Title V - Senior Community Service Employment Program
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Title V - Senior Community Service Employment Program Vouchering Procedure
New York State Office for the Aging July 2007 Title V Vouchering Procedure
The vouchering procedure includes the following major features:
1. Upon issuance of a Notification of Grant Award the Area Agency is eligible to receive an advance of up to 25% of their Federal Award. Note the advance claim must be the first claim submitted for the grant period.
2. After the initial advance, claims are submitted on a reimbursement basis. Expenditure data reported on the claims must reflect costs incurred and paid.
3. Copies of receipts and proofs of payment do not have to be submitted. However, the Area Agency must maintain the original documentation.
4. Generally, claims are submitted every two months and are due within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. The final claims must be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of the grant period.
5. The vouchering forms contain comparisons of expenditures to budgeted amounts and include a section showing the status of any outstanding advance.
6. At the end of each grant period any unexpended advance balance must be repaid to the State Office for the Aging.
Required forms
The following forms must be utilized under the Title V vouchering procedure:
State of New York - State Aid Voucher (OFA No. 217 8/98) - This is the standard claim form used for requesting either an advance payment or reimbursement for Title V expenditures. Before completing a claim, be sure to read the detailed instructions printed on the back of the State Aid Voucher.
NOTE the following when completing the Description of Charges section (Block Number 6) on the front of the voucher.
Program - Insert Title V in the space provided.
Advance Claims - To receive an advance of up to 25% of the Federal award, be sure to check the "Advance" box under the "Description of Charges" column and enter the amount of the advance in the "Amount" column.
Reimbursement Claims - Indicate the dollar amount of the voucher as shown on Line 9, Column A of the Fiscal Reporting Form.
Title V (SCSEP) Fiscal Reporting Form (OFA NO. 84) - This form is used to report cash expenditure data, compare expenditures to the budgeted amounts and track the status of any advance received. Title V (SCSEP) Fiscal Reporting Form Supporting Schedule (OFA No. 83) - This form provides more detail on expenditures in the Equipment, Other Expenses and Subcontracts line items. It also describes any non-federal cash expended during the reporting period.
Title V Non-Federal In-Kind Certification Record (OFA No. 85) - This form is used to report any third party in-kind received during the period.
Title V Final Accounting Statement (OFA No. 86) - This statement must be completed by the Area Agency and submitted in duplicate with the final State of New York - State Aid Voucher (OFA No. 217) to the State Office for the Aging within 60 days after the close of the grant period.
Equipment Inventory & Disposition Form (OFA No. 29) - This form is used for reporting the purchase of equipment, that is items having a unit cost of $1,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year. It also provides a section to be completed when equipment is disposed.
Most of these forms have instructions to aid in their completion. It is essential that you read these instructions prior to completing a claim. Copies of these forms are attached.
As in the past, we will continue to monitor the submission of copies of subcontracts (where utilized) and other required documents. If the required copies are not submitted, the amount to be reimbursed will be reduced accordingly.
It is suggested that the vouchering forms be completed in the following order:
1. Title V (SCSEP) Fiscal Reporting Form Supporting Schedule (OFA No. 83), Title V Non-Federal In-Kind Certification Record (OFA No. 85), Equipment Inventory & Disposition Form (OFA No. 29).
2. Title V (SCSEP) Fiscal Reporting Form (OFA No. 84).
3. Title V Section 502e Fiscal Reporting Form Addendum (if applicable.)
4. Title V Final Accounting Statement (OFA No. 86) submit only with closeout claim.
5. State Aid Voucher (OFA No. 217). New York State Office for the Aging
Title V (SCSEP) Vouchering Timetable
Voucher Reporting Period Voucher Due in NYSOFA
Advance (up to 25%) See Below (a)
July 1 - 31 August 30
August 1 - September 30 October 30 (b)
October 1 - November 30 December 30
December 1 - January 31 March 2
February 1 - March 31 April 30
April 1 - May 31 June 30
June 1 - Closeout (c) August 29
a) The advance voucher cannot be processed until an approved Notification of Grant Award has been issued. It is due on July 30 or 30 days after the NGA is issued, whichever is later.
b) This voucher will not be processed for payment until the previous program year has been closed out.
c) This report must only include costs incurred on or before June 30 and paid before August 29. In order for our Office to comply with the USDOL closeout requirements this claim is due 60 days after the close of the program period.
A Properly completed voucher must:
1. Be submitted in Triplicate with the Original bearing an original signature in ink.
2. Be accompanied by (where applicable):
a. Original and one copy of the Title V (SCSEP) Fiscal Reporting Form. b. Original of the Title V (SCSEP) Fiscal Reporting Form Supporting Schedule. c. Original of the Title V Non-Federal In-Kind Certification Record. d. Original of the Equipment Inventory & Disposition Form. e. Original of the Title V Section 502e Fiscal Reporting Form Addendum (if applicable) f. Original and one copy of the Area Agency Final Accounting Statement (final claim only).
All forms requiring an original signature must bear said signatures in ink.
NOTE: Documentation for all expenditures must be retained by the Area Agency for audit review.
Completed vouchers and accompanying documents should be mailed to:
New York State Office for the Aging Attention: Bureau of Fiscal Operations Two Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223-1251