St Martin by - Looe Parish Council

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St Martin by - Looe Parish Council

St Martin – By - Looe Parish Council MINUTES FOR THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd MARCH 2011 AT 7.30PM AT NO MAN’S LAND MEMORIAL HALL. Attended by: Chair: Kim Smith. Vice-Chair: Robert Henly. Parish Councillors, Lynne Burt, Michael Elford, Ronald Matthews, Roberta Powley, Barbara Reynolds. Mr Charles Hyde, Clerk and Proper Officer of the Council. County Councillor Armand Toms. Public Question Time & Councillors comments on declared interests: Great Tree Farm Shop signs – Millendreath resident, Mr. Moore asked if the Parish Council knew anything about the signs for the Great Tree Farm Shop at the junction of the B3253 and May Lane. The Chair informed Mr. Moore that as the signs were on private land different rules apply, however the matter is being looked at by Looe Town Council who are responsible for the area.

Agenda Item 1: Declarations of Interest: Councillor Elford 5.1.4 Prejudicial Landowner. Agenda Item 2: Apologies for absence: PCSO Dave Billing (report sent by e-mail). Agenda Item 3: Minutes of the Parish Council/ Planning Meeting(s): 3.2: Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd February 2011. It was proposed by Vice-Chair Henly, seconded by Councillor Reynolds and agreed 5-1 (Councillor Elford did not attend the meeting), that they be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Agenda Item 4: Planning Applications: 4.1.1 Application No: PA11/00289. Description of Development: Retrospective application for construction of log cabin, education room and greenhouse. Location of Land: The Monkey Sanctuary St Martin-By-Looe. Name of Applicant: Mr. Patrick Saunders (Wildfutures). Parish Council’s decision: Approved, however the incorrect dates on the application must be corrected before the application is passed by Cornwall Council. Agenda Item 5: Planning Decisions received by the date of the meeting: 5.1.1 Application No: PA10/05759. Description of Development: Construction of timber shed. Location of Land: Driftwood, Millendreath. Name of Applicant: Mr. Robin Moore. Cornwall Council’s Decision: Approved with the usual conditions. Noted. NB: Permission required because the site is located next to a byway. 5.1.2 Application No: PA10/05147 Description of Development: Construction of general purpose agricultural Building. Location of Land: Land Pt Os 6700 St Martin’s, Looe. Name of Applicant: Miss Claire Hoyte. Cornwall Council’s Decision: Approved with the usual conditions. Noted.

83 5.1.3 Application No: PA10/04403 Description of Development: Enlargement of existing outdoor swimming pool and existing patio area. Construction of steps from patio and garden area to pool. Location of Land: Black Rock House, Millendreath. PL13 1NY. Name of Applicant: Mrs. R Stingel. Cornwall Council’s Decision: Approved with the usual conditions. Noted. 5.1.4 Application No: PA10/04163 Description of Development: Siting of three camping pods. Location of Land: Bay View Farm, St Martin’s, Looe. Name of Applicant: Mr. M Elford. Cornwall Council’s Decision: Refused, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed expansion of facilities by reason of its prominent siting within this exposed location, would adversely affect the amenity, character and landscape value of an Area of Great Landscape Value and Coastal Zone, setting a precedent for further expansion that could not be accommodated within the landscape. 2. The proposal, by reason of the increased traffic generated, would result in aggravated traffic congestion along the highway network which provides access to the site giving rise to increased accident potential. Noted. 5.1.5 Application No: PA10/04932. Description of Development: Construction of new access road to sewage treatment works. Location of Land: Sewage Treatment Works, No Man’s Land, Near Looe. Name of Applicant: Mr. Tony Studden. Cornwall Council’s Decision: Approved with 4 conditions. Noted. Agenda Item 6: Planning Matters: 6.1.1: Millendreath Development No: PA10/07535 – Considered and approved by the Strategic Planning Committee on 3rd March 2011 at 10am. County Councillor Toms informed members that it was not a unanimous decision and that extra conditions were recommended taking into account the Parish Council’s comments. (Agenda included in Information Pack as report on the application included from page 98 – 124, makes good reading). 6.2: Correspondence. None received. Agenda Item 7: – Finance. 7.1.1: Summary of Accounts.

Reconciled balances date 21/02/2011 Opening Bank Balances 1st April 2010 £12,431.52 Income to date £9151.43 Expenditure to date £7122.75 Balance to date £14,460.20

7.2: Accounts to be paid in February 2011.

Cheque No Organisation Amount 503 Clerk expenses 41.86 504 Clerks January salary and admin fee 439.33 Total 481.19

84 7.3: Income in February 2011

9-Feb-11 Bank Interest £ 0.37 Total £ 0.37

It was proposed by The Chair, seconded by Councillor Powley that Items 7.1 and 7.3 are ratified. ALL AGREED. 7.4: Requests for Funding received by date of meeting. None received. 7.5: Receipts and letters of thanks received by the date of the meeting. None received. 7.6: Financial Business. 7.7: Accounts to be paid in March 2011. It was proposed by The Chair, seconded by Councillor Powley that the following be authorised for payment. ALL AGREED.

Cheque No Organisation Amount 505 Clerk expenses 4.00 506 Clerks February salary and admin fee 439.33 507 Magazine print costs 2x £40 plus VAT 80.00

Total 523.33 Agenda Item 8: Reports on Matters arising from the Minutes. 8.1.1: Parking in Holland Road – Richard Lewis, Cornwall Council Housing Officer confirmed that they are still looking at providing off street parking in the gardens for some of the properties in Holland Road (in particular those who currently park on the grass verges). Once the plans are finalised the Parish Council will be updated. Noted. 8.1.2: Holland Road garages - Richard Lewis, Cornwall Council Housing Officer confirmed that the garages can be let to people outside the area; Holland Road has no waiting list for the garages, which are considered unsuitable for most modern vehicles due to the size of the garages. The only benefit to the residents of the estate is that should they apply for and get one of the garages no VAT is payable. Noted. 8.1.3: Snow & Ice and access issues to the sheltered properties - Richard Lewis, Cornwall Council Housing Officer confirmed there is no procedure or level of agreement in place to provide access in the case of snow and ice. Cornwall Highways are responsible for keeping the main routes only salted and that does not apply to the footpaths. Noted. 8.1.4: Salt bins – Holland Farm salt bin to be refilled by Cornwall Council Highways. Noted. 8.1.5: Treveria Farm, bridleway gate – E-mail received from Councillor Toms below: Dear Councillor Toms Further to our phone conversation earlier today regarding the bridleway at Treveria Farm, Looe. I am aware that a new gate has been installed along the route of the bridleway. As the gate is for the control of stock it is permissible on the line of a Public Right of Way and can be authorised under S147 of the Highways Act (1980). I have been out to inspect the location and the hanging of the gate. I have no problem with the location, as the gate will allow for the control of stock from the yard to the fields either side of the bridleway. The new route will also mean a reduced use of the western end of the path by stock, and thereby a reduced impact on the surface. With regard to the hanging of the gate I will be providing Mr. Kitto with a horse friendly latch, the same as those found on the existing gates when I am next in the area. This will be for Mr. Kitto to install. I hope that this is of use to you. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below

Yours Sincerely Dave Wood, Countryside Officer, Cornwall Council Discussions ensued and it was proposed by Councillor Burt, seconded by The Chair that the Parish Council get quotes and then pay for the latch to be fitted. (Subject to Mr. Kitto’s agreement). ALL AGREED. The Clerk to contact Mr. Kitto. 85 Agenda item 9: Business received after publication of agenda. None received. Agenda Item 10: Information received from CC and other Authorities: (Circulated in the information pack). 10.2.1: Cornwall Council. Funding Bulletins – 14th, 21st, 28th Feb 11. East Sub-Area Planning Committee – 24th Feb agenda (for info only). Democratic Services – Revised procedure for public speaking at Planning Committees. Liskeard/Looe Community Network – Meeting 14th March 2011, 6.30pm Public Hall, Liskeard. Councillor Reynolds and The Chairman hope to attend. Liskeard/Looe Community Network – Meeting notes from Jan 2011. Town and Parish Council Newsletter – Feb 2011. Library Service – News relating to changes to opening times and services offered. Consultation on Cornwall’s draft Core Strategy options – For circulation to all Councillors Street Parties for the Royal Wedding – Info from Jeremy Edwards, Highways Network Manager. 10.3.2: Other Authorities. CALC – This Week – Issues 26, 27. NALC – Local Council Accounts and Audit Regulations. (New procedure). HMRC – Parish Council and Community Council Clerks PAYE Implementations (For info only as Cornwall Council administers the Clerk’s pay). Keep Cornwall Whole – Re: 2011 Census and the use of Cornish as a national identity 11: New Business. 11.2: Around the table: Councillor Powley: Holland Road Street Lights – Despite repeated attempts by Councillor Powley, The Clerk and County Councillor Armand Toms the street lights are still not repaired. County Councillor Armand Toms to try again to get the repairs done. Dog Mess in Holland Road – Some inconsiderate dog owners are allowing dogs to roam the estate in the evening leaving behind dog mess on the pavements. The Clerk to report and to include an article in the Parish magazine. Soakaway and Kerb in Holland Road – Despite repeated requests both of the items have not been repaired/cleared. The Clerk to report again. Councillor Burt: Nothing raised. Councillor Elford: Nothing raised. Councillor Reynolds: Neighbourhood Watch Alert – Elderly people are being tricked into handing over bank cards to callers by claiming to be bank employees who have discovered a fault in the cards. This is usually proceeded by a telephone call claiming to be the bank informing the customer that the cards need to be collected. This scam is currently happening throughout SE Cornwall. Pot Holes – No Man’s Land to Seaton road, pot holes have started to appear; this is a potential hazard for all road users, walkers included. The Clerk to report. Car Speeds and Mobile Phone use – Too many drivers are speeding through the lanes, mobile phone use whilst driving is common place, suggests a further article be published in the Parish Magazine.

86 Incorrect use of the bins in the Holland Farm lay-by – Councillor Reynolds suggested a reminder article to be published in the Parish Magazine to inform people that the bins are for general refuse and dog mess and that the correct bin should be used. Millendreath access road by Black Rock – A sign is required stating the road is for access only, last summer caravans and campers turned into the road causing chaos. The Clerk to request a sign is installed.

Councillor Matthews: Nothing raised. Vice Chair Henly: Nothing raised. The Chair: Pot Holes in the Parish – The Chair suggests the Clerk request a survey of the roads throughout the Parish. Consultation on Cornwall’s draft Core Strategy options – The Chair informed members that there were very few pages relating to the Parish. He asked members to consider the possibility of the Parish Council taking over some of the current Council services to ensure survival. To be discussed in the April meeting once members have given the proposal some thought. County Councillor Armand Toms Drug issues – Millendreath resident Mr. Moore asked Councillor Toms and The Chair what was being done to combat the issue of drug taking in the area, needles are regularly left on the beach at Millendreath and in Looe. The Chair informed Mr. Moore that the Police are currently investigating the issue; Councillor Toms agreed there is a problem and will continue to monitor the Police investigation as the only way to stop drug taking is to stop the supply. Dog Mess on Millendreath beach - Millendreath resident Mr. Moore asked for an additional dog bin to be provided for the beach. Councillor Toms agreed to request this. PCSO Dave Billing (sent by e-mail): St Martin Parish Council – Police Report - During the month of February 2011, there were a total of 29 crimes reported for the area covered by Looe Police Station. During the same period in 2010 there were 53 crimes reported. During February 2011, one of the above crimes was committed within the Parish. This was a local male found in possession of a class A drug. At present we are in the middle of setting up a FARM WATCH Scheme, I will be attending the farms within the Parish in the coming weeks asking if they wish to participate in the scheme. May I take this opportunity to remind those of you with heating oil on your property, to ensure that your tanks are secured at all times, if anyone wishes to seek advice on this please contact me at Looe Police Station. If any member of the Parish wishes to receive an electronic copy of the Looe Police Monthly Update, please contact myself with your e-mail address and I will add you to the distribution list. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, 7th April 2011 7.30pm at No Man’s Land Memorial Hall. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.15pm.


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