Classroom Policies: ART
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Classroom Policies: Visual Arts Mr. Duncan- Liberty Ranch High School [email protected]
STUDENTS WILL NOT PREVENT ME FROM TEACHING AND/OR OTHER STUDENTS FROM LEARNING • Students will respect all school rules and policies, other students and their artwork, all teachers, staff, materials and supplies. •Electronic devices, such as cell phones, music players, headphones, etc, will not be used or visible in the classroom. •Absolutely NO food or drink, except water. • Students will be in their seats and quiet when the bell rings and will remain in their seat and quiet during instruction and after clean-up, until dismissed by the teacher. Students not seated and quiet at the bell, are tardy.
STUDENT ARTIST RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS: * $35.00 Donation per school year should be paid the first month of the semester* •Students are responsible for work/information/assignments missed during an absence, excused or unexcused. • Equipment and materials will not be used unless assigned by teacher and all equipment and materials will be properly cared for (instructions will be provided) and correctly stored, each day of class. Any materials lost or misplaced WILL NOT be replaced by the teacher. •Art work MUST be school appropriate; no violence, drug and alcohol references, profanity, cultural, racial and/or gender slurs, and gang affiliation. Inappropriate artwork will result in receiving zero points, as well as detention, office referral, and /or parent contact/conference. •Students must supply their own note/sketchbook to be used for, lecture notes, grading rubrics and printouts, demonstration notes, and other items provided throughout the semester. •Students are responsible for storing, maintaining and neatly organizing class information and will be graded. Notebooks will be consistently updated with new information and assignments. This is student’s way of keeping track of what is happening in class. • STANDARD GRAPHITE PENCIL AND SKETCHBOOK will be brought to class everyday and/or stored in assigned space. • All students will have an assigned shelf to store art work, sketchbooks and journals and Students will not disturb or move other student’s artwork or belongings. • All art work, including mistakes and practice or exercise work will be kept in class until the end of the school year. • Know where you work is at all times and do not take work out of the classroom without teacher permission. • To receive daily participation points, YOU MUST come to class prepared, will all necessary materials, artwork and be working the entire class period.
GRADING POLICY: Grading Scale Percentage Letter Grade Mastery Level 90-100 A Advanced Mastery 80-89 B Proficient Mastery 70-79 C Basic Mastery Less than 70 (during the quarter) D Mastery not yet achieved Less than 70 (after quarter ends) F Failure to master material Mr. Duncan is available most days during lunch in room 1001 (Art room) for extra help or additional time to work on projects or assignments.
Tardies: See LRHS Tardy Policy: 4th tardy is detention and phone call home. 5th tardy is 2 detentions and phone call. Don’t be tardy.
Absences: When absent, it is your responsibility to make up all missed work. All assignments must be made up and turned in within appropriate time frame to get credit. Projects, assignments, or quizzes/tests must be made up with Mr. Duncan’s preapproval. If you are absent for an extended period of time, see me to make arrangements to make up your work.
Leaving Class: You may not leave class during the first or last 15 minutes of class or during lecture. So, don’t ask. If you need to go to the restroom, fill out a hall passes completely. Then, bring it to me to get it signed. You will receive 2 passes per quarter and lost passes will not be replaced. Extra passes at the end of the quarter may be turned in for extra credit. End of class and Clean up: You are not to leave the classroom until I dismiss you and only after you have cleaned up and returned all materials to their proper place. Packing up before told to do so will result in being kept longer after the bell rings. Leaving class without my permission will result in a referral. The class will be dismissed only after the classroom is in proper order (clean and organized) and all students are sitting quietly in their seats.
I understand that failure is not an option in Mr. Duncan’s Art or Ceramics class. I understand that I am expected to achieve mastery in all standards. I understand that if I do not reach mastery at first, I must keep trying until I do.
I have read and fully understand all of the Policies and Procedures for Mr. Duncan’s Art or Ceramics class as outlined in this document. I agree to follow and abide by these Policies and Procedures.
______Student Signature Date
______Parent Signature Date