Home and School Meeting Rm. 5, Carman Collegiate 7:00 p.m., June 2/15

In attendance: Marcy Platt, Lisa Lehmann, Liza Penner, Rob Hamm, Wendy Clark, Wendy Durand, Joyce Nicolajsen Regrets: Karen Tjaden Staff members; Jack Phillips, Garth Shindle Trustee: Colleen Claggett-Woods Lisa called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., welcoming all present.

Minutes of the last meeting held on May 5/15 were discussed. Attendees are invited to view minutes off the Collegiate WIKI.

Correspondence -Nil

Admin. Report: -May was a very busy month; Track & Field, Bio-health, grad meetings, Otherness Workshop. The Otherness wkshp included gr. 9-11 students from Carman Coll., Elm Creek, St. Laurent and St. Paul’s. Guest speaker was Mr. Kevin Lamoureux from the U of Wpg. The goal was discussion around breaking down the barriers of “otherness”, otherness being skin color, sexual orientation etc. It is the hope of the division for each school to select a few students to form a divisional group who could travel from school to school raising cultural awareness. -Bailey Gitzel (current gr. 11) was selected as the only MB. Student to attend the Global Youth Inst. In Iowa Oct. 2015. We are very proud of Bailey. -Sr. Track and Field team won the aggregate banner for the first time in 7 years. -Sept. 2015 will see a new format for athletic banners in our gym as space had become an issue. -Timetable has been completed. Students should be able to upload to it in the next week or two. Jack mentioned that if 75% of students are able to successfully book their courses that is considered successful. -Science lab reno will begin on June 22nd and should be complete by August. The Dep’t of Ed sent a rep out to assist with planning etc. -Arts Appreciation night; June 3/15 looking forward to the new format. Philanthropy group will kick it all off with a BBQ. -Track and Field provincials in Wpg. this wkd. -June so Soon will be held June 12th in Morden. -Athletic banquet-June 18/15. Grade 8 parents to assist with meal. -June 26 in the a.m. grade 7-8 awards -Fall start date Sept. 10th for MY, Sept. 11th – high school students -Open House set for Sept. 17/15. Home and School group will set up an info. booth. Staffing: .85 reduction; projected enrolment of 300 students next year. Ms. Amanda Rheault has been transferred to CES. Mrs. Kim Deamel will teach Gr. 8 ELA, Art, Math, Drama. Jodi McInnes-Rouire is the new divisional French lang. coord. this is a half time position, Jodi will work out of CC and will continue to teach Gr. 7-8 french filling the remaining half time.

Grade reports- Grade 7- Expo finishing up, fantastic job! Grade 8- Ancient Civilizations group projects Grade 9- Recent trip to Cdn Human Rights Museum was excellent Grade 10- n/a Grade 11- n/a Grade 12- Dry Grad held May 31/15, all committee meetings and plans running smooth

Next meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 15/15 @ 7:00 p.m. Room #5- Carman Collegiate. *Annual General Meeting: Oct. 6/15 with general meeting to follow

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.