MASS INTENTIONS for the WEEK Weekday Readings
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July 6, 2014 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Weekday Readings Mon Hos 2: 16, 17b-18, 21-22/Mt 9: 18 - 26 Tue (SN) 8:00am SP/Exposition/Closing 4pm Hos 8: 4-7, 11-13/Mt 9: 32-38 Wed (HF) 8:00am SP Hos 10: 1-3, 7-8, 12/Mt 10: 1-7 Thu (HF) 6:30pm SP Hos 11: 1-4, 8c-9/Mt 10: 7-15 Fri (SN) 8:00am SP Am 8: 4-6, 9-12/Mt 9: 9-13 Fri (HF) 12:00pm Exposition/Closing 5pm Sat (HF) 1:00pm Wedding – Michael Beatty & Stacey Schroeder Sat (SN) 4:00pm Paul & Lucille Schroeder/ Harold, Rita, Sharon Niese/ In Thanksgiving Sat (HF) 7:00pm Arlene Rosengarten Sunday Readings Sun (HF) 8:30am Tom Deitering/Elmer Gable Is 55: 10-11/Rom 8: 18-23/ Sun (SN) 10:30am Ron Lammers/ Leona Steffen Mt 13: 1-23
THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION will be celebrated Saturday at 3:00pm at St. Nicholas and 6:00pm at Holy Family.
OFFERINGS St. Nicholas, $1,977.00; Upkeep, $1,325.00 Holy Family, $2,568.00; Upkeep, $ 610.00
MINISTRY SCHEDULES for St. Nicholas and Holy Family for the months of July through October are available in the back of church. Please pick up your copy if you have not already done so.
CONFIRMATION SERVICE! If anyone would like to help out at the Chicken Barbecue this Sunday for the benefit of the Clarence Verhoff family please come to the Sportsman Club to help out or if before Sunday call Jean Forster and let her know you can help.
CLC COUNCIL #215 CLC will meet Thursday, July 10, immediately following the 6:30pm Mass at Holy Family. Your tickets for the BBQ dinner have been mailed. Please sell. CLC Chicken Barbecue will be held Sunday, July 27, at Holy Family Church basement from 11am-1pm. The menu includes Uncle Buck’s Barbecue chicken, potato salad, baked beans, dinner rolls. You can dine-in or carry-out. Price of each meal is $8. Presale is encouraged and the deadline to purchase is Monday, July 21. Contact any CLC member or Pat Gerten, 419-235-1991. We will be celebrating our 65th Anniversary by having a display representing the history of our council through the years.
REMINDER: The Rosary is prayed one half hour before every weekday and weekend Mass at St. Nicholas and a half hour before every Sunday Mass at Holy Family. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us.
ALTAR ROSARY ANY WOMAN OF THE PARISH who did not have the opportunity to donate to the “Bakeless Bake Sale” at the Women of All Ages Dinner may place a contribution in the Sunday Collection in an envelope marked “SN Bakeless Bake Sale” or send to Mary Jane Kaufman, 12350 Road D, Leipsic. Your donations help the Altar Rosary carry out its mission of serving others. THE SN ALTAR ROSARY will sponsor a Blood Drive on Tuesday, July 8, 12 noon until 6pm at the Miller City Sportsman Club. The Deadline to schedule an appointment is July 2. If you don’t get a phone call and you would like to schedule an appointment please call one of the Altar Rosary Co-presidents; Irene Kuhlman, 419-876-3181 or Mary Jane Kaufman, 419-876-3541. Walk-ins are welcome.
DURING THE MONTH of July Holy Family will be responsible for stocking the Ottawa Food Pantry. Drop off any items at Holy Family Church. ONE OR MORE VOLUNTEERS are needed to repair and alter Christmas costumes. Please call Deb at the office if you are willing to help with this project. Thank you!
OTTAWA KOFC BINGO every Monday night. Early bird begins at 6:30pm and regular bingo begins at 7:30. All proceeds go to local parishes.
THEOLOGY ON TAP, Kalida, St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry - July 9 SPECIAL INVITATION for college students or recent graduates this summer – no tuition to ToT! St. Michael’s Parish in Kalida invites young adults (ages 18-39) for another round of “Theology on Tap” on Wednesday, July 9th with guest speaker Matt Keller, a seminarian in formation with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Topic will focus on his life story and the “Profile of a Missionary”. Starting with social hour at 6:30 and presentation/discussion at 7:30. Plan on NACHOS for social hour at Kalida Knights of Columbus Club Room. St. Michael’s hosts Theology on Tap every second Wednesday of the month. For questions and information contact Phil or Sue Fuerst, 419.532.3268, [email protected].
SPECIAL CHOIR FORMING AT THE SHRINE. The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation invites area singers to join the 2014 Assumption Choir. This choir, along with a brass quintet, will lead the music for the Vigil Mass of the Assumption, in the Shrine Park, on Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 9:30 pm. This unique experience gives singers, amateur and professional, the opportunity to sing a wide variety of music with a short-term commitment. Rehearsals will be held from 4:00–5:30 p.m. in the air-conditioned Original Shrine Church (next to the Gift Shop) on Sundays: July 27, August 3, and August 10. Please direct any questions to the Basilica’s Director of Music Ministries, Mr. Jack Gerding, at [email protected] or 419-396-7107.
NATIONAL CHRISTIAN ARTIST TO PERFORM AT FIELDS. Two nationally known Christian bands – Tenth Avenue North and for KING & COUNTRY, will perform at eXclaim 2014 … Toledo’s largest outdoor Christian music festival. The free, family-friendly event will be held on Sunday, July 27 from 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Monsignor Schmit CYO Athletic Complex on S. Holland-Sylvania Road in Toledo. The day will conclude with an outdoor Catholic Mass. Games, activities, and information on Catholic ministries and businesses will be offered. Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be sold. EXclaim is sponsored by Medical Mutual with The Toledo Catholic Diocese. Visit for more info.
SAVE THE DATE. “Unplugged” Challenge Fun Day Friday, Aug. 1st, 4pm-10pm at the New Kalida Park. Open to all girls in Putnam County going into 5th thru 8th grade. High school girls wanting to help are welcome too. Details coming soon!
LOU HOLTZ TO SPEAK AT Catholic Charities’ 100th Anniversary Gala & Fundraiser. Tickets are now on sale for Catholic Charities’ 100th Anniversary Gala & Fundraiser: An Evening with Lou Holtz from 6:30-9 p.m. Sept. 18 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Perrysburg. Lou Holtz is an ESPN analyst and former head football coach, most notably of Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish. Silent auction items include personalized autographed Notre Dame footballs and helmets. This event is presented by The Andersons. Tickets are $150. Contact Michelle Stephens at 419-244-6711, ext. 214 or [email protected]. For more
THE “WIN THE RACE AGAINST CANCER” 5K Run/Walk Road Race will be held on Saturday, July 19 at the Putnam County Fairgrounds. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Putnam County Task Force and The Cancer Assistance Program. Entry for and more information are available at, or you may call the Putnam County Health Department, 419-523-5608, X239.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Parish Festival, Ottoville will be held Sunday, July 20. Family Style Dinners will be served from 11am-2pm and 4pm-7pm. Chicken and Beef with all the trimmings. Drive-thru available. Lunch stand, baked goods booth, games and entertainment for all. The Historical Room in the Parish Center will also be open 10:30am until 7:30pm.
ST. JOSEPH, FT. JENNINGS, 4th Annual Jog for SIDS will be held August 10, 8:30am. This is a 5K Run/Walk and Tot Trot (100 yards). 5K begins at 8:30am and the Tot trot at 9:30am at St. Joseph Parish. Pre-Registration deadline is by July 23. 5K Race Day Entry (t-shirt not guaranteed). Register online at or find us on facebook. If you have any questions please contact Jane at (419)303-7943 or email [email protected].
BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: VERHOFF EXCAVATING: Call Kenny when you need backhoe, trencher or bulldozer work done. He also installs septic tanks, water & electric lines, footers and dirt and stone hauling and more.