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First Presbyterian Church

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH *GLORIA PATRI Jackson, Ohio No. 623 First Sunday after Christmas Day December 27, 2015 ANTHEM “Whisper! Whisper!” 10:30 a.m. YOUNG PEOPLES’ TIME Prayer before Worship Bombarded with words, swamped with images, awash in videos on SCRIPTURE READING screen and in our minds, who can blame us, Lord, if we’re not sure Prayer for Illumination who we are or whose we are? Grant us clarity as we rest our identity I Samuel 2:18-20, 26 Page 250 in you. Amen. Colossians 3:12-17 193 Order of Worship Luke 2:41-52 56

ORGAN PRELUDE Response to the Reading of Scripture CHORAL INTROIT Leader: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! WELCOME AND PASSING OF THE PEACE SERMON “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise him from highest heav- HYMNS: Congregational choices (Prayer slips will be picked up during the singing of this hymn.) en! People: Praise the Lord from the depths of the sea! Leader: Praise the Lord, who came for you and for me! * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Psalm 148 (GNT) People: Praise the Lord, who loves you and me! A Call for the Universe to Praise God * HYMN: “O Come, All Ye Faithful” No. 145 Praise the Lord! * PRAYER OF CONFESSION Praise the LORD from heaven, All: It’s easy two days after Christmas to base our you that live in the heights above. identity on all our stuff, to determine the worth Praise him, all his angels, of others by what they have. But you call us to all his heavenly armies. think and live differently, Holy One. Help us re- Praise him, sun and moon; claim our true identity as your children, Child of praise him, shining stars. Bethlehem. Help us to grow like you in wisdom Praise him, highest heavens, and in your favor, no matter what or how much and the waters above the sky. stuff we have that gets in the way. Let them all praise the name of the LORD! He commanded, and they were created; * ASSURANCE OF PARDON by his command they were fixed in their places forever, Leader: Friends, believe the Good News, and they cannot disobey. People: in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Amen. Praise the LORD from the earth, sea monsters and all ocean depths; lightning and hail, snow and clouds, strong winds that obey his command. (continued) Psalm 148 - continued

Praise him, hills and mountains, fruit trees and forests; all animals, tame and wild, reptiles and birds. Praise him, kings and all peoples, princes and all other rulers; young women and young men, old people and children too. Let them all praise the name of the LORD! His name is greater than all others; his glory is above earth and heaven. He made his nation strong, so that all his people praise him- the people of Israel, so dear to him. Praise the LORD! SPECIAL MUSIC “Do Stars Lie?” --Bonny Shuman GOD’S PEOPLE PRAY Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer and Silent Prayer The Lord’s Prayer ”Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” RESPONSE: ”Hear our prayer, O Lord” PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory * Doxology No. 625 * Prayer of Consecration CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP *HYMN: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” No. 133 December 27, 2015

*BENEDICTION FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHORAL RESPONSE 225 Church Street, Jackson, Ohio 45640 Phone (740) 286-1928 CHIMES AND MEDITATION Fax (740) 286-1730 E-mail: [email protected] ORGAN POSTLUDE Website: Sunday Morning Meet and Greet 9:00 – 9:15 a.m. (*The congregation is invited to stand.) Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Minister Rev. James Shuman Administrative Assistant Mrs. Melody Morgan Organist Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Billman OUR PRAYER LIST: If you wish to add people to the printed prayer Music Director Mr. Paul Hogue list below, please put your request in writing and give it to the pastor Ushers Eddie Coriell and Nancy Jolly before the worship service, or put it in the offering plate, or e-mail it to Nursery Attendant Lorna Richison [email protected]. If you know that someone’s name should be Nursery Available: Children 5 years (Kindergarten) and under, in need of taken off the prayer list, please let Melody know (phone 740-286-1928 nursery service, are invited to the nursery located in Fellowship Hall – look or e-mail: melody401@ Thank you. for door on right marked NURSERY. Please be faithful to keep these people in your thoughts and prayers throughout the week: Clarence Rice, Verlin Short, Randy Exline, Lorna Richison, Ruth McKinney, Phil Zito, Amy and Scott Cook, Abby, Richard Bloss, Pam Mercer, Patty Howell, Bradley Duhl, ANNOUNCE- Jim Blair, Steve Brown, Shawn Barr, Nancy Cosby Davis, Ron Patton, Braden Richards, Teresa Hively, Sue Lambert (Kim Lewis’s mother), MENTS Gary Jones, Jay Canter, Mandy Wechter, Denise Gilliland, Chris Eades, Dylan Kenny, Linda Collins, Terri Potts, Joyce Simmons, Molly Harwood, Marianne Jacobs, Dick Shupe, Mallory Green, Leah McIn- TUES. DEC. 29: 10:00 a.m. Bible Study tosh, Sherry (Taylor) Manning (Edie Ridgeway’s niece); Bethany Caudill, Pam Smith, Josh Hutchinson, Nikki Canter, Rachael Hatfield, Glenna Reed, Rob Trott, Jerry Stewart, Barbara Woosley, Ronda and WED. DEC. 30: 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Scott Hansgen, Jack Eppley, Terri Coakley, Jack and Marlene Pem- berton, Jessica Wilt, Barbara Crusan, Peggy Woosley, Marlee Deater- FRI. JAN. 1: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. First Friday Feast la, Frances Weber (Debbie Lloyd’s mother), Jane Bragg, our sister church in Padoongtham Chang Rai, Thailand HAPPY NEW YEAR! Our Shut-ins: Holzer Assisted Living: Patty Clark, Lee DeLay Next Sunday, January 3, 2016 Prayers for our Servicemen and Servicewomen: During this time of --Loose Change Sunday – to assist the Deacons armed conflict, we want to support the men and women in our armed services in every way that we can. Please pray for these men and women who are currently serving in our armed forces here or over- seas, in the reserves or on regular duty. Mason and Mackenzie Reiselt – U.S. Army (grandchildren of Betty Hogue), Matt Shafer, Seth Stew- Worship Attendance Last Sunday 60 art, Jeremy Janey, Zack Skidmore, Terry Mulling, Matthew Haydon, Offering Last Sunday $1,512.00 Joey Banks, Jeremy Clark (grandson of Patty Clark), Matt Hoyt & Josh Hoyt (Lee DeLay’s two grandsons), Grant Wickline – U.S. Army, Robert (Mac) Robbins – Navy (son of Mark Robbins), Brian Wintem- berg – Germany (son-in-law of David & Tobie Davis) NEWS FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE UPCOMING IN 2016: Just a reminder…Annual reports are due in the church office We are currently updating our mailing lists, e-mail Tuesday, January 5, 2016. addresses, phone numbers, birthday & anniversary lists. Please help us by completing the form below and placing it in the offering plate or return it to the church office. Thank you. January 9, 2016 Partners in Education Classes (PIE)

Name______Sign up now for the 2016 partners in Education (PIE) Class- es for Church Leaders on Saturday, January 9 Address______Hilliard Presbyterian Church, 9:30 am – 3 pm or Waverly First Presbyterian Church, 9:30 am - 1 pm E-Mail______o Elder and Deacon Workshops Phone______o Tools for Session Clerks and Treasurers Cell Phone (optional) ______Complete brochure and registration information on the presbytery website, Birthday______

Anniversary______Ordination and Installation of New Officers to be held January 10, 2016 during worship.


Address______ATTENTION YOUTH Presbytery-wide Winter Youth Retreat E-Mail______at Camp Akita Phone______January 22-24 or February 5-7, 2016 6-8th Grades Confirmation 9-12 Grades Cell Phone (optional) ______(Brochures available in the church office.) ______Birthday______The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held following Anniversary______worship and a potluck luncheon on January 31, 2016. ______

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