New Jersey Historic Trust

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New Jersey Historic Trust




The New Jersey Historic Trust (hereinafter Trust) was created by State law in 1967 to provide financial support, protection and technical assistance to historic sites and organizations in New Jersey. The Trust is an agency of the State affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs, with offices located 101 S. Broad Street, 6th floor, PO Box 457, Trenton, NJ 08625-0457.

The Trust has been authorized by the Garden State Historic Trust Act of 1999, most recently funded through the “Green Acres, Water Supply and Floodplain Protection, and Farmland and Historic Preservation Bond Act of 2009”, to administer the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund which provides funding to non-profit organizations and units of government for historic site management grants and capital grants for properties listed in and determined eligible or listing in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and/or the National Register of Historic Places.

The protection of New Jersey’s archaeological heritage is an important part of the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund grants programs. All grants must address potential impacts to archaeological resources whenever grant-funded work includes the potential for ground-disturbing activities. These requirements are in place to comply with State Historic Preservation Office (hereinafter HPO) standards.

QUALIFICATIONS The archaeology consultant shall be a trained professional archaeologist who meets or exceeds the qualification standards for archaeology established by the National Park Service, (NPS) as defined in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (Federal Register 48:190, September 29, 1983).

The following requirements for archaeology have been previously published in the Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part 61. The qualifications define minimum education and experience required to perform identification, evaluation, registration, and treatment activities. In some cases additional areas of levels of expertise may be needed, depending on the complexity of the task and the nature of the historic properties involved. In the following definitions, a year of full-time professional experience need not consist of a continuous year of full-time work but may be made up of discontinuous periods of full-time or part-time work adding up to the equivalent of a year of full-time experience.

Archaeology – Professional Requirements The minimum professional qualifications in archaeology are a graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, or closely related field plus: 1. At least one year of full-time professional experience or equivalent specialized training in archaeological research, administration, or management; 2. At least four months of supervised field and analytic experience in general North American archaeology; and 3. Demonstrated ability to carry research to completion.

In addition to these minimum qualifications, a professional in prehistoric archaeology has at least one year of full-time experience at a supervisory level in the study of archaeological resources of the prehistoric period. A professional in historic archaeology has at least one year of full-time experience at a supervisory level in the study of archaeological resources of the historic period.

The consultant shall also demonstrate familiarity in working with the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act, N.J.A.C. 7:4 and the archaeological guidelines developed by the NJ Historic Preservation Office. By regulation, all sites that have been awarded a planning grant from the Trust must be eligible for and/or listed in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places. All sites awarded a construction grant must be listed before the Trust can disburse payment.

SCOPE OF SERVICES The 2012 grant round funded primarily Historic Sites Management Grants. While only a few applications include specific archaeological investigations as part of the proposed project, other projects may need to consider future investigations. The Trust recognizes that early assessment and consideration will facilitate more realistic budgets as future ground disturbing activities are planned and implemented. (pro-active vs. reactive approach)

ITEM 1. Review 37 Historic Sites Management 2012 grant applications for compliance with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties to:

Identify archaeologically sensitive sites and assess the potential impact of proposed work on archaeological resources;

Review proposed archaeological scopes of work for appropriateness and compliance;

Provide written comment and recommendations for treatment and protection of identified or potential archaeological resources and determine need to incorporate archaeological considerations in each respective contract agreement Attachment D-1 project Scope of Work;

Assist staff verbally and in writing in generating archaeological requirements for each respective contract agreement Attachment D-1 Project Scope of Work, as needed;

It is expected that the consultant shall review pertinent records and resources within the Historic Preservation Office to assist in formulating substantive recommendations. For information on scheduling an appointment/training with the HPO see:

The consultant shall also plan to develop recommendations in person or by pre-arranged conference call with Historic Trust program officers for the thirty-seven approved 2012 grant applications. Final recommendations developed for each individual project shall be submitted electronically, in a Microsoft Word document, as well as delivered in hard copy.

ITEM 2. As needed, and as requested by Trust staff, provide archaeological advice and direction for open grant projects. Consultant may be expected to review and assess draft reports, work products, results of archaeological investigations and in certain circumstances, may be requested to visit the grant funded site in question. For these ad hoc services, consultant shall bill the Trust on an hourly basis, and be reimbursed for approved travel. GENERAL The Trust is submitting this Request for Proposal for a FY 14 Professional Services Contract Agreement between the Trust and a professional archaeological consultant and/or consulting firm in compliance with the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act of 1970 (N.J.S.A. 13:1B-015.128 et. seq.) and consistent with the New Jersey Historic Trust/Historic Preservation Office Memorandum of Understanding regarding review of Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund grant projects.

Proposals should be submitted to the attention of Dorothy P. Guzzo, Executive Director, New Jersey Historic Trust. Within the proposal, please include:  a profile of your firm with curriculum vitae of principal staff,  a lump sum for review of 37 projects as specified in SCOPE OF SERVICES Item 1 above, and  an hourly rate price quote as specified in SCOPE OF SERVICES Item 2 above, which you will submit to the Trust for hourly services reimbursement.  a disclosure form identifying any conflict or potential conflict with any of the thirty- seven 2012 grant applications.

The total cost should not exceed $16,000. An allowance of $1,500 (over and above $16,000) will be established for “out-of-pocket” travel expenses incurred while performing the consulting services per SCOPE OF SERVICES ITEM 2 above. Consultant will be expected to carry automobile liability insurance which shall be written to cover any automobile used by the insured. Limited of liability for bodily injury and property damage shall not be less than $1 million per occurrence, as a combined single limit.

Successful consultant will be expected to;  register as a New Jersey Business.  have a current NJ affirmative action certificate (or provide the State of NJ Employee Information Report and a $150 check to the NJ Dept. of Treasury to attain one)

Also, please review the attached State of New Jersey General Terms and Conditions, sign the attached bid form, and return the signed bid form with your proposal.

All proposals are due in the office of the New Jersey Historic Trust by 5 pm on Monday, August 5, 2013. All proposals will be date stamped as they are received.

Our delivery address for packages via messenger service, FED EX and/or other delivery service is: New Jersey Historic Trust Department of Community Affairs Building 101 S. Broad Street, Room 604 Trenton, NJ 08608

Our delivery address for United States postal service: New Jersey Historic Trust Department of Community Affairs PO Box 457 Trenton, New Jersey 08625

For more information, contact: New Jersey Historic Trust – (609) 984-0473 / / [email protected]

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