Assumption of the Virgin Mary s1

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Assumption of the Virgin Mary s1



V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, Rector Proto-deacon Mychail Sawarynski Telephones: Church Office… (610) 262-2882 Church Fax/Kitchen/Hall… (610) 262-0552 Fr. Bazyl’s Residence… (610) 882-2488 Protodeacon Mychail’s Residence… (610) 262-3876 Websites: E-mail: Parish… [email protected] Fr. Bazyl… [email protected] Protodeacon Mychail… [email protected] Webmaster, John Hnatow… [email protected] ======26 (13th) March, 2017

FOURTH SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT. Tone 7 VEN. JOHN CLIMACUS. Translation of the relics (846) of St. NICEPHORUS THE CONFESSOR, patriarch of Constantinople (829). Heb. 6, 13-20 Eph. 5, 9-19 Mk. 9, 17-31 Mt. 4, 25 – 5, 12 TODAY’S BULLETIN IS SPONSORED in loving memory of +Xenia Sheska on the fifth anniversary of repose. VICHNAJA PAMJAT! MEMORY ETERNAL! 2 Tropar of the Resurrection. Tone 7 By Your Cross, You destroyed Death. To the Thief, You opened Paradise. For the Myrrh-bearers, You changed weeping into joy. Christ God, You commanded Your disciples to proclaim that You are risen, granting the world great mercy.

Tropar of the church. Tone 1 In giving birth, you preserved your virginity. In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, Birth-Giver of God. You are translated to life, Mother of Life, and through your prayers you deliver our souls from death.

Tropar of the Venerable One. Tone 1 Dweller of the Wilderness and Angel in the Flesh: You were shown to be a wonderworker, O our God-Bearing Father John. You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil and prayer. You heal the bodies and souls of those who approach you in faith. Glory to the One Who crowned you. Glory to the One Who through you grants healing to all. Glory to the One Who gave you strength.

Kondak of the Resurrection. Tone 7 The dominion of death can no longer hold humanity captive, for Christ descended shattering and destroying its power. Hades is bound whilst the prophets rejoice with one voice. The Saviour has come to those with faith, saying: “Enter, you faithful, into the Resurrection”.

Glory… Kondak of the Venerable One. Tone 4 On the height of abstinence did the Lord place you, O our Father and Teacher John, as an unerring star which enlightens the ends of the earth.

Now and ever… Kondak of the church. Tone 2 Neither the tomb nor death had power over the Birth-Giver of God, she is ever watchful in prayers and in her intercession lies unfailing hope. For as the Mother of Life she has been translated to life by the One Who dwelt within her ever-virginal womb.

3 Prokimen of the Resurrection. Tone 7 The Lord shall give strength to His people. The Lord shall bless His people with peace. Verse: Bring to the Lord, you sons of God, bring young rams to the Lord.

Prokimen of the Venerable One. Tone 4 The saints shall rejoice in glory and they shall rejoice upon their beds.

Alleluia Verses of the Resurrection. Tone 7 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your Name. To declare Your mercy in the morning and Your truth by night.

Alleluia Verses of the Venerable One. Tone 8 They who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.

Communion Hymns Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in gthe highest. Alleluia (3X).



Sunday, 26 (13th) March th Fast Day: 4 Sunday of Great Lent. Tone 7 Wine & Oil Commemoration of St. John Climacus 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 4:00 p.m. Lenten Vespers (St. Paul Orthodox Church, Emmaus)

5th Week of Great Lent. Monday, 27 (14th) March Fast Day St. Benedict of Nursia (543). Is. 27, 3 – 28, 6 Gen. 13, 12-18 Prov. 14, 27 – 15, 4

Tuesday, 28 (15th) March Fast Day Martyrs Agapius, Publius, Timolaos, Romulus, two named Dionysius, and two named Alexander at Caesaraea in Palestine (303) Is. 40, 18-31 Gen. 15, 1-15 Prov. 15, 7-19 4 Wednesday 29 (16th) March Fast Day Martyr Sabinas of Hermopolis, Egypt (303). Is. 41, 4-14 Gen. 17, 1-9 Prov. 15, 20 – 16, 9

Thursday, 30 (17th) March Fast Day St. Alexis the Man of God, in Rome (411). Is. 41, 42, 5-16 Gen. 18, 20-33 Prov. 16, 17 – 17, 17

Friday, 31 (18th) March Fast Day St. Cyril, archbishop of Alexandria (386). Is. 45, 11-17 Gen. 22, 1-18 Prov. 17, 17 – 18, 5

Saturday, 1 (19 Mar) April Fast Day: Glorification of the Birth-Giver of God. (Akafist Saturday) Wine & Oil Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria and Companions (283). Heb. 9, 24-28 Mk. 8, 27-31

Sunday, 2 (20 Mar.) April Fast Day: Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. Wine & Oil Commemoration of Ven. Mary of Egypt. 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy ======

NECROLOGY: 26 Mar… Suzette Kropf (’93), Xenia Sheska (’12) 27 Mar… Stephen Myc’ (’30), Constantine Wulchak (’60), John Gulka (’89) 29 Mar… Oksana Poshtar (’07) 30 Mar… Maxim Zuravel (’37), Paul Poticha (’92) 31 Mar… Fr. Volodymyr Sokolowsky (’65), Fr. Vasyl’ Czekaluk (’04) 01 Apr… Serhij Kutas (’70), Frank Haas (’04), Gnat Rud (’80)


BIRTHDAYS: 26 Mar… Stephanie Burk 29 Mar… Martha Misko


WE PRAY FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF: Fr. Vasyl’ Dovgan, Joan Molnar, Michael Smallen,Vladimir & Emma Krasnopera, Walter & Tessie Kuchinos, Brendan Phillips, Jessie Hnatow, Jessica Meashock, Patricia Jones, Wasyl Hewko, Adam Hewko, Betty Hendrickson, Andrew Thaxton, Helen Sodl, Fr. John Harvey, Michelle Pierzga, Susan Ferretti, Matthew Vitushinsky, Micah Brickler, Mary Lee Leszczuk, Janet Woyewoda.

FR. BAZYL will be undergoing surgery in the near future. Recovery time could take up to six weeks. Hence Fr. Vasyl’ Shak will cover for some of the Divine Services during that time and Fr. Anthony Perkins will be available for sacramental visitations and other Services as needed. Fr. Anthony may be reached at (484) 232-9423. 5 MANY THANKS to all who donated food for last Sunday’s refreshments following Lenten Vespers.


GREAT LENT GIVEAWAY: Our youth are collecting monetary donations and new baby blankets for Zoe for Life. Look for receptacles in the church narthex and hall.

JR UOL PASKA SALE: Sign-up sheet for orders is in the hall. Final order date is Sunday, 2 April. Delivery on Sunday, 9 April. Cost is $7.00. Please see Bettyann Woyewoda or Linda Winters if you have any questions.

THE PARISH will be publishing a directory of parishioners. Please inform us of any changes to your addresses, emails or telephone numbers.

ATTENTION! Should there be any inclement winter weather please check the Parish Website – – for any cancellations or postponements of Church Services or events. Cancellations will also be posted on Channel 69-TV and their website. Alternately, call Fr. Bazyl (610) 882-2488 or Martha Misko (610) 262-5292 for information. Please be advised that we will do our best with snow and ice removal on the church property. However please use good judgment and caution when icy weather is forecast; your safety is important to us all!

PYROHY PRODUCTION FOR THE YEAR 2017: Dates: April 6th, 20th; May 4th, 18th. Price, $7.00 per dozen. Please call Helen Crayosky, (610) 261-4575, with your order. Leave your name, phone number and quantity. Note: Orders deadline is noon of the Sunday before production.


SCHEDULE FOR RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION CLASSES: Mrs. Linda Winters: March 26th – 9:00 AM April 2nd – 11:00 AM; 9th – 11:00 AM; 23rd – 9:00 AM; 30th – 9:00 AM May 7th – 11:00 AM; 14th – 9:00 AM; 21st – 11:00 AM; 28th – no class June 4th – 11:00 AM; 11th – 9:00 AM Ms. Bettyanne Woyewoda: Group A: 26th; April 9th, 23rd; May 7th, 21st; June 4th Group B: April 2nd, 30th; May 14th, 28th; June 11th

THE NEW PRAYER BOOK OF THE U. O. C. of U. S. A. in both English and Ukrainian has been published and is available for purchase at $24.95. Please contact Fr. Bazyl.

GIANT SUPERMARKET COUPONS: Martha Dowling has coupons for sale at $25.00, $50.00, $100.00. 5% of the profits will go to the church. 6 NORTHAMPTON FOODBANK DONATIONS: there continues to be a dire need for foodstuffs to assist our neighbors. As you know, our parish’ remit from the food bank is to contribute baby-food, but any other non-perishables will be accepted gladly. There is a cupboard for the collection of donations in the church hall. All non-perishable items are appreciated.

REDNER’S SAVE-A-TAPE PROGRAMME: Please continue to deposit receipts in the box in the church vestibule. Use Redner’s Pump Rewards/Save a Tape Card.

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