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University of Maryland s4

SYLLABUS FOR AUMT 1405 Introduction to Automotive Technology Semester Hours Credit: 4

Location: Sicily Course Dates/Times: 13 April – 05 June 2015 / Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1700-2100 Instructor: Matthew Dale Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1630-1700 Instructor Email: [email protected] Phone: +39 331 683 3051

INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHY The "gears" were first installed into my head during my freshman year auto votec class in high school. I knew that this was something I was really passionate about and wanted to do professionally. After high school, I went on to pursue an Associate of Automotive Technology at UTI in Arizona where I spent my nights managing a Penske Auto Center. Upon graduating, I went to work for a performance and tuning shop in Colorado where I (unfortunately) spent the majority of my time diagnosing and repairing emission systems. Eventually I landed at a Lexus dealership as a technician. I was promoted to service consultant and remained with Lexus until September of 2001. Soon after, I left the automotive industry and joined the US Navy. I started off as an Aviation Structural Mechanic and am now an Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer. I've spent the last 18 years working in a maintenance environment and I am still just as passionate for all things mechanical. I've owned, raced, restored and flipped over 33 cars ranging from a 1978 Datsun to an attempted clone of the original 1968 "Green Hornet" (a few bonus points if you can tell me who made that car and why it was so special).


A. An introduction to the automotive industry including automotive history, safety practices, shop equipment and tools, vehicle subsystems, service publications, fasteners, professional responsibilities, and automotive maintenance. B. Introduction to Automotive Technology (AUMT 1405) is a required course for the completion of a two year Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Mechanic/Technician or a Level I or Level II certificate or completion in the Automotive Technician Program. C. This course is occupationally related and serves as a preparation for a career in the Automotive Service and Repair field. D. Prerequisites: There are no Prerequisites for this course.


Upon successful completion of this course, Introduction to Automotive Technology, the student will:

A. Utilizing appropriate safety procedures, the student will demonstrate familiarity with historical developments and career information on the automotive industry.

AUMT 1405 B. Demonstrate safe, professional, and responsible work practices. C. Identify and demonstrate the proper use of shop equipment and tools. D. Identify and describe functions of vehicle subsystems. E. Demonstrate the use of the service publications. F. Identify, various automotive fasteners used in industry. G. Perform automotive maintenance. H. Explain OSHA, the Hazardous Communications Acts, Right to Know requirements and use an MSDS. I. Perform mathematical operations (add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, decimals and compute percentages). J. Identify and explain the use various types of fire extinguishers. K. Name the classes of fires and explain them. L. Identify and properly use sealants. M. Identify and explain the uses of seals and bearings. N. Identify and use protective clothing. O. Explain basic first aid. P. Use a computer. Q. Set goals and prepare a Job Application. R. Use Customary and Metric Measuring Systems. S. Identify and use precision measuring devices. T. Perform soldering operations. U. Explain use of fuels, lubricants, and fluids. V. Use cleaning methods and equipment.


A. The instructional materials identified for this course are viewable through

Required Student Textbook:

Gilles, Tim. (2012). Automotive Service, Inspection, Maintenance, Repair. (4th ed.) Delmar, Cengage Learning.

ISBN: 978-1-1111-2861-6


A. This course is 96 hours in length. This outline is designed to inform you of the sequence in which this course will be presented. You must follow the instructor’s directions and the syllabus. It contains reading assignments, written assignments, presentations and lab assignments that you must complete. Written assignments will be turned in as directed by the instructor. Late assignments may be accepted for partial credit.

AUMT 1405 B. The student must take notes during lectures and demonstrations. Exams may be taken from lectures, demonstrations, reading and lab assignments. If instructor notes or handouts are given to you, you must study them, and exams may be taken from these notes also.

C. The instructor may give written assignments or pop quizzes as he/she deems necessary.

D. Performance Exams:

Each student will clean all tools and equipment that they use and properly store them and clean their work area after the completion of each task.

Laboratory tasks (performance exam) will be completed on an individual basis except when limited by tools and/or materials. Each performance exam is worth a maximum of 10 points. The maximum lab grade is 100 points. The instructor will deduct points from each lab task score for failure to follow safety precautions and/or a failure to complete the project to industry standards. The instructor will date, initial, and post the points earned for each performance exam as it is completed.

E. The following is part of the course requirements: Each student will assist in lab cleanup at the close of the evening classes.

F. There will be 7 written examinations in this course (6 chapter exams and a comprehensive final exam. Written exams must be completed before taking the performance exam for each module. The exit exam is a comprehensive exam that covers the entire course.

G. The student must complete the written assignments to receive a grade. Written assignments for each unit will be turned into the instructor prior to starting performance exams for that module.


A. Your first responsibility is scholarship. The grade you receive for this course will not be the grade of the instructor, but rather the grade you and you alone make.

B. You should attend class regularly and be prepared to participate in classroom discussions and to take unannounced quizzes relating to text assignments and lecture material presented from the beginning of the course. Please refer to ‘Class Attendance and Course Progress’ under the Academic Policies section in our current Central Texas College (CTC) Course Catalog.

C. You are encouraged to give your best effort throughout the course. From the beginning, you should plan for a steady, organized, and continuous effort, which in the long run will prove more effective for your final grade than a last minute crash-cram policy. Your course grade is not determined solely by exam grade. Such factors as class participation, initiative, attendance, and individual research papers or projects will be considered in grade computation.

D. From time to time, special library and/or outside assignments will be made to members of the class individually and/or in groups. You are expected to read all assignments and fulfill your responsibilities to any group assignment. AUMT 1405 E. You are expected to read all assigned material and bring your textbook/reading materials to class. Keep informed on all assignments, especially after an absence.

F. Good class notes are indispensable for earning a good grade, since both the material assigned and that discussed in class will be the basis for examination material.

G. Scholastic Honesty: All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examinations. The following are considered examples of scholastic dishonesty:

Plagiarism: The taking of passages from the writing of others without giving proper credit to the sources.

Collusion: Using another’s work as one’s own, or working together with another person in the preparation of work, unless such joint preparation is specifically approved in advance by the instructor.

Cheating: Giving or receiving information on examinations.

H. Special Work: A term paper or other project, per requirements of the instructor, will be required. The subject must be appropriate for the course material. Check with the instructor when you have made a selection. The value is indicated in the semester grade computation and has considerable weight on your final average.


A. There will be a minimum of 2 major examinations as follows:

1. Weekly exams for covered chapters: a.Week 1 – 1,2 b.Week 2 – 3 c.Week 3 – 6, d.Week 4 – 7,8,9,11 & 51 e.Week 5 – 22,23,24,51 & 60 f. Week 6 – 10,12 & 39 g.Week 7 – 4,5 & 55 2. Final exam on Wednesday June 03rd, 2015

B. The instructor may give written assignments or pop quizzes as he/she deems necessary.

C. Performance Exams:

Each student will clean all tools and equipment that they use and properly store them and clean their work area after the completion of each task.

Laboratory tasks (performance exam) will be completed on an individual basis except when limited by tools and/or materials. The maximum lab grade is 40 points. The instructor will deduct points from each lab task score for failure to follow safety precautions and/or a failure to complete the project to industry standards. The instructor will date, initial, and post the points earned for each performance exam as it is completed. AUMT 1405 D. The following is part of the course requirements: Each student will assist in lab cleanup at the close of the evening classes.

E. There will be written chapter examinations as well as a comprehensive final exam. Chapter exams must be completed before taking the performance exam for each section. The Final exam is a comprehensive exam that covers the entire course.


Grading: Laboratory 40 pts 40% A 90-100% Chapter exams 30 pts 30% B 80-89% Final exam 30 pts 30% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% or less


A. Tuition refunds are made only in the case of class cancellation or official and timely withdrawal from CTC or from a course. Please refer to the current course catalog

B. GoArmyEd students should contact their education counselor before withdrawing and are required to withdraw through the GoArmyEd portal.

Please note: a military withdrawal does not override CTC’s grading policy. 0 For self-pay students, refunds are computed from the date the Application for

Withdrawal or Refund is filed with the CTC Field Representative or designated Student Services Officer. Special conditions apply to students who receive federal, state, and/or institutional financial aid.

Tuition and fees paid directly to the Institution by the Veterans Administration, Title IV (Financial Aid Programs, a sponsor, donor, or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the students.

C. Course Withdrawals, Student Responsibilities: It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course. The instructor cannot initiate a withdrawal based upon a student’s request. Rather, students must initiate the withdrawal with the designated Education Center Representative, through the CTC Field Representative or the Student Services Officer for that region.

Applications for Withdrawal will be accepted at any time before the completion of 75% of the course, after which time the student will be assigned an “FN”- “Failure for Non-attendance.”

D. Incomplete / Course in Progress Grade Policy: An “IP” or “Incomplete” grade may be assigned by an instructor if a student has made satisfactory progress in a course with the exception of a major quiz, final exam, or other project. The “IP” grade may also be assigned based on circumstances beyond a student’s control, such as personal illness, death in the immediate family, or military orders. Notice of absences, with supporting documentation, may be required by the instructor. The instructor makes the final decision concerning the granting of the incomplete grade. With an “Incomplete” AUMT 1405 grade, students are required to complete a set amount of work before the instructor will submit an official letter grade.

E. Cellular phones, beepers, and other electronic devices will be turned off while the student is in the classroom or laboratory unless the student is using the device for class purposes. No texting or social networking is allowed during class.

F. Instructor Discretion : The instructor reserves the right of final decision in course requirements.

G. Civility: Individuals are expected to be cognizant of what a constructive educational experience is and respectful of those participating in a learning environment. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


A. The instructor will introduce the course and discuss textbook. B. The instructor will verify the class roster. C. The instructor will discuss the following topics with the student: 1. Course requirements, objectives and how the course works 2. Policy letters 3. Student handouts 4. Lab sheet and lab work, written assignments, scheduled lectures and demonstrations, chapter exams, performance exams. 5. Exam, grading, reading and written assignments. 6. Hazardous communications/MSDS information 7. Shop safety


Note: The instructor has the right to change the course schedule. Any changes will be announced in class. If the student misses a class period and changes are announced, it is the student’s responsibility to receive the missed information from a classmate or the instructor.

Computers, Automotive History & Basic first Aid (week 1)

A. Dates – 13, 15 & 17 April B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this section the student will: 1. Use a computer. 2. Set goals and prepare a job application. 3. Demonstrate awareness of historical developments and career information in the automotive industry. 4. Identify and describe functions of vehicle subsystems. 5. Perform automotive maintenance. 6. Explain basic first aid C. Read Chapters 1 and 2 in the textbook and answer all questions at the end of each chapter. D. See your instructor and ask him to explain any part of the reading assignment that you do not understand. E. Attend lecture on chapters 1 & 2 F. This module should be completed by the end of the first week. G. Attend first aid, job application, history, and vehicle subsystems lecture.

AUMT 1405 H. Take written chapter exam. I. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor.

Hazardous Communications and Shop Safety (week 2)

A. Dates – 20, 22 & 24 April B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this section the student will: 1. Demonstrate safe, professional, and responsible work practices. 2. Explain OSHA, the Hazardous Communications Acts, Right to Know Requirements and use protective clothing. 3. Identify and use protective clothing. C. Read chapter three in the textbook and answer all questions at the end of the chapter. D. Attend safety and fire safety lecture. E. Take written chapter exam. F. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor.

Perform Mathematical Operations Measuring (week 3)

A. Dates – 27, 29 & 01 April-May B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module the student will: 1. Perform basic math including fractions, decimals, & percentages. 2. Use customary (US) & metric measuring systems. C. Read chapter 6 in the textbook and answer all questions at the end of the chapter. D. Attend math and measuring lectures and demonstrations. E. Take written chapter exam. F. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor

Precision Measuring Devices, Tools, & Fasteners (week 4)

A. Dates – 04, 06 & 08 May B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module the student will: 1. Identify & use precision measuring devices. 2. Identify & demonstrate the proper use of shop equipment & tools. 3. Identify various automotive fasteners used in the industry. 4. Perform soldering operations. C. Review precision measuring tools in chapter 6. D. Read chapters 7, 8, 9 & 11 and answer all questions at the end of the chapters E. Read the “Torque-to-yield” section of chapter 51. F. Attend precision measuring, tools, soldering & fastener lectures & demonstrations. G. Take written chapter exam. H. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor

Mechanical Power Transmission, Hoses, Belts & Sealing (week 5)

A. Dates – 11, 13 & 15 May B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module the student will: 1. Identify & properly use sealants. 2. Identify and explain the uses of seals & bearings. 3. Identify and explain the use of various hoses & belts.

AUMT 1405 C. Read chapters 22, 23, 24 & 60 and answer all of the questions at the end of the chapters. D. Read chapter 51 & answer all of the questions at the end of the chapter. E. Attend gear, sealant, belts, hoses & bearing lecture. F. Take written chapter exam. G. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor

Automotive Fuels, Lubricants, Cleaning Methods & Equipment (week 6)

A. Dates – 18, 20 & 22 ** May (**Holiday Schedule TBD) B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module the student will: 1. Explain the use of automotive fuels, lubricants & fluids. 2. Explain the use of cleaning methods & equipment C. Read chapters 10, 12 & 39 and answer all of the questions at the end of the chapters. D. Attend fuel, lubricants & cleaning lecture. E. Take written chapter exam. F. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor

Publications, Work Requests & Trade Terminology (week 7)

A. Dates – 25, 27 & 29** May (**Holiday Schedule TBD) B. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module the student will: 1. Demonstrate the use of Service Publications 2. Demonstrate knowledge of trade terminology C. Read chapters 4, 5 & 55 and answer all questions at the end of the chapters. D. Attend publications & trade terminology lecture. E. Take written chapter exam. F. Perform lab performance exam with the instructor

Reviews and Final Exam (week 8)

A. Dates – 01, 03 & 05 June B. Review all material covered in the course. C. Review your course grade to date with the instructor. D. Attend final lecture (open question format) E. Take final exam with instructor. F. Complete final course paperwork with site representative. G. All assignments and exams must be taken by the end of the term.

AUMT 1405

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