Working Group on Future of IFCS

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Working Group on Future of IFCS

IFCS/WG Future IFCS/05

Working Group on Future of IFCS 1st Teleconference 2 March 2007

Meeting Report

Participants Participated  Absent - Chair Dr Z. Sabo Hungary, IFCS President  Co-chair Prof. J. Katima Tanzania, IFCS VP Africa  Members Mr G. Dehnghana Iran, IFCS VP Asia & the Pacific - Co-worker: Mr N. Heidari  Dr Marta Ciraj Slovenia, IFCS VP CEE Region  Co -worker Mrs Karmen - Krajnc Dr J. De Kom Suriname, IFCS VP LAC  Dr G. Karlaganis Switzerland, IFCS VP WEOG  Dr S. Wibulpolprasert IFCS Past-President - Prof. Abdouraman Bary Burkino Faso  Mr M. Musenga Zambia  Ms S. Yingwa for Ms Yu Fei China  Dr Kyung-Hee Choi Republic of Korea  Dr S. Tiptarodol Thailand - Co-worker Dr D. Hongsamoot  Dr I. Zastenskaya Belarus - Mr A. Ludborzs Latvia  Ms M.M. Cerqueira Brazil - Co-worker Ms S. Oliveira - H.E. Carman Hertz Chile - Dr T. Jakl Austria  Co-worker Ms B. Perthen-Palmisano  Ms M. Luxem Germany  Ms H., Finman USA  Dr L. Corra NGO Science  Mr B. Erikson NGO Labour  Dr Romy Quijano NGO Public Interest  Mr G. Wiser  Dr R. Koch NGO Industry  Dr M. Younes IOMC/IOCC Chair  Co-worker Dr T. Meredith and IOMC Secretariat - Ms C. Vickers - Mr C.N.Sylla Senegal - host country Forum VI - (proposed) Mrs. A. Olanipekun SAICM Regional Focal Point,  Africa Mr E. Toda SAICM Regional Focal Point,  Asia & the Pacific Ms R. Morohoi SAICM Regional Focal Point,  Central & Eastern Europe Mr G. Entenza SAICM Regional Focal Point, Latin  America & Caribbean Ms J. Stratford SAICM Regional Focal Point,  Western Europe & Other Groups

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Observer Dr M. Gubb SAICM Secretariat 

IFCS Dr J. Stober  Secretaria t

1. Opening of the meeting

The IFCS President welcomed participants and reviewed the mandate given to the Working Group (WG) by Forum V.

2. Designation of officers

The WG considered possible arrangements for its officers and agreed to designate a chair and co-chair with equitable representation from the economic groupings of countries. The IFCS President and Prof J. Katima, IFCS VP Africa, were nominated and elected as chair and co- chair respectively pending the final confirmation by the Islamic Republic of Iran1.

3. Adoption of agenda

The proposed agenda was adopted.

4. Organizational matters

The Chair referred to the draft work plan and time schedule prepared by the secretariat presented in meeting document IFCS/WG Future/03 and requested the WG to considered how to organize its work.

The WG agreed to form a small drafting group to prepare an annotated outline for the paper for Forum VI for the WG to review, provide input and finalize. The small drafting group will meet for several hours in a satellite meeting during the FSC face to face meeting in June to prepare the draft annotated outline for the paper. The Chair asked Prof Katima in his capacity as co-chair to lead the small drafting group and he agreed. H. Finman (USA), R. Koch (NGO industry), A. Olanipekun (SAICM Regional Focal Point - Africa), G. Karlaganis (Switzerland), M. Musenga (Zambia), G. Entenza (SAICM Regional Focal Point - LAC), K- H Choi (Republic of Korea) volunteered to participate in the small drafting group. M. Luxem (Germany) and G. Wiser (IPEN) will contribute as best they can given current time constraints and other work responsibilities. The small drafting group is open if other members of the WG wish to participate.

The WG agreed in principle to follow the general work schedule/steps as listed in the draft Work Plan and Time Schedule in document IFCS/WG Future IFCS/03. The WG requested the small drafting group to prepare a time schedule (proposed dates) for the work phases as listed in the Time Schedule when it meets in June. The WG will review the proposal, provide input and then agree on a time schedule for its work.

5. List of reference materials

1 N. Heidari in a email communication following the WG teleconference confirmed the support of his country for the election of Dr. Zoltan Szabo and Prof. Katima. The Government of the Islamis Republic of Iran welcomes their election and pledges its cooperation for their work.

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The Chair invited comments on the draft Reference List of Documents (IFCS/WG Future/04) and request the WG members to proposal additional documents and materials that would useful for its work.

H. Finman requested the SAICM Secretariat to provide information on its current activities. M. Gubb agreed to do so stating that the information was available primarily through standard information papers it prepares for SAICM Regional Group meetings.

M. Luxem stated that Germany will provide its informal paper that was distributed at Forum V on possible institutional arrangements.

The IFCS Secretariat will seek documents describing joint secretariat institutional arrangements e.g. PIC voluntary, Codex JECFA, JMPR, PEEM.

WG members were encouraged to send the secretariat any additional references they are aware of that would be useful for the work. All reference documents will be made available thru web links or posting on the IFCS website

6. Other business


7. Next teleconference

To be decided after the small drafting group reports back to the WG.

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