Grandparent Application Form
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Grandparent Application Form
Personal Details (delete as necessary)
Grade:______Membership Number:______
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other (please state):______
Forename(s):______Date of Birth:______
E-mail address:______
Mailing Address:______
______Post code:______
Tel no:______Fax no: ______
Guidance and Notes for Completion Constituent Body – This is the Professional Body to which you belong. Your personal statement should be as succinct as possible and should be in the order of a total 300 words in length and be written in the first person; (I have been responsible for….I have developed…..). Please ensure that you enclose your CV (Professional Review Report)giving details of qualifications and relevant employment/experience, including a job description for your present post. Employment details should be listed in reverse chronological order. Your CV/Professional Review Report should have the CEnv competencies matched and recorded in the right-hand margin. Please ensure that every section is completed legibly and that you have signed and dated the form where requested. Please return your completed form, together with your application fee, to your own Institute/Institution for assessment and not directly to the Society for the Environment.
2. Explain how your qualifications and experience have enabled you to apply the principles of sustainable environmental management and development in your work.
3. Illustrate how you intend to continue, applying the principles of sustainable development and environmental responsibility in your work.
2 Please complete form below to demonstrate achievement of 12 points Academic Points (See Appendix 2)
Qualification Year of Qualification Points
Academic Points Total =
Relevant Work Based Practice Points
Work Experience From To No. % Relevant Points of Years Experience
Example: Contracts Manager ‘98 ‘04 6 50% 3
Relevant Work Based Experience Points Total =
TOTAL Relevant Work Based Experience Points + Academic Points
I declare that I will comply with CPD requirements as laid down by my Constituent Body.
As a Chartered Environmentalist I will:
Act in accordance with the best principles for the mitigation of environmental harm and the enhancement of environmental quality; Strive to ensure that the uses of natural resources are fair and sustainable taking account of the needs of a diverse society; Use my skills and experience to serve the needs of the environment and society; Serve as an example to others for responsible environmental behaviour; Not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation or discrimination; and Commit to maintaining my personal professional competence and strive to maintain the integrity and competence of my profession.
I declare that I have read and understood the Code of Ethics for the Society and will endeavour to uphold these principles in my professional capacity.
DATA PROTECTION I understand that the information contained in this form will be processed in accordance with the data protection principles enshrined in the 1998 Data Protection Act. I also understand that details pertinent to my application, registration and Chartered Status history will be held on computer in terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. I agree to my contact details being used for the purposes of establishing and maintaining registration or support for the Society for the Environment or providing or administering activities for Chartered Environmentalists.
Print Name______
Thirteen CEnv Competences
4 These are the key competencies required of a Chartered Environmentalist proving their professional standing and capabilities
A Use their knowledge and understanding of the environment to further the aims of sustainable development. A1 Understand fundamental sustainable development principles, in particular the environmental management component. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Describe the relationship between economic, social and environmental issues. Understand the need for natural resource protection. Understand the need to develop sustainable communities – places where people want to live and work, now and in the future. Understand the need for sustainable consumption, production and the requirement to achieve more with less. Identify global environmental issues and define how they can impact at a local level.
A2 Demonstrate an ability to contribute to sustainable development through the application of knowledge and understanding. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Identify the limits of own personal knowledge and skills. Promote environmental improvement throughout the organization’s customer and supplier networks. Have regard to relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks, including those related to social and employment. Operate and act responsibly, taking account of the need to progress environmental, social and economic outcomes.
A3 Explain the critical importance of maintaining and enhancing natural cycles and biodiversity in achieving sustainability. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Identify links between natural resource degradation, habitat destruction and impact on species, consequent upon depleting natural resources. Understand important natural cycles (hydrological, carbon etc) and the potential impact of people and organisations on them.
B Analyse and evaluate problems from an environmental perspective and develop practical sustainable solutions. B1 Clearly analyse and evaluate environmental problems. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Identify and agree appropriate environmental assessment methodologies (which might include Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment). Use imagination, creativity and innovation to provide products and services that support the principles of sustainable development.
B2 See beyond strict legislative compliance and anticipate environmental trends. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are:
5 Understand current environmental legislation and anticipate its future direction. Demonstrate how possible future legislation might influence current decision- making. Anticipate possible environmental change and predict possible consequences.
C Demonstrate leadership in sustainable management of the environment. Seek to positively influence others in respect of environmental issues, effects and C1 sustainable development. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Actively learn from feedback on results to improve future environmental solutions and build best practice. Negotiate the necessary contractual arrangements with other stakeholders (client, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.). Encourage others to understand the wider environmental picture Provide leadership to ensure development is carried out in a sustainable manner.
C2 Promote a positive sustainable environmental culture and move towards sustainability. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Identify and influence user needs and opportunities for environmental improvement. Assess marketing needs and contribute to strategies that support sustainability. Identify constraints and exploit opportunities for the development and transfer of technology within own chosen field. Promote new environmental applications and /or solutions when appropriate. Influence others to promote sustainable behaviour and culture change.
C3 Demonstrate leadership and management skills that promote sustainability. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Motivate others - agree objectives and work plans with teams and individuals. Identify team and individual needs, and plan for their development. Assess team and individual performance, and provide feedback. Mentor and support others in the work place.
D Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. D1 Develop and communicate the environmental case. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Contribute to, chair and record meetings and discussions. Prepare letters, documents and reports. Exchange information and provide advice to colleagues. Engage with a wider audience by producing articles / guidelines / books etc.
6 D2 Identify, engage with and respond to an appropriate range of stakeholders. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Be aware of the needs and concerns of others. Form and maintain productive working relationships with others. Understand and encourage stakeholder involvement and be accountable.
D3 Develop effective means with which to liaise with and advise others. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Organise and lead work teams, coordinating project activities. Provide feedback to colleagues and recommend improvements. Present conclusions of environmental debates clearly and concisely when consulted.
E Demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards, recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment. E1 Ensure individuals and organisations are accountable and understand their responsibility for environmental damage and improvement. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Comply with the rules of professional conduct of own professional body. Promote and engage /comply with environmental reporting and disclosure within limits of client confidentiality. Work constructively within relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks, including social and employment legislation Ensure that variations from environmental standards, improvement programmes and budgets are identified, and that corrective action is taken. Sign and commit to SocEnv Code of Ethics.
E2 Take responsibility for own personal development and work towards and secure change and improvements for a sustainable future. Some examples of how this could be demonstrated are: Develop and evaluate opportunities and constraints for continued environmental improvement. Identify the required cost, quality, safety, reliability, appearance, fitness for purpose and environmental impact of changes and improvements. Actively learn from feedback to improve environmental outcomes and establish best practice.
Undertake reviews of own development needs. Prepare and evaluate action plans to meet personal and organisational objectives.
Points: Education Component (not mandatory)
Matrix Units shown below to be awarded towards the maximum of 8 units
7 Qualification/level General Academic Vocationally related qualifications qualifications Doctorate Full time 3 years = 6 points Part-time* is 1 year = 2 points pro-rata
Masters Degree Full time 1yr = 2 points Full time 2yr = 4 points Full time = 4yrs = 8 points Part time* 2yrs = 2 points Post Graduate certificates /diplomas. 1yr = 2 points
Honours Degree Full time 4yrs = 8 points Graduate certificates and (inc. Ordinary Full time 3yrs = 6 points diplomas 1year = 1 points degrees) Sandwich* 4yrs = 6 points Level 5 S/NVQ = 6 points
Intermediate HND/*HNC count as 1yr full time = 2 points
*Level 4 S/NVQ are not time limited = 2 points
Notes: * Certain qualifications can also be assessed for relevant points of work based practice experience, as long as period of studies and relevant experience are not double counted.
Because each Licensed Body has its own unique and diverse requirements for qualifying an individual as a member, the framework for assessing the educational component of whether an Applicant satisfies the pre-qualifying criteria is set out in a matrix. This matrix addresses commonly encountered types of qualification. Each Licensed Body will be responsible for judging relevance and guidance should be sought from the Society on types of qualifications not defined in this matrix. Each Licensed Body will need to appraise the academic qualifications of Applicants on an individual basis and to demonstrate to the Registration Authority that the Applicant has accrued up to a maximum of 8 units of successful academic study.
Overseas qualifications shall be assessed for their equivalence against UK qualifications with guidance from the Society. When a Licensed Body requires guidance on the assessment of qualifications, e.g., for those applications which are submitted in another language or where there are foreign qualifications then the guidance of the Society may be sought.
For Vocational Qualifications, only a S/NVQ at level 4 and above will be accepted as credit towards the 8 points. Part of these qualifications may also count towards the 4 points of work based practice where relevant to the pre-qualifying criteria.
The qualifications and experience in the submitted report will be assessed to determine the contribution that these make in providing evidence of the applicant’s virtuosity in knowledge of, competence in and engagement with the sustainable management of the environment and/or sustainability matters.
8 The range of what is and what is not relevant in terms of academic qualifications will be unique to each Licenced Body. Courses which included relevant general skills which help develop professional practice competences (e.g., research, report writing, general communication and presentation, and project management skills) may be included at the discretion of the Licenced Body. The Licensed Body may decide to apportion only part of a course in terms of points. For example, a three year degree course which is deemed to be 50% relevant may be scored as 3 full-time academic years x 2 points/year x 50% = 3 points. However, a Licensed Bodies may deem that any degree course will help develop the candidate’s range of skills and competences required at professional level and may score these at 100%.
Alternatively with either no academic qualifications at all or no relevant qualifications, 12 years relevant work based practice can count as 12 points.
9 Points: Relevant Work Based Practice
No amount of education and/or training can substitute for practical work-based professional experience to help develop the competences required of a Chartered Environmentalist.
Each Applicant shall have at least four years of work based practice which counts towards their required 12 points
Relevant experience may either be counted as full-time (i.e. one year equals one point) or a proportion of the time in post (e.g., if only 50% of the role was appropriate relevant experience for four years, the four years x 50% = two points may be claimed.
The work practice may be paid work or volunteer in nature.
The range of what is and what is not relevant work based practice will be unique to each Licenced Body. Relevant general experience which helps develop professional practice competences (e.g., general communication and presentation skills, research skills and project management skills) may be included at the discretion of the Licenced Body.
Relevant work based practice time must not be double counted with academic time periods claimed. Time may be apportioned to work based practice and academic study for part-time learning and sandwich courses.
Opportunities for structured work based practice may range from formally accredited and monitored training schemes to individually managed personal development for those applicants whose employment does not offer them access to a formal scheme. Prior experience can only be achieved in the context of a real professional role, although this may also cover a range of roles from technical to managerial and include sandwich placement and research assistant posts.
At the conclusion of the period of work based practice an applicant shall be in a position to demonstrate their capabilities in the 13 competences required of a Chartered Environmentalist.
The Society will be available to help advise Licensed Bodies on whether or not work based practice is relevant and/or proportions of relevant work.
Continuing Professional Development
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is defined as 'the systematic maintenance improvement and broadening of knowledge and skill, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional duties throughout working life'.
10 Throughout a career personal development is essential to achieve and enhance high standards of professional practice. Evidence of CPD provides a demonstration of commitment to professional practice. There should be an appropriate level of audit of CPD by Licensed Bodies.
Chartered Environmentalists should build on prior knowledge and experience and will be responsible for managing their CPD and taking appropriate action to update skills relevant to their job and career interests. Licensed Bodies should make them aware of:
The professional, commercial and legal requirement for evidence of CPD; The ways of providing evidence of commitment to CPD; and The requirement to provide suitable evidence of commitment to CPD.
Chartered Environmentalists shall take responsibility for the management of their CPD by: Identifying and prioritising their development needs and opportunities; Using appropriate guidelines from their Licensed Bodies together with competence benchmark/standards; Planning and carrying out development action using a range of appropriate learning opportunities; Recording development achievements; and Evaluating achievements and reviewing against needs.
A Chartered Environmentalist should where possible offer support for the learning and development of others by: Acting as a mentor; Encouraging employers to support professional development; Sharing professional expertise and knowledge; Contributing to the activities of others.
Please return your completed application either electronically to [email protected] or by post to:
For the attention of Julie Bowers Membership Department The Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Stoke Regional Office Shelton House, 12 Stoke Road Shelton Stoke on Trent Staffordshire ST4 2DR
11 Enquiries: +44 (0) 1782 221709 E-Mail: [email protected]
Checklist for Applicants - Have you: Completed your Personal Statement? (Page 2)
Enclosed a Professional Review Report giving details of qualifications and relevant employment. Please match and record competencies in right- hand margin as this will help with the assessment process. (See example below)
Signed and dated the form?
Enclosed the CEnv Initial Registration fee? Fee for 2009 is £65.00 and includes registration for the remainder of the current year
2 x passport size photographs
Missing items may lead to delay CEng MIMMM Example: July 1999 – May 2001 – Project Leader, Blah Co.
Training undertaken: Financial management, 3 day course with xx training company. A1 Started studies for a Masters degree in business with Open University. Attended 2 D1,2,3 conferences; ICS Steelmaking 2000 (attendee) and European Polymer 2000 (presenter – E4 degradation of uPVC). Professional mentor for 2 graduate trainees.
Job role / Responsibilities: The role of Project leader involves co-ordination of all projects in the xx sector of the company. I was responsible for the control of our budget (£2 mil, annual), staff (various – C1, 2, 4 depending on project, up to 6 technicians, 2 project managers, 2 trainees) and day to day B1,2,3 administration. I liaised with customers and our overseas sectors, establishing viable research and projects, producing project proposals and securing funding where required. D1,2,3 I was also responsible for the management of resources for my group, selection of appropriate team members, assessment of training needs, and am currently the on-site E1,2 safety officer and risk assessment manager.