Seattle Office of Labor Standards Notice of Employment Information Employers are required to provide written employment information to employees working in Seattle at time of hire & before any change any change to such employment. Information must be provided in English, Spanish and any other language commonly spoken by employees at the particular workplace.

Siyatili Biroo Mirga Hojjatootaa / Biroo Istandardii Hojjatoota Beeksisaa qaxartootaa odeffannoo Hojjachistootinn yeroo hojjatoota hojjirra hariyaan fi yeroo kaffalitti yeroo tokkoo jijira Siiyattilli qaxari kamiyuu dura diirqama hojjatootaaf bareeffamani odeffannoo kennuu qaba. Odeeffanoon hojjatootaf iddo hojji isanittiti dirqamaan qoqa Engiiliffan, Ispanishiin, fi qooqa kamiiniyuu jijiramee kenneamuuf qaba.

Employee - Hojjatoota

 At hire (Bakka qaxari)  Current Employee (Hojjataa amma)  Effective Date of this information (Guyya odeffannoon hojjirra oluu)

1. Employee name (Maqaa hojjatadha)

2. Employee position (Gita hojji hojjatadha)

Employer - Hojjachisaa

1. Name (Maqaa)

Other name of employer, including "doing business as" name (Maqa biro hojjachisadhaa, ittidabaltees maqa daldald inii raawwatu)

2. Physical address (Iddo)

Street (Dandii)

City (Magalaa) State (Nannoo) Zip (Ziip)

Mailing address (Tessoo Iddo)  Same as physical address (Walfakkinsasaa tokko tessoo idoodha)

Office of Labor Standards - Notice of Employment (Oromo / Oromiffa) 06-15-15 Street (Dandii)

City (Magalaa) State (Nannoo) Zip (Ziip)

3. Telephone number (Takkooffsa bilibilla)

Employee’s Wage & Tip Information (Odeeffannoo mindaa fi gurshadhaa)

1. Rate or rates of pay (Shalagi ykn shalagilee kaffalitti)

Overtime rate or rates of pay (Shalagi i yeroodabalameefi shalagilee kaffalitt)

2. Pay basis - check box (Ka'umsa kaffalitti - flannoo sanduqaa)  Hour (Sa'aatti)  Shift (Jijiramu tokko tokkadhaaf)  Day (Guyyaa)  Week (Torban)  Piece rate (Shalagi takkatakkan)  Commission (Kommishiin)  Non-discretionary Bonus (Bonassii hinjijjiraminee)  Non-exempt Salary (Minda yero hunda hamatamuudhaa)  Exempt Salary (Mindaa hinhamatamuudha)  Other - provide explanation (Kan biro - ibsa kennuu)

3. Regular Pay day (Guyyaa kaffalitti idileedha)

4. Tip policy (Himamataa gurshadhaa)  Tip sharing (Hirachuu gurshadahaa)  Tip pooling (Poollii gurshadhaa)  Other tip policies – provide explanation (Kan biro himamatalee gurshadhaa – ibsa kennuu)

Optional Acknowledgement of Receipt (Haala fudhachu filannoo)

PRINT, Employer representative SIGNATURE, Employer representative & Date (PRINTII, Bakka bu'aa hojjachisaa) (MALLATTOO, Bakka bu'aa hojjachisaa fi guyyaa)

Office of Labor Standards - Notice of Employment (Oromo / Oromiffa) 06-15-15

PRINT, Employee SIGNATURE, Employee (PRINTII, Hojjatootaa) (MALLATTOO, Hojjatootaa)

Language (Qooqa)  Employer provided this Notice in English (Hojjachistootin beeksisaa IIngliffan ni kennuuu)  Employer provided this Notice in other language (Hojjachistootin beeksisaa kanaqoqa biro IIngliffan ni kennuuu)

Seattle Notice of Employment Information Requirements Ulagaalee odeffannoo beekisisaa qaxara Siyattilii

Seattle Administrative Wage Theft Ordinance - SMC 14.20 Seattle workers have additional protections from wage theft. Starting April 1, 2015, a new wage theft ordinance requires employers with employees working in Seattle to pay all owed wages and tips; provide employment information at time of hire, change in employment and each time wages and tips are paid; and provide written notice of employee rights against wage theft. The written notice must be provided in English, Spanish and any other languages commonly spoken by employees at the work site. The ordinance also permits the City’s Office of Labor Standards, a new division within the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, to conduct administrative investigations of non-payment of wages and tips. It still remains a crime to commit wage theft under SMC 12A.08.060.

Protections against Retaliation Employers are prohibited from taking adverse action (e.g. firing, demoting, and making threats to report immigration status) against any person for exercising rights protected by this ordinance.

Seattle Office for Civil Rights / Office of Labor Standards (206) 684-4500 /

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Danbilee Hati'insa mindaa bulchiinsa Siyatilli - SMC 14.20 Hojjatootinii Siiyatilli hatinsa mindaa irra kan ittisuu dabalataittisa niqabuu. Ji'a Miyazia 1, 2015 irra egalee qajeelfaminni hara hattinsa mindaa kanatiin hojjachistonii kaffalitti Siiyattilli hinkafalamini hojjatootaaf mindaa fi gurshaa kaffalu qabaan, odeffannoo hojjidhaa yeroo qaxaramaan, jijjira hojjifi yroo hundaa kaffalitti mindaa fi gurshadhaa; fi hojjatatinoon mirga hattinsa mind irratti qaban bareeffamaan beeksisaa kennuu. Odeeffanoon bareffamaan iddo hojjatootiin hojjatanitti dirqamaan qoqa Ingiiliffan, Ispanishiin, fi qooqa kamiiniyuu jijiramee kenneamuuf qaba. Qajeelfamini kun dabalatan Magaalatii biiroo istandrdii hojjatootaa, gareen hara Biroo Siyattili

Office of Labor Standards - Notice of Employment (Oromo / Oromiffa) 06-15-15 Mirga Hojjatoota, akka sa'akatai'nsa bulchinsa mindaa fi gurshaa hinkaffalmineef adeemisisuu. Hanga ammatti yakki hatinsaa mindaa hojjatoota jalatti SMC 12A.08.060 hafe jira.

Ittinsa rakkoo dhaa Hojjachistooni akka tarkanifi qajeelafama garagachuttin hinfudhatinee dhorkamadhaa (fkn. hariyuu, gita hojjirra gadibusuu, fi sodachisa gabasaa dhiyeessuu sadarka godinsa isaanii) nama kamiyuu mirgaa isaa haala qajeelfama kanaan so'ochuuirratt tarkanifi fudhachuun dhorkamadhaa.

Siyatili Biroo Mirga Hojjatootaa / Biroo Istandardii Hojjatoota (206) 684-4500 /

Office of Labor Standards - Notice of Employment (Oromo / Oromiffa) 06-15-15