Residence Hall Association Board of Governors
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Residence Hall Association Board of Governors September 15th, 2015 7:30 PM FPG Student Union Room 3102
I. Call to Order II. Meeting called to order at 7:33 III. Attendance a. Late – Carmaichel b. Absent - Parker c. Leaving Early IV. Approval of the Minutes V. Reports a. Executive Officers i. Vice President 1. Heelprint this weekend, informative and exciting ii. Executive Secretary 1. Adam and Tori need to send secretary info, accidently sending emails to henderson. Start one on ones next week iii. Executive Treasurer 1. Heelprint and silent disco good. Need treasurer emails, external grant requests went live today iv. Internal Affairs 1. Silent disco! Start one on ones this coming week, starting to recruit for programming committee v. External Affairs 1. Met with all of marketing manager, Meelad and Chinelo need secretaries vi. National Communications Coordinator 1. Great time in NYC, upset couldn’t make silent disco, sat in Joseph’s interviews for cogo, affliation with NACURH and NACAR complete, SACCURH closed Sunday, met with Rick Bradley vii. Chief Enhancements Officer 1. Lots of enhancements check outs, met with CEO’s need to meet two, one on ones next week, final structural grant application viii. Director of Special Projects 1. Heelprint went well, every community has sustainability officer, groupme and meeting time set up with all of them, new solar panels on top of the union, met with tar heel bikes ix. President 1. Finalized for student gov liason, joined planning committee for saftober fest, training with all non exec members, emailing tonight about 200 different program ideas and 50 orgs to pair with, update program info, 1014 people at silent disco double for last year b. Board of Governors i. Carmaichel 1. First meeting Thursday! ii. Cobb 1. Conducted interviews, 27 applicants, 20 interviews group of 16, dropped dining hall committee and Joseph take over, make up heelprint training? First meeting next week, drafting budget with treasurer iii. Connor 1. First cogo meeting at 9pm tomorrow iv. Craige 1. First meeting tomorrow, met with CD’s and RA’s v. Ehaus 1. First cogo meeting tonight, went well vi. Granville 1. First cogo meeting Sunday… with 28 people… all have titles…were going to have a rave but instead going to have recycling drive, got t-shirts about 200 shirts, giveaway throughout the year, trying to contact carolina green to give out bottles, issues of SJA who say she doesn’t know what to do during meetings vii. HJ 1. Heelprint went well, met with community director, weekly meetings with them and cogos, HJ cogo closet! Trying organize, meeting weekly, sustainability event by end of september viii. Kenan 1. First meeting last night without secretary retreat next mondayand smores at 8:30 ix. LQ 1. Silent disco Friday night, whole cogo went heelprint, one on ones with CD this week, cogo meet on Sunday from 8-9 x. Manning East 1. Meeting with CD tomorrow and first cogo at 9pm xi. Manning West 1. First meet up at Manning West Block party, good heelprint, meeting date set xii. Morrison 1. Going to get floor reps, still scheudling meeting time and working on marketing things xiii. Odum 1. Heelprint successful!First cogo meeting yesterday, very productive set out expectations of ourselves and each other, told what learned at heelprint training, mentioned different committees, brainstormed different ideas for retreats, second event for community, presidental debate going one, parternering with RAs playing grocery bingo, LT is here! Also CEO xiv. Parker 1. We presented at the RA meeting and we struck a good relationship with the RAs. They will be involved with all our events and we will be involved with all their events. 2. We had our first CoGo meeting last night. Had a great time planning this year as we enjoyed a medley of Domino's Pizza. 3. Our first event is this Friday at 8:00pm on Teague Basketball Court. It is called "IceBreaking with Ice Cream" and it will be a speed friending event with various types of ice cream and Carolina Green giving out bottles. EVERY MEMBER OF MY EXTENDED FAMILY IS INVITED! � � xv. Ram 1. Met CD at silent disco, meetings Monday at 8:30 one on ones before that 8 xvi. UQ 1. Silent disco and heelprint, RA meeting went well, meetings Thursday at 8pm c. NRHH d. Advisor(s) i. Tunnel of Oppression Jan 26th-28th ii. Heelprint fantastic! Presented in SJA session, if not origingally meet at heelprint send info e. Committees and External Appointments VI. New Business a. Green Pledge i. Interdisciplinary iniative for economic societal sustainability ii. Residental life encourage people in resident halls to volunteer or become apart of it iii. Plan for university – action items but not knowing what plan is overall, getting ideas from students iv. Website ideas to be sent out this week, submit ideas for projects v. Eco reps focuses on outreach, focusing on residental education organzing programs with RA’s and cogos vi. Ideas for events? 1. Green resident hall certification program b. TFA i. Working with areas without a lot opportunties, work with human capital needed in schools, join for two years, kids generally 5 years behind, very good at get them catching up, how to partner with communities to know what TFA is and how to get involved 1. Done several workshops in the past 2. Opportunities outside of america – Teach for all 3. Send contact info out a. Training for 6 week program, take classes on technical things b. Teach summer school c. Requirements – bachelors degree 2.5 gpa d. Placement have regions rank top 10 regions and what grade level interested in 4. Anyone and everyone can get involved including first years 5. [email protected] 6. Practice interviews available c. NCARH Presentation – Usman & Travis i. Anyone get involved? ii. Chairs – Dining, spirit, registration iii. RHA sponsorship iv. Contact info 1. [email protected] 336-848-1483 d. Committee Breakouts VII. Recognition VIII. Announcements a. Treasurer – email treasurer emails by tomorrow night b. DSP – embody carolina next Monday, Event at 5:30 tues google tech talks, carborro music festival – sign up for recycling free t shirt, football game Sunday is turn it green volunteer, fall job and internships fair this Thursday, presidental debate tomorrow! c. NCC- submit otws and otms, hab talk about community, plan recogition event with cogos d. President – admins on fb page, sending all social media tonight, Tori Moza talk after. e. Odum – come to odum for presidental debates f. Parker – admins on student life? Yes g. Cobb – collab event to vote for elections, apply for college program IX. Adjournment adjourned at 9:38 NOTES:
SAFO EXPENSE CODES Financial Summary Sheet Stipends-5130 8/31/2015 Conferences-5400 Office-5300 Total Working Funds: $ 89,700.00 Training-5210 Beginning Funds $ 40,700.00 Marketing-5500 Occupancy Fees (Fall) $ 8,500.00 Internal-5630 Occupancy Fees (Spring) $ - Grants-5120 Merchandise-5700 Diploma Sales $ 6,000.00 Awards-5720 Laundry Services $ 3,000.00 Misc-5900 Linens Commission $ 21,000.00 Account Number-0014 Microfridges Commission $ 6,500.00 Summer Storage $ 4,000.00 Total Generated Funds: $ 49,000.00
YTD Expenditures: $ 6,833.84 Total Conferences $ - Total Office Supplies $ 5.36 Total Training & Development $ 1,882.82 Total Publicity & Advertising $ 536.47 Total Internal Programming $ 3,642.41 Total Stipends $ - Total Grants (External & Traditional) $ - Total RHA Merchandise $ 766.78 Total Awards $ - Total Misc $ - Total Cash-in-Hand Balance: $ 82,866.16
Fall External Grant Amount $2,000 Fall Internal Grant Amount $3,000