside for nature Time to stay inside for people

For tonight’s homework, find the symbolism in the props, scenery, costuming and actions that Dickens uses for the Ghost of the Present in Scenes 1 and 2 of Act II. The Ghost symbolizes joy in the moment —the idea that the present is limited—we can’t get it back—it is short but can be rich. Symbols are intentional choices by the writer to get the reader to make connections—sometimes subconsciously. Dickens could have put any color on the ghost of the Present, but he chose green. Ghost of Present in NOT dressed in white like the Ghost of the past, so there must be a reason—some SYMBOLISM…

If you are having trouble, think of messages about how to live better that the ghost brings to Scrooge. What do the symbols show Scrooge that he may be MISSING or denying to others.

Your homework answers can be set up like the chart below that we began on the board in class today. You just bullet point answers.

How does Ghost of Present symbolize finding joy in the “now”—in the everyday simple pleasures of life? Costume detail, prop, scenery, action What it symbolizes for Scrooge and reader connected to Ghost of Present Page and column # where detail is found Example: Ghost holds Horn of Plenty Abundance of food, enjoying the simple P. 664 col 1 (cornucopia) with lit torch pleasure of eating—a temporary joy that is on top gone after the food is gone but is STILL worth doing. Scrooge does NOT enjoy simple things like full meals, and treasures his abundance of cash-which doesn’t go away but brings no joy to him. He also DENIES the simple pleasure of ENOUGH food to his clerk—Cratchit. 2

3. 4.


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