Malmesbury Town Council s1

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Malmesbury Town Council s1



Present: Councillors: Mr A Cole – Chairman Mr W Isaac, Mrs M Hall and Mr R Sealy

In Attendance: Mrs E Tyler (Clerk) and 1 member of the public.

Public Question Time

Mrs Pratley commented that the bulbs planted by the WI and All Angels WI had come up beautifully, and suggested that the Parish Council might wish to write letter of thanks ACTION CLERK


15/016 Apologies Apologies had been received from Cllr Wicks and Cllr Howard Greenman (WC)

Councillor Kallaway had contacted Cllr Cole to advise that he might not be able to attend the meeting as there had been an accident on the M4 and the traffic was at a standstill. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the Parish Council would allow this absence due to the extenuating circumstances, but with the proviso that Cllr Kallaway must attend a meeting in the next 3 months.

15/017 Declarations of Interest Cllr Sealy declared an interest in item 6(ii) 4 - 15/01983/FUL - Erection of Two Single Storey Dwellings with Associated Parking at Kingfisher 57c, Kington St Michael and did not take part in the discussion of this planning application.

15/018 To receive and approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th January 2015 The minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

15/019 Report on actions from the last meeting not covered elsewhere on the agenda

Street names in Planning Documents The clerk had written to Wiltshire Council with regard to the road names being used in the planning application documents, pointing out that Honey Knob Hill does not run through the entire village and that the main road through Kington St Michael is actually called the High Street.

Community Days A Community Day had taken place since the last meeting. Amongst other things, the team cleaned the graffiti from the community shelter and cleared the footpath going out towards The Plough.

Defibrillator An electrical check of the defibrillator at the Jolly Huntsman had taken place. 1 pair of pads (out of the required 2) was out of date, so a replacement pair had been ordered.

The Ridings The road surface at The Ridings was patched on the 12th March

Precept The Council Tax letters for 2015/16 reached our parishioners on 12 th March, confirming the 0% increase for the year.

1 15/020 Recreation Field (i) Potential Enhancement of the Recreation Field (a QE11 Field in Trust) Cllr Cole advised that 75 responses to the questionnaire had been received. This was a particularly good response rate considering that parishioners were asked to return the questionnaires to the shop. Once the responses have been collated, a public meeting will be arranged. Thanks were given to Sarah and the team.

15/021 Planning Matters (i) WC Decisions received 1. 14/11554/FUL - Re-Roof, Extension & Alterations at Marundah, Kington St Michael, SN14 6JF – APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS

(ii) Planning Applications received 1. 14/11709/FUL- First Floor Rear Bedroom at 44 The Ridings, KSM - COMMENTS ALREADY SUBMITTED UNDER CLERK’S DELEGATED POWER 2. 15/01009/FUL - Change of Use & Conversion of Nursing Home to 2 No. Three Bed Dwellings at Kington House, KSM (Resubmission of 14/11474/FUL) - COMMENTS ALREADY SUBMITTED UNDER CLERK’S DELEGATED POWER 3. 15/01196/FUL - Amendment to existing single storey rear structure & addition of new single storey extension @ 29 KSM - COMMENTS ALREADY SUBMITTED UNDER CLERK’S DELEGATED POWER 4. 15/01983/FUL - Erection of Two Single Storey Dwellings with Associated Parking at Kingfisher 57c KSM This application was discussed. It was noted that the access and design statement stated that the dwellings would be in keeping with the bungalows that are already there, and that it would be up to Wiltshire Council to decide if the proposed dwellings were too tight. NO OBJECTION 5. Any applications received between publishing of agenda and date of meeting – to be dealt with under the clerk’s delegated power. The clerk had received notification of a new application 15/02491/TCA- Fell 2 Leylandii at Beatrice House, 5 Paddock End, KSM but the plans had yet to be received. This application will be put on the next agenda.

15/022 Highways / Transport (i) Update on progress on Tor Hill Footpath It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the Parish Council accept the quote for clearing the vegetation from Will Wilkinson ACTION CLLR WICKS & CLERK It was also noted that Wiltshire Council had agreed to maintain the Tor Hill Footpath.

15/023 Nymph Hay Woods Cllr Cole reported that he had been in contact with Sarah Stebbing of the Woodland Trust regarding the management of the woods, and had met her for a site visit. She is going to return in the spring, and then the Parish Council and local residents will be able to have input on the new 5 year plan. Cllr Hall and the Clerk advised that Frank Hughes was very keen to be involved in this process. Cllr Isaac stated that he would still like to see the original plan for the woods. Cllr Cole will provide a further update at the next meeting. ACTION CLLR COLE

15/024 Financial Matters (i) Financial reports for February 2015 The financial report for January 2015 was reviewed and it was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the reports be accepted and that payments be approved. (ii) Review of standing orders The clerk advised that the current financial regulations stated that “Where the cost of goods, service or materials to be supplied to the Council is expected to be less that £1,000, the Council shall not be required to invite tenders or quotations for works…” It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that this limit remain in place at present. (iii) Replacement benches The clerk had researched replacement benches, and distributed pictures and prices for the councillors to consider. It was decided that the replacement benches should be hardwood, with metal plates underneath to protect the wood. The design was agreed, and Cllr Cole undertook to look into the regulations to see whether it would be possible to position a bench at the bus stop on the other side of the road. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the clerk would order one bench for the

2 Gain Solutions side of the road (to be positioned where the old benches stood) and another for the other side of the road if it proved possible to have one there. ACTION CLLR COLE & CLERK

15/025 Councillor Vacancies The clerk reported that Linda Durno had requested an electronic copy of the application form to send on to a couple of interested parties.

15/026 Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Cole confirmed that he would be undertaking the first formal stage in preparing the neighbourhood plan (designating the neighbourhood area) within the next couple of weeks. In accordance with the regulations, Wiltshire Council will then make available on their website a copy of the area application, details on how to make a representation and the date by which those representations must be received. ACTION CLLR COLE

15/027 Microphones Cllr Cole advised that he had obtained the name of the supplier that provided the Wiltshire Council Area Board sound equipment, and would be contacting them for a quote. He will also approach the Village Hall Committee to ascertain whether they would be interested in making a financial contribution towards the equipment. ACTION CLLR COLE

15/028 Local Government Transparency Code The clerk briefed the Parish Council on the new Local Government Transparency Code. In summary, this code will require the Parish Council to publish the following:  All transactions/items of expenditure over £100  End of year accounts  Annual governance statement  Internal Audit report  List of councillor or member responsibilities  The details of public land and building assets Councils should publish the draft minutes no later than 1 month after the meeting has taken place Councils should publish the agenda and associated papers for a meeting no later than 3 clear days before the meeting to which they relate The information specified in the Code must be published on a website which is publicly accessible free of charge. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that this code by adopted by Kington St Michael Parish Council. The clerk also undertook to make hard copies of the agendas and minutes available in the village shop ACTION CLERK

15/029 Correspondence as Circulated The clerk reported that she had received a letter from the PCC requesting a financial contribution towards the upkeep of the burial ground. This will be scheduled as an agenda item at the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 5.37pm Next meeting; Parish Council Meeting 7.45pm 26th March 2015, KSM Village Hall


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