Community Memorial Hospital of Ventura
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COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF VENTURA DOCTOR’S ORDERS Therapeutic Hypothermia Physician Orders Page 1 of 4 DATE & TIME Admitting Physician: ______ALLERGIES: ______1. Goal Temperature: 33°C or 91.4°F as quickly as possible 2. Maintain patient temperature at 33° C for 24 hrs from the time < 34°C is achieved. 3. Initial labs: CBC TPN Panel Liver Panel PTT/PT CPK Troponin BNP ABG Art Lactate Cortisol level BHCG (If female of child bearing age) Fibrinogen Ca ++ Ionized Amylase Lipase 4. Non-Contrast Head CT to R/O Bleed (Pt not a candidate for hypothermia if bleed present) 5. Apply continuous temperature monitoring: (Required for operation of the cooling machine) Insert esophageal temperature probe Insert Urinary/Bladder temperature probe 6. Set up for cuff or arterial blood pressure monitoring per physician' s orders 7. VS every 15 minutes, with particular attention to arrhythmia detection until goal temperature obtained, then every 1 hr 8. Notify Physician if temperature < 32° C (89.6° F) or > 34° C (93.2° F) 9. Urine output every hour 10. Assess skin for burns caused by ice/cooling blankets every two hours 11. Keep Head of Bed (HOB) greater than 30 degrees at all times 12. Turn off ventilator heating unit 13. Pain, Shivering, & Sedation (See: Shiver score below; RASS score on pg 2 of orders) Fentanyl loading dose 50 mcg slow IV push over 2 min Fentanyl IV Drip (Concentration: 4mcg/ml) titrate from 0.5 to 1.0 mcg/kg/hr to maintain a shivering score ≤ 1 Midazolam IV Drip (Concentration: 1mg/1ml) titrate from 0.02 to 0.1 mg/kg/hr to maintain a RASS score of -4 (Deep sedation) Or Propofol IV Drip Titrate up to 75 mcg/kg/min to maintain a RASS score of -4 (Deep sedation) 14. Assess for shivering and document hourly 0= no shivering 1= one or more of the following: piloerection, peripheral cyanosis without other cause; without visible muscular activity 2= visible muscular activity confined to one muscle group 3= visible muscular activity in more than one muscle group 4= gross muscular activity involving the entire body 15. Call physician for a score of 2 or more for greater than 5 minutes despite deep sedation Continued on page 2
Date/Time: ______MD Signature: ______MD#: ______COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF VENTURA DOCTOR’S ORDERS Therapeutic Hypothermia Physician Orders Page 2 of 4 DATE & TIME 16. Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) every 1 hr & PRN during sedation &/ or paralysis Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) Targe Description t + 4 Combative, violent, danger to staff + 3 Pulls or removes tube(s) or catheters; aggressive + 2 Frequent nonpurposeful movement, fights ventilator + 1 Anxious, apprehensive , but not aggressive 0 Alert and calm - 1 Awakens to voice (eye opening/contact) >10 sec - 2 Light sedation, briefly awakens to voice (eye opening/contact) <10 sec - 3 Moderate sedation, movement or eye opening. No eye contact - 4 Deep sedation, no response to voice, but movement or eye opening to physical stimulation - 5 Unarousable, no response to voice or physical stimulation 19. Paralysis Initiate Neuromuscular Blocker (NMB) if shivering occurs with adequate sedation: Train-of-four (TOF) every hour and maintain Neuromuscular Blocker (NMB) drip between 1-2 out of 4 twitches Cisatracurium (Nimbex) IV Drip 0.15 mg/kg loading dose followed by a continuous infusion Or of 1- 3 mcg/kg/min titrate to 1-2 out of 4 twitches on TOF Vecuronium IV Drip 0.8-1.2 mcg/kg/min titrate to 1-2 out of 4 twitches on TOF 20. Palliative care consult 21. External cooling Initiate cooling with Blanketrol III and Cooling Kit (Head wrap, Patient Vest, Lower Bed Blanket) Adjust target temperature to 33°C (91.4° F) Infuse chilled intravenous normal saline via peripheral line or femoral venous catheter at ____ ml/hr for ___ liters at 4° C Do not exceed 2 liters Stop infusion and notify physician if Sa02 < 90% Do Not infuse chilled NaCl through a jugular or subclavian line Apply ice packs to axilla, neck and groin regions using sheets, towels, or pillowcases to protect patient’s skin Remove ice packs once goal temperature is reached and continue maintenance of hypothermia with cooling blankets alone Continued on page 3
Date/Time: ______MD Signature: ______DATE & TIME
MD#: ______COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF VENTURA DOCTOR’S ORDERS Therapeutic Hypothermia Physician Orders Page 3 of 4 DATE & TIME Strict NPO 22. Notify physician of: Hypotension (MAP < 80 mm Hg) Oliguria Cardiac arrhythmias (Bradycardia < 35 bpm & hypotensive) Decerebrate/decorticate posturing Developing anisocoria (difference in pupil size) Seizure activity 23. Accucheck every 4 hr and PRN change in pt condition (Call physician if glucose > 180) Initiate Insulin Infusion Protocol for two consecutive blood glucoses > 180 mg/dL Glucose goal on infusion protocol is 140 mg/dL - 180 mg/dL 24. Potassium & Magnesium recheck every 4 hr and PRN Potassium Chloride 40 mEq IV at 20 mEq/hour every 6 hours PRN Hypokalemia < 3.4 Prior to rewarming, measure serum K+ Hold all K+ containing fluids if K+ > 3.5 immediately before and during rewarming Magnesium 2 gm IV PRN Hypomagnesemia levels less than 1.8 Rewarming Phase 25. Repeat lab every 6 hours & PRN until temperature ≥ 36.5°C (Begin when target temperature reached): CBC TPN Panel CPK Troponin ABG 26. Notify physician when 24 hrs of therapeutic hypothermia is reached (Temp maintained < 34°C) 27. Rewarming Schedule (No more than 0.5°C/hr until target temperature of 36.5°C): Time Minimal Hours (Round to Target Temp. nearest hr) Begin to 2 hrs 33.5°C 2 hrs to 4 hrs 34°C 4 hrs to 6 hrs 34.5°C 6 hrs to 8 hrs 35°C 8 hrs to 10 hrs 35.5°C 10 hrs to 12 hrs 36°C 12 hrs to 14 hrs 36.5°C Begin = 24 hrs at temp maintained < 34°C Physician will determine the rewarming times Recommended rewarming is 0.25 °C/hr Continued on page 4
Date/Time: ______MD Signature: ______MD#: ______COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF VENTURA DOCTOR’S ORDERS Therapeutic Hypothermia Physician Orders Page 4 of 4 DATE & TIME 30. When 24 hours of therapeutic hypothermia have been reached initiate rewarming with the aid of the Blanketrol III 31. When patient rewarmed to ≥ 36.5°C (97.7° F) thermal blankets can be removed 32. Turn on ventilator heating unit after the patient reaches ≥ 36.5°C (97.7° F) 33. Monitor temperature and vital signs every 15 min during rewarming procedure 34. Stop NMB infusion after core temperature reaches 36° C (96.8° F) 35. Notify M.D. of temperature > 38°C (100.5° F) 36. Additional Orders:
Date/Time: ______MD Signature: ______MD#: ______