I. Call to Order 12:20Pm
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Date: April 12, 2017 I. Call to Order 12:20pm II. Roll Call Alissa Ramirez, Elijah Banaag, Connar Allen, Caleb Pitman, Kyle Fernandez, Jeffery Thomas, Friederike Davis, Justin Bustos, Richard Torres, Jackie Lara, Micah Bachner, Saumya Thomas, Allen Graham, Giselle Guzman, Kristin Strittmatter, Elizabeth Carter, Advisors Dr. Lisa O. Perez and Dr. Albrecht were also present III. Islander Pledge IV. Introduction of Guests V. Approval of Minutes - April 5, 2017>>approved VI. President’s Report A. Guest Speaker: Ann Degaish B. Election Tabling- April 17-18th in breezeway, 10am-2pm. Email Garrett if you can help! V. Vice President’s Report A. Committee Chair Meeting (see attached) VI. Treasurer’s Report SGA Account Balances:
Student Wages $11, 732.94 Benefits 56.16 Other Expense Pool 12, 509.84
VII. Chief Justice’s Report -28 appeals, 7 reduced, 8 denied and 13 approved VIII. Speaker’s Report A. CSAC Presentations (Senator Davis, Treasurer Paez, and President Ransom) IX. Secretary’s Report X. Senator Reports (Due this month!) A. College of Science and Engineering Senators B. College of Liberal Arts Senators C. College of Nursing & Health Sciences D. College of Education Senators E. College of Business Senators F. College of Graduate Studies Senator G. Athletics Senator H. Disabilities Senator I. Freshmen Senators J. International Senator K. Housing Senator XI. Committee Reports A. Legislative Studies -Sen. Banaag reported, met last Thursday to discuss ways to follow up on House Bill 1. Created a letter template/phone script to use when contacting representatives. Encourage everyone to send these document to friends and other groups they are involved in who may want to speak with their representative B. Constitution and Elections -Sen. Allen reported that all applicants are eligible to run - Sen. Allen moves to amend Chapter 4 bylaw and create a new chapter 9. This amendment will separate committees and legislature and makes a new chapter 9: "standing committees”. Seconded by Sen. Banaag, 15 for, 0 against, 0 abstain>>motion approved
C. Special Events Funding & Catering Incentive Funding ✔ D. Spirits and Traditions E. Public Relations F. Student Affairs G. Academic Affairs H. Environmental Affairs -Met with President of Islander Green team to discuss recycling ideas to incorporate into the current program. Also met with Andrea to discuss writing a resolution to update recycling program. -Talked about possibly setting up a volunteer program for recycling on campus. -Spoke with Environmental Health and Safety Manager, Nathan Galvan about making recycling signage clearer -Will have sample signs for the next meeting to show what will be needed for new recycling signs. I. Food & Services XII. Old Business XIII. Advisor’s Report -Comments on registration process and IT issues -Possibility of working with Alumni Association and starting an Islander Tribute for former Islanders. -Introduction of Tradition Keepers App (see attached PDF) -Campus will be open on Friday, staff half day starting at noon. XIV. Open Forum -Candidate info for CSAC will be included on Ballot -Thank you letter from SVC for help at Big Event XV. Announcements A. Stoles - Applications due April 12th (Form are on Orgsync) B. SGA Banquet - April 27, 6:00-8:00 p.m. (RSVP by April 17th) C. CSAC Voting D. AD HOC meeting tonight to discuss banquet award nominations XVI. Roll Call Alissa Ramirez, Elijah Banaag, Connar Allen, Caleb Pitman, Kyle Fernandez, Jeffery Thomas, Friederike Davis, Justin Bustos, Richard Torres, Jackie Lara, Saumya Thomas, Allen Graham, Giselle Guzman, Kristin Strittmatter, Elizabeth Carter, Advisors Dr. Lisa O. Perez and Dr. Albrecht were also present XVII. Adjournment 1:13pm