Minutes of the Regeneration Committee Meeting Held at Treloweth Community Hall, on Thursday

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Minutes of the Regeneration Committee Meeting Held at Treloweth Community Hall, on Thursday


Minutes of the Regeneration Committee meeting held at Treloweth Community Hall, on Thursday, 12th May 2016 commencing at 7.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillors R. Drew (Chairman of the Council), M. Moyle (Vice Chairman of the Council), C.E.N. Bickford, Mrs. D. Cousins, Mrs. B. Fielder, C. Lawrence, C. Jordan, P. Mather, B. Webb, C.E.N. Bickford (from point mentioned).


16/05R/1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence: Cllrs. A. Russell (ill health), P. Sheppard (business)



16/05R/3 TO APPOINT A CHAIRMAN OF THE REGENERATION COMMITTEE Cllr. Mrs. D. Cousins was duly appointed as Chairman of the Regeneration Committee.

16/05R/4 TO APPOINT A VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE REGENERATION COMMITTEE Cllr. Mrs. B. Fielder was duly appointed as Vice Chairman of the Regeneration Committee.


A copy of the May 2016 update was circulated (see appendix A). The committee discussed the update.

a. Boulders No report

b. Bus shelters Cllr. C.E.N. Bickford arrived during this item. The meeting was informed that the Clerk had forwarded two further emails regarding the bus shelter that was removed from Trevenson Road (new housing Heartlands development) and had raised the issue with Cllr. M. Moyle CC. Cllr. M. Moyle CC requested a copy of the email form Linden Homes advising that the shelter was being stored Cllr. B. Webb asked if the Council cleaned the bus shelters in Four Lanes as he had received complaints, The Chairman explained that the 6

Four Lanes Regeneration Group had purchased the bus shelters and had agreed to maintain the shelters. c. Carol Concert The meeting was informed that the band, Brownies, Rainbows and choir have been advised of the date of the Carol Concert and been invited to attend. The Brownies and the Rainbows have confirmed their attendance. d. Christmas Card The Chairman of the Council informed the meeting that he had two suggestions for the 2016 Christmas card. The first idea was to invite the schools to submit pupil’s illustrations and the second was a photographic competition. Cllr. P. Mather informed the meeting that he approached Treloweth School and that the school was interested in participating again this year. It was agreed that all three of the local schools would be asked to participate. e. Dog bins The meeting was informed that new dog/litter bins have been installed throughout the Parish replacing old bins and there is a new bin on the corner of Agar Crescent and by the layby opposite Rowe’s. f. Footpaths/ access paths The meeting was informed that the footpath form Trevithick Road to Treloweth School had been cleared. g. Landscaping projects The Chairman informed the meeting that a letter of support has been received from Carn Brea Village Hall committee in support of improvements to the area around the Holy Well. The Chairman of the Committee informed the meeting that the Vice Chairman had obtained a grant application form from Tesco’s and the Clerk advised the meeting that Charlotte Caldwell had been contacted for information on available funding. It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Fielder would contact Cllr. P. Sheppard for information on the signage of the ‘ball’ and apply to SITA for funding. The meeting discussed the planters outside the flats on Trevenson Road and it was agreed that a letter is written to Cornwall Council expressing concern at the condition of the planters and offering to take them over. The area opposite Pool Academy was discussed and Cllr. R. Drew informed the meeting that he would be meeting with Mr. Dickinson (Cornwall Council) and would discuss concreting the area that is covered with bark. Cllr. M. Moyle informed the meeting that a local housing developer had offered to help with community projects and that they may be able to help with the supply of concrete. h. Listing 7

There was no report. The Chairman advised the Clerk to remove the item from the next agenda. i. Milestones No reports j. Newsletter Cllr. Mrs. B. Fielder reported on the next edition of the newsletter and a copy of the articles to be included was circulated. k. Old Photographs Cllr. R. Drew informed the meeting that he had copies of some of the photographs on a memory stick and gave the information to the Chairman to forward to the website. l. Pool Green The meeting discussed the siting of the lectern and it was agreed that the siting would be deferred until the land had been devolved. m. Pool in Bloom/Carn Brea in Bloom The meeting was informed that the baskets had been collected for plant up and that the application for the flower baskets had been granted. n. Remembrance Day Service The meeting was informed that Mr. R. Barratt had confirmed his attendance and that he will contact the Parade Marshall to confirm his attendance. Redruth Town Band has confirmed their attendance for a cost of £150.

Resolved to recommend: that delegated powers were given to the Chairman and Vice Chairman to order the number of large poppies required. Proposed: Cllr. Mrs. D. Cousins Seconded: Cllr. Mrs. B. Fielder o. Seats The meeting was informed that the Mapperley bench (to be purchased with a bequest from a local resident) has been ordered. It was agreed that a photograph of the Chairman and local residents would be taken for the newsletter. p. Signage No report q. Trail updates The Chairman informed the meeting that the 2nd edition Pool Parish Trail has been delivered with the Spring newsletters. The Chairman requested that the item was removed from future agendas. 8

r. Tree planting The meeting was informed that trees were being replaced at East Hill.

s. Web site The meeting was informed that minutes, meeting dates, information on the new Four Lanes Councillor etc. had been forwarded to the website.

t. any other projects Telephone Kiosk The meeting discussed possible uses for the newly refurbished telephone kiosk at Piece and Cllr. R. Drew agreed to visit the owner of the Countryman Inn to discuss the possibilities.

Notice Board for Carnkie The meeting discussed a request for a notice board at Carnkie and it was agreed that Cllr. P. Mather would contact the resident and discuss the matter and possible sites.

16/05R/06 TO RECEIVE THE REGENERATION BUDGET REPORT A copy of the Regeneration budget report to January 2016 was circulated (Appendix C).

16/05R/07 TO DISCUSS THE COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE It was agreed that the Terms of Reference would be amended to include the maintenance of milestones and fingerposts.

The meeting closed at 8.17 p.m. 9

REGENERATION UPDATE – May 2016 a. Boulders No report b. Bus shelters A further email was sent to Cornwall Council on March 10th regarding the bus shelter stored by Linden homes. There has been reply and all of the information has been forwarded to Cllr. M. Moyle. c. Carol Concert The Brownies have been informed that the date for the Carol Concert has been set for 6th December and have confirmed that they will attend and sing a carol. The band and choir have been invited and confirmation of their attendance is awaited. d. Christmas Card Discuss arrangements for 2016 e. Dog bins Cllr. C. Lawrence to report. New dog/litter bins have been installed throughout the Parish replacing old bins and is a new bin on the corner of Agar Crescent and by the layby opposite Rowes. f. Footpaths/ access paths No report g. Landscaping projects A letter of support has been received from the Carn Brea Village Hall Committee in support of improvements to the area around the holy well. h. Listing No report i. Milestones No report j. Newsletter To receive a report from Cllr. Mrs. B. Fielder Copy of items to be included in next newsletter. k. Old Photographs Report form Cllr. R Drew l. Pool Green To discuss the siting of the lectern m. Pool in Bloom/Carn Brea in Bloom The baskets have been collected for plant up. The application for the flower baskets has been granted. n. Remembrance Day Service 10

Mr. R. Barratt has confirmed his attendance and will contact the Parade Marshall to confirm attendance. Redruth Town Band has confirmed their attendance for a cost of £150. The large poppies can be ordered from the Camborne British Legion for a donation – no required and donation to be discussed. o. Seats The Mapperley seat (to be purchased with a donation) has been ordered complete with plaque. p. Signage To receive a report from Cllr. R. Drew q. Trail updates The second edition of the Pool Parish Trail was delivered with the last newsletter. r. Tree planting/Tree Warden Report from Cllr. P. Mather s. Web site The minutes have been forwarded to the website. t. any other projects

Road markings

Moorfield Road Open Space Gates Cllr. R. Drew updated the Committee on the progress of the gates.

Request for notice board in Carnkie

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