Council of Community Services s1

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Council of Community Services s1

DATE: March 26, 2010

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Linda Arrington, Office Manager

RE: Board Meeting Reminder and Meeting Information

Just a note to remind everyone of the monthly Board of Directors’ meeting to be held:

Monday, March 8, 2010 - 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. at the Drop-In Center, 369 West Church Avenue

Panera Bread is offering special box lunch pricing for local non-profit organizations. For $7.00 (including drink,) you will receive a half sandwich, half salad, individual portion of chips, and a mini cookie. Please return your attendance card (by replying to this email, faxing it to 540.982.2935, or by calling the Council office) indicating your attendance plans by noon Thursday, March 4, so we can place the lunch order.

The following information is attached:

 Reply Card  Agenda  Minutes of February 8, 2010, Board Meeting  March Program Updates  January Financial Statements (will be emailed next week)

Your attendance at our monthly board meetings is important. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, March 8th.

Main Office Botetourt Resource Center Council of Community Services 33 Bedford Street, Buchanan, VA 24066 P.O. Box 598 24004 540.254.1468 502 Campbell Avenue, SW Community Housing Resource Center Roanoke, Virginia 24016 1502-B Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA 24012 540.985.0131 800.354.3388 540.266.7551 Website: Drop-In Center Email: [email protected] 369 West Church Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016 540.985.0131 Council of Community Services Board of Directors’ Meeting Monday, March 8, 2010, 12:00 Noon

 Identifies community needs and solutions  Connects community to programs PROPOSED AGENDA  Launches new programs

I. General A. Welcome, Introductions and Announcements B. Consent Agenda Minutes of the February 8, 2010 meeting C. Finance Update  Act on Financial Report for the month of January 2010  Review Cash Flow Reports for February 2010  Approve Record Retention Policy  Authorize Finance Committee to approve Procurement Policy

II. Long Range Strategic Goals & New Business A. Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream. 1. Authorize the Finance Committee to serve as the Audit Committee 2. Act on recommendation to apply for funds through the Virginia Department of Health for on-going funding for the Ryan White program 3. Act on recommendation to apply for funds from the Virginia Department of Health for the Family Violence Coordinating Council to conduct Health Care & Domestic Violence Training Forums 4. Act on request from VDSS that the Council of Community Services, as sole source contractor, issues a Request for Proposals to secure a statewide “Automated Call Distribution” (ACD) System 5. Act on recommendation to apply to the Corporation for National & Community Service for the Social Innovation Fund

B. Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission  Act on recommendation of the Planning & Consultation Committee to approve proposed criteria for alignment with the Council’s mission for proposed programs

III. Long Range Strategic Goals & Old Business A. Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, information and referral, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.  Hear an update on the Drop-In Center

IV. Long Range Strategic Goals & President’s Report

V. Adjourn

The Council of Community Services provides leadership for organizations and individuals in the areas of planning, information, and referral services to improve the quality of life in our communities. COUNCIL OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes Monday, February 8, 2010 Present:

Hon Jonathan M. Apgar Maggie Gray Paul F. Phillips Daniel C. Summerlin, III Laura E. Benjamin Michael Guntlow Henry Scholz, IV John Turbyfill, Jr. Shonny Cooke W. Robert Herbert Michael M. Sinclair J. Phillip Windschitl Hope F. Cupit Susan Lancaster Rachel Spencer

Absent: E. Scott Austin Wayne G. Strickland

Staff Present: Linda Arrington Alison Jorgensen Carolee Sarver Stacey Crane (Intern) Pam Kestner-Chappelear Denny Huff Dan Merenda

I. General The February 8, 2010, Board Meeting was called to order by the Chair, Susan Lancaster. A welcome was extended to all present. Stacey Crane, Social Work student with Radford University and intern with the Council introduced. Ms. Crane’s primary focus will be 2-1-1 VIRGINIA as well as assisting with follow-up at the Community Housing Resource Center.

Ms. Lancaster recognized Denny Huff and the 2-1-1 VIRGINIA team for their dedicated response to the recent snow and weather emergency. 2-1-1 VIRGINIA is fast becoming the source for information during times of crisis and emergencies.

II. Consent Agenda Minutes of the January 11, 2010, meeting Bob Herbert moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Maggie Gray seconded the motion. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.

Announcements ▪ In recognition of Black HIV/AIDS Prevention Day, the Drop-In Center has partnered with the City of Roanoke’s Health Department to offer free HIV Testing with a $5 gift card incentive. Starbucks coffee and snacks will also be available. ▪ Pam Kestner-Chappelear distributed an updated copy of the Funding Request Status Form. The form will be updated periodically and presented to the Board for their review.

Finance Committee Report Phil Windschitl reviewed the December 2009 Financial Report for the Board and moved to approve the report. John Turbyfill seconded the motion. The Financial Reports were approved unanimously.

Carolee Sarver highlighted areas on the Cash Flow statement for informational purposes and stated that the 2008-2009 Council audit will begin the week of February 15th. Council of Community Services Board Minutes Page 2

Record Retention and Procurement Policies A formal adoption of the Record Retention and Procurement Policies was tabled until the March 8th 2010 meeting. The documents are still under review by the Finance Committee.

III. Long Range Strategic Goals & New Business A. Volunteer Roanoke Valley Funding Request Bob Herbert moved to approve the staff recommendation to submit applications to Party in the Park and Salem after 5. The funds received will benefit Volunteer Roanoke Valley. Laura Benjamin seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. B. 2010 Nominating Committee Election John Turbyfill moved to approve the 2010 Nominating Committee membership. Paul Phillips seconded the motion. The Board of Directors approved unanimously the 2010 Nominating Committee: Scott Austin, Chair Laura Benjamin Shonny Cooke Wayne Strickland Pam Kestner-Chappelear

IV. Long Range Strategic Goals and Old Business A. Volunteer Roanoke Valley and RSVP Programs Alison Jorgensen, director of the programs, presented an update on Volunteer Roanoke Valley and RSVP. The goal of the volunteer programs is to engage individuals in meaningful community service opportunities. VRV is the Roanoke Valley’s only Volunteer Center and VRV is a member of the Points of Light Institute and HandsOn Network. B. Development of Criteria for Alignment with the Council’s Mission Update Ms. Kestner-Chappelear reported that criteria development is right on target with the sub-committee meeting one more time, then reporting to the full Planning & Consultation Committee. The final suggested criteria will be presented to the full Board of Directors at the March meeting. . V. Long Range Strategic Goals & President’s Report Ms. Kestner-Chappelear reported on the progress of the Council’s 2009-2010 Strategic Business Plan. A status update will be provided to the Board of Directors at the middle month meeting of each quarter year. A Strategic Planning session will be scheduled for April 2010.

The meeting was adjourned, Respectfully submitted by, Linda D. Arrington, Office Manager

Attachments: 2009-2010 Business Plan Cash Flow Report Volunteer Services Information December Financial Report Proposal Review Forms March 2010----Program Updates Highlights of program since the last BOD meeting (2nd Monday of each month):

Program: Planning and Consultation

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates Continue to provide monthly Serving as the data source for United Way, Goal A updates on economic indicators the Council has positioned itself as the “first to United Way. New building choice” for on-time data. The planning permits have been added as a division continually searches for improved monthly indicator to track and ways to provide data. Adding another report. indicator is one example. Council staff redesigned and The Council continues to improve existing Goal A completed a comprehensive products and services for its customers. indicators report for the United Through frequent meetings and electronic Way of Roanoke Valley which communication, the Council responds to the combines three previously needs of the United Way and its solution developed reports on Children teams. This new 100 page report sets a new and Youth, Strengthening standard for the utilization of the Council’s Families, Health and Self- electronic indicator library and our ability to Sufficiency and Senior provide leadership in the area of planning. Independence. The new report is designed using the National United Way’s Advancing the Common Good framework of building blocks Planning & Consultation The Strategic Planning Committee has Goal E Committee anticipates having a requested the Planning & Consultation recommended list of criteria to Committee to develop draft alignment use in evaluating alignment of criteria. existing and new programs with the Council’s mission to present at the March board meeting The Social Solutions Initiative Facilitating this process positions the Goals A&B group developed three work Council in a leadership role in planning as groups to: 1) identify local well as it raises the awareness of this role. examples of for-profits and nonprofits collaborating on issues; 2) identify and invite representatives from other communities to share their success stories on collaboration; and 3) identify a list of unmet needs in the community so possible resources/partners can be matched up with needs. Staff revised the work plan and The NRC’s role in the community and the Goals A, B & C budget for the NRC’s stimulus expansion of services through the stimulus grant - Strengthening grant reinforces the Council’s leadership Community Funds grant. It is role, increases public awareness of the anticipated a director of the NRC Council and its services and has increased will be hired in March. the funding coming into the Council. Staff completed the funding City of Roanoke funds are being used to Goals A & C application for the City of leverage stimulus funds to build the capacity Roanoke for the Nonprofit of the NRC and other nonprofits. Resource Center Staff met with Radford NRC’s role with existing and emerging Goals A & B University’s representative of its nonprofits reinforces the Council’s nonprofit certificate program to leadership role in the community as well as discuss the development of a increases public awareness of the Council. Memorandum of Agreement which will outline the role the Nonprofit Resource Center will play in coordinating the program since RU is experiencing budget cutbacks and will have to eliminate the program. Staff facilitated a Strategic NRC’s role with existing and emerging Goals A & B Planning Session for the Kiwanis nonprofits reinforces the Council’s role Club of Roanoke leadership role in the community as well as increases public awareness of the Council. Staff serve on the City of Serving in the role funding application Goal A Roanoke’s Human Services reviewer strengthens the leadership role for Advisory Committee and began the Council. reviewing funding applications for 2010-11. Staff met with a member of the The Council of Community Services Goals A&B City Council to discuss pending continues to position itself as a leader in City of Roanoke and state budget planning. This White Paper represents an cuts and the possibility of an innovative and creative way to address increased role for the nonprofit budget short-falls. The paper was sent to the sector through partnerships with incoming City Manager by the City Council City Agencies to provide services member. to the needy. A White Paper describing the concept was developed and submitted as a follow-up. Council staff serving as Chair of Positioning the Council as a leader includes Goal A the CDBG proposal review innovation and creativity when serving on committee, instituted new committees and councils. Instituting a new proposal review structure which proposal review process is another example has been adopted for use by the of how the Council City’s CDBG Offices. HMIS Coordinator organized and The Council continues to improve the HMIS Goal A conducted two days of training system while it attempts to use the electronic utilizing Pathways trainers. The information system as a tool for training was designed to improve collaboration to transform the existing understanding and use of the new system of service for the homeless HMIS system. population. This is another example of how the Council is positioning itself as a leader in planning and information. Council staff as members of the This role reinforces the Council’s leadership Goals A & B Homelessness Advisory role as well as offers the opportunity to share Committee reviewed and selected organizational development expertise. grantees for the 2010-2011 cycle Senior Citizen Coordinating Supports the leadership role of planning and Goals A & B Council is recommending to the community development. Council board for adoption “Operating Guidelines” for the coalition. The Family Violence The Council is working with each of its Goals A & B Coordinating Council has standing committees to develop strategic and completed its 12 month business business plans that will improve productivity plan and is now applying for a and accountability. Importantly these small training grant from the business plans tighten the relationship state. between committee work and the Council’s strategic goals. Council staff conducted a Continuing to expose a wider range of Goals A & B strategic planning session for the stakeholders to the Council’s expertise and Roanoke Regional Housing leadership in facilitation results in Network on January 7th and has positioning the Council as a leader. In now developed a 24 month addition helping the RRHN to develop a business plan which will be business plan provides the opportunity to approved by the RRHN at its more closely align RRHN goals with the March meeting. Council’s strategic goals. A regional housing study will be The Council used its expertise to help this Goals A & B completed by RVARC in the fall group define a goal and objectives for the of 2010. The study’s goals, Regional Housing Study thus providing objectives and target audience guidance to the RVARC regarding the were developed as a result of a research and study focus. A good example Council facilitated session on of providing leadership and positioning the the study. Council. Council staff will conduct a Positions the Council as a leader in bringing Goals A&B strategic planning session for the community together to tackle and plan for Community Housing Resource difficult systems transformation issues. Center staff and partners on systems transformation in April Council staff is preparing the 2010 Homeless Point in Time Survey for the City of Roanoke – first draft will be complete in March Program: 211 VIRGINIA – Southwest Region

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates  Responded to 4,273 requests By responding to requests, stats generated Goal A for resources can assist the Council in their planning activities, as well as needs assessments.  Of the above figure, 1,328 Geographic statistics generated from 2-1-1 Goal A calls were from the Roanoke VIRGINIA assists in the Council’s planning Valley (Botetourt, Craig, activities, as well as needs assessments. Roanoke County, Roanoke City & Salem City); 2,945 calls were taken from regions outside the Roanoke Valley area.  Updated /Added 245 Maintaining up-to-date information provides Goal A programs in the Southwest the Council with community services Virginia database. provided in 21 counties and 7 cities.  Top 10 needs listed for the Problem/Needs statistics generated from 2-1- Goal A calls taken in the month of 1 VIRGINIA assists in the Council’s November are: planning activities, as well as needs 1. Financial Aid – assessments. Utility/Fuel 2. Financial Aid – Housing 3. Info Lines/Specialized I&R 4. Shelter - Homeless 5. Food Pantry/Emergency 6. Law Enforcement 7. Social Services/DSS 8. Shelter - Homeless 9. Shelter - Emergency 10. Employment & Career Services Program: Botetourt Resource Center

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates

The Botetourt Resource Center Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS Director continues to coordinate program hub of linked communication and food collection, screen recipients, coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, Goal A and dispense food for the BAMA information, etc. in Botetourt County. Food Pantry and the BRC Food Pantry The BRC Director facilitated Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS Christmas gifts for 40 needy program hub of linked communication and Goal A, Goal B children and 16 families with the coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, help of numerous partners of information, etc. in Botetourt County. civic groups, individuals, Increase public awareness of the role of the churches, and companies. The Botetourt Resource Center as part of the coordinated effort also allowed Council of Community Services as a the Director to give away coordinator of partnerships to connect and blankets, apple butter, hams, and provide Botetourt residents with resources. Food Lion Gift Certificates.

The Director plans and facilitates Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS a “Senior Party” once every program hub of linked communication and Goal A month for seniors to come to the coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, Center for fun and informative information, etc. in Botetourt County. presentations.

The Director arranged for a water Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS heater replacement for a needy program hub of linked communication and Goal A, Goal B senior using funds from the coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, Belonging Initiative Grant of information, etc. in Botetourt County. Foundation for Roanoke Valley Increase public awareness of the role of the to pay for the water heater and Botetourt Resource Center as part of the funds from a partnership with the Council of Community Services as a Buchanan Area Ministerial coordinator of partnerships to connect and Association and Botetourt Social provide Botetourt residents with resources. Services to install the heater.

The Botetourt Resource Center Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS Goal A Director continues to screen program hub of linked communication and recipients for Crisis Assistance coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, and facilitate Crisis Response for information, etc. in Botetourt County. the community of Botetourt and 28 churches.

The Botetourt Resource Center Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS Goal A Director continues to screen program hub of linked communication and senior recipients and facilitate coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, assistance in paying for information, etc. in Botetourt County. Prescriptions.

The BRC Director met with Rev. Mary Cline Detrick to discuss Increasing the view of the Center as a CCS Goal A, Goal B plans to start a second Senior program hub of linked communication and Party once a month at her church, coordinator for crisis response, volunteerism, Daleville Church of the Brethren. information, etc. in Botetourt County. This is in hopes of expanding the Increase public awareness of the role of the help offered through the BRC to Botetourt Resource Center as part of the seniors. Council of Community Services as a coordinator of partnerships to connect and provide Botetourt residents with resources.

The Botetourt Resource Center Increase public awareness of the role of the Goal B Director arranged for an Botetourt Resource Center as part of the announcement in The Fincastle Council of Community Services as a Herald to celebrate 10 years of coordinator of partnerships to connect and operation and thanks to provide Botetourt residents with resources. volunteers, donors and 205 churches, civic groups, non- profits, and businesses for their partnership over 10 successful years. Program: Child Care Services

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates

This action helped make aware the activities Child Care Link postings on and the services that Child Care Link offers south west Virginia by advertising free Goal B resource and referral services. These postings were posted weekly

Free PCAN training was offered for child Goal B Held free PCAN Trainings care providers in Christiansburg on 11/21

Child Care Link did a 660 provider mailing NAACCRAware Annual in which annual updates were sent out to Goal A/B Updates update the NACCRRAware database, which is imperative because it is the source for child care referrals.

This meeting was a collaborative meeting EEAT/PEAT Smart Beginnings with other organization in the Roanoke Committee Meeting Valley to discuss and review Goal B accomplishments and goals that Smart Beginnings has Program: Drop-In Center

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates Partnership with Roanoke City Event partnered CCS with a public health Health Department for event on constituent to increase public awareness Goal A & B February 18th resulted in: 87 HIV Tests 65 Syphilis Tests 47 H1N1 Vaccines News coverage (NBC) of the Increased public awareness of the Council’s Goal B above event Drop-In Center program 268 persons tested during the Providing HIV testing, prevention Goal A, B & C month of February at the Drop-In counseling and educational services to high Center; VA Tech; Shenandoah risk communities meeting programmatic Recovery Center; Roanoke goals, planning and evaluation goals and Treatment Center; NRV Regional increase public awareness and understanding Jail; Roanoke City Jail; Phases of the Council of Community Services and Drug Treatment Program; Red its programs Shield Lodge; Backstreet Café; Martinsville and Danville areas, and The Park (nightclub) One new HIV positive test result Program: Southwest/Piedmont HIV Care Consortium

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates Prepared preliminary FY-2010- Required process for continuing funding A 11 work plan, service plan and budget. Received multiple competitive Required process for competitive A bids for services on February 19, subcontracting for the next two years. 2010. Program: Volunteer Services

Strategic Goals Goal A: Position the Planning leadership function of the Council so it is recognized and sought after as the first choice for public, private, and volunteer constituencies who need planning, data, consultation, and organizational development in the human and community services fields.

Goal B: Increase public awareness and understanding of the Council of Community Services – its leadership and planning role as well as the community services provided.

Goal C: Sustain the long term growth of the organization by expanding a diversified funding stream.

Goal D: Pursue a more diversified Board of Directors and staff to enhance the Council’s effectiveness and relevance to the communities served.

Goal E: Ensure increased focus and impact through regular review of activities/functions and their alignment to the Council’s vision and mission.

Activity How activity relates to Strategic Goals Goal(s) to which it relates

Helped individuals and groups in Increased volunteer involvement through B the community find meaningful VRV leads to increased awareness of CCS. volunteer opportunities.

Compiled local volunteer needs Data collected on local volunteer needs A, B to create monthly PSA. allows the planning program at CCS to address those needs and become recognized Sent monthly PSA to businesses, for the first choice in data related to schools, churches, volunteerism. community/civic organizations, media, individuals, governments, Increased awareness of CCS as the etc. volunteerism leader through PSA.

Held monthly VRV meeting to Through VRV’s training programs, CCS is A ensure that local volunteer positioned as the leader in professional managers are up-to-date with volunteer management. current trends in volunteer management, provided important local updates, and heard from the group to keep on top of local needs.

Attended National Service Increased awareness of VRV/CCS as the B (AmeriCorps) Martin Luther volunteerism leader through outreach and King, Jr. Day service project in involvement with the Governor’s Advisory Pulaski, representing the Board on National and Community Service. governor and Volunteer Roanoke Valley Provided volunteerism leadership Increased awareness of VRV/CCS as the B through involvement with the volunteerism leader through outreach and Mission of Mercy Dental Project involvement with the 2010 MOM Project. by serving as the Volunteerism Chair on the MOM Leadership Team

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