Dundee Sport and Physical Activity Strategy
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Held on Thursday, 26 January 2012 in the Conference Room, Level 2, Central Library
Present: Stewart Murdoch, Director, Leisure & Communities Jamie McBrearty, Youth Sport Development Officer, L&CD Ross McGuire, Sports Development Officer (Policy), L&CD Ian McGregor, sportscotland & Tayside and Fife Sporting Partnership Dave Nicoll, Education Support Officer Sports Development, Education Department Mary Colvin, Health Promotion Programmes Manager, NHS Tayside Ryan McAlindin, sportscotland Peter Sandwell, Environmental Asset Manager, Environment Department Paul McPate, Institute of Sport and Exercise, University of Dundee Merrill Smith, Head of Policy (Leisure, Culture & Communities) Chief Executive's Dept
Apologies: Pete Burgon, Division of Sport & Exercise Sciences, University of Abertay Mary Sneddon, Brae Centre Manager, The Brae Riding for the Disabled Euan Lowe, sportscotland & Tayside and Fife Sporting Partnership John Whyman, Outdoor Access Officer, Environment Department Audrey White, Sports Development Section Leader, L&CD
No. Item Action
1. Minute of Meeting Held on 4 August
This was approved.
2. Updates
2.1 Green Circular
John Whyman had provided a briefing which confirmed that the half marathon and cyclathon had gone well with no complaints on the condition of the route.
An article had been published in the Courier in September highlighting the cyclathon and the attractions of the Green Circular.
Resurfacing and other improvement work to install motorcycle barriers have been made to the Green Circular at Trottick.
The plans for new safety signs and white lining on Riverside Avenue are being progressed.
The Green Circular in Templeton Woods had been closed for a three week period due to storm damage but is now open again.
The Green Circular between Douglas Terrace and Stannergate is at risk of closure because the structure is deteriorating. City Development are looking to find the funding required to pay for essential repairs.
The connection of the Green Circular to cycling/walking routes within the Riverside Nature Park had been established and usage was increasing.
2.2 Games Legacy Plan
Good progress was being made towards implementation of the Games Legacy Plan. It was intended to produce an update on the Legacy Plan during 2012.
Many of the commitments contained within the plan have been secured.
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Dundee has been selected as one of the pilot authorities for the Legacy for Communities initiative.
Initial consultation meetings involving approximately 50 representatives from sport and community groups in the city had taken place on 17 January. Copies of the notes from this meeting were tabled.
2.3 Pitch Strategy/Scottish Rugby Union
Gary advised that there was not a great deal of new information to report. It was still his intention to review the Pitch Strategy and to call a meeting of relevant stakeholders over the next few months to review outstanding actions. One of the aspirations is to look at the creation of additional synthetic pitches in the city at strategic locations and if possible, to integrate future investment strategically with sports hubs. In any strategic review the balance between supply and demand will be kept in focus. Gary
2.4 British Heart Foundation
Jamie provided an update on the BHF Active Families Project. 75 referrals had been received to date. Each would receive a three month intervention.
During this period they would receive a subsidised Leisure Active card. A Dads’ programme has been started with support from Dundee United/Dundee FC. A further strand supporting looked after children has commenced.
A third year of funding for the project has been committed by BHF and evaluation feedback was extremely positive.
2.5 Sports Awards 2011
Ross reported that this event would take place on 22 February in the Caird Hall. 92 nominations had been received for awards - the number was higher than any previous time and the quality was better.
Funding had been secured for 180 invitations with additional tables available at £200 for 10 places for £22 per person.
All group members were asked to actively promote maximum uptake of the event. All
Sports Development were working with partners to create an international role of honour for Dundee athletes. Dave commended this initiative – he had wished to get something similar off the ground previously.
2.6 Sports Hub Development
Ross again reported on good progress with this programme. The year one target was three sports hubs to be established. Four had been established to date and there was a prospect of a fifth being established by the end of year one. This would mean that the programme had achieved its full target twelve months ahead of schedule and the focus of effort would shift to sustainability.
Additional expressions of interest had been received from two further sports hubs one of which would look at the integration of water sports on the Tay Estuary.
Ian McGregor confirmed that the development of sports hubs was seen as a top priority by the Minister for Sport and sportscotland.
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It was also confirmed that Creative Scotland were in discussions with sportscotland about adding value to the sports hub developments.
2.7 Dundee Booklet
Merrill advised that the Education Department bookings would go live in June and that the Leisure & Culture Dundee bookings should be live in July/August.
This would then be followed by development work for the Environment Department and the community centres managed by Communities and Policy.
Jane Crawford, who had played a leading role in the development of the Booklet software, was to retire shortly and while she had made provision for her responsibilities to be transferred to others there was inevitable concern at the loss of someone who had made a very significant contribution.
2.8 Facilities Update
2.8.1 New Olympia
No major concerns. The contractor is some weeks behind the original schedule but the contract was within budget.
The next Client Advisory Group would be on site and would include a photocall for Shona Booth, the artist and swimmer who had been commissioned to produce three paintings for display in the café. Stewart
2.8.2 Regional Gymnastics Centre
Contractors are projecting an eight week delay in the completion. After removing the existing roof corrosion problems had been identified and additional work approved.
The specialist subcontractor for the supply of gymnastic and trampolining equipment has been appointed and is preparing to install.
The next meeting of the user group will take place on 6 February. This will Merrill/ be an open consultation for any potential user. Ross
2.8.3 DISC Pitches
Good progress had been made on the installation of the new pitches. Cross court nets were currently being installed. The concerns about adequacy of water cannon coverage on the wet pitch had been addressed. A subgroup has been established to develop a policy of use and this will be brought forward for consultation with stakeholders and approval during February.
The offer of leasing the hockey pitch to Scottish Hockey/local hockey clubs was still under consideration by the clubs.
2.8.4 Velodrome/Caird Park
The additional capital required to meet the desired specification had been found by the City Council.
Work was to commence shortly. Gary
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In the Council's forward Capital Plan which will be considered on 9 February provision has been made for the conversion of a number of tennis courts which are in poor condition to MUGAs.
2.8.6 Lynch Sports Centre
Also contained within the Council's proposed Capital Plan is a sum of £650k to enable the replacement of the Lynch Sport Centre roof.
2.8.7 Other New Capital Projects
The forward Capital Plan for the City Council also includes a sum of money for the replacement of the boilers at Lochee Swimming and Leisure Centre and the upgrading of the changing facilities to form unisex change village.
In future years there is a capital sum for upgrading the external facade of DISC.
Leisure & Culture Dundee hope to be in a position to use the City Council's capital money as leverage for grant funding with some of these projects.
3. Output from the Westpark Seminar (27 October 2011)
Group feedback and key points for action arising from the seminar had been circulated on 19 December.
Those present confirmed their agreement with the note of the meeting and it Stewart/Ian/ was agreed that a sub group would be formed to bring forward a new action Audrey/Ross/ plan for the second half of the strategy period. Dave/Mary
In parallel with this, the action plan would include revised key performance indicators. These are to be drafted by Ross/Merrill.
The meeting to produce the revised action plan will provisionally take place on the morning of 13 March (to be confirmed).
4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Ross advised that the next run of data would be for April 2012. The published results of this run were expected to be available by July 2012. Ross
5. Partner's Information Exchange
5.1 BHF Hearty Lives Newsletter
Reference was made to the newsletter. Not all group members had received this and Jamie agreed to update the newsletter distribution list to ensure that it goes out to all those in membership of the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy Group. Jamie
5.2 Tackling Inequalities
Stewart referred to work being developed by the City Council to produce a new anti-poverty strategy 'For Fairness in Dundee'. Professor Nora Kearney, University of Dundee was also involved in the establishment of a cross university centre for the study of poverty. Finally, Sports Development were considering whether any areas of their work might be eligible for submission to the Pfizer fund which had been established to tackle health and equalities.
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The national policy lead in the Government for Sport and Physical Activity is Derek Grieve.
‘ The Active Policy’ – has 3 components – Get active for life, Keep Scots active and Help Scots be the best – emerging athletes.
There is now a national indicator for physical activity – we need to find out if there is a strategy/guidance in the Government to meet that indicator and also what are we required to do locally through the Local Delivery Plan and for our annual review
The UK Guidelines – (Start Active, Stay Active - CMOs report – more information on the BHF website. Specific recommendations for Early Years, Children and Young People, Adults, Older people. The ‘Take Life on Campaign’ is promoting the guidelines nationally. We should do more locally.
There are 2 Chief Executive Letters (CEL letters) – a CEL requires NHS Tayside to report to the Gov on the progress yearly. Physical activity and Active Travel to be included in Health Promoting Hospitals and PA and Greenspace to be included in Sustainable development.
A group called COG 2014 are the high level group leading the work on legacy. The Health Survey is a crude tool for measuring the levels of physical activity. There is a META analysis/evaluation funded by the Government and NHS Health Scotland is negotiating that the main programmes of work will be reported through that process.
A multiagency group who developed the Physical Activity Charter plan to meet with Derek Grieve. It is likely that the group will work with the Government and take on a delivery coordination role. The value of engaging with Professional bodies such as the RCGP is to be explored further. The key drivers set out above are the prioritised actions that will deliver most impact at a national level and filter down locally.
In addition Healthy Working Lives, Long Term Conditions, Social prescribing (includes Exercise Referral/Greenspace/ therapeutic gardening/cycling and walking), Play at Home, Health Promoting Schools and legacy opportunities are additional local drivers to increase activity.
5.4 sport scotland
Ian referred to sportscotland's recent publication 'Club Sports in Scotland - A Framework for Development'. He referred to the six objectives of the strategy which he commended to the group as a key checklist for sports professionals involved in club development (ref sportscotland's website).
sportscotland have also established two national forums, one for Heads of Service and a second for school and community.
5.5 Outdoor Learning
It was noted that the City Council's Outdoor Learning Strategy which was being produced by Martin Farnworth was shaping up well. Peter Sandwell advised that one of the new indicators announced by the Scottish Government would aim to increase people's use of Scotland's outdoors. This, it was felt, would tie in well with the commitment to outdoor learning.
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Ryan advised that sportscotland had just published new guidance on pitch and court marking.
They are also working with consultants to produce guidelines on the management of new synthetic pitches.
5.7 Inspire Mark
Dave advised that the partnership between Active Schools and Sports Development had been awarded permission to use the Olympic inspire mark on their publications and programmes.
6. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday, 10 May 2012.
Partners agreed to take up the offer from Mary Sneddon at the Brae Riding for the Disabled to meet at the stables and to have a brief tour of the facility/presentation on their work as part of the meeting.
To accommodate this it was suggested that the time of the meeting be brought forward slightly to 9.30 am. Directions can be found at http://www.brae.org.uk/index.php?p=1_3_Contact
Future Dates
Thursday, 2 August at 10.00 am in the Conference Room, Level 2, Central Library
Thursday, 1 November at 10.00 am in the Conference Room, Level 2, Central Library