Workplan of the Expert Team on Operational In-Situ Technologies (2014-2018) (Version
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Workplan of the Expert Team on Operational In-Situ Technologies (2014-2018) (Version: Revised after ET webex call 24.03.2017)
P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description ri Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments deliv. [%] t y 1 1. Guidelines on 2 Toshihiro Hayashi 1. Develop 1&2. IOM Report 1&2. Draft report 1. 50 Draft report was combining guidance or other for 31.12.2015, made by T. information Ahmed Saad material on document type if final report for 2. 50 Hayashi from composite QC appropriate 31.12.2017 (31.12.2015) and observing (CIMO Guide (harmonization was reviewed by procedures for 3. 0 systems precipitation update, with deadlines ET-OIST. amounts and document for ET-ORS) intensity meeting or for 3. End of measured by AWS Portal, etc.) intersessional CIMO MG-11 precipitation 3. End of period (2018) gauges. intersessional CIMO-16 §4.9, 2. Develop period (2018) 4.10 guidance material on (in collaboration the use of with ET-ORS) precipitation gauge data in Request from support of OSCAR what weather radar type of request quality control. (Yves-Alain to 3. Develop clarify with Jörg guidance Klausen) No material on request so far the integration Formuler un 1 1 : Must (WIGOS high priority or « low hanging fruit ») – to be addressed urgently, 2 : To be finalized by CIMO-17 (2018), 3: Not in WIGOS P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y of surface- based in-situ, exemple sous surface-based format XML remote compatible avec sensing, and le schéma défini space based par TT- technologies WMD/IPET to provide MDRD composite information Draft report with added- submitted to the value. MG early 2016 (MG meeting in Offenbach 5-8 April), no feedback yet (Kruno will investigate)
New version will be prepared by Toshihiro until early June, working document for the A1/A2 joint meeting in Geneva (21- 23.6.2017)
CIMO Guide update submit P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y
a proposal to MG by November 2017 at the latest
Deliverable 2: Ongoing project at MeteoSwiss (follow-up SPICE and know-how transfer to radar community), which could be used for this task. 2. Further develop 1 Mike Molyneux 1. Teleconferen 1. Teleconferenc 1. March 2015 1. 30 Now part of a and finalize ce to clarify e larger activity guidelines on Bernd Mergardt structure and 2. 31.12. 2015 2. 0 under WIGOS: migration from expected 2. IOM Report Development of manual to Ahmed Saad content 3. Updates to 2. 31.12. 2016 an AWS automated 2. Finalize draft CIMO Guide Handbook. WMO observations Henry Karanja IOM report ア project that goes beyond technical 3. Examine 1.1. whether parts question: of the IOM capacity building, report should procurement be included guidance, into CIMO preparation of the Guide person to manage the Share the draft of process properly. training course Climatology Replace the task involved? P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y by “CIMO will actively promote Link with the organization Meteomet: A. and support of a Merlone to training course” provide input Review/refine the docs on training course measurement during joint uncertainty of meeting in June AWS and impact of transition on data, for workshop in Geneva
CIMO-16 §4.12,
CBS/OPAG-IOS (ET-AWS-6)/Doc. 7(1), (7.7.2010), submitted by Mike Molyneux
Capture output from WIGOS AWS workshops
Inform C1 - Task on Minamata and mercury. 3. Siting 1 Yves-Alain Roulet 1. Address 1,3Updated 1. 31.12.2017 1. 50% Link with classification challenges classification if Meteomet2 Olaf Schulze faced by required 2. 31.12.2017 2. 50% activity: P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y Members 3. Ongoing Measurement Toshihiro Hayashi (Nordic 3. Ongoing protocol for countries in evaluation of Andrea Merlone particular) 2 IOM Report with siting uncertainty with contribution from for temp implementing Norway, Austria, measurements the Switzerland, (review from ET- classification. Japan, UK, Hong OIST to A. Coordinate Kong, Germany,… Merlone). updates, if (tbd) Support to the required. Reports from METEOET siting 2. Develop members for experiment. guidance discussion during Link with material from June meeting metrology well the lessons Nordobs Report established learned on published, will not through regular how to be published as exchange with A. implement the an IOM report Merlone. classification, (copyright issues), Y.-A. Roulet including but we be member of the benefit referenced on Metrology for achieved with WMO Meteorology and it. classification Climate" 3. Maintain webpage Conference liaison with MMC-2016 ISO re scientific maintenance committee. of WMO/ISO standard CIMO-16 §4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7
To be integrated P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y
into OSCAR Ercan BUYUKBAS (B2, B3) A. Merlone to liaise with relevant Meteomet2 actions. ET-OIST in charge of the implementation and supervision (?)
4. Sustained 1 Olaf Schulze 1. Finalize the 1. New WMO 1. 30.06.2017 1. 50 ET members performance development standard should consider classification for Francesco Foti of the 2. 31.12.2017 2. 0 whether to split observing classification 2. Updated CIMO this classification stations on land Ahmed Saad Guide into components: 2. Develop ア e.g, instrument, Henry Karanja guidance 1.2. maintenance material on regime, how to apply calibration the regime. further classification discussion needed
CIMO-16 §4.3 P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y
To be integrated into OSCAR Propose classification CR to OSCAR for new metadata fields
See minutes last ET- Standardization meeting (26.6.2014)
Yves-Alain Roulet to first clarify with M. Leroy
ET-OIST in charge of the implementation and supervision (?) 5. Metadata 2 Yves-Alain Roulet 1. Ensure CIMO 1. Demonstrated Ongoing CIMO-16 §4.2 standards priorities contribution to Olaf Schulze regarding TT-WMD Link within metadata are MeteoSwiss (TT- Ahmed Saad incorporated 2. Expanded WMD with J. into WIGOS metadata Klausen) metadata standard (if activities. appropriate) Ercan P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y 2. Develop additional BUYUKBAS (B2, CIMO B3) is CIMO metadata Representative in contribution to ICG-WIGOS TT- the WIGOS WMD. metadata, if appropriate CBS ET-AWS, already published (Guide to the GOS) 6. Standard for the 1 Henry Karanja 1. Provide draft 1. Draft standard 1-31.12.2017 50% Deadlines need classification of standard in 2. Progr. Contact to be revised instruments for (Luca Lanza) English & focal points (schedule might rainfall intensity 2. Contact other nominated be too tight) measurements relevant WMO 3. Updated 4-30.06.2017 Programmes standard CIMO-16 §4.5 (in particular Note: Liaise with CHy) 4. Final draft assigned CIMO 3. Further standard Testbeds and develop submitted for Lead Centres standard to approval by Formalize link meet their CIMO with CHy: via requirements Secretariat 4. Incorporate comments CIMO-16 §7.60 from CHy and other stakeholders into the standard document P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y Yves-Alain will ask Henry Kruno will investigate at CHy 7. Collaborate with 2 Wouter Knap (Jitze van der 1. Collaborate 1. Provide 1. CIMO-16 §4.8 ISO TC 180 on Meulen) with ISO TC contribution to ongoing review of 180 through ISO on/for Liaise with TT- radiation the WMO revised Radiation standards Secretariat for standards Reference the review of the standards, No expectation on request for the moment from ISO 8. Update of CIMO 1 Mike Molyneux 1. Contact M. 1. Advice if update 1-30.06.2016 Contact M. Leroy Guide following Leroy of CIMO Guide is 2-30.06.2017 to find out what publication of Bernd Mergardt 2. Develop an required still needs to be Ghardaia update for 1.2 Updated done intercomparison relevant CIMO CIMO Guide Seek some report Guide chapter * support from M. chapters on Leroy, first to find recommended out whether the standard report could be calibration used for CIMO procedures, Guide update, etc. according and how to move to results of on intercomparis Update from on DWD (current test on shelters) 9. Guidance on 2 TBD 1. Liaise with 1. Doc. on 31.12.2016 3 Wind CBS, CAeM how to recommendations P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y Measurement and JCOMM address from CIMO-16 and Reporting (Jitze van der Meulen a.i.) to address concerns §4.38-4.41 concerns expressed by Mike Molyneux expressed by CIMO-16 BUFR vs CIMO Hong Kong Guide Observatory 2. Updated consistency in regard to WMO needed the guidance measurement material on Toshihiro to and reporting measurement contact Hong of wind and reporting Kong Obs and 2. Organize the of wind ask to give detail revision of information on relevant WMO the concern guidance Done, the topic documentatio will be discussed n as required. during A1/A2 meeting in June 2017, and an answer will be provided 10 Liaise with cost Y.-A. Roulet 1. Monitor 1. Regular com. 1. On-going Y.-A. Roulet took action on snow progress of with CIMO part to the measurements action, inform MG and kickoff meeting, CIMO MG of COST action which took place relevant in Grenoble (18- activities and 19.3.2015). Minutes pending. inform COST 2. Sept. 2017 ES1404 of possible links Cost action to CIMO and 2. Update CIMO 3. March 2018 ES1404 relevant CIMO P ri o Deadline for Status No. Task description Person responsible Action Deliverable Comments ri deliv. [%] t y activities Guide chapter 2. Incorporate relevant 3. Recommenda outcomes of tion for follow- COST up activities ES1404 into during 2018- CIMO Guide. 2022 3. Develop proposal for required follow-up activities by CIMO, if appropriate