Welcome to Geometry! s1
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Welcome to Geometry! Mrs. Lampshire [email protected]
Course Description: Geometry is a study of shapes and patterns. The study develops from points, lines, segments, rays, and angles then progresses to properties of two and three dimensional figures. Properties and theorems are developed through the use of logic and deductive reasoning throughout the course.
Expectations of the Student: . Respect is expected at all times. Respect will be shown for classmates, the teacher and school property in order to create a positive learning environment for all students. . Students are expected to follow The Arrowhead Way: Be Appropriate. Be Respectful. Be Responsible. . Be on time to class. Per Arrowhead policy, the 4th offense results in a Saturday detention. . Use the restroom and drinking fountain before coming to class. . Students will come to class prepared with all materials and be active participants in their learning. . Cell phones are not allowed in this class. Other electronics may be used at the discretion of the teacher.
Technology Guidelines: . Bring your devices on a daily basis. If needed, laptops are available for checkout from the library. . Devices will be used for educational purposes only. . Please charge classroom devices (including graphing calculator) prior to class. Charging lockers are available in the library to charge devices during a study hall. . Use online resources, such as the teacher’s calendars/websites, for updates on events and assignments. . Cell phones are not an approved classroom device – cell phone must remain in your locker or backpack during class. (Please refer to the Arrowhead Device Guidelines for approved devices).
Materials Math only 3-ring binder/folder with loose-leaf paper or notebook Pencils and eraser Calculator (scientific or graphing) Protractor, compass, and ruler (provided during class only)
Absences & Missed Assessments: In the event of an absence, for any reason, it is your responsibility to seek out notes and homework that were missed. If an assessment is missed, you must take the assessment upon the day you return during resource.
Grading Scale: A+ 98.00 – 100.00% B+ 87.00 – 89.99% C+ 77.00 – 79.99% D+ 67.00 – 69.99% A 93.00 – 97.99 % B 83.00 – 86.99% C 73.00 – 76.99% D 63.00 – 66.99% A – 90.00 – 92.99% B – 80.00 – 82.99% C – 70.00 – 72.99% D – 60.00 – 62.99% F 59.99 – 0%
**Students must earn a “C-” or better to proceed to the next math course** Grades are not rounded at the end of the semester.
18 Week Grading: Semester Grading: Tests 55% 18-week grade 85% Quizzes 35% Semester Exam 15% Homework 10% Notes Taking notes on a daily basis is extremely important for success in mathematics. Notes should be used as a reference to complete homework and a resource to study for quizzes/tests. Students are expected to take notes every day and keep these notes organized. A binder specifically for this class is needed to keep all math-related materials organized.
Homework Homework is very important to practice and reinforce learning, therefore, it will be assigned daily. Students will have access to solutions for the assignments and will be able to ask questions during class. Homework will be collected randomly to check student accountability and diligence in completing daily assignments. The assignments will be graded upon completion as well as accuracy.
Quizzes There will be 1 – 2 quizzes per week. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed quizzes in the study hall or with the teacher prior. Any missed quiz needs to be taken prior to the end of unit test.
Tests At the end of each unit, a cumulative test will be given. Students cannot use notes on tests. Please note: One test retake is allowed per semester. Students are only eligible for a test retake if all homework assignments were turned in prior to the initial test date. Students will need make corrections on the original test and meet with the teacher to go through the material. The retake must be completed within a week of the original test date.
Extra Credit Extra credit, if and when offered, will not be in lieu of work missed or points lost, but rather used to extend learning and deepen proficiency of learning targets.
Period Class Location 1 Geometry S304 2 Prep S304 3 Geometry S304 4 Prep (1st Sem) South Tutoring (2nd Sem) 5 Lunch 6 Geometry S304 7 Geometry S304 8 Travel to North North/Prep 9 Advanced N160 Algebra 10 Advanced N160 Algebra Additional Help This course can and will be challenging at some point during the school year. Please see me with questions or for additional help as needed; don’t wait or assume you’ll figure it out later! Here are a few options if you are looking for extra help: . My schedule shows where you can find me throughout the school day. If you are a student at south campus, I highly recommend that you see me before school. In contrast, students at north campus should plan to see me after school. Please talk to me during class or by e-mail to arrange a meeting before/after school. . Feel free to e-mail me with questions but please realize that I may not be able to respond to e-mails sent later in the evening. . Math study halls and SASS tutors are available . Don’t forget to use outside resources such as your textbook, online tutorials, or YouTube videos. These resource can be a “quick fix” if you’re looking for an additional explanation on a particular concept. PERSEVERANCE:
Students will be presented with problems, activities, questions, projects, etc. that are not going to be easy to solve or immediately obvious on how to approach. Part of this class will involve working through our struggles and not getting immediate answers of “what to do”. This is to help students to develop critical thinking strategies, intrinsic questioning, and self-reliance in difficult areas.
PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT: E-mail is the best way to contact me throughout the school year. Please feel free to contact me with questions about the course, student progress, or to make an appointment for a conference at [email protected].
Student Name (Written):
Student: My teacher has explained the course information to me. I understand it and will honor it while in the classroom.
Parent/Guardian: I/We have read the course information. I/We understand it and will support it.
Teacher: I will be fair and consistent in administering the course information as previously outlined. Signature:______Date:______