Structural, Linguistic and Conventional Features
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TP & WS Tips
Text Production
Structural, linguistic and conventional features. You need to follow these, or break them deliberately. Eg you have a narrative it needs a title and a resolution.
Paragraphs No matter what form you’re writing in, use paragraphs. Even within sub sections. And remember each paragraph is focused on one topic. For a more relaxing, yet equally cooling, activity, unwind on a secluded beach in Little Dip National Park or watch the kids delight as they spot sea creatures in an untouched bay. Beforehand, experience genuine coastal four- wheel-driving in the national park, but bear in mind this activity is not for the inexperienced. You can see a topic sentence is needed to tie the points together.
Narrative Voice Must be consistent. Robe’s accommodation options cater to a range of family budgets. Lakeside Caravan Park is the number one spot in Robe for families. Located just a short walk from the main street, this caravan park puts you…
Correct At this late stage in the year the ‘little’ mistakes should be eliminated. Eg comma before but, correct use of however, correct use of paragraphs, no banned words, no certainty qualifiers, and so forth.
Concise You should be pros at being concise by now. This: With sudden alarm I suddenly came to realise that while I was struggling for my freedom, the ropes encasing me seemed tighter the more I fought against them. could be this: With alarm I realised my struggles for freedom caused the ropes encasing me to tighten. (28 words to 15)
Target Audience Make sure you piece is directly targeted at a specific target audience. Pack the car with food, drinks and music and spend a day together on the sand. Sounds appropriate for young adults out for a day together, but target audience of piece is families. Could be: Pack a picnic, toys, and music and spend a family day together on the sand.
Processes Try and use more interesting/specific processes. Eg At the innocent age of 8, I moved to Australia. could be this: At the innocent age of 8, I migrated to Australia.
Punctuating Headings and Dot Points? If they are short and not in sentences, no. If they are in sentences, yes. Eg this Your shopping bill has nothing to do with me personally, I just put the money in the till needs a full stop. This does not Psychological trauma
Dead Space Make sure you don’t have dead white space in your layout. Writer’s Statement
Apostrophe While technically Writers Statement can fall under the 2nd apostrophe exception rule, SACE has it as Writer’s Statement so we will too.
Tense You can use present tense (your text still exists, and the reader hasn’t read it yet) or past (you have written it), as long as you are consistent. My feature article discusses the credibility of superheroes Iron Man and Captain America for Geek magazine. I aimed…
Target Audience Be specific, specific, specific! Be insightful! This: My feature article discussed the credibility of superheroes Iron Man and Captain America for Geek magazine. I aimed to encourage interaction between readers by promoting debate on the magazine’s website and social media accounts over who should top the ‘Greatest Superhero’ list. I focused on opinionated, young Specify how young you mean. to middle aged males . Why this demographic? Could be this: Geek magazine’s target demographic consists of educated males aged 18 to 40 who are ‘geeks’ (people of high intelligence with a passion for detail, usually in non mainstream topics). I therefore wrote for opinionated young to middle aged men who would be fascinated by the details of these superheroes.
I wrote an informational article advertising Robe for Australian Traveller magazine to explore the myriad of adventurous, relaxing and family-oriented activities Robe offers. I targeted mothers of teenagers looking for a coastal holiday destination to suit their family. Why specifically mothers? Why children teenaged?
Why/How Used? Be specific, specific, specific! Specific reasoning for that specific use of that specific technique in that specific context for that specific target audience. Eg this: Jargon increased the professionalism in my writing. For example, talking about an ‘Arc Reactor’ proved to readers that the information I conveyed was correct to the theme. could be: Scientific jargon increased the professionalism of my writing in the geeks’ eyes. For example the specific term ‘Arc Reactor’ for the electromagnetic field generator proved I knew the science behind the film, catering to the eye for intelligent detail readers of Geek expect.
You can’t be specific in your reasoning unless you’ve been specific when identifying a technique. Eg this is vague: Imagery like “white sands” and “sparkling water” formed a tangible picture of Robe in the reader’s mind. because the technique is vague.
Reasoning/Logic Make sure your reasoning can be followed. Eg this: To create a positive impression of Robe, I used warm adjectives such as “vibrant” and “unforgettable”. These feminine adjectives Not clear how these are specifically feminine. are attractive to mothers. could be this: To create a positive impression of Robe that would attract mothers I used adjectives associated with the traditionally feminine trait sensitivity. For example “unforgettable” played on the emotional sensitivity of women and “vibrant” played on their sensory sensitivity.