Scottish Qualifications Authority s1

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Scottish Qualifications Authority s1



SVQ 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development at SCQF level 7

Group Award Code: G81X 23

Candidate Name:

SQA number:

Dates: Start: Complete:

The occupational standards which form the basis of this award were developed by UK Project Group, comprising TOPSS (England) Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), Care Council for Wales and Northern Ireland Care Council and Skills for Health

This document has been designed to formally record assessment and achievement

Please note that the accreditation period for this award is stipulated in the SVQ update. Please ensure this recording document is current according to these dates.

For further advice, please contact Care Scotland at SQA on 0141-242 2344

Printed and Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow G2 7NQ Scottish Qualifications Authority 2004 CONTENTS

Section 1 Information on the Candidate and Organisation

Section 2 Information on those involved in the SVQ process

Section 3 Candidate Achievement Record

Section 4 Unit Specifications (Candidates only require to include in the portfolio the Units chosen to make up the award – these can be accessed via the SVQ Information Sheet )

2 Section 1 - Information on candidate and organisation

Please complete the following information:

Candidate name: ------

Job title: ------

Any relevant qualifications: ------

Organisation: ------

Name of workplace: ------(if different from above)

Brief description of duties:

3 Section 2 – Information on those involved in the SVQ process

Please provide details of those involved in your SVQ:

Assessor (s):

Internal Verifier:

Expert Witness(es) Position Held & Providing Evidence for (please list Relationship to units/elements) Candidate

4 Section 3 – Candidate Achievement Record

To complete the Scottish Vocational Qualification in Children’s Care, Learning and Development at level 3 candidates must undertake 5 mandatory Units plus 4 optional Units.

Candidate, assessor and internal verifier should sign and date the box on completion of each Unit.

UNIT CANDIDATE ASSESSOR INTERNAL DATE VERIFIER COMPLETED Mandatory Units DR79 04 (CCLD 301) Develop and promote positive relationships DR77 04 (CCLD 302) Develop and maintain a healthy, safe and secure environment for children DT0D 04 (CCLD 303) Promote children’s development DT0W 04 (CCLD 304) Reflect on and develop practice DT4M 04 (CCLD 305) Protect and promote children’s rights

Optional Units


6 Section 4 - Unit Specifications

Candidates only require to include in the portfolio the Units chosen to make up the award – these can be accessed via the relevant SVQ Information Sheet on the SQA/Care Scotland website.


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