Christ Renews His Parish Holy Trinity, Lenexa

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Christ Renews His Parish Holy Trinity, Lenexa

Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity Role: Sacristan READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE CHRIST RENEWS HANDBOOK

Contact: W: Deb Britian, M: Jeff Olson

Reference Documents:

 See the above document for information on the Sacristan Role

 A gray bin located in the working Sacristy in Church contains everything you need for Mass . Saturday night Mass is located in the Church . Sunday Mass is located in the Christ Renews Chapel in the Quigley Center

Activities When What

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The following are comments specific to CRHP Sacristan/Liturgist Ministry at Holy Trinity parish.

The Sacristan/Liturgist is responsible for planning and carrying out Bible enthronement at formation meetings for the duration of the formation period, working in conjunction with the CSD and LD, and including other team members as needed.

The Sacristan/Liturgist is also responsible for planning the space and preparing all supplies needed for liturgical celebrations during the retreat weekend. These will include celebration of Mass, the sacrament of reconciliation, and plans/schedule for continuous prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the entire retreat weekend. S/he will also arrange altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, readers, prayer leaders, music and/or musicians for all liturgies, as well as music in the Witness Room as needed. A mentor from a previous retreat will be available to answer questions and give directions. Deacon Stuart is also a resource and liaison between the S/L and priests. Deacon Stuart will bring the Blessed Sacrament to the CRHP chapel before the retreat begins. The S/L is responsible for arranging a schedule of prayer supporters who will be in constant prayer and adoration in the CRHP chapel throughout the weekend. The S/L will also spend their own free time in the chapel in prayer, or as otherwise needed.

When possible, this ministry is divided between two team members, one Sacristan and one Liturgist, who will work closely together. When the role is divided, the Sacristan is responsible for space and supplies for the liturgies as well as people for prayer support before the Blessed Sacrament. The Liturgist is responsible for preparation of readings, scheduling ministers, choosing music and prayers for liturgies, as well as recording and playing music used in the Witness Room. The Sacristan/Liturgist will receive in-put, manpower and support from the entire team when needed.


ALTAR LINENS: Altar cloth – the large white cloth which completely covers the altar.

Corporal - A square white altar linen (approximately 15 inches square) placed over the altar cloth in the spot where the chalice and paten will be. This may have a small red cross embroidered on it, or may be decorated in some other way.

Pall – A stiff, flat, white square placed over the opening of the chalice.

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Purificator - A rectangular white cloth used by the priest to purify the sacred vessels after communion. Before Mass it is placed on the credence table. After cleaning the sacred vessels, the priest may stack the paten on top of the chalice, then cover the paten with the pall and the used purificator which is folded and draped over the pall. When preparing for Mass, the Sacristan will have 3 purificators ready: one for the priest and one for Communion Ministers to wipe the lip of the two chalices used at Holy Communion.

Hand towel – Used by the priest at the lavabo (washing of hands), for drying hands.

AMBO – The lectern with microphone used by readers and musicians during the Mass.

BELL – To be rung by server at the epiclesis and at the elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ.

BOOKS: A small loose-leaf lectionary (from the Roman Missal) is in place on the ambo from which lectors proclaim the scripture readings.

The Roman Missal has the scripture readings of the day’s Mass. It is carried into the Church in procession on Sundays and is enthroned in front of the ambo after the readings have been proclaimed.

The Sacramentary contains all the prayers of the Mass and is placed on the altar for the priest’s use.

CHALICE – The cup used by the priest which holds the Sacred Blood of Christ. Additional chalices are used by each Eucharistic Minister during Holy Communion.

CIBORIUM – Shallow bowl-like vessel which holds consecrated hosts ready for distribution to the congregation. Have 2 ciboria ready for each Mass.

CREDENCE TABLE – The shelf or table to the left of the altar, toward the working sacristy and behind the presider’s (priests) chair and the altar servers chairs. This table holds linens and vessels used during the liturgy (cruets of wine and water, for example) as well as other items used by liturgical ministers.

CRUETS – Glass vessels holding water and wine.

GATHERING SPACE – The room on the left side of the narthex where liturgical ministers gather before Mass.

HOSTS – Our altar breads come in three sizes: the small hosts which are consecrated then consumed by the congregation, a very large host used by some presiders (priests), and a medium size host used by other presiders. The priest may have a personal preference for one size or another. Sacristans should have one large or one medium host ready for thepriest, and one small host for each member of the congregation. These are kept in the refrigerator/freezer in the working sacristy.

KEY – The working sacristy is locked when not in use between Masses. The key can be found in the usher’s drawer in the gathering space. This is a master key for every door inside the church. The key must be returned to the drawer immediately after use.

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LAVABO – Glass bowel used for washing priests hands

LIGHTER and EXTINGUISHER – For lighting and putting out candles.

NARTHEX – The entry space or “lobby” of the Church

NAVE – The interior space of the church where the altar and pews are, where the congregation is seated for liturgies.

PATEN – The flat plate-like vessel which holds the host which is consecrated and becomes the Sacred Body of Christ.

PRIE-DIEU – A kneeler for one or two persons provided for prayer and placed before the adoration altar in the chapel.

SANCTUARY – The elevated sacred space inside the nave where the altar is located.

SANCTUARY LAMP – The lighted red glass container which hangs above the tabernacle. Its purpose is to signify that the Blessed Sacrament is present in the tabernacle (every day of the year except from Holy Thursday night until the Easter Vigil liturgy).

TABERNACLE – The golden “box” behind the altar where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. It is locked except during Mass. The key is kept in the working sacristy, left-most upper cabinet, on bottom shelf. *Always make sure key is returned to cabinet and not left in the tabernacle after Mass.

WORKING SACRISTY – The room to the left of the altar (left as seen from the pews). This is where sacred vessels are stored and washed after each Mass. There are several supplies in this room, e.g. unconsecrated altar breads and wine, candle oil, altar linens, etc.


A priest will give witness talk on reconciliation, followed by opportunity for retreatants to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Multiple priests will be present; S/L should consult Deacon Stuart regarding this.

Supplies needed:  Music (usually appropriate quiet, reflective recorded music for background)  CRHP handouts including examination of conscience  Table placed on altar steps, covered with cloth  Correct number of votive candles in holders – one for each retreatant  Tapers or lighters for lighting votives

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Get key to working sacristy from usher’s drawer in the gathering space. Enter working sacristy through hallway to left of altar; light switch in hallway. After unlocking door, a doorstop is needed to keep the door open.

Gather or locate the following items needed for each Mass:  Presider’s personal chalice and paten (mentor will have instructed you on this) is in the upper cabinets on the wall in the working sacristy  Pall and 3 purificators from drawers below cabinets  One large host from refrigerator. These 4 items (chalice, paten, host and pall) are stacked in this order and LEFT WHERE?  Two additional chalices for Eucharistic Ministers to use – place on credence table  Two ciboria for Eucharistic Ministers to use with supply of unconsecrated small hosts in ciboria – place on credence table  Wine and water cruets – kept in refrigerator; fill and place on credence table  Lavabo bowel and hand towel – are on credence table (check to be sure)  Place 3 purificators on credence table  Get Sacramentary and Roman Missal from behind acolytes chairs and place on altar  Be sure loose-leaf lectionary is on ambo, ready for reader  Light 6 candles on altar – 2 on either side of altar, 2 by ambo, 2 by tabernacle  Lighter and extinguisher are behind acolytes chairs


Purification of vessels. The priest or deacon must purify sacred vessels at each Mass. Some presiders do it IN Mass; some do it afterwards. Sacristan should observe when priest does this. After purification by priest, the sacristan washes the vessels in the working sacristy. Please read written instructions posted on cabinet doors.  Be sure there are no crumbs of consecrated hosts on paten or in ciboria. If some are round, the sacristan should consume them.  Remove rings/jewelry that might scratch the vessels.  Lay used purificators (opened up) across edge of hamper behind the sink.  Use blue microfiber towels for actually drying vessels after washing.  Return all vessels to cabinets  Lock cabinets and replace key

Extinguish candles. Gather used altar linens (see above). Wash and refill wine cruet. Return both cruets to refrigerator. Wash lavabo bowel and return to credence table. Return books to place behind acolytes chairs – may leave lectionary at ambo. Be sure tabernacle key is not left in tabernacle. Lock working sacristy and return key to gathering space.

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Chapel will be set up in designated portion of main “Q” space. The Atrium gathering space is no longer available for the chapel. Arrangement and decoration of chapel may be carried out as each team desires, keeping in mind what is appropriate, functional and simple to create a sacred space for peaceful, prayerful, reverence and reflection.

The Sacristan/Liturgist will inventory supplies to be sure she has everything needed to set up for Mass in “The Q.” Master key for “The Q” is in a very small wooden box on top shelf of the cabinets on the right side of the Atrium entry space. CRHP supplies are stored in:  a dark gray plastic tub with a red lid and marked CRHP holds all supplies. It is on the top shelf, right side of the storage shelves in the working sacristy of the church.  in the closet of the room used for the chapel, northwest-most door  in the CRHP closet (south-most doors) in the hallway between café area and Atrium (all CRHP supplies are in clear plastic containers, marked CRHP)  The large utility/storage room next to the north staircase in “The Q”  Any other needed items may be “borrowed” from the working sacristy

Other items needed to set up chapel space include:  Lunch room style table for altar  White cloth to cover table completely  Two oil-filled candlesticks (oil in working sacristy)  Chair for presider  Ambo/lectern for reader  Chairs arranged for participants  Prie-Dieu/kneeler in front of altar (except during Mass)  Smaller table to be used as credence table for Mass and a place for the monstrance during Mass when Blessed Sacrament is not exposed  Monstrance and monstrance cover (both in working sacristy)  Large candle for sanctuary lamp  Small table or stand near chapel entry doors to hold bowel of holy water  “Mary Altar” with statue, cloth, extra rosaries, other amenities  May want another small table in back of chapel for music player, CDs, etc  Lamps for “mood lighting”  Flowers, music, candles, etc as desired


 Wash sacred vessels after being purified by presider.  Return monstrance with Blessed Sacrament to altar in chapel.  Return Prie-Dieu to spot in front of altar  Return supplies to appropriate storage boxes/locations


This is done at the Mass on Sunday when the Holy Thursday readings are used. The Sacristan/Liturgist with the help of the retreat team needs to work out details and plan

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“manpower” to carry this out smoothly and efficiently. A practice/dress rehearsal is encouraged so everyone knows exactly what to do and when to do it.

In general, supplies are set up in the hallway space that runs along the north wall of the chapel. Buckets, pitcher and towels are available as part of CRHP supplies, or part of “The Q” kitchen supplies.

Inside the chapel are needed:  Place for priest to sit (he may prefer to stand – find out)  Place for two retreatants to sit side-by-side (may want to use tall chairs from the café area)  Tubs to catch water  Pitchers (in the kitchen)  Towels (in plastic tub marked CRHP in CRHP closet)  Supplies for priest to clean hands before continuing Mass


Following are comments offered by previous team members after they have put on a retreat weekend for a new team. Future teams are also invited to comment or make suggestions based on their experience.

 Check out AV system before retreat; turn off microphone when music is on  Need a small speaker or MP3 player dock for us in church  May want to have soft, instrumental background music playing in chapel during most of weekend retreat  “Spotify” account (website) was helpful in searching for Catholic music

 Getting everything set up and ready ahead of time is key – that goes for Adoration, Mass, Reconciliation, Foot Washing, etc.  There is a tub with all the items needed for Mass – minus hosts and wine – in the working sacristy in the main church. This was a huge help.  Towels for foot washing are washed and ready in a clear plastic tub in the closet in hallway of The Q. We used one per person. Sacristan took them home to wash and brought them back after the retreat weekend.  Sacristan should talk to the priest who will be doing the Holy Thursday liturgy on Sunday about the retreatants reading their Commitment to Jesus statement aloud to him as they come up for communion.  All Mass music, including the responsorial psalm, should be planned out ahead of time by the Liturgist. Alleluia must be sung or is to be omitted. If no sung alleluia, just read the responsorial verse aloud.  Meet with whoever is planning masses (liturgist). You need four songs per Mass: entrance, offertory hymn, communion hymn, recessional (ending) hymn. Decide whether responsorial psalm will be sung or just read.  Set up a “Mary Table” in the chapel. Kneelers are a big help for time when witnesses are prayed for before giving their talk.

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