RFQ Goods and Services s1
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RFQ No: _1220-040-2014-068
Legal Name:
City Representative: Richard D. Oppelt, Purchasing Manager
Address: Surrey City Hall Finance & Technology Department – Purchasing Section Reception Counter – 5th Floor West 13450 - 104 Avenue, Surrey, B.C., Canada, V3T 1V8
E-mail for PDF Files: [email protected]
1. If this Quotation is accepted by the City, a contract will be created as described in: (a) the Agreement; (b) the RFQ; and (c) other terms, if any, that are agreed to by the parties in writing.
2. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this Quotation will have the meanings given to them in the Agreement and RFQ. Except as specifically modified by this Quotation, all terms, conditions, representations, warranties and covenants as set out in the Agreement and RFQ will remain in full force and effect. 3. I/We have reviewed the RFQ Attachment 1 – Draft Agreement. If requested by the City, I/we would be prepared to enter into that Agreement, amended by the following departures (list, if any):
Section Requested Departure(s) / Alternative(s)
4. The City requires that the successful Contractor have the following in place before providing the Goods and Services:
(a) Workers’ Compensation Board coverage in good standing and further, if an “Owner Operator” is involved, personal operator protection (P.O.P.) will be provided, Workers' Compensation Registration Number: ______;
(b) Prime Contractor qualified coordinator is Name: ______and Contact Number: ______;
(c) Insurance coverage for the amounts required in the Agreement as a minimum, naming the City as additional insured and generally in compliance with the City’s sample insurance certificate form (available on the City's web site at www.surrey.ca see Standard Certificate of Insurance ;
(d) City of Surrey business license Number: ______
(e) If the Contractor's Goods and Services are subject to GST, the Contractor's GST Number is ______; and
(f) If the Contractor is a company, the company name indicated above is registered with the Registrar of Companies in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, Incorporation Number ______.
As of the date of this Quotation, we advise that we have the ability to meet all of the above requirements except as follows (list, if any):
Requested Departure(s) / Alternative(s)
5. The Contractor acknowledges that the departures it has requested in Sections 3 and 4 of this Quotation will not form part of the Agreement unless and until the City agrees to them in writing by initialing or otherwise specifically consenting in writing to be bound by any of them.
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 2 of 10 SECTION B-1
Changes and Additions to Specifications:
6. In addition to the warranties provided in the Agreement, this Quotation includes the following warranties:
7. I/We have reviewed the RFQ Attachment 1, Schedule A – Specifications of Goods and Scope of Services. If requested by the City, I/we would be prepared to meet those requirements, amended by the following departures and additions (list, if any):
Requested Departure(s) / Alternative(s) / Addition(s)
Fees and Payments
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 3 of 10 There are no additional fees to be paid to the Contractor other than the hourly rates charged for hours worked in the categories below.
This section outlines the general requirements and guidelines for preparing a Quotation for the Contract Services at the Surrey Fire Hall building identified in this RFQ. The following pricing sheet should be enclosed and included with the Contractor’s submission in order for the Quotation to be considered. The pricing sheet at minimum should cover the scope of services provided, the expected frequency and the monthly rate. In addition, identify any special services that require separate pricing and scheduling and which are beyond the services highlighted in this RFQ. The pricing sheet can be used as a guide when preparing a response.
Standard, agreed upon rates will apply for all hours. No overtime for either regularly scheduled or special event personnel will be paid by the City for cleaning personnel supplied by the Contractor.
6. Contract Services
TABLE 1 – CONTRACT SERVICES (Pricing Worksheet) Enter Enter Price Enter Estimated Estimated Enter ¹Hourly Per Month Amount Year 1 Category of Staff Total Monthly Rate (Per Cleaning Billable Hour) (B x C) (D x 12) Service Hours A B C D E 1. Labour:
Site Supervisor $ $ $ Light Duty $ $ $ Heavy Duty $ $ $ 2. Cleaning Supplies and Consumables $ $ Sub Total (sum of items 1 & 2 above): $
GST (5%): $ TOTAL QUOTATION PRICE: $ Annual Cost Per Square Foot: $
The City will only pay for the cleaning hours provided by the Contractor. Should the scope of work change and necessitate a reduction, the amount paid by the City shall be adjusted by the “price per month” Quotation price. Increases in scope and amount to be negotiated as needed.
¹Hourly Rate ($) Billing Rate shall include but not limited to:
(a) is a fixed, all inclusive hourly rate for the supply of the Services; (b) includes all vehicle, equipment and fuel costs; (c) includes all labour costs including wages, salaries, benefits, dues, holiday and vacation pay, employment insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, training and all other charges, costs and expenses; (d) shall apply to all seasonal and weather related conditions and whether or not the Services are provided during the normal scheduled hours or outside of normal scheduled hours; (e) takes into account Schedule A – Scope of Services; and
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 4 of 10 (f) shall be in effect for the duration of the Contract subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract.
7. Project Services (Additional Services)
The Contractor shall state a firm, fixed price for the initial Term for each of the following Project Services provided in accordance with the provisions and requirements stated herein. All costs associated with providing the required services shall be included in the stated prices.
The ‘Unit Price’ is the price per occasion.
The ‘Amount’ is the unit price multiplied by estimated occasions per Term.
Table 2 – PROJECT SERVICES (Pricing Worksheet) Task Item Work Item Estimated Enter Unit Enter No. Occassions Price Per Amount Occurence Year 1 301.2 Stairways (Wash Walls).* 4 $ $
Stairways (Wash Ceilings) 2 $ $
302 All Resilient and Non- Resilient Floors. 6 $ $ (Washrooms and All other Floors) 303 All Carpet and Matting. (All Carpets) 6 $ $ (Price per square foot)
*The cost of lifting system will be added on top of above costs (if applicable).
10. Extra Work (ON DEMAND)
The following are the maximum all-inclusive hourly rates (on-site) the Contractor may charge for the following personnel for approved demand emergency maintenance calls. The City will request a quotation based on these hourly labour rates. (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary): No payment will be made for travel time to and from each site and such time shall not be included in the time measured for payment.
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 5 of 10 TABLE 3– EXTRA WORK (On Demand) Maximum Hourly Labour Rates by Labour Classification Labour Classification Straight Time/hr Overtime Rate/hr (excluding GST) (excluding GST) 1. Site Supervisor $ $ 2. Light Duty Cleaners $ $ 3. Heavy Duty Cleaners $ $ Others (please state): 4. $ $ 5. $ $
Terms of Payment:
A cash discount of ______% will be allowed if account is paid within _____ days, or the______day of the month following, or net 30 days, on a best effort basis.
11. On-demand Emergency/After Hours Service Contact Information
Please provide one or more telephone numbers for contacting a company representative at anytime during normal business hours, after normal working hours and for immediate services:
Contact Person/s Phone No. Fax No. E-mail During Normal Working Hours Outside of Normal Working Hours Emergency
12. Contractors should provide an estimated schedule, with major item descriptions and times indicating a commitment to provide the Goods and perform the Services within the time specified (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary).
ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 6 of 10 Key Personnel & Sub-Contractors:
13. Contractor should Identify the key personnel who will be responsible for the Services, together with a description of the responsibilities such personnel will have in the performance of the Services and a description of the relevant experience of such personnel, using a format similar to the following. (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary): (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary):
Key Personnel
Name: Responsibility: Experience: Dates:
14. Explain how the Contract will be managed. Who will be the City’s primary point-of-contact? How will workers be held accountable? How will work orders be tracked? Etc. Include a description of the management team and provide resumes, if available. ______
15. Provide a detailed staffing plan. This plan should show proposed staffing levels by shift and must be consistent with the annual hours as proposed in the Section B-2 Fees and Payments pricing table. The staffing plan should include site managers, site supervisors, light duty cleaners, heavy duty cleaners, and daytime cleaners, and other relevant positions. Personnel shall be experienced, skilled, conscientious, competent and capable of performing the various work requirements.
Personnel must be bondable; Personnel must be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language to ensure effective written and verbal information can be communicated; Personnel should have “Building Service Workers” (BSW) certificate issued by a recognized training program, or equivalent; Personnel utilized for performing the Services shall have obtained a criminal records check clearance with is to be paid for by the Contractor prior to the initial commencement of the Services.
Note: The City may request verification and copies of certificates for any personnel listed. Only qualified personnel will be permitted to perform the Services.
# Name Role Qualifications Years of Experience 1.
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 7 of 10 3.
16. Provide a written explanation of your firms your approach in maintaining a flexible workforce to meet the needs of the City. ______
17. Contractor's relevant experience and qualifications in delivering Goods and Services similar to those required by the Agreement (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary):
Note: Quotations should include definitive information regarding the experience and qualifications of the Contractor. The Contractor may be required, before the award of any contract, to show, to the complete satisfaction of the City, that it has the necessary facilities, ability, experience, and financial resources to provide the Goods and Services specified herein in a satisfactory manner.
18. Contractor's relevant references (name and telephone number) (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary). The City's preference is to have a minimum of three references. Previous clients of the Contractor may be contacted at the City’s discretion.
19. Contractor to describe their sustainability initiatives relating to the environmental impacts. The environmental attributes (green) of their Goods and Services. Anticipated objectives (e.g. carbon neutral by 2014). Information pertaining to their environmental policies, programs and practices. Confirm that the Contractor complies with any applicable objective.
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20. Provide a detailed description of monitoring procedures that the Contractor will use to ensure that its cleaning personnel are performing their duties in accordance with the scope of Services. What follow-up steps would the Contractor take with individual personnel who are found not to be performing the required cleaning services;
21. Services
Describe below how the City would be provided with quality cleaning Services:
# Service Confirm or Describe 1. Are all cleaning staff provided with uniforms? 2. Are all cleaning staff provided with picture idendtification badges? 3. Are all cleaning staff able to communicate verbally and write in the English language? 4. What systems do you have in place to ensure that staff have access to clean laundered wet and dry mops and cleaning cloths? 5. How do you ensure that staff used the designated coloured coded cloths for the different functions, such as washrooms and offices? 6. Describe you training and development program and the number of hours of training a new employee receives. 7. Describe your company’s Quality Control and Quality Assurance program. 8. Describe how you will ensure that the City’s performance standards are adhered to and how you would maintain and monitor these performance standards. 9. Value Added: Provide any additional information that would be of some benefit and applicable in providing the best Services to the City.
Janitorial and Custodial Services - Surey Fire Services, RFQ #1220-040-2014-068 Page 9 of 10 22. I/We the undersigned duly authorized representatives of the Contractor, having received and carefully reviewed the RFQ and the Agreement, submit this Quotation in response to the RFQ.
This Quotation is offered by the Contractor this ______day of ______, 201_.
I/We have the authority to bind the Contractor
______(Legal Name of Contractor)
______(Signature of Authorized Signatory) (Signature of Authorized Signatory)
______(Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory) (Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory)
This Quotation is accepted by the City this ______day of ______, 201_.
______(Signature of Authorized Signatory) (Signature of Purchasing Representative
______(Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory) (Print Name of Purchasing Representative)
______(Signature of Authorized Signatory)
______(Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory)
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